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Code No. : 83-E
Subject: Science
(Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
Time: 3 hr. 15 min.

General Instructions to the Candidate.

1. There are three parts to the question paper.

Part A: Physics, Part B: Chemistry, Part C: Biology.
2. This question paper consists of objective and subjective types of 38 questions.
3. This question paper has been sealed by reverse jacket. You have to cut on the right side
to open the paper at the time of commencement of the examination. Check whether all
the pages of the question paper are intact.
4. Follow the instructions given against both the objective and subjective types of
5. Figures in the right hand margin indicate maximum marks for the questions.
6. The maximum time to answer the paper is given at the top of the question paper. It
includes 15 minutes for reading the question paper.


I. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete statements.
Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its letter of the
alphabet. [4 x 1 = 4]

1. The device used to measure the rate of current in a circuit is

a. Ammeter
b. Voltmeter
c. Galvanometer
d. Battery
Answer: The correct option is a. Ammeter
An ammeter is an instrument that is used to measure the current in a circuit.

2. Observe the given figure. Identify the eye defect indicated in this figure.
a. Presbiopia
b. Hypermetropia
c. Myopia
d. Cataract
Answer: The correct option is c. Myopia
Predominantly young folks suffer from myopia which occurs due to elongation of the eyeball or
bulging of the cornea. When the normal curvature of the cornea bulges, the light rays are
refracted so that the image is formed in front of the cornea. The rods and cones of our eyes
have areas where the image has the best clarity when the image is focused. Thus, as the image
of the distant objects is not formed at the right spot, it is detected as blurry.

3. A light ray enters to rarer medium from a denser medium. Then the speed of that light ray
a. decreases and bends towards the normal
b. increases and bends away from the normal
c. decreases and bends away from the normal
d. increases and bends towards the normal
Answer: The correct option is b. increases and bends away from the normal
When light travels from a denser to rarer medium,speed increases, and it bends away from the

4. The inner wall of the solar cooker is painted black. Because black colour
a. reflects light
b. converges solar rays
c. prevents from rusting
d. absorbs more heat
Answer: The correct option is d. Absorbs more heat
Black colour is a very good absorber of heat. It helps in absorbing the sun's light and does not
allow the heat to escape. So the solar cooker is painted black so that maximum heat energy
from the sun is absorbed and food is heated up for cooking.

II. Answer the following questions: [2 x 1 = 2]

5. Write the symbols of the following components used in an electric circuit.

I. Rheostat
II. Wires crossing without joining
I) Rheostat

II) Wires crossing without joining

6. What does the thumb indicate in the right hand thumb rule?
The thumb represents the direction of current.

III. Answer the following questions : [2 x 2 = 4]

7. Light enters from air to benzene having refractive index 1.50 Calculate the speed of light in
(Speed of light in air : 3 × 10 m/s )
The given that ,Refractive index of the benzene (μ)=1.50
Speed of light in air (c) = 3 × 10 m/s
After traveling in air, the light enters benzene. Let the speed of the light in benzene = v
Refractive index of the benzene,
𝑐 𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑎𝑖𝑟
μ= 𝑣
= 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑧𝑒𝑛𝑒

𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑎𝑖𝑟 (𝑐)

speed of the light in benzene = μ
3 ×10 𝑚/𝑠
speed of the light in benzene = 1.50

speed of the light in benzene = 2 × 10 m/s


A Concave lens has focal length of 12 cm. At what distance should the object from the lens be
placed so that it forms an image at 9 cm from the lens ?
Focal length, f = -12 cm
Image distance, v = - 9 cm
Object distance = u =?
As the lens is concave, the image formed is always virtual, therefore ‘v’ is negative.
Also focal length of concave lens is negative.
From the lens formula:
We know,
1 1 1
= 𝑣
− 𝑢

1 1 1
= 𝑣
− 𝑓

1 1 1
= −9
− −12

1 1 1
= 12
− 9

1 −1
= 36

𝑢 =− 36 𝑐. 𝑚
8. Name the major constituent on biogas and write the properties of biogas
● Biogas consists of methane, carbon dioxide, and traces of other compounds such as
hydrogen sulphide, ammonia and water vapours.
● Biogas is produced by the processing of a mixture of water and agricultural waste. It is
considered an ideal fuel.
● Biogas is a clean form of energy that does not leave any byproduct which is harmful to
the environment.
● Biogas has higher calorific value when compared to wood, coal and dung-cakes.
● Biogas is a renewable source of energy, and it is available in abundant amounts.
● Biogas is a cheap source of energy.


List the hazards of nuclear power generation.

The major hazard of nuclear power generation is
1. The storage and disposal of spent or used fuels.
2. Improper nuclear-waste storage and disposal result in environmental contamination.
3. Further, there is a risk of accidental leakage of nuclear radiation.

IV. Answer the following questions : [3 x 3 = 9]

9. State Ohm's law. On which factors does the resistance of a conductor depend ? Mention the
SI unit of electric power.
Answer. Ohm's law states that the voltage across a conductor is directly proportional to the
current flowing through it, provided all physical conditions and temperature remain constant.

The resistance of a conductor depends upon the resistivity, length and cross-sectional area of
the conductor which is given by the relation (R=ρ 𝐴 ). It does also depend on other physical

factors like temperature etc.

Electric power is the rate at which electric energy is transferred by an electric circuit. The SI unit
of power is the watt, one joule per second.

State Joule's law of heating, How is fuse connected in the circuits? Name the metal used in the
filament and the gas filled in the electric blub.
Answer. Joule's law of heating states that the power of heating generated by an electrical
conductor is proportional to the product of its resistance and the square of the electric current
passing through the conductor.

The fuse wire is always connected in the live wire of the circuit because if the fuse is put in the
neutral wire, then due to excessive flow of current when the fuse burns, current stops flowing in
the circuit, but the appliance remains connected to the high potential point of the supply through
the live wire.
The metal used for making filaments of an electric bulb is tungsten.Bulbs are filled with Nitrogen
or Argon gas to prevent oxidation of the tungsten filament used in the bulb.

10. The resistors 𝑅1, 𝑅2 and 𝑅3 have the values 10 Ω, 20 Ω and 60 Ω respectively, which have

been parallelly connected to a battery of 24 V in an electric circuit. Then calculate the following :
i) The current flowing through each resistor.
ii) The total current in the circuit.
iii)The total resistance of the circuit.

i) As all the resistances are in parallel the voltage across each of them will be same = 24V
𝑉 24
𝐼1 = 𝑅1
= 10
= 2.4A

𝑉 24
𝐼2 = 𝑅2
= 20
= 1.2A
𝑉 24
𝐼3 = 𝑅3
= 60
= 0.4A

ii) Total current = 𝐼1 + 𝐼2 + 𝐼3= 2.4 + 1.2 + 0.4 = 4A

𝑉 24
iii) Total circuit resistance = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡
= 4

11. Draw the ray diagram for the image formation in a convex lens when the object is placed
beyond 2𝐹1 . Mention the position and nature of the image formed.

( 𝐹1 :Principal focus of the lens )

When an object is placed beyond 2f in front of a convex lens , then the image formed is
between f and 2f on the other side of the lens , it is real , inverted and smaller than the object .

V. Answer the following questions : [1 x 4 = 4]

12. (a) What is solenoid ? Write the properties of the magnetic field lines formed around a
current carrying solenoid.
● A solenoid is a coil of insulated or enameled wire wound on a rod-shaped form made of
solid iron, solid steel, or powdered iron. Devices of this kind can be used as
● One end of the solenoid behaves as a magnetic north pole, while the other behaves as
the south pole.
● The field lines inside the solenoid are in the form of parallel straight lines. This indicates
that the magnetic field is the same at all points inside the solenoid. That is, the field is
uniform inside the solenoid.
● The magnetic field lines become denser on increasing current in the solenoid.
● The magnetic field is increased if the number of turns in the solenoid of given length is

12. (b) What is alternating current ? Electric appliances having metallic body are connected to
earth wire, why ?
● An alternating current can be defined as a current that changes its magnitude and
polarity at regular intervals of time.
● The metallic body of electric appliances is connected to the earth using earth wire so that
any leakage of electric current is transferred to the ground.
● This prevents any electric shock to the user. Grounding wires serve as an alternate path
for the current to flow back to the source rather than go through anyone touching a
dangerous appliance or electrical box

VI. Answer the following questions : [1 x 5 = 5]

13. (a) How does rainbow form in the nature ? Explain. Mention the colour of the light that bends
the most and that bends the least.

● A rainbow is a band of colors. It is a natural spectrum appearing in the sky after rain. It is
formed by the dispersion of sunlight by tiny water droplets in the sky. The water droplets
act as tiny prisms.
● Light strikes the outer surface of the droplets and enter the droplet. Now the light ray
strikes the inner surface of the droplet and reflects internally instead of refracting and
moving out.
● Now the internally reflected ray strikes the opposite inner surface of the droplet and now
refracts and moves out.
● This ray is dispersed into rainbow’s colors. Multiple refraction and internal refection gives
rise to a rainbow.
● When the water droplets in the atmosphere disperse in sunlight, the rainbow is visible to
us. The white light splits into seven colours of different wavelengths.
● Red is the colour with a longer wavelength, and hence it bends the least. Violet is the
colour with a shorter wavelength and hence bends the most.
13. (b) How does the eye lens accommodate to see the distant objects and nearby objects?
Human eye is able to see nearby and distant objects clearly by changing the focal length of the
eye lens using its power of accommodation.This is due to the ability of the eye lens to adjust its
focal length which is known as accommodation. When the ciliary muscles are relaxed, the lens
becomes thin. Thus, its focal length increases. This enables us to see distant objects clearly.
When we are looking at objects closer to the eye, the ciliary muscles contract. This increases
the curvature of the eye lens. The eye lens becomes thicker. The focal length of the eye lens
decreases. This enables us to see nearby objects clearly.


VII. Four alternatives are given for each of the following incomplete statements. Choose
the correct alternative and write the complete answer Along with Its letter of alphabet.
14. The reactants that exchange ions by reacting with each other and form a precipitate among
the following are
A. BaCl2 and Na2SO4
B. Al2O3 and HCl
C. NaOH and H2SO4
D. Na2O and CO2
Answer: (A)
BaCl2 and Na2SO4 → BaSO4 ↓ + 2NaCl

Barium chloride and sodium sulphate react together to form a precipitate of Barium sulphate
(white precipitate). Correct option is (A)

15. Among 2X4, 8Y16, 10Z20 the elements having zero valency are
[2, 8, 10 are atomic number of elements]
A. 2 X4 and 8Y16
B. 8 Y16 and 10Z20
C. 2X4 and 10Z20
D. 2X4, 8Y16 and 10Z20
Answer: (C)
The valence or valency of an element is a measure of its combining power with other atoms
when it forms chemical compounds or molecules. Noble gas family has zero valency.
These elements 2X4 and 10Z20 have zero valency because they have their outer shell completely
filled and are chemically inert gases.

VIII. Answer the following questions: [4x1=4]

16. The general formula of cycloalkanes is CnH2n and its first member is cyclopropane( C3H6).
Write the molecular formula and structural arrangements of the fourth member of this
homologous series.
Molecular Formula: C6H12
Structural arrangement:

17. Packets of chips are flushed with nitrogen gas. Why?

Answer: When fats and oils are oxidized they become rancid and their smell and taste change,
which is why, they are flushed with nitrogen gas because nitrogen is an inert gas and prevents
the oxidation of the food.

18. An iron nail is dropped into a test tube having copper sulphate solution. The iron nail
gradually turns to brownish colour. Why?
Answer: Iron Nail is Fe and blue copper sulphate is CuSO4. When nail is kept in it, Fe being
more reactive than copper, it displaces copper from Copper sulphate and forms Ferrous
Sulphate which is greenish blue, and the copper displaces deposits around nails giving it colour
of reddish brown.
Fe(s) + CuSO4(aq) → FeSO4(aq) + Cu(s)
19. What is hydrogenation?
Answer: The addition of hydrogen to unsaturated hydrocarbons in presence of a catalyst such
as nickel or palladium to form saturated hydrocarbons is called hydrogenation.

IX. Answer the following questions: [3x2=6]

20. Draw the diagram of arrangement of apparatus to show that acid solution in water conducts
electricity and label dilute HCl solution.

21. “Calcium oxide and carbon dioxide are produced on heating calcium carbonate”. Write the
balanced chemical equation for this reaction. Mention the type of this chemical reaction.
Balanced chemical reaction: CaCO3 → CaO + CO2
Type of Chemical reaction: Decomposition reaction.

22. Draw the diagram of arrangements of apparatus to show the action of steam on a metal.
X. Answer the following questions: [3x3=9]

23. a) Depict the formation of magnesium chloride with the help of electron dot structure.
Answer: Mg atom has 2 valence electrons. It loses these 2 valence electrons to form Mg2+ ion.
Cl atom has 7 valence electrons. It gains one valence electron to form Cl− ion.

23. b) Hydrogen gas is not liberated when a metal like zinc reacts with nitric acid. Why?
Answer: Hydrogen gas is not evolved when there is a reaction between Zinc and Nitric acid
occurs as Nitric acid is a strong oxidizing agent so it oxidizes this hydrogen to water in the

How are metals in the middle of the reactivity series extracted from their ores? Explain.
Answer: The metals in the middle of the reactivity series, such as iron, zinc, lead, copper etc.
are moderately reactive. These are usually present as sulphides or carbonates. Therefore,
before reduction the metal sulphides and carbonates must be converted to oxides. This is done
by roasting and calcination. The oxides of these metals cannot be reduced by heating alone.
Therefore, these metal oxides are reduced to free metal by using chemical agents like carbon,
aluminium, sodium or calcium.

24. a) Observe the given part of the modern periodic table and answer the following questions:

Groups→ 1 2 13 17


2 Be

3 Na Mg Al Cl

4 Ca

i) Which element is more electropositive? Why?

ii) Atoms of which element have minimum atomic radius? Why?
(i) Na is the most electropositive element because as we move left to right in a period
electropositivity decreases.
(ii) Generally as we move left to right across the period atomic radius decreases while in groups
as we move down atomic radius increases. Since chlorine has 17 protons, chlorine will have a
greater effective nuclear charge to draw chlorine's valence electrons closer to the nucleus and,
thus, chlorine is expected to have a smaller atomic radius in comparison to other elements
present in the above table.

24. b) Mention the period and group number of the element that has atomic number 19.
Atomic number: 19
Electron configuration: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1
4s means it comes under the fourth period and s1 means it is the first group. It is a metal
(Potassium, specifically).

25. Name the salts used in the following situations and write their molecular formula:
a) To remove permanent hardness of water.
b) To make drinking water free from germs.
c) To support fractured bones in their right position.
a) Na2​CO3 .10H2O
commonly known as washing soda is used for removing the permanent hardness of the
b) CaOCl₂
Bleaching powder is used to make drinking water free from germs.
c) CaSO4 . 2

Plaster of Paris cast for setting broken bones.


a) The pH values of four solutions are given in the below tables. Classify these into acidic and
basic solutions:

Solutions pH values

e 5

f 13

g 9

h 2

Acidic solutions are e, h
Basic solutions are g, f

b) Name the antacid used to neutralise excess of acid in the stomach.

Answer: Magnesium hydroxide & Baking soda.
XI. Answer the following questions: [1x4=4]

26. a) How will ethanol be oxidised?

Oxidation of Ethanol:

● Ethanol in presence of acidified Potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7), undergoes oxidation

forming Ethanal or Acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) and water as products.
● Then, Acetaldehyde undergoes further oxidation to form Acetic acid or Ethanoic acid
● The reaction is given below:

b) Explain the cleaning action of soaps.

The dirt present on clothes is organic in nature and insoluble in water. Therefore, it cannot be
removed by only washing with water. When soap is dissolved in water, its hydrophobic ends
attach themselves to the dirt and remove it from the cloth. Then the molecules of soap arrange
themselves in micelle formation and trap the dirt at the centre of the cluster. These micelles
remain suspended in the water. The dust particles are then easily rinsed away by water.

XII. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete
statements. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its
letter of the alphabet. [2 x 1=2]

27. "A person immediately starts running soon after observing a snake." The correct
transmission path of reflex impulse in this situation is
A. Receptor → Sensory neuron → Brain Relay neuron →Motor neuron → Effector
B. Receptor→ Sensory neuron → Spinal cord → Relay neuron → Motor neuron → Effector
C. Effector → Spinal cord cord→ Sensory neuron → Relay neuron → Motor neuron →
D. Effector → Motor neuron → Relay neuron → Brain → Sensory neuron → Receptor
Answer: B. Receptor→ Sensory neuron → Spinal cord → Relay neuron → Motor neuron →
Interneurons initiate impulses in one or more motor or efferent neurons. The motor neurons then
carry these impulses to the effectors or skeletal muscles in which response is seen. This entire
pathway from sensory receptor to sensory neuron to spinal cord (having interneurons) to motor
neuron to effectors is called the reflex pathway or reflex arc.

28. In humans, the testes are located outside the lower abdomen in the scrotum because
A. to protect testes from mechanical shocks
B. to increase the production of sperms
C. to maintain the secretion of testosterone hormone
D. to maintain the temperature required for sperm production.

Answer: D. to maintain the temperature required for sperm production.

The testes are situated outside the abdominal cavity within a pouch called scrotum. The
temperature in the scrotum necessary for sperm formation should be 2 degree C below body
XIII. Answer the following questions : [2 x 1=2]

29. What is the role of abscisic acid in plants?

Abscisic acid:
● Abscisic acid is a growth inhibitor hormone in plants.
● It acts as an antagonist to gibberellic acid.
● It is also referred to as a stress hormone, as it increases tolerance during stress

30. Write two examples for the organisms that reproduce by binary fission.
Answer: Amoeba and Leishmania are two examples for the organisms that reproduce by binary

XIV. Answer the following questions: [3×2=6]

31. Mention the tools used for tracing the evolutionary relationships between the organisms.
Answer: The various tools of tracing evolutionary relationships that have been used for
studying human evolution are excavation, carbon-dating, study of fossils and determination of
DNA sequences.

32. Observe the given below figures :

a)Which figure indicates the massive amount of exchange of gases? Why?

b) Name the parts X and Y. What is the function of part X ?
a) Figure (i) indicates the massive amount of exchange of gases, as the stomatal pore in
b) X is Guard Cell and Y is Stomatal Pore. Guard cells are pairs of epidermal cells that
control gas diffusion by regulating the opening and closure of stomatal pores.

33. Give an example for a food chain of grassland ecosystems. If there is an increase in the
number of organisms in the second trophic level, how does this affect the food chain ?
Answer: An example of grassland food chain is explained below:
Producers i.e. grasses(1st trophic level) are eaten by grasshoppers(2nd trophic level) which are
then eaten by frogs (3rd trophic level). The Frogs are then eaten by snakes(4th trophic level).
Vultures or eagles(5th trophic level) then prey on these snakes.

The second trophic level consists of primary consumers, if their number is increased
significantly there is a risk of producers getting vanished due to high demand and limited

XV. Answer the following questions: [3 x 3 = 9]

34. What is pollination ? What are the changes that occur in the flower after pollination ?
Answer: Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the stamen to the stigma of the pistil.
Pollination occurs when pollen grains are carried from the anther to the stigma by insects, birds,
wind or water.

After pollination, following changes occur in a flower:

1. The ovary becomes swollen and is converted into a fruit.
2. The ovules develop into seeds after pollination.

35. Coal and petroleum products should be used judiciously. Why?

Answer: Coal and petroleum were found millions of years ago from the degradation of biomass.
These are exhaustible nonrenewable resources. Our known petroleum will last for about forty
years and coal resources will last for another two hundred years, so we should use them
judiciously. When the fossil fuel is burnt, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and sulfur and water
are formed. If combustion takes place in insufficient air carbon monoxide is formed in place of
carbon dioxide. These are all poisonous at high concentration.

36. Tall pea plant producing red flowers (TT RR) is crossed with a short pea plant producing
white flowers (tt rr).
i) Mention the type of plants produced from these plants in the F₁ generation.
ii) Write the ratio of plants obtained in the F₂ generation by 2 crossing the plants of F, generation
and name the varieties of plants obtained.

(i) All tall red Flowers

Tall pea plant bearing red flowers - TTRR

Short pea plant bearing white flowers - ttrr
F1 generation - TtRr

Selfing of F1 - TtRr X TtRr

Gametes - TR,Tr, tR, tr TR, Tr, tR, tr
F2 generation:
9:3:3:1 is the phenotypic ratio.
9 Tall red : 3 Tall white: 3 Dwarf red: 1 Dwarf white


Analyse the situations given below. Answer the questions given :

Situation 1: The number of green grasshoppers in a green zone has been increasing from one
generation to another generation.
Situation 2: The number of brown grasshoppers in the same green zone has been reducing.
a) Where could genetic drift happen more? Why?
b) How can natural selection be considered as an important factor in organic evolution?
a) Genetic drift can happen in brown grasshoppers, as their number is less and they are
more susceptible to getting captured by the predators.
b) It is through this process of natural selection, the favorable traits are transmitted through
generations. Natural selection can lead to speciation, where one species gives rise to a
new and distinctly different species. It is one of the processes that drives evolution and
helps to explain the diversity of life on Earth.

XVI. Answer the following questions : [2x4=8]

37. Draw the diagram showing the structure of the human brain. Label the following parts:
i) Hypothalamus
ii) Pons.

38. Explain the digestion of food materials in the stomach and small intestine.
Digestion in the stomach:
1. Stomach stores and mixes the food received from the esophagus with gastric juices.
2. The main components of gastric juice are hydrochloric acid, mucus, and pepsinogen.
3. Hydrochloric acid dissolves bits of food and creates an acidic medium.
4. In this medium, pepsinogen is converted to pepsin, which is a protein-digesting enzyme.
5. Mucus protects the inner lining of the stomach from the action of HCl.

Digestion in the small intestine:

1. Small intestine is the site for the complete digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
2. It produces intestinal juice from the glands present in its wall.
3. The intestinal juice helps in the further digestion of food.
4. Small intestine also obtains digestive juices from the liver and pancreas that helps in the
mixing of food.
5. The liver produces bile juice that causes the emulsification of fats and the pancreas
produces pancreatic juice for digesting proteins and emulsified fats.
6. This digested food is finally absorbed through the intestinal walls.


Explain the role of xylem and phloem tissues in the transportation of materials in plants.
The vascular tissue system is a system of cells that helps to transport different important
materials to different parts of the plant. It contains more than one type of cell and the important
components are the xylem and the phloem. Both of these tissues are associated with the
process of transporting substances. They help to transport fluid and nutrients through the
internal system of the plant.

Xylem is a type of conducting tissue and it helps in the transport of water as well as nutrients
from the roots to the stems and the leaves. The xylem forms a conduction system for the
movement of fluid and minerals from the roots or underground part of the plant to the aerial part
of the plants. It also aids in replacing the water lost in the process of transpiration and
photosynthesis through capillary action.

It also provides strength to the tissues of the plant as in woody plants by the process of division
and differentiation it gives rise to the vascular cambium. The mature xylem cells are dead and

Most of the parts of the phloem are living, conducting tissues that are responsible for the
transportation of nutrients and soluble organic compounds from the leaves or aerial part of the
plants to other parts for the purpose of usage and storage.

It allows the movement of products of photosynthesis in the form of simple sugars to move from
the leaves to other parts of the plant. It moves the excess amount of sugars to the structures
such as tubers and bulbs for the purpose of storage which can be used later.

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