Contemp Prelim Exam

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The origins of the present-day concept of sovereignty can be traced back to the Treaty
of Westphalia
a. True
b. False
2. Yao Ming is the founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group, who gained wealth
and fame by pioneering e-commerce in China back in the 1990s
a. True
b. False
3. It is commonly understood as the removal of barriers and restrictions imposed by
national governments so as to create an open and borderless world economy
a. Internationalization
b. Globalization
c. Democratization
d. Liberalization
4. He saw that nationalism as a prerequisite for internationalism
a. Woodrow Wilson
b. Guiseppe Mazzini
c. Immanuel Kant
d. Jeremy Bentham
5. Colonialism is connected to the development of Capitalism
a. True
b. False
6. It is characterized by the increasing integration of economies around the world through
the movement of goods, services, and capital across borders
a. Internationalization
b. Economic Globalization
c. Social Globalization
d. Political Globalization
7. A state has a structure of government that crafts various rules that people or society
a. True
b. False
8. Universalization denotes a process of spreading various objects, practices and
experiences to the different parts of the planet
a. True
b. False
9. It generally refers to the umbrella concepts encompassing a wide variety of
transformative processes, practices, and developments that take place simultaneously at
the local level and global level
a. Internationalization
b. Global Culture Paradigm
c. Transnationality and Transnationalism
d. Liberalization
10. Globalization is viewed as a multidimensional set of social processes that generate and
increase “worldwide social interdependencies and exchanges while at the same time
fostering in people a growing awareness of deepening connections between the local
and the distant”
a. True
b. False
11. It refers both to the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of
the world as a whole
a. Globalization
b. Regionalism
c. Glocalization
d. Localization
12. Jollibinization is the term invented by George Ritzer to describe the sociological
phenomenon that is happening in the society where rationalization is observed and
predictability of outcome is
a. True
b. False
13. The state has sovereignty over its territory. It refers to internal and external authority
a. True
b. False
14. Kant imagined a form of global government
a. True
b. False
15. For him, independent states would be the basis of an equally free, cooperative
international system
a. Woodrow Wilson
b. Immanuel Kant
c. Jeremy Bentham
d. Guiseppe Mazzini
16. Enumerate the following
a. Four elements of states (4pts)
i. Population/People/Citizens
ii. Territory
iii. Government
iv. Sovereignty
b. Two Kind of Sovereignty (2pts)
i. Internal
ii. External
c. Two broad categories of Internationalism (2pts)
i. Liberal
ii. Socialist
17. It is a community of person more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite
portion of territory, having a government of their own to which the great body of
inhabitants render obedience and enjoying freedom from external control
a. State
b. Region
c. Countries
d. Nation
18. A system under which nearly all countries fixed value of their currencies in terms of a
specified amount of gold
a. Great Depression
b. Gold Standard
c. Fiat Money
d. Representative Money
19. He advocated the creation of International Law that would govern inter-state relations.
a. Immanuel Kant
b. Jeremy Bentham
c. Guiseppe Mazzini
d. Woodrow Wilson
20. The sociocultural processes by which the principles of the fast-food restaurant came to
dominate more and more sectors of US and later world society
a. Mcdonaldization
b. Separatist Group
c. Regionalism
d. Localization
21. Includes activities by entities such as corporations, states, international organizations,
private organizations, and even individuals in reference to national borders and national
a. Globalization
b. Liberalization
c. Internationalization
d. Democratization
22. Semi-periphery, comprised of those states and regions that were previously in the core
and are moving down in this hierarchy
a. True
b. False

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