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cannanons @® Coden Aakash +n Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Dethi-110005, Ph.011-47623456, Mm: 300 Final Test Series Phase-1-2024_To4 (Code-A) Time : 180 Min. Topics Covere Physics - Electric Charges and Field, Flectostaic Potential and Capacitance, Current Electicty. Chemistry - Solution, Elecrocnemisty, Chemical Kinetics Mathematics - Relations & Functions (lass XI & Xi), Inverse Trigonometiic Functions, Matrices, Determinants, Limits, Continuity and Ditferentiabilty General instructions 1, Duration of Testis 3 hrs, The Test Booklet consis of 99 questions. The maximum marks are 300, 3. There are three parts in the question paper consisting of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics having 30 {questions in each part af equal weightage, Each part has two sections, Section4: This section contains 20 multple choice questions which have only one correct answer. Each question carries +4 marks for correct answer and =1 mark for wrong answer, ‘Section.ll: This section contains 10 rumerical value base¢ questons, Ir Sectors attempt any five questions out ff 10. The answer to each of the questions is a numerical value, Each question carries +4 marks for correct answer fand—1 mark for wrong answer Section 1. An uncharged sphere of metal is placed in 2. Charges g, 29, 39 and 4q are placed at the between two charged plates as shown. The comers A, B,C and D of a square as shown ‘most appropriate lines of force look ike in the following figure. The directon of cranny epee resultant electri field at the centee of the | i | ff [| square is along yt? QS )*\ — 7 ¢ ma @s @ec @o Final Test Series Phas The lines of forces of two point charges are as shown in figute, then the ratio WS @ B=4 @a-3 @S=2 Eight small mercury drops, each of radius r and having same charge g are combined to form a big drop. The rato between the Potentials of te bigger drop and the smaller drop is qe @4 @2 ®t The plate area of the capacitor shawn is A, The capacitance of he capactor is (2) hated @) batacoa Thome @ shined ahd (@) hho In te circuit shown in the figure, the total charge sunplied by the source is 750 uC and the voliage across capacitor C, is 20 V. Then the charge on capacitor Co is (@) ssouc @) S90 yc @ 160 yc (4) 450 uc In the situaton shown, the currents through 3. Gand 2 resistances are inthe ratio 1a 2a. 3a 1 asa (3:2 (2) 7:4 @ 4:3 @an In the circuit shown, the reading of ammeter valde ® 120: av (5a @ Ba @ Ba @ 2, Final Test Series Phase-t-2024_T04 (Code-A) 8 10. Different combination of 3 resistors of equal resistance ® are shown in the figures, The Increasing order for power dissipation is i R ws R ROR @—4 |. 7 R R B ©; R ors — 8B () Pa wrote oor 002 Fractior Which of the following statements is incomeet? (2) The Henry's law constant for the system at 283 Kis 60 ktorr @ The Henrys law constant for the system at 325 K will be lesser than 50 k @ The Henrys law constant for the system at 193 K will be lesser than 50 Kron (@) Under identcal canditons of temperature, the mole faction of HCI in water will be greater tran that in cyclohexane Ba(NOs)p is 8096 lonised in. an aqueous solution, Then its Van't Ho factors @ 18 @ 26 @ 36 @ 48 ‘Standard reduction elecyade potentals of three metals A,B, C are respectively +0:34 V,=0.78 V and 0.44 V, The reducing power is inthe order (@) A>a>c @ c>B>A @ A>coB @ B>c>A +100 ml ofa solution, prepared by dissolving 4.755 g sodium chloride in water, is mixed with a’ 100-mL solution prepared by dissolving 2.775 g calcium chloride in water The molarity of chloride ion in the final solution is (@) 0275 @ 03am @ cam (@) 055M 42, 45, Mah ist win use a a Taf eat > aur TOT Pica 8 * Boy + | | Same uous tho @ | zn + HaOG) |G | Discharging » 2n0(s) + Ha) of secondary battery @ | BPSOuS) + 2,00 | GHD | Fuel cel > PIs) + PbO) + 2H2S04(aq) @ | 2H) + Ox) | 9 | Charging of 24,00) secondary bate Choose the correct answer from the options given below: 2). OL, C4). (64) 2) iv). O40, (ti). €)Ci) @) i). OO. CH. Ci) 4) Li). OE. C4). B40) Ia solute X undergoes dimerisation and solute Y undergoes timerisation, the minimum values of the van't Hof factor for X and ¥ wil be respectively () 023 andos @ 183 and 1.5, (@ oS andc.33 (@ 02 andc.s7 Which OF the follwing is correct for conccrirator cells, forthe spontaneous cell reaction? afat | Ja Jal fey 2) @ c>ce (@)C10 @ara @ azt @ a20 58, The resistance of 02 N solution of formic acid is 300 Q and cell constant is 2 em“, if ‘the equivalent conductivity in S cm? eqé* of O2Ntormic aeidisx, Then he va of Eis 60, What would be the pit of 03 moll aqueous Sotulon ola monoprotc acd WAtatfeeces ao Z048"C? [Suen bat KO) = 188 K kg mol; assume molality = molarity] WATHEMATICS Section! 5 “7, 68. void = [JG] be sven mari. te 34 determinant value 0 A229 542208 jg @) 2200 2) 271%.) ) =722°9 (4) ey Winx, [el >2 a6 alot, 2] <2" ‘is CO) Ar even hrcton @) Ar odd uncion 6) Neier even nor ocd (4) Petiodic urcton then Ha, B are the roots ofthe equation (sin-*x + tan tny? - 25ny + 2(c0s-x + catty) = 0, > 0, then the minimum value of 3(@ +36 + ais (1 101 (2) 102 @ 105 (@ 120 Wins o =A suse wt (2)2 (3) 3 as exists fnitely, then 10 Final Test Series Phase-t-2024_T04 (Code-A) 69, 70. nm n, 73. tim £2 - 2, on ston saseing fe) + MY) = f(FS)vaneR and ay 4 =1, given that fis diferentiable for XER, then ) = 200x441 2) 149 =2 cox ® © ©) t= 2 tant 9) = e902) = na. (2) = es nan fis equalto @ @ @ L4in2 (1.2888 (ey Wi continuous at (PB +a +e a8 @ 10 @12 @) 2 x0 «femie value of fgQ) is an even function whch satisfes the functional equation gi) — 2a(2) fy), where fy) isan odd function then te value srgtas)i6 a) 35 @ 10 @s (@) 20 Mofo: N= N such that F(n) = (-1)"" (n-1) and G(n) = n—F(n), then GoG (n) = @a @o @a @o 7. ¥. 76, ™ 78. Given m is a postive integer such that the Trey (=) 2 | (t= ( "ae wo dane solitons, hen meat posable vaiesotms a) 2 @) 3 @) 4 4) 6 Consider wo matices a-[4, oleer-[5 2] where i= y=T and w is an imaginary cube root of unity. Which of the following is incorrect? L oi 2) (asl = 16) (2) [aal+ [4+ [81-0 @) a8%1=2° ‘The tundamental period of function $(2) = 214) + cosects + {2} A sin(2e +8) fs (where (J epee Hasina pa tnSen ae en On (0 Hospi RE Gece ofa square matix's defined be te Sun of diagonal enti, Aisa 2% 2 pi clogonel nies, WA is 0 2 «2 trace off is hand value of determinantofA i'n, ten which of te Tallowing relaton fds tue? (1) pS +3pa-A=0 @) y+ aua+ (3) p3-3pa-r=0 © yF—sua+0=0 Wg = Band xen = VIF BE Ls then Tim 5-1 aa (22 @) V5 as Final Test Series Phase-t-2024_T04 (Code-A) 79. 20. a1, 22. 83, 85, 86, waco (bq)= tax! : @i 3 @ ® Leta real valued function fbe defined on the interval G 5 by —|-a| if [aliseven g(2) = I | z—|2] if [elisoad where [] denotes greatest integer function. if p denoes te number of points of Giscontinuly and _q_denotes number of points of non-differentability in the given Interval, ten () pra=12 @ p-az4 @ Bp-2a1 @) 2p+3q Hy = (+90 +20 +) GER, en te value of atx ais The value of lims 59 3 equals The value ot cot (#45) Foot (24 b)4 ont (3) to tard, then the value of A is equal to upto infinity is equal The valve ot cos(tan™ VIB) +sin(2tan™3) is -2.,men is equals to tthe system of equations xa2yt32=8 Detytzeb x= ty 4 az = 24, has infinitely many Solitons, then aD is equal 0 1 f(2)=S 2, then |28/(2))iseaaro ‘Sections a, 38, 89, 90, " SBA) 1 0 Ax c0s{ 479} 14h 1 > 14 7 then value of 7* 9 |A,| is equal to The number of values of x at which the function 2 ~ 1] + sin is not diferenviable, Consider a set = -3,-2,-1,0,1.2}.Leta function + i) FAB, f(z) =2-log (2+ Then the minimum number of elements in setB,is, A function f:R— R is defined as ie)--$isvanr f(k-2) = f(k + 2) then the value of kk EN) is for every xER, 2

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