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How to run effective

1:1s with your team
Let’s get internal communication right 03

How to run an effective 1:1 06

What questions could you ask in a 1:1? 08

The benefits of 1:1s 11

The art of feedback 12

We’re going to keep this introduction short

and simple: implementing 1:1s can be the
difference between building a good team
and a great team. If you’re ready to reap the
benefits of 1:1s because you’re aware that
communication is one of the most important
pieces of the high-performance-puzzle, this
guide is for you.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is current as at 8 August 2023, and has been prepared by Employment Hero Pty Ltd (ABN 11 160 047 709)
and its related bodies corporate (Employment Hero). The views expressed in this article are general information only, are provided in good faith to
assist employers and their employees, and should not be relied on as professional advice. The Information is based on data supplied by third parties.
While such data is believed to be accurate, it has not been independently verified and no warranties are given that it is complete, accurate, up to
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You should undertake your own research and to seek professional advice before making any decisions or relying on the information in this article.

2 | Internal Recruitment Strategy

Let’s get internal communication right
First, the basics
What is internal communication? How do we know?
Internal communication (also known as According to a recent study, 60% of
IC) refers to a group of processes or companies don’t have a long term strategy
tools that are responsible for effective in place for their internal communications.
information flow and collaboration among This means that there is no regular
participants within an organisation. communication across the team, which
could contribute to workplace silos.
We have three innate psychological needs
— competence, autonomy and relatedness. Why is internal communication
When those needs are satisfied, we’re important?
motivated, productive and happy.
Regular and effective internal communication
Daniel H. Pink, Drive: The Surprising
is essential for all employees to reach
Truth About What Motivates Us
their full potential. As a manager, ongoing
How does internal communication communication is an important part of
relate to 1:1s? creating a high performing, engaged team.
Strong internal communication fosters trust,
You can’t have effective 1:1s and feedback keeps employees engaged and encourages
without strong internal communication. professional development and growth within
It’s important to realise that strong internal your organisation. It can also help keep
communication underpins everything in everyone aligned to the company’s goals and
the workplace. For feedback and 1:1s, you purpose. While we’re all aware of the benefits
should structure it in the most effective associated with strong internal communication,
way that will make your team more we know that many of you can relate when we
productive and motivated to succeed. talk about internal communication challenges.
The last thing you want to do is provide
feedback in a way that demotivates them.

Grammarly’s State of Business Communication report with The Harris Poll found that
miscommunication costs US businesses $12,506 per employee per year. Now more
than ever, there is a direct line between effective communication and business results.

And there’s more harrowing data on poor communication:

+18% -12% 15% 7%

written communication effectiveness productivity decline stress increase
Time spent on written Leaders report a 12% decline Leaders report “decreased Workers report “increased
communication has in the effectiveness of producivity” (+15% YoY) due stress” (+7% YoY) due to
grown since last year written communication to poor communication poor communication

3 | How to run effective 1:1s with your team

What are 1:1s?
Effective 1:1s contribute to all of the elements Not only do 1:1s serve to strengthen
of creating engaged employees. It allows for: professional relationships, they contribute to
improved communication and trust within the
→ A safe communication space business, a great benefit for any workplace.
By having a transparent relationship with your
→ Career discussions direct report(s), you’ll be able to understand
how they’re feeling. Whether they’re feeling
→ Linking to broader organisational goals
anxious about an upcoming project or
→ Space to check-in need some assistance with a task, 1:1s help
you as a manager, support your team.
→ Relationship building
Additionally, 1:1s aren’t just for determining
→ Idea sharing roadblocks or challenges in the workplace.
Use this time to find out if your direct
→ Listening report(s) are feeling happy, inspired and
engaged with their work. This is important
→ Feedback
for managers for them to manage their
A 1:1 is a scheduled meeting in your direct report(s) effectively and put strategies
calendar and in your mental map for in place if something requires attention.
open-ended and anticipated conversation
between a manager and an employee. Before we continue, ask yourself
these two questions.
Unlike status reports or tactical meetings,
a 1:1 meeting is a place for coaching, 1. When was the last time you checked
mentorship, giving context‌or even venting. in with your direct report(s)?
2. How do you effectively manage someone
The 1:1 goes beyond an open door
you aren’t regularly checking in with?
policy and dedicates time on a regular
cadence for teammates and leaders
to connect and communicate.

Why are 1:1s so important?

1:1s can strengthen the relationship
between managers and their team, reduce
turnover and increase productivity. For
1:1s to be as effective as possible, they
should adhere to three key things:

→ Scheduled

→ Recurring

→ Structured

4 | How to run effective 1:1s with your team

Let’s take a look at this scenario:
Your direct report is completing great
work, so you assume they’re loving their
role. However, one month later they resign
from their role and you feel blindsided and
confused. You assumed that they were
working long hours because they loved
what they were doing; however, this was
not the case. In the exit interview, they
reveal that they were feeling extremely
burnt out and underappreciated in
their role, so when the opportunity
came about to jump ship, they did.

We’ve all seen this scenario time and time

again, and it’s something that we believe
can be avoided with better communication.
If you knew that your direct report was
feeling underappreciated, you could have
taken the appropriate action to reward
and recognise their efforts. If you knew
that they were feeling burnt out, you could
have reduced their workload, expanded the
team or encouraged them to take leave.

At the end of the day, poor communication

can be detrimental to business success. To
decrease your risk of losing top talent, we
suggest that you implement 1:1s, pronto!

5 | How to run effective 1:1s with your team

How to run an effective 1:1
To run an effective 1:1, both parties need to be Don’t make it too short or too long
open and honest about communicating. If you
prepare a few questions before the meeting, This comes down to personal preference and
it can help guide your discussion and result finding out what works best for you and your
in a productive outcome. To help you get the team. If you’re unsure, we suggest pencilling
most out of your 1:1s, we’ve rounded up our in 30 minutes for your 1:1s and seeing how
top tips that, in our experience, will make that amount of time goes. Try not to make
your 1:1s as efficient and open as possible. them too short as you don’t want your team
to feel rushed when they’re talking through
their successes or roadblocks. However,
Be prepared making them too long could equally make
As the old saying goes, failed to prepare? them less efficient. Remember that timing
Then prepare to fail. Start by thinking about depends on a lot of different factors such as:
a few questions your direct report(s) will
find useful so you can help them achieve → How often do you communicate with them
their goals. By setting an agenda, you’ll throughout the week?
be able to support your employees and
ultimately be more collaborative. → How often do you catch up with your direct
Not sure what questions to ask? We’ll share
a few examples of 1:1 templates later in → Are you working on the same projects?
this guide so you can go into your next 1:1
meeting feeling confident and prepared. Remain flexible
Although you should have set questions
Set a regular cadence planned for each week, it’s important to
Whether you choose a weekly or bi-weekly remain flexible on the structure. If the 1:1
cadence, having your 1:1s on a recurring focuses specifically on one roadblock and you
schedule in your calendar means they won’t find a solution, that’s still a great outcome.
suddenly disappear from your agenda. The key to a successful 1:1 is not to be too
Even when times are busy and you have to rigid! Sometimes your 1:1s will be 10 minutes
reschedule your 1:1s, make sure you move (especially if you regularly talk to your direct
them to a different time or day. You don’t report(s), sometimes they’ll be an hour. There’s
want to fall into the routine of continually no right or wrong way to run a 1:1 — it can be a
saying “Sorry, can we reschedule our 1:1?” process of trial and error, and finding out what
ending up with a session that never happens. works best for both you and your employees.

However, if things are going well and you’re

both happy to miss the occasional 1:1, that’s
A-OK too — just make sure to reschedule!

6 | How to run effective 1:1s with your team

Don’t make it too formal Be honest
The last thing you want to do is make your 1:1s At the end of the day, honesty and trust go
a formal, robust process where your employees together. When you are open, transparent and
feel like they can’t have a personal conversation honest with your 1:1 buddy, you’ll be happier
about how they’re feeling. If some weeks you and in a better position to achieve your best
only focus on one issue, that’s still considered a work. Trust forms the basis of all strong
productive 1:1. They’re designed to increase relationships and everyone appreciates
trust and communication within teams so you honesty in the workplace.
can help them develop both professionally and

Remember: Employment Hero has a built-in 1:1 feature

that can help you manage your team
1:1s are a casual way to share effectively. 1:1s in Employment Hero will
feedback, progress and roadblocks guide managers and employees through
with your direct manager — they structured and regular meetings with the
aren’t annual performance reviews. goal of providing an environment for
coaching and feedback.

7 | How to run effective 1:1s with your team

What questions could you ask in a 1:1?
It’s important to have a list of questions It’s not all about the questions
ready for your 1:1. If possible, ask your direct
report(s) to fill them out before your meeting Asking questions is all well and good,
so that you can both come prepared. but as a manager you’re also going to
This will make sure that you stay on track need to facilitate solutions. Here’s some
and get the most out of your session. ideas on how you could do that:

Uncover what your employee is excited

Before any more formal questions, about, how you can mentor them to be
make sure you check in successful, and unblock them to do their
best work? Here are some ways to make
Begin your 1:1 with open-ended questions — sure you create a space of trust:
this is about your employees, not you, ask:
→ Confirm their points first - did you hear and
How are you feeling?
interpret them correctly?
What’s on your mind?
→ Disclose your weaknesses, places where
What are your roadblocks? you’ve stumbled in the past

How can I help? → Be unconditionally on their side/team, even

(and especially) when giving them blunt
Most importantly, listen to what’s being
said. An important aspect of being a feedback about opportunities for growth
manager is to make sure your employees
→ Respect them as a person, not just a
feel heard safe and empowered
performer of tasks; treat them as a peer

8 | How to run effective 1:1s with your team

Looking for more of a template? Here are some examples of more
formal questions you could use in your 1:1 sessions include:

Rate your happiness on a scale of 1 to 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

What are you proud of in the last week?

What are your roadblocks right now?

How are you progressing with your long term goals?

9 | How to run effective 1:1s with your team

Have you made any progress this week?

Are there any skills you would like to improve?

How can I help you achieve your goals?

What are you committing to next week to progress your goals?

10 | How to run effective 1:1s with your team

The benefits of 1:1s
We all know that frequent communication
is the key to building a high performing team. Quinn’s Hero Tip
Here are some short-hand benefits
During your 1:1s, write a to-do list of tasks you
we’ve already highlighted but are worth
want to achieve in the next week and then
mentioning again:
review them in your next session. It’s a great
way to stay motivated, especially in busy times.
→ Improved communication

→ They improve productivity

→ They allow for career

Did you know?
development discussion
Employment Hero lets you manage OKRs
→ They allow for goals to be
too. You can clearly see how everyone is
proactively set and checked contributing to the wider business goals
on a team and individual level. It’s goal
→ They build trust and improve
alignment. Made simple.
professional relationships

11 | How to run effective 1:1s with your team

The art of feedback
Day-to-day feedback happens organically → If you are emotionally charged about the
during conversations — for example: “Alex, feedback, how can you personally prepare
I think you could improve your knowledge
for the conversation? What words can you
on this by speaking to Dave”. However, if
you’re looking to give more structured use to start the feedback?
feedback in real time but you can’t directly → How might they react or respond to this
talk to the person, document it. Once
feedback? How will you prepare for this?
documented in a central place, you can:
→ Assess: Do I give the feedback verbally or
Pick a time and a medium for ‌feedback. There
are certain types of feedback that you are best through a feedback tool
to give in a conversation (by video or in-person).
Try mixing it up!
Decide whether this feedback ‌might be taken
the wrong way if not given in a conversation. Set the cadence but build in flexibility — not
every 1:1 needs to be the same. You should:
Here are some tips on preparing
→ Do a coaching session once a month
→ Set goals quarterly
→ What are your intentions for sharing this
feedback? → Have a quarterly review of projects or goals

→ What would be a successful outcome of → Have a dedicated 1:1 to talk career

this feedback? development and building skills!
Not all 1:1 has to be on video… you could
→ What was the situation?
try a walking meeting, have a coffee
→ What behaviour did the employee exhibit? meeting, meet in a coffee shop. You
could also add in a team building activity
→ What was the impact of the behaviour on together. 1:1s are an opportunity for you
you and/or others? to build relationships. If something isn’t
working, pause, review and change.
→ What information do you have to support
what you will say?

And there you have it

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business landscape, effective 1:1s are not just a tool for
managers but a strategic approach to nurturing talent, retaining top employees and driving
overall business success. By embracing and mastering the art of running effective 1:1s, managers
can make a tangible difference in building great teams and achieving organisational goals.

12 | How to run effective 1:1s with your team


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13 | How to run effective 1:1s with your team

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14 | How to run effective 1:1s with your team

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