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Essay on “Anthem” by Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand's novella "Anthem" unfolds a narrative in a society where individuals are

compelled to surrender their uniqueness for the sake of collective unity. This aims to

investigate the possibility of the world depicted in "Anthem" becoming real and to understand

Ayn Rand's purpose. It examines particular historical events and current issues to shed light

on how the novella's warning story remains relevant.

"Anthem" unfolds in a dystopian society ruled by a strict government that eliminates

individual identity and freedom of choice. The protagonist, Prometheus, rebels against these

rules to rediscover individuality. The warning in "Anthem" can be linked to historical

situations in the mid-20th century, where authoritative regimes sacrificed personal freedoms

for societal unity. This creates a connection between the novella's collectivist principles and

those present in oppressive regimes.

A closer look at "Anthem" reveals similarities with the regimes of Nazi Germany and Soviet

Russia. In those societies, people were required to conform and behave similarly, all in the

name of the greater good for everyone. This mirrors the collectivist principles embedded in

"Anthem," where individuality is sacrificed for the well-being of the collective. In "Anthem,"

the stifling of disagreement, persecution of intellectuals, and control of information resemble

times in history when individual rights were ignored for the supposed good of the group. This

echoes periods known for strict authoritarian rule.

Ayn Rand, a strong supporter of individualism and capitalism, included philosophical ideals

in her writings. While "Anthem" doesn't predict particular events, it serves as a cautionary

story against the dangerous outcomes of excessive collectivism. Based on Rand's

experiences in Soviet Russia, the novella vividly mirrors her concerns about the risks

involved in sacrificing individual rights for the sake of societal harmony. This showcases her
intention to draw parallels between the fictional world in "Anthem" and the actual dangers

associated with oppressive governance. The themes in "Anthem" echo modern societal

challenges, including issues like restrictions on free speech and worries about individual

privacy. The idea of giving up personal freedoms for societal order in "Anthem" is similar to

what we see happening in the world today. The widespread influence of technology on

personal privacy aligns with the control mechanisms illustrated in the novella, demonstrating

how the cautionary tale in "Anthem" stays relevant in addressing challenges related to

individual liberties and technological advancements.

Furthermore, the rise of leaders with authoritarian tendencies today is similar to the warning

in "Anthem" about the weakening of democratic values. Information manipulation, weakened

independent institutions, and concentrated power in today's world reflect similarities with the

dystopian vision in "Anthem." By looking at these similarities, we gain insights into how the

warnings in "Anthem" go beyond fiction, reflecting concerns that persist in our modern

political landscape.

"Anthem's" portrayal of a society favouring the collective over the individual aligns with

historical periods characterised by oppressive ideologies. TThe Cultural Revolution in Maoist

China, where individualism was actively suppressed for the common good, echoes the

collectivist ideals in "Anthem." The silencing of dissent, stopping intellectual thought, and

treating people as less than human have happened in history under oppressive regimes.

When evaluating the possibility of "Anthem's" world becoming a reality, specific historical

evidence illustrates the relevance of the novella. Ayn Rand's purpose, driven by her dislike

of collectivism, is evident in the cautionary tale that draws connections with historical events

and current challenges. "Anthem" stands as a reminder to protect individualism and human

rights, encouraging us to learn from history and to navigate today's complexities by firmly

preserving principles that support real freedom and individual well-being.

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