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Name: Soriano, Jon Allen L.

Subject & Section: Ethics (08175)

Take Home Quiz 6 (Activity)

Compare virtue ethics and utilitarianism by doing the following
Virtue Ethics Utilitarianism
3 Main tenets or claims 1. The goal in one’s life is the 1. Pleasure or happiness is the
highest good (summum only thing that truly has intrinsic
bonum) which for Aristotle is value
eudaimonia or happiness that 2. Actions are right in so far as
can be achieved through they promote happiness, and
practicing virtue. wrong in so far as they produce
2. Human flourishing involves unhappiness.
fulfilling one's human potential 3. Everyone’s happiness counts
in ways that are admirable, equally as Well-being is for all,
sustainable, and personally including animals, and not just
satisfying. for a section of society.
3. Natural law is a fundamental
principle weaved into the fabric
of our nature as rational beings
and enable us to seek for good
that bring about flourishing
appropriate to human beings
Circumstances or events
in society where they are
a. Provide pictures
b. Description how
the framework is
most fitting in a
chosen Excessive Drinking Results-driven business
This is kind of personal but back Results-driven business is an
when I was in 2nd year college, I example of using the framework of
had a bad drinking habit because I utilitarianism in society. Business
cut ties with my partner plus owners and entrepreneurs are
academic stress. I excessively constantly developing their
drank alcohol to the point where I products to produce the best
would finish five 1 L bottles of
results, products, or services for
alcohol in just a week. However, I
greater customer satisfaction. This
have learned to move on past that
daunting experience in life and is why they tend to seek customer
practiced the virtue of temperance. feedback through small interviews,
I have learned self-moderation and survey forms, group discussions,
realized that it is okay to drink or professional consultations to be
alcohol on special occasions but able to see how they can maximize
not excessively. Hence, I live and their product’s efficiency and use
still live my life in balance whilst in society. They do this because
having to enjoy and celebrate they see customers as the main
successes in life. driving force for their business to
Virtue ethics is the most fitting in thrive and stay resilient in the
the chosen circumstance as it community.
relates to the main claim of the Utilitarian ethics is the most fitting
framework where I have tried to in the chosen circumstances as it
practice balancing a life of is in accordance with the claims of
pleasure and pain (or virtue and
the framework. Entrepreneurs are
vices). In this context, excessive
doing their very best to maximize
drinking leads to harmful well-
being and may further harm me. overall happiness whilst minimizing
This bad habit is against the virtue dissatisfaction of their target
of temperance because I lacked customers. In addition, owners are
self-control back then. aligning their goals in achieving
outcomes and maximizing utility of
their products that are being sold
in the market. This framework
serves as a blueprint for decision
making that entrepreneurs aims to
achieve the overall positive
outcomes for their customers.
2 Conclusions 1. Virtue ethics focuses on the 1. Utilitarianism uses a
development of virtuous or consequentialist approach
good character traits in human which assesses actions based
beings. It emphasizes on the on their outcomes, ultimately
development of one’s full aims to maximize overall
potential as an individual by happiness, and minimizes
actively cultivating virtues (e.g., suffering. This framework
justice, prudence, temperance, advocates that every action
fortitude, etc.) which is our and decision we make must
responsibility for human produce the greatest net utility
flourishing and to attain (benefit) for the greatest
happiness number of people. However,
2. Virtue ethics suggests that we can denote the fact that this
individuals must live a life of is a difficult thing to do because
balance and moderation even though one tries to
between pleasure (or virtues) produce the best result, not
and pain (or vices). Thus, everyone will be considered,
developing moral wisdom by and conflict of interest may
discerning the right action arise.
based on one’s knowledge with 2. Above all, utilitarianism may
regards to certain situations. teach the concept of equity and
impartiality. Equity teaches us
how everyone should be given
equal opportunity according to
what each can do whilst
impartiality encourages us to
be objective and avoid
favoritism which promotes
universal perspective in
assessing the greatest benefits
of each action.

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