English Worksheet - 5th Grade Present Perfecttense 02

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English Worksheet NO.

WS : 08

Recite basmallah before you answer all the question.

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Allah SWT make your work easier makeyour work e

Name : ..................................................

Class : ..................................................

Fill in the blank with correct answer using perfect tense form! (@ 2 points)

Example : I have visited my grandma house

I _____________ ______________ (be) to Paris twice.

The chef ___________ _________ (begin) preparing the special dish for tonight.

She ___________ _______________ (bring) her favorite book to share with us.

The vase unfortunately ______________ ___________ (break) during the move.

We _________ ______________ (burn) the cookies in the oven.

They __________ ___________ (choose) a beautiful location for their wedding.

Mary ______________ ___________ (come) to visit us from out of town.

He _____________ ______________ (cut) his hair for a fresh new look.

The assignment _________ ___________ (be do) and submitted on time.

We _____ ________ (eat) at that restaurant before, and the food was delicious.

The leaves _______ ___________ (fall) from the trees in the autumn breeze.

Over the years, he ________ __________ (get) many awards for his


She _______________ ___________ (give) thoughtful gifts to all her friends.

They ________________ ___________ (go) on a road trip across the country.

Unfortunately, he _______________ ________ (hurt) his ankle playing soccer.

Worksheet/English/Perfect tense/5th Grade/2nd Term/2023-2024/Mutiara Bunda Cilegon Elementary School

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