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Barboza,Mercury January 29,2024

Ballatong, Frejelyn A BSE SST III

Laguit, Gerilou

Lumawi, Rondhonlyn A

What is instructional materials in teaching and learning?

Instructional materials refer to the human and non-human materials and facilities that can be used to
ease, encourage, improved and promote teaching and learning activities. They are whatever materials
used in the process of instruction. They are a broad range of resource which can be used to facilitate
effective instruction. They indicate a systematic way of designing, carrying out and employing the total
process of learning and communication and employing human and non-human resources to bring out a
more meaningful and effective instruction. They are human and non-human material that a teacher uses
to pass information to the learner in his/her class.

Uses of instructional materials

1. Facilitating Learning:

- Instructional materials provide visual, auditory, or tangible representations

that aid in conveying information, making it easier for learners to understand and
retain concepts.

2. Enhancing Engagement:

- Visual aids, multimedia, and hands-on materials capture learners' attention,

promoting active participation and engagement in the learning process.
3. Supporting Different Learning Styles:

- Varied instructional materials cater to different learning styles, allowing

students to grasp information through visual, auditory, or kinesthetic approaches.

4. Clarifying Complex Concepts:

- Materials such as diagrams, charts, and models simplify complex topics,

making them more accessible and understandable for learners.

5. Providing Real-world Context:

- Instructional materials help relate academic concepts to real-world

applications, fostering a deeper understanding of how knowledge can be applied
in practical situations.

6. Enabling Personalization:

- Teachers can tailor instructional materials to meet the diverse needs of

learners, adapting content to suit various abilities, interests, and learning paces.

7. Fostering Memory Retention:

- The use of visual aids and multimedia enhances memory retention by creating
memorable associations with the content, making it easier for learners to recall

Importance of Instructional Materials

1. Effective Communication:

- Instructional materials facilitate clear communication between teachers and

students, ensuring that complex ideas are conveyed accurately and

2. Motivating Learners:

- Well-designed materials capture learners' interest, motivating them to actively

participate in the learning process and sparking curiosity about the subject

3. Catering to Multiple Intelligences:

- Different instructional materials address various intelligences (visual, auditory,

kinesthetic), providing a more inclusive and effective learning environment.

4. Promoting Active Learning:

- Materials encourage hands-on experiences, discussions, and interactions,

fostering active learning rather than passive reception of information.

5. Improving Retention and Recall:

- The use of instructional materials enhances memory retention, aiding learners

in recalling information more effectively during assessments and in practical

6. Adapting to Technological Advances:

- With advancements in technology, instructional materials can leverage digital
tools, online resources, and interactive platforms, keeping education relevant and

7. Aligning with Curriculum Objectives:

- Instructional materials help align teaching strategies with curriculum goals,

ensuring that educators cover essential topics and meet educational standards

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