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Economic Development: Definition, Scope, and Measurement

Chapter · September 2020

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-69625-6_38-1


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1 author:

Prabha Panth
Osmania University


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Economic Development: the problem however, is that the framework for

Definition, Scope, and economic development – modern technology,
Measurement industrial sector, and infrastructural facilities –
has not yet been established in many countries of
Prabha Panth the world due to various historical and political
Department of Economics, Osmania University, reasons. Hence, there is a high level of inequality
Hyderabad, India among, and even within, countries.

Definition Introduction

The concepts “development” and “underdevelop- Economic development has greatly improved liv-
ment” are ambiguous, and for decades they have ing conditions and incomes across the world.
been the subject of endless debates and discus- However, an alarming and inevitable conse-
sions. There is no clear picture or definition of quence of modern economic development is the
what actually constitutes “economic underdevel- massive negative impact on the natural environ-
opment” or how to achieve it, as it is an evolving ment. Modern technology is highly resource
concept, and keeps altering over time. dependent, needing enormous inputs of minerals,
Broadly, economic development is taken to be metals, power, fuel, timber, water, etc. At the same
the structural transformation of an economy by time, production and consumption do not “use”
introducing more mechanized and updated tech- up all these materials, they are let off into the
nologies to increase labor productivity, employ- environment in the form of pollution and wastes
ment, incomes, and standard of living of the (Georgescue Roegen 1971). But the capacity of
population. Economic development should be the Earth to absorb and recycle wastes and pollu-
accompanied by improvements in infrastructure, tion is limited, leading to many environmental
as well as social, political, and institutional factors disasters as pollution chokes land, air, and water
to facilitate transformation of the economy (Myint adversely affecting living systems on Earth.
and Krueger 2016). [] For example, the phe-
Economic development is regarded as impor- nomenon of climate change due to accumulation
tant for a country to reduce its poverty by provid- of Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is one
ing more employment, higher incomes, improved such danger. There is sufficient proof to show
goods and services, and latest technologies of that it is threatening the very climatic structure
production. [] The crux of of the Earth, impacting precipitation and
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
W. Leal Filho et al. (eds.), No Poverty, Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals,
2 Economic Development: Definition, Scope, and Measurement

agriculture, shrinking snow covers on mountains world (Maddison 2006). At that time, the popula-
and tundra regions, increasing sea levels, drown- tion in many other countries was still living in the
ing low level areas and islands, destroying marine Stone Age, and huge tracts of land were still
life, and with a whole lot of still unknown disas- unoccupied and unpopulated. So “development”
ters in the offing. [ (https:// is a relative term used in a particular historical, Carbon economic, and technological context.
Footprint)]. Until about the seventeenth century, the then
If the natural environment is completely dev- known countries of the world were at about the
astated, it threatens the existence of life itself on same level of development, using more or less
this Earth. So, there is an urgent need to review the similar type of labor-intensive techniques and
type of economic development that is taking place goods. At about this time, England and other
and to ensure that the process and fruits of eco- European countries experienced a tremendous
nomic development are not environmentally change in their modes of production, aptly called
destructive. Hence, there is the need for sustain- “The Industrial Revolution” and they witnessed
able development – i.e., economic development rapid economic growth. This was facilitated by a
that does not pose a threat to the natural environ- number of interrelated political, social, technical,
ment or limit future development. Sustainable and economic factors such as access to vast natu-
development is usually defined as “development ral resources from their colonies and the New
that meets the needs of the present generation, World, the availability of cheap colonial labor
without compromising the ability of future gener- and markets, and the extraordinary spurt of inven-
ations to meet their own needs.” (Brundtland tions and scientific discoveries during that period,
1987) The UN SDG goals are framed as guide- which revolutionized methods and modes of pro-
lines to help countries achieve sustainable devel- duction and consumption (Industrial Revolution
opment by focusing on both the economic and 2019).
environmental dimensions of growth. The European powers’ economic development
In this chapter, the problem of giving a precise was at the cost of a number of other countries
definition of economic development is discussed, particularly their colonies, which were inevitably
as the concept has multifarious meanings which thrust back. These countries are now dubbed as
keep changing. A short history of economic the “underdeveloped countries” and they are
development and underdevelopment follows, mostly in Asia, Africa, and South America. Most
after which the scope and features of Develop- of these countries which were quite advanced up
ment Economics are examined. Various methods to the eighteenth century were now exploited and
of measuring Economic Development and their economically ruined by the European colonists.
limitations are then presented, followed by Con- (Rodney 2018) For instance, India was the largest
clusions and References to various sources used in economy of the ancient and medieval world up to
this chapter. the time of the Maratha Empire, i.e., until the
To understand the concept of economic devel- eighteenth century AD, controlling between one-
opment, a brief look into the historical back- fourth to one-third of the world’s wealth. But after
ground will be useful. European colonization, its economy rapidly
declined, and by the 1940s, it became one of the
world’s poorest countries (Maddison 2006).
History of Economic Development During the 1940s and 1950s, many of these
colonies attained political independence, but with
Historically, different countries of the world were their economies severely damaged by the exploit-
more or less developed at some point of time. In ative measures of the colonial powers, as well as
the era before Christ, countries like India, China, by World War II. Their economic conditions were
Egypt, Mesopotamia, Syria, Greece, and Rome greatly decimated, they were deficient in modern
were more developed than the other parts of the methods of production, their natural resources,
Economic Development: Definition, Scope, and Measurement 3

markets, modes of production, and labor were Economics must be eclectic, attempting to com-
exploited and destroyed, and their traditional tech- bine relevant concepts and theories from tradi-
niques and knowledge were ruined. A case in tional economic analysis with new models and
point is the near annihilation of the muslin pro- broader multidisciplinary approaches, derived
duction and indigo trade in India by the British, from studying the historical and contemporary
who wanted to promote their own textile industry development experience of Africa, Asia and
in Britain, as well as to conquer the vast Indian Latin America.”
market at the cost of the centuries-old flourishing
Indian textile industry (Shubham 2017). Such Economic Development: Concepts
practices resulted in high levels of unemployment, Controversy also surrounds the nomenclature
decline of local industries and handicrafts, low used for defining these countries. Some of the
growth, and low standards of living, thereby terms used to describe these countries, and their
resulting in widespread impoverishment of the limitations are given below:
• Underdeveloped: Pomfret (1997) points out
that the word “development” is a value-added
What Is Underdevelopment? concept, whose “opposite has negative conno-
tations.” Undeveloped and underdeveloped
The concept of economic “underdevelopment” is imply an inferior status, the question being
ambiguous, complicated, and contentious. (Myint inferior to what or whom?
and Krueger 2016) This is because “develop- Further, the term “developed countries”
ment” is a highly dynamic process that cannot be gives a false impression that these countries
restricted to a fixed definition, as it involves too have already reached the zenith of develop-
many dimensions. This results in many important ment and no further improvements can take
variables being left out of the definition narrowing place. But this idea is misleading, since struc-
its scope and coverage. tural changes are constantly going on even in
One difficulty in defining “underdevelopment” the so-called “developed countries.” This con-
is because all less developed countries are not cept also gives a false image of a well-defined
alike, nor are they all at the same level of “under- demarcation line between the two – a line
development”. In the 1930s to 1940s, some coun- which once crossed will suddenly turn the for-
tries like India had advanced traditional mer into “developed countries.” Some bench
knowledge and education (Sengupta 2019), mark of “development” is needed, wherein
while others were still in the stage of hunting countries falling below this mark should be
and using bare hands production. Some countries dubbed as “underdeveloped.” The question
had well-honed social and political systems, while arises as to who sets the bench mark, and
others were ruled by primitive customs, taboos, what should be the index to measure the level
and superstition. Many countries had awe inspir- of development (van den Berg 2012).
ing histories of art, architecture, sciences, mathe- Poor countries: This definition sounds
matics, medicine, philosophy, political systems, derogatory, as if denoting some kind of inferior
culture, and so on (Maddison 2006). Therefore, status. It is inappropriate to dub those countries
it is not possible to club them all together as so, for many are often culturally richer and
“underdeveloped” countries and treat them all on more endowed with natural resources com-
the same footing for theoretical analysis and pol- pared to the so-called rich countries. Further,
icy matters. some of the richest men in the world were in
As stated by Todaro (1994), “Because of the “poor” countries, like the King of Brunei
heterogeneity of the Third World, there can be no (Baker 2012) and the Nizam of Hyderabad
single Development Economics, no universal (Mehta 2013). In recent years, the Forbes Mag-
Third World Economics applicable to any, or all azine [
less developed countries. Rather, Development lionaires/18-3-2020. The Richest in 2020.]
4 Economic Development: Definition, Scope, and Measurement

points out that India stands at third place in the Further, merely taking the ‘rate of growth’ as
world with 131 billionaires, even though it an indicator is misleading because percentage
suffers from widespread poverty. growth depends on the base that is growing; for
• Poverty stricken: This is also a derogatory term example, an increase from $100 to $200 will give
since, as mentioned above, many of these a growth rate of 100%, but an increase from
countries were rich in the past, but due to $100,000 to $120,000 will show a growth rate of
colonial exploitation and economic destruction just 20%. But in money terms, the increase is
of their industries, they became poor. Also, $20,000 as compared to a mere $100 increase in
poverty is a relative term, as there is a sizeable the former case. So, even a 1% to 1.5% increase in
population that is poor, even in the so-called a trillion-dollar economy will be larger in actual
“rich” countries (Banerjee and Duflo 2011). terms compared to two-digit growth figures of
• Backward countries: In the 1940s, these coun- countries that have low initial incomes to start
tries were called “backward countries” – a term with.
that was again resented by those whose civili-
zations were older and more established than • Third World countries: Another term used
the European and New World countries. Fur- often is “Third World,” but though it is the
ther, development and knowledge do not move least value-laden term, it has become outdated
only from the so-called “developed countries” after the decline of the Cold War and the virtual
to the “less developed countries,” as the devel- disappearance of the “Second World” – the
oped countries have also gained from the Communist countries.
knowledge, customs, medicines, way of life, • North-South: Another value-free term is
etc., of the less developed countries. For “North” and “South”, but these are geograph-
instance, the decimal system, high level math- ically incorrect, as many developed countries
ematics, astronomy, medicine, yoga, etc., that such as Australia lie in the Southern Hemi-
emanated from India (Sengupta 2019) have sphere and many underdeveloped countries
contributed vastly to the growth of the “devel- are in the Northern Hemisphere. The same
oped countries.” The same applies to the other applies to the terms “West” and “East”, as
ancient civilizations of the world as well. countries in the East such as Japan are well
• Developing countries: This is also not always developed, while some countries in the West
regarded as an appropriate term because many are not.
of these countries are not developing continu- • Low-income countries and high-income coun-
ously and are often characterized by stagnation tries: These terms are commonly used, but
or even recession. Also, all countries, even the again not representative, since China now
so-called “developed countries,” are still occupies the top rank in terms of GDP (in
developing in one way or the other due to current PPP $) in the world and India occupies
continuous technical progress and changing third place (World Development Indicators
political and social conditions. (Acemoglu 2018). Added to this is the fact that underde-
and Robinson 2012). veloped countries are highly heterogeneous
• Low growth economies: Again, this is not and have different levels of development and
appropriate, as many underdeveloped coun- growth.
tries such as Rwanda with 8.6% had the highest • Less developed and more developed: These
rate of GDP (constant US $) growth rate in terms seem to be more acceptable terms,
2018, while Bangladesh and Libya occupied although there is no limit to development,
the third place with 7.9% growth rate. But because new techniques, goods, and informa-
some of the most “advanced” countries had tion are being added every day, and all coun-
very low rates of growth in 2018 (Japan tries have to keep up with the knowledge and
0.8%, UK 1.4%, USA 2.9%) (https://knoema. technological revolution. So, no country can be
com/search?query¼gdp%20growth%20rates, regarded as having reached the pinnacle of
GDP Growth Rates 2019).
Economic Development: Definition, Scope, and Measurement 5

development; the process of development is developed countries to do something for their

endless and continuous. ex-colonies and for the governments of these
• More industrialized and less industrialized: countries to improve their own economic
These terms are less objectionable as they conditions.
denote the relative economic status of different Economic development thus does not deal with
countries and their relative position in terms of mere analysis, but it contains practical sugges-
some quantifiable economic variable, without tions and guidelines to initiate development.
putting a ceiling to development. However, Hence, other than abstract and theoretical reason-
even this is not quite relevant because agricul- ing of “what is”, Development Economics con-
ture still provides high levels of employment in tains a large element of “applied” economics as
many “industrial” countries such as Australia, well.
USA, and Russia. (World Development Indi- According to Grabowski and Shields (1996),
cators 2018). “Development Economics tries to question the
• Primary product producing countries: This is nature of the apparent transformation from back-
another definition of underdevelopment. ward to modern economies.” For this, it is neces-
Although natural resources production and sary to study the growth process of the developed
agriculture do form a large part of the national countries to identify those factors that could be
income of most of these countries, many ‘rich’ duplicated for their own development. Basically,
countries also have large reserves of natural the authors suggest that Development Economics
resources, which they produce and export. should address itself to the following questions:
(World Development Indicators 2018).
• How did the present advanced countries
From the above discussion, it should be clear achieve their own level of economic
that there is no single correct “definition” of development?
underdevelopment or development. However, all • Can poor countries follow the same path?
these terms continue to be in use and are used • Are present world conditions conducive to
interchangeably in Economics as well as in gen- such growth or have they been irreversibly
eral discussions. changed?
Traditional Economic Theory (dealing largely • Can the theoretical framework used in the
with micro- and macroeconomics of Western developed countries be used to analyze the
countries) did not encompass or explain the eco- situation in the developing countries, or should
nomic conditions of such countries nor could it a new methodology be fashioned for these
suggest policy measures for their improvement. countries’ problems?
Hence new theories had to be formulated that
could analyze their special features and suggest Theories of development have attempted to
policies required to bring about their economic answer some or all of these questions. (https://
development, leading to the emergence of the
Economics of Development or Development Eco- economicdevelopment-isimportant-to-a-regions-
nomics in the 1940s–1950s. economy-infographic)

Scope of Development Economics Features of Development Economics

“Development Economics needs to have a practi- Because of the distinctive features of less devel-
cal orientation – to prepare grounds for immediate oped countries, it was found that most of the
action,” says Leys (1996). This outlook was gen- traditional economic theories of the Western
erated by the desire of some economists in countries could not explain the causes of
6 Economic Development: Definition, Scope, and Measurement

underdevelopment nor offer solutions to their broad “socio-democratic” views and were
problems. Hence, the scope of Development Eco- committed to planning. This was based on the
nomics had to differ from other branches of Eco- assumption that the State will be a “benevolent
nomics in the following ways: (Lal 1985) State, armed with sufficient supplies of capital,
and armed with good economic analysis.”
• The Political economy of the concerned coun- (Leys 1996).
try is important in the analysis of development. • Normative aspects and value judgments are an
This is because the historical, political, eco- integral part of Development Economics. Eco-
nomic, and social factors of each less devel- nomic Development is regarded as being good
oped country are different from those of the for the economy and its people, since it leads to
“developed countries” and also from each increase in economic welfare. Though econo-
other. For instance, the economic, social, and mists may disagree on what is good for the
political conditions of countries in South people, they all agree that development itself
America differ from those in Africa or Asia. is good, as it basically improves the lot of the
(Acemoglu and Robinson 2012) So, it became population. Hence the subject does not only
necessary to include these non-economic fac- enquire into “what is” but also “what ought to
tors in analyzing development, for there can be be” as well as “how it ought to be” in the
no single theory or policy that can be used as a developing countries.
blanket cover to suit the heterogeneous and • Development Economics tries to trace out the
diverse requirements of all less developed pattern and form of development that the less
countries. Unlike the developed countries that developed countries have to follow. For this,
had profited from the market and wealth gar- what has to be achieved and in what time
nered from their colonies or could exploit the interval, have to be specified. Vague objectives
virgin territory of the New World, the less like “increasing the standard of living” are not
developed countries have to depend on their precise enough for policy decisions to be
own resources, to raise themselves with their made. A workable development scenario
“own bootstraps”. Being dependent on the for- should be able to trace out (other things
mer for their requirements of technology, cap- remaining constant) the path of development
ital inputs, training of labor, and financial of the economy, the goods and techniques to be
resources, their debt to world financial institu- used, and the objective of development.
tions and lenders has been increasing. This has (Mathur 1973).
further impoverished many countries, leading
to further deterioration of their economies.
[ Measurement of Economic Development
cations/Policy-Papers/Issues/[2018] Macro-
economic Developments and Prospects in Although the broad scope of Development Eco-
Low-Income Developing Countries]. nomics is clear, there are a number of ambiguities
• Theories of Economic Development usually in the precise definition and the measurement of
advocate the role of State intervention in eco- “Economic Development”. Based on what they
nomic development. This is in contravention to thought was important for development, different
the usual neoclassical assumption of laissez yardsticks or indices have emerged that try to
faire. In the 1940s and 50s, theories of Eco- measure the extent of economic development
nomic Development were influenced by and to rank countries in terms of their economic
Keynesian Economics. State intervention had achievement.
helped the post-war restoration of many war-
ravaged economies. The success of the Mar- Per Capita Income (PCY)
shall Plan was in many ways a model for “aid” Economic Development is assumed to take place
to developing countries. These theories held when there is a rise in the standard of living of the
Economic Development: Definition, Scope, and Measurement 7

population. Real per capita income is assumed to aggregate figure, it does not indicate which
be the best index for depicting the average stan- goods and services are growing, or who is benefit-
dard of living of the population, and so it is widely ing from the rising income. Countries with mas-
used as an index of economic development. sive military buildup, or those with investment in
According to the UN, “We had some difficulty inessential sectors, will show high PCY, but not
in interpreting the term underdeveloped countries. necessarily development. Also, the distribution of
We use it to mean countries in which PCY is low income and the standard of living of the common
when compared with the PC real income of USA, man are not apparent with PCY because they
Canada, Australia, and W. Europe.” (Higgins increase when the incomes of a few rich increase,
1963). Arthur Lewis (1955) also considered per without any change in the income of the rest of the
capita output to be the best single measure of population. The PCY is jacked up if, for instance,
development. the incomes of the top 10% of the population
The World Bank classifies countries based on increased, without “trickling” down to the poor.
their Gross National Income per capita https:// Oxfam’s survey (2019) showed that India’s richest 1% held 58% of the country’s total wealth
oped-country-category/ldcs-at-a-glance.html. Least compared to the global figure of 50%. Further, the
Developed country category. Earlier gross national group’s wealth increased by over Rs 20.9 lakh
income (GNI or GNP) was estimated using simple crore during this period, which equaled the Indian
exchange rates to convert the currencies of various Union Budget 2017, while the wealth increase of
countries into US $. At present, the World Bank the country’s poorest half citizens (67 crore) was
uses the Atlas conversion factor instead of simple merely 1%.
exchange rates, mainly to reduce the impact of Another confusion is that countries’ PCY rank-
exchange rate fluctuations in the cross-country com- ing differs according to the index used by different
parison of national incomes. The Atlas conversion world organizations. For instance, Luxembourg
factor for any year is the average of a country’s emerged with the top rank in 2018 in terms of
exchange rate for that year and its exchange rates GDP PC in current US dollars according to the
for the two preceding years, adjusted for the differ- IMF World Economic Outlook, but in PCY PPP
ence between the rate of inflation in the country and terms, Qatar ranked first in 2018 [https://knoema.
international inflation; the objective of the adjust- com/atlas/ranks/GDP-per-capita-based-on-PPP
ment is to reduce any changes to the exchange rate Ranks GDP per capita PPP 2019]. Similarly, the
caused by inflation (Table 1). World Bank ranks Qatar first, while CIA ranks
Liechtenstein at the first position [https://en.
Limitations of PCY as an Indicator of Economic
Other than the difficulties of estimating it, PCY
However, there are certain disadvantages in using
cannot always capture the real conditions in the
PCY as a measure of development. Being an
economy and does not depict the actual standard
Economic Development: Definition, Scope, and Mea- of living of the population. Also, in many coun-
surement, Table 1 World Bank classification of econo- tries, the daily requirement (the consumption bas-
mies based on income, July 1, 2019 ket) of the population is different from those of the
Threshold GNI/Capita (current US$) ‘rich’ countries, and prices may be lower than in
Low income <1,026 developed countries, so that people can continue
Lower-middle income 1,026–3,995 to have a decent life in spite of lower incomes.
Upper-middle income 3,996–12,375 Still, in the absence of an alternative measure,
High income Greater than 12,375 PCY continues to be in use as an index of devel- opment (Hicks and Streeten 1981).
8 Economic Development: Definition, Scope, and Measurement

Structural Change growth of different sectors of the economy such as

GNP is an aggregate figure and does not depict primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors.
structural change. So, it is necessary to have a (Herrendorf et al. 2013).
breakup to show which sectors are growing and However, “capital” is not homogenous and has
which are not (Clark 1957, Chenery 1960). Also, a large number of connotations. Capital encom-
a rise in PCY may be due to mere replication of passes both physical and financial capital, and the
the existing set of goods and services leading to two cannot be interchanged. This is because once
increase in GDP, or it could be due to heavy finance is invested into say, a thermal plant, it
military expenditure, which does not reflect in cannot be used to build a railway line. In tradi-
higher living standards of the population. Further, tional neoclassical theory, capital is assumed to be
many goods and techniques may be used only by a homogeneous and malleable, which is highly mis-
certain section of the population and may not be leading when applied to both theoretical and pol-
available to the rest. (Syrquin 1988). It is therefore icy analyses of real-world conditions. The
necessary to distinguish between economic difference between “financial capital” and “phys-
growth and economic development. ical capital goods” should be made clear (Sub-
Economic Growth: refers to a rise in national or per ramaniam and Panth 1995).
capita income with or without structural changes in Gautam Mathur (1973) distinguishes between
the economy. heavy sector capital and light sector capital.
Economic Development: implies more than eco- Heavy sector capital consists of a vector of indus-
nomic growth. According to Gillis et al. (1983),
“Economic development, in addition to rise in tries that produce capital that can produce other
PCY, implies fundamental changes in the structure heavy sector capital or can reproduce themselves.
of the economy.” Economic development implies a For example, steel industry produces steel that can
change in the capital structure, institutional frame- be used to produce more steel, or railways, or
work, as well as infrastructure in order that the
majority of the population can achieve a high stan- dams, or other heavy sector equipment, or it can
dard of living at the goal. The spectrum of goods be used to make tractors, mechanical looms, etc.
used by the population of a developed economy is The light sector capital machines are the light
very different from that of less developed econo- machines or light capital goods used to produce
mies. If the latter’s population has to achieve similar
standards of living, then changes in capital structure consumer goods and should not be confused with
are essential. Development therefore calls for heavy sector capital that is needed to initiate and
changes in the structure of capital goods, as this is sustain economic development. The growth of the
basic for the transformation of primary producing heavy sector is important for economic develop-
economies, using labor-intensive techniques in gen-
eral, with large scale unemployment and poverty, to ment since it feeds the growth of the light sector,
a fully employed and developed economy using the which is needed to produce consumer goods.
latest capital-intensive methods of production. However, most theories of development and plan-
ning concentrate on the growth of only the light
Industrialization and capital formation are
sector (assuming all capital is homogeneous),
often taken as synonymous. The structural
ignoring the establishment of the heavy sector.
changes in production methods imply the use of
According to Mathur (1973), investing in only
capital-intensive methods of production in place
the light sector capital industries will only divert
of the hitherto used labor-intensive techniques.
scarce capital inputs into final consumption, with-
With more capital-intensive techniques, the pro-
out creating the base for future industrial devel-
ductivity of labor increases, leading to increase in
opment, thus leading to inequalities and delaying
output and growth. Most theories of development
the time required to reach the target of
deal with various methods by which growth of the
capital base of less developed countries can be
achieved. A number of studies have been under-
taken historically to estimate the changing struc- Full Employment
Less developed countries are characterized by
ture of developing economies, by comparing the
large-scale unemployment and disguised
Economic Development: Definition, Scope, and Measurement 9

unemployment. So, levels of employment are initiatives. Thus, along with changing economic
taken as another index of development. However, framework, their social framework is also
full employment by itself cannot be a goal, and it affected, and traditional societies find it difficult
has to be achieved along with industrial growth to accept and follow the Western beliefs and atti-
and structural change. The employed population tudes being imposed on them.
should be in a position to contribute materially to Changes in attitudes are brought about by
the economy, not merely get employment for its changes in education patterns, increasing literacy,
own sake. exposure to modern scientific thought, and so on.
Also, unemployment is not a characteristic of Removing superstition and religious and social
only underdeveloped countries. During recession, taboos and changing primitive attitude to life and
“developed” countries also experience huge work are other methods to “modernize” societies.
amounts of unemployment. So, the type of unem- However, many less developed countries take
ployment is important – as there are different exception to the cultural invasion of the West, at
types of unemployment, such as voluntary or the expense of their own ancient civilization,
involuntary unemployment, technical unemploy- values, and culture.
ment (i.e., labor using older technology being
replaced by mechanized technology, such as typ-
Improvement in Human Status
ists replaced by computers), structural unemploy-
According to some economists, other than mere
ment, when the structure of the economy
increase in material output, development should
changes and the traditional modes of production
also improve the human status of the population
and consumption are replaced by the modern e.g.
(Todaro 1994). For example, Goulet (1971) iden-
cars replacing horse-drawn carts, or educated
tifies three basic and interconnected components
unemployment vs. unemployment of menial
or core values in the wider meaning of develop-
labor, and so on.
ment. They are as follows:
Normative Values
• Life sustenance: to satisfy the basic needs of
Some authors have stressed on the importance of
the population – income, food, clothing, hous-
changes in the social structure of less developed
ing, minimal education, and health facilities –
countries in the process of economic develop-
to raise the people above the poverty line.
ment. Modernization of production has to be
• Self-esteem: countries that are exploited by
accompanied by modernization of social and cul-
other countries, or dominated by them, cannot
tural outlook. Streeten (1972) envisages develop-
maintain their self-respect. They need to free
ment as the transformation of human beings also;
themselves from such dependence and achieve
he states: “development as an objective and devel-
self-respect and independence.
opment as a process, both embrace a change in
• Freedom: from the three evils of want, squalor,
fundamental attitudes to life and work, and in
and ignorance. Development allows choice as
social, cultural, and political institutions.”
it expands the range of human activity – of
In the more developed countries, the process of
education, employment, livelihood, mobility,
economic development was a long and continu-
as well as material goods.
ous one, spanning nearly two and a half centuries,
during which time immense social changes also
took place. As this development was from out of Some of these concepts have been used in
various indices of development such as PQLI
its own roots, the social structure is well ingrained
into the Western character (such as entrepreneur- and Human Development Index. Some of these
ship and competitive spirit). The social and cul- alternative measures of Economic development
are discussed below.
tural aspects of Eastern nations (such as rigid
societal groups, fatalism, or religious beliefs and
taboos) may act as obstacles to development
10 Economic Development: Definition, Scope, and Measurement

Economic Development: Definition, Scope, and Measurement, Fig. 1 Components of HDI. (Source: hdr.undp.

Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) capability to control their own lives. Increased
This index was devised by Morris (1977) for the capabilities may be better reflected, he says, by
Overseas Development Council. Three indicators indicators such as literacy rates or higher life
were used, all with equal weightage, in an attempt expectancy rather than by a higher PCY (Fig. 1).
to measure the fulfillment of minimum human The HDI shows how the ranking of countries
needs. They were life expectancy at age one, according to their actual social and economic con-
infant mortality rate, and literacy. Morris felt that ditions differs from their PCY rankings. For
these indicators would show the basic needs of the instance, although Luxembourg ranked first in
poor better than mere nutritional inputs. GDP PC in current prices in 2019, it ranked 121
However, Streeten (1981) feels that Quality of in the HDI index. Norway ranked first in terms of
Life is a misnomer, since what is being measured HDI in 2018, but ranked ninth in terms of PCY
is reduction of mortality and increase in literacy. PPP $. []. Therefore, it does not
He also questions the need to give equal always follow that higher PCY implies better
weightage to all three items of the index. Longer human and social conditions of life and vice versa.
life and higher literacy do not automatically
ensure a ‘better life’. Also, there are problems of
Poverty Index
high correlation between the three items, as there
The absolute levels of poverty, i.e., the absolute
is high negative correlation between literacy and
income level of the lowest 41%, are sometimes
infant mortality. Anyway, other important basic
taken as indicators of development. For this index
needs, such as clean drinking water, are not
to be meaningful, it is necessary to have a standard
included in the index. It is also argued that devot-
minimum income to compare the incomes of the
ing all an economy’s resources to providing basic
poor. In India, a “poverty line” was constructed,
needs will divert resources from developmental
measuring the level of income at which the aver-
activities and capital formation. Hence, it is nec-
age family consumes a nutritious diet defined in
essary to strike a balance between providing both
terms of calories. (Dandekar and Rath 1971).
basic needs and developmental investment.
The World Bank’s International Poverty Line,
1981, takes the number of people consuming “less
Human Development Index (HDI) than $1 per person, per day” as an indicator of
Following the PQLI, Mahbul Haq and Amartya poverty levels. In 2013, this was increased to
Sen in 1990 developed the HDI, which UNDP $1.90 per day (https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.
adopted as an alternative measure of economic org Help Desk). Recent estimates for global pov-
development [ › content ›human- erty state that 8.6% of the world, or 736 million
development-index-hdi]. It combines a measure people, live in extreme poverty on $1.90 or less a
of income per head, with measures of life expec- day, according to the World Bank (https://
tancy, and adult literacy. Sen (1983) points out The Multidimensional Poor
that education and health should be given greater Index (MPI) aims to identify poverty on the
priority because they directly increase people’s basis of three key dimensions: health, education,
Economic Development: Definition, Scope, and Measurement 11

and standard of living, comprising 10 indicators. and other natural resources in the course of their
People who experience deprivation in at least one- development. They have also contributed the
third of these weighted indicators fall into the maximum toward the buildup of various pollut-
category of multidimensionally poor. (World ants in the environment, ranging from carbon
Bank website 2019). dioxide to solid and nuclear wastes, as well as
However, poverty indices ignore the distribu- destroyed the pristine environment around the
tion of food within the family. Usually the female world. The negative impacts of this environmental
members (who work harder than males) receive destruction are being felt worldwide, again affect-
less food. Nor does it measure how far the families ing the less developed countries the most, as they
lie below the poverty line, or improvements in are the most vulnerable to climate change, loss of
those below the line, and distribution of food forests, and biodiversity, etc. In that respect, many
between different families. Sen (1973) proposed poor countries that have not yet developed have
weighting of individuals on the basis of how far conserved their local environment by using tradi-
they fall below the poverty line, thus combining tional renewable and eco-friendly methods of pro-
poverty and income distribution. duction and consumption. The modern mode of
A uniform world-wide calorie-based diet is not economic activity is being viewed with misgiv-
required either, since the physical structure, age, ings, and there is serious effort to change the
and anthropological characteristics differ from concept of economic development to that of sus-
one race to another. Their staple food also differs, tainable development. Various measures of sus-
so this index may give misleading information tainable development such as Ecological
when used for international comparisons. Other Footprint ( Ecological
factors such as availability of food to those below Footprint – Global Footprint Network), and Envi-
the poverty line, its composition, and artificial ronmental Performance Index (Panth 2013) are
controls imposed on them also affect dietary other indices of sustainable development paths.
Gautam Mathur (1975) shows that the two
objectives – development and basic needs
(which he calls ‘social justice’) – need not be
conflicting objectives. As development proceeds,
In this chapter, the various concepts, definitions,
new sectors are opened up providing employment
and indices of development and underdevelop-
and income to the population. If there is balanced
ment were discussed. It was seen that these are
investment between investment in capital forma-
neither easy to define or to measure. Nor do they
tion and investment in providing the basic neces-
entirely encompass the gamut of problems faced
saries of life (the Balanced Allocation Ratio), then
by “underdeveloped countries.” Further compli-
development can take place without the standard
cations arise due to the deteriorating environmen-
of living of the workers being affected. By keep-
tal conditions of the world caused by the present
ing the real wage rate constant on the path of
type of unhampered industrial and technological
development, resources need not be frittered
development. Therefore, there is need to review
away on inessential goods and services.
the concept of “underdevelopment” and what it
incorporates in its scope and application. There is
Sustainable Development
a further need to move to an environmentally safe
Although economic development is needed, its
development path, where importance is given to
present form is impacting the local and world
both economic and environmental sectors, to be
environment in many negative ways. There is
applied to all countries of the world regardless of
massive depletion of natural resources and rise
their developmental status. The Sustainable
in pollution levels, mostly emanating from the
Development Goals are guidelines as well as sign-
“developed countries.” Historically, these coun-
posts that help countries to identify and
tries have consumed huge quantities of mineral
12 Economic Development: Definition, Scope, and Measurement

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