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Candidate Name : Date :

Academy Zenith
Grade – 8 (GED Foundation course)
Final Exam * This exam paper is
prepared as similar as
possible to GED exam
Science format.

40 questions l 90 minutes Total score : 200 points

Directions: Answer the following questions. For multiple-choice questions, choose the best answer. For
other questions, follow the directions preceding the question.

1. Given words are the steps of production of wool from sheep. Arrange these steps in order.
Carding , Dying , Shearing , Spinning , Scouring, Sorting.
(a) ____________ (b) _____________ (c) _______________
(d) _____________ (e) _____________ (f) _______________
2. Write each of the following in the appropriate box below.
Pashmina shawl , Flax , Nylon , Sweater, Cotton, Rayon, Chanderi silk
Animal Fibres Plant Fibres Artificial Fibres

Question 3 and 4 are based on the following passage.

The chlorophyll-containing cells of leaves, in the presence of sunlight, use carbon dioxide and water to prepare
food. The food prepared is in the form of carbohydrates (sugars). These sugars ultimately get converted into
starch (another carbohydrates).

3. Choose the correct photosynthesis equation.

(a) CO2 + H2O ------------- C6H12O6 + O2
(b) 6CO2 + 6H2O --------- C6H12O6 + O2
(c) 6CO2 + H2O ----------- C6H12O6 + O2
(d) CO2 + 6H2O ------------ C6H12O6 + O2

4. Which of the following things are required for photosynthesis?

(a) Water and carbon dioxide (b) sunlight and chlorophyll (c) oxygen (d) both (a) and (b)
Questions 5 -7 are based on the following passage:

Scientists worldwide use the Celsius scale. It is

based on the properties of water, and the unit
for it is degrees Celsius, written as °. On the
Celsius scale, water freezes at 0° and boils at
100°. Kelvin is the SI unit of temperature,
written as K. Absolute zero, 0 K, which is
equivalent to −273°C, is the lowest
temperature possible for any substance. The
Fahrenheit scale is commonly used in the
United States for weather reports and to
measure temperatures indoors. The unit is
degrees Fahrenheit, written as °F.

To convert between Fahrenheit and Celsius scales, the following equations can be used:

5.(i) At what temperature on the Celsius scale does water boil? ________ °C
(ii) . Which Fahrenheit scale shows when the temperature reach absolute zero? ________°F

6. The temperature is −22°F. What would be the corresponding temperature in the Celsius scale?
(a) −20° F (b) −35° F (c) −30° F (d) −12°F
7. The temperature is 20°C. What would be the corresponding temperature in the Celsius scale?
(a) 6.7°C (b) 68°C (c) −6.7°C (d) 4°C

8. Label the following diagram, which shows human digestive system, with correct word .

liver, small intestine, large intestine,

stomach, gall bladder, appendix , oesophagus

A. _______________
B. _______________ A
C. _______________
D. _______________
E. _______________
F. ________________
9. The undigested waste from the larger intestine passes into the (rectum / anus) and is stored as faeces.

10. In coastal areas , the breeze generally blows during the day is called (sea breeze / land breeze) and the breeze

blows at night is called (sea breeze / land breeze)

Questions 11 and 12 are based on the following passage:
Acetic acid is present in vinegar , lactic acid is present in curd and citric acid is present in lemon juice (pure). Such
acid containing substances are acidic in nature. Tumeric, which is used in kitchen as a food ingredient, is a natural
indicator. It is yellow in acidic medium and reddish-brown in basic medium.
11. Which acid does lemon juice contain? _______________
12. Which colour is occurred in tumeric base medium. _______________

13. What can be happen if the waste from factories flows into the water?

(a) They clean water. (b) They damage aquatic plants.

(c) They cause huge damage to aquatic plants and animals. (d) none of these

14 . Rusting of iron take places in the presence of

(a) Both oxygen and water (b) both oxygen and water (or) water vapour

(c) Only water (d) only oxygen

15. When carbon and sulphur are heated , heat energy is absorbed, then carbon sulphide is formed. Which
reaction is correct according to the given sentence.
(a) Carbon + Sulphur Exothermic reaction Carbon sulphide
(b) Carbon + Sulphur Endothermic reaction Carbon sulphate
(c) Carbon + Sulphur Exothermic reaction Carbon sulphate
(d) Carbon + Sulphur Endothermic reaction Carbon sulphide

16. When water is added to quick lime, heat is evolved. This reaction is (endothermic / exothermic) .

17. The side of the mountain which receives rainfall is called (windward / leeward) side and the side of the

mountain which does not receive enough rainfall is called (windward / leeward) side.

18 . (Toucan / red eyed frog) has developed sticky pads on its feet which helps to clime trees on where it lives.

19. Categorize the given words in the correct column which show the causes and prevention of soil erosion.

Floods and heavy rains , Deforestation , Flood control , Overgrazing, Afforestation, Terrace farming

Causes of soil erosion Prevention of soil erosion

20. In the hydrologic cycle shown below, match the letters with the correct processes. Write the letters on the



B. _______________

C. _______________

D. _______________

E. _______________

F. _______________

Questions 21 and 22 are based on the following passage:

When the breakdown of food substances (like glucose) takes place in the presence of oxygen with

the release of a large amount of energy, it is called aerobic respiration. In this process, carbon dioxide and water

are released as waste products. Most animals including humans and green plants respire aerobically. The term

aerobe is used to describe such organisms. Anaerobic respiration is the breakdown of food substances with the

release of a small amount of energy in the absence of oxygen. It occurs in certain organisms like yeast and bacteria.

21. Organisms respiring in the absence of oxygen are called ________________.

22. Which of the following equation shows the anaerobic respiration.

(a) Food + O2 ---------- CO2 + H2O + energy

(b) Food – O2 -------- CO2 + H2O + energy

(c) Food + O2 ------- Alcohol + CO2 + energy

(d) Food – O2 ------ Alcohol + CO2 + energy

23. During exhalation , the ribs move (up / down) and the diaphragm moves ( up / down) .

24. Which of the following products are produced as a waste products during respiration.

(a) Carbon dioxide (b) oxygen and carbon dioxide (c) oxygen and water (d) all of above

25. In plants , sexual reproduction takes place in

(a) Flowers (b) roots (c) stems (d) fruits.

26. Label the following diagram, which shows the human excretory system, with given words.
Urethra, urinary bladder, ureter , kidney, from heart , to heart

A B A.________________
B. _______________

C. _______________
D D. _______________

E. _______________

E F. _______________

27. Match the two columns.

Column A Column B
A. Capillaries (i) the two lower chambers
B. phloem (ii) heartbeat measuring instrument
C. Ventricles (iii) transport system
D. Circulatory system (iv) connection between arteries and veins
E. stethoscope (v) vascular tissue that transport food

28. Distance- time graph is given and a line graph showing the movement of train . Calculate the speed of the
train if it takes 5 hour .

(a) Distance during 5 hours- _________

Distance in mile (m)

(b) Speed -

(c) The train is moving with (uniform /

non-uniform ) motion.

Time taken in hour (h)

29.(i) (Odometer / Speedometer) gives the distance travelled by a moving vehicle.
(ii) A car is moving with the constant speed , it is said to be in (uniform / non-uniform) motion.
30. Categorize the following items in the given table.
Silver , Wool , Salt water , Plastic , Wood, Copper , Rubber , Steel

Electrical conductor Electrical insulator

31.(i) In your home , the electric circuit is designed to bear the total load of 1000 W. You use two 60W bulbs, one
80W fan, one 120W TV set and one 120W refrigerator. When all these appliances draw current at the same time,
will it work smoothly? Answer YES or NO.
(ii) The path along which electric current can flow is called (electric circuit / electric current)
(iii) The fuse wire is made of an alloy containing equal amounts of lead and tin. It melts at about
(a) 100 C (b) 200 C (c) 300 C (d) 400 C

32. Label the following diagram with given appropriate words.

Principal axis, object, real image, virtual image, center of curvature, focal point, convex mirror, concave mirror.



A. ___________ D. ___________
B. ___________ E. ___________
C. ___________ F. ___________
33. (i) The change of path of light rays by the surface of the is called (refraction of light / reflection of light) .

(ii) Long-sightedness can be corrected by (concave / convex) lens.

34. Jim was conducting the following experiment: He placed a metal pot of water on a stove burner. He turned the

stove burner on. After a few minutes, the air above the pot of water became hot. Write the following steps of heat

transfer in the correct order in the box below.

• water to air

• burner to pot

• pot to water

35.(i) Anemometer is the instrument which can measure (wind direction / wind speed)
(ii) The storm which occurs in West Pacific Ocean is ( Typhoon / Cyclone / Hurricane )

36. Read the following passage and label the given diagram with correct words.

Eye , Eye wall, Clockwise rotation , Anti-clockwise rotation, Spiral rain bands

Winds in a hurricane in a anti-clockwise direction.

The calm center of the storm is called an eye. A wall
of dense thunderclouds called the eye wall
surrounds the eye. Spiral rain bands are long bands
of rain clouds that spiral around the storm.

A. _______________ B. ________________ C.______________ D.______________

37(i) Which of the following statement is FALSE?

(a) Seas and oceans cover about 90% of the surface of the earth.

(b) Due to various human activities, water bodies are getting polluted.

(c) A lot of water is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps.

(d) Water exists as water vapour in the atmosphere.

(ii) Plants are dependent on animals for

(a) Oxygen , required for photosynthesis. (b) Carbon dioxide, required for breathing

(c) Dispersal of seeds and fruits . (d) Both (a) and (b)

38 .(Chemical toilets / Septic tank) using chemicals to deodorize the waste instead of passing to sewage treatment plant
Question 39 and 40 are based on following passage.

Pathogens broadly refer to anything that may cause a disease. Some types of diseases caused by

pathogens include the following:

• Airborne diseases–Any disease that is caused by pathogens transmitted through the air

• Waterborne diseases–Any disease that is transmitted by pathogenic microorganisms contaminated in

fresh water

• Blood-borne diseases–Any disease in which the pathogen is transmitted via the blood vessels

39. Which of these are likely to spread the following type of diseases? Write each of the following in the

appropriate box below.

Sneezing , diseases
Airborne Infected syringe , Typhoid , Open wound
Waterborne , Cholera, Dusting
diseases Blood-borne diseases

40(i). Which of the following is LEAST likely to prevent the spread of disease?

(a) using a tissue while sneezing (b). washing hands before eating

(c). following safe cooking practices (d). going to sleep early

(ii). Covid 19 caused by Corona virus is

(a) airborne disease (b) waterborne disease (c) blood-borne disease (d) food borne disease.

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