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[Land Ceiling] Meaning, Reasons, Pro and Anti Arguments
polity ( / 3 years Ago /
1. Prologue
2. What is Land Ceiling?
3. Why Ceiling on Land holdings?
4. Land Ceiling in India
5. Land Ceilings: BeneጽHts/Advantages/Positive Points
1. With political Will
2. Production increased
3. Employment increased
4. Naxal reduced
5. Social Justice
6. Growth of New political parties
6. Land Ceiling: Pro and Anti arguments
7. Mock Questions


So far we’ve seen

1. Three land tenure system of the How the British had di‱㠷culty learning the land Revenue
British: Their features, system of Desi Nawabs. So, they came up with Permanent
implications. settlement, Ryotwari and Mahalwari systems.

2. Peasant struggles for land But the British tenure systems caused much pain and
reforms in British Raj: causes anguish among Indian peasants and led to numerous
and consequences. revolts.
3. Land reforms, Before
independence: by Congress After the Provincial elections of 1937, Congress ministries
governments in Provinces, their took measures to protect tenant farmers. But by and large
beneጽHts and limitations. shied away from zamindari abolition.

4. Land reforms, After

After freedom, State Governments enacted Zamindari
independence: Abolition of Abolition Acts. As a result erstwhile (superior) tenants
Zamindari, Reasons, Impact, became virtual owners of their land. =>This is First tool of
Land reform.
Obstacles, Limitations.

Now comes the new problem:

1. After abolition of Zamindari, the (superior) tenant farmers became virtual owners of the land. They
owned tens and hundreds of acres of land. While other (inferior tenants/sharecroppers/landless
laborers) owned nothing.
2. Many Zamindars themselves kept lot of land in pretext of ‘personal cultivation’.

Therefore, State governments enacted land ceiling acts. individual farmer cannot own land
beyond say 10 acres. Thus, if a farmer owned 12 acres, government would take away 12-10=2 acres of
surplus land from him, and “distribute” it to some landless laborers. This is Second tool of Land

before going further let’s again recap the players in a tenancy system

What is Ceiling on Land Holdings?

It means ጽHxing maximum size of land holding that an individual/family can own.
Land over and above the ceiling limit, called surplus land.
if the individual/family owns more land than the ceiling limit, the surplus land is taken away (with
or without paying compensation to original owner)
This surplus land is
a. distributed among small farmers, tenants, landless labourers or
b. handed over to village panchayat or
c. Given to cooperative farming societies.

Why Ceiling on Land holdings?

1. Because DPSP Art.38 seeks to minimize the inequalities of income, status, facilities and
opportunities. Land ceiling minimize inequality in the land ownership and thus reduces inequality
of income.
2. Because DPSP Art.39 wants to ensure that the operation of economic system does not result in
the concentration of wealth. In a village, land=wealth, hence land ceiling is necessary to prevent
concentration of wealth in the hands of few.
3. Because DPSP Art.39 wants to give right to adequate means of livelihood for all citizens. Land
ceiling (and subsequent land redistribution) provides self-employment opportunities to landless
agricultural laborers.
4. If there is no land ceiling, rich farmers will buy all the land of entire village and tehsil. But since they
cannot cultivate all the land by themselves- they’ll ‘lease’ it to small farmers (tenants). Small farmer
(tenant) doesn’t have any ‘motivation’ to work harder because he doesn’t own the land and he has
to give 30-50-70% of the produce to that rich farmer, as “rent”= exploitation.
5. So, After abolishing Zamindari, IF State Governments had not implemented Land ceiling, then rich
farmers/superior tenants would have become the new de-facto/virtual Zamindars of Modern India.

Although, economists who believe in free market / capitalism, donot like land ceiling. We’ll see their
anti-land ceiling arguments at the end of this article. But for the moment, let’s continue with the
assumption that land ceiling is beneጽHcial.

Land Ceiling: Pro and Anti arguments

Like I said in the middle of the article- the economists believing in free market / capitalism- they don’t
like land ceiling. So let’s hear their arguments

Anti-Land Ceiling Pro Land Ceiling

Agricultural income= exempted from income

Land ceiling should be abolished. even tax.

corporate sector should be allowed to buy So, if land ceilings are removed, the rich people

agri. land. will rush to buy farm land.

This will enable the enterprising farmer to Thus land prices will soar. A new ‘intermediary’

enlarge his holding by buying or leasing group of maጽHa will emerge.

lands of small farmers. But millions of small and marginal farmers will

Although landlessness will increase but be pushed o浔‵ their land.

these small farmers could ጽHnd Hence, the time is not yet ripe to bring forth

employment in agri. and allied sector as a such drastic reforms (of removing land

result of capitalist mode of production. ceilings).

Capitalist mode of agriculture=>more

surplus income=> invested back into the Capitalist mode of agriculture uses more
agriculture=economic growth. machines, less laborers=>unemployment
if corporate sector is allowed to enter in increased.
agriculture=> Agri. exports will Yes, Economic growth will be achieved but at
increase=>more foreign exchange the cost of unemployment and subsequent fall
incoming=>Current Account deጽHcit gone, in human development.
rupee will strengthen.

large farms tend to prefer monoculture (single

crop), because they can be easily managed with
heavy machinery. = more susceptible to pest
small farms are not productive because
attacks, not good from soil fertility point of
they hinder mechanised farming
Small farmers have limited capital to
Small farmers usually have mixed crops
invest in improving agro. Production.
(intercropping), they combine and rotate crops
and livestock, with manure => soil fertility
Land ceiling and distribution => poverty
and disguised unemployment continues.
Some people need to be shifted from Villagers should be kept self-employed, even if

agricultural sector to on small and marginal farms.

manufacturing/service sector. There is no This ጽHts with Gandhian ideas of village

need to give land to each and every republics.

landless person.

Land Ceilings: BeneጽHts/Advantages/Positive Points

With political Will

States with political will in favour of land ceiling=showed great progress. Example

1. Jammu and Kashmir, Land ceiling laws fully implemented and by the middle of 1955 about 230,000
acres of surplus land had been handed over to tenants and landless labourers, that too without
having to pay any compensation.
2. West Bengal had less than 3% of total cultivate land in India. Yet more than 25% of the total
surplus land that was distributed throughout India, belonged to WB.

Production increased

1. Earlier large tracts of wasteland belonging to big zamindars/farmers remain uncultivated. Now this
given to landless laborers= increases area under cultivation=food security.
2. More Production: Equal distribution of land will encourage intensive cultivation resulting in
increased agricultural production.
3. Some Farm management studies conducted in India testiጽHed that small farms yielded more
production per hectare. It is so because family members themselves cultivate small farms.
4. Even one hectare of land is also an economic holding these days on account of improvement in
agricultural technique. Hence, small size of holding due to ceiling will not have any adverse e浔‵ect
on agricultural production.
5. Atleast some of the Land owners shifted to direct ‘e‱㠷cient’ farming in order to get ‘exemption’
from land ceiling.
1. Landless laborer= gets employment only during sowing and harvesting
season but now he given land ownership = he is 24/7 self-employed
Employment 2. Even if he did not get land, still other farmers got land=> more demand for
agri.labourers= wage bargaining power increased.
3. In other words, land ceiling increased employment opportunities.

1. With reduction in inequality among the villagers, possibility of class

struggle will be minimised.
reduced 2. They will live with perfect peace and harmony and not join Maoists/Naxals
movements any longer. (atleast in theory)

3. In a rural economy, whoever controls land, controls the power.

4. Land ceiling Reduced this power inequality among villagers.
Justice 5. Promoted spirit of cooperation among villagers. Will help develop
cooperative farming later on (atleast in theory).

Growth of New political parties

1959: N.G. Ranga, C. Rajagopalachari and Minoon Masani setup the Swatantra party.
Because they were against land ceiling, compulsory cooperativization, nationalization of private
industries etc. policies of Congress government.

1967 Charan Singh formed BKD

1974 BKD+ Swatantra Party + other parties merged=>BLD

BLD was major component of Janta Government under the great Morarji Desai who
defeated Indira Gandhi.

Thus, in a way land ceiling helped destroying Congress monopoly / One party rule in Indian politics.
In the next articles, we’ll the two phases of Land Ceiling laws in India.

Mock Questions

1. Land ceiling is more of an impediment than a catalyst for economic growth. Comment
2. Evaluate the signiጽHcance of Land ceiling as a measure of land reforms.
3. The positive impacts of Land ceiling did not trickle down below the middle rung of peasantry.
4. DeጽHne Land ceiling. Why was it necessary to enact land ceiling acts in post-independent India?

[Land Reform] is a long topic, I’ve split it into several parts. Therefore, to get comprehensive list of all
articles, visit (

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So far 29 Comments posted


:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::)))) Nice bro


In India it is only the farmer who has a restriction on the size of land that
he can hold a builder can have as much land that he wants, an
industrialist can have as much as he wants but not a farmer. I have
heard that Infosysis having 800 acres of campus, reliance is having 1600
acres of mango farm in jamnagar but there is a ceiling on land that a
farmer can hold. he can not practice economies of scale. why does
Infosysis need so much land it can be operated from a huge building like
Petronas tower and if reliance is being allowed such a large orchard why
not a farmer.
if socialist fundas are to be applied so that every one should have land
then give ESOPS to every worker in the industry (if every tenant has a
right to land then worker should have ownership in the industry)
well if enterprise is being promoted every where then why not in
agriculture if tperson doning any other profession is not being told not
to scale up his operations then why farmers are being restricted from
scaling up the operations.


Sachin Sinnarkar
i want to know under which section a company can purchase
hundreds or thousand acres land…reply me the on my mail


superb!!!!!!! Kamal ke chij ho aap….Lakh Lakh Dhanyavadd.


raghu bv
mast……….. sir ji, thank u


sir it would be better to concentrate on some other topics for mains 2013(esp.
current) than to go into so much details on a single topic.thanks


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tarunendu singh
thank you very much sir


Great post. Thanks for doing such a great work and share it.
તમે લા IAS આપે
પણ પહ〠〠 ?
લી છે


Gunasekaran M
Keep it up.


gr88 sirji….


Sir Your article very easy to understand I am a regular visitor of your site for a
year. Now I am going to request one thing plz consider this, I ve great
di‱㠷culties in Geography in few chpters –

Geo11_8_Composition and Structure of Atmosphere

Geo11_9_Solar Radiation, Heat Balance and Temperature
Geo11_10_Atmospheric Circulation and Weather Systems
Geo11_10_Atmospheric Circulation and Weather Systems
Geo11_12_World Climate and Climate Change
class6 Geo earth and solar system
Geo11_2_The Origin and Evolution of the Earth
Geo11_14_Movements of Ocean Water
Just for GS pre purpose only . It is a very humble request to provide a easy
articles so that we can understand who don’t have Optional subject


your article is very easy to understand,thanks sir


Hi sir,

what is bitcoin ? Explain in your terms sir.


shruthi sirimalla
sir,thanks alot for your material on history.please let me know the old editions
of ncert history books


very lucid way of writing…thanxxa lot..

Dear Sir
Pl provide information on the following points:-

1. circumstances/reasons under -which law- land purchase by golder forest

was declares surplus and taken over by State Govt. of Punjab, UK etc.


Dear Sir
Pl provide information on the following points:-

1. circumstances/reasons under -which law- land purchase by golden forest

was declared surplus and taken over by State Govt. of Punjab, UK etc. 2.
Whether land purchase by Mr. Robert Vadera in any state exceed ceiling limit.


What is present maximum ceiling limit of land in UP and whether these rules
are still applicable in Uttrakhand.


Below given qts was asked in police sub inspector preliminary exam 2014
conducted by Maharashtra PSC :-
Ceiling on Land Holdings Act was applied in two stages.
(1) Upto 1961 and after 1962 (2) Upto 1971 and after 1972
(3) Upto 1972 and after 1972 (4) Upto 1982 and after 1982

After reading your article….. my answer option 3…


I want to know how much time limitation period freedom to sell away my
ceiling land & what is G.O no. In Andhra Pradesh.


about srno17


There is no limit on any cooperative society owning land. Progressive farmers
can make society to practise economy of scale. Also, a rich farmer can sell 10
acres of poor land and buy more expensive farm.
This act has restricted the Indian tendency of hoarding and that’s why it
pinches us so much.


Sachin Sinnarkar
how much land an Agro Company can purchase and hold…what is the section

Does a person who gave his land to ceiling has any right to sell or acquire that
land again


Does a person has any hold on the surplus land.can he sell or transfer or
claim the surplus mention the section in favour of my query


Does a person has any hold on the surplus land taken over under ceiling.can
he sell or transfer or claim the surplus land .pl mention the section in favour
of my query


Sir. It is said by my Dad that since our ancestors were craftmen by profession,
they lost their whole land of some acres because of this land reform act. Then
full family su浔‵ered a lot by losing everything n living in rental cottages. The
story still continuinig but somehow we could manage to survive ourselves. But
d stuggle for food n butter itself is running Sir, is there any chance to regain
our ancestors property back ?

Majid Khan
Dear Sir,
Your articles on di浔‵erent topics as well as on di浔‵erent issues are very lucrative
for we people esp.for those whom are preparing for various competative
exams.So ,thanks for such a priceless e浔‵ort .

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