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Training Design

0 What is the program design process model (pretraining,

learning event, post event) and what are the objectives of
each of the phases
0 What seating arrangement are best for what purpose?
0 What are training concept maps (training structure, fishbone
or scaffolding) ?
0 What is the difference between participant and facilitator
0 What are the levels of managerial support?
0 What is the big picture in training design?
0 What is far and near transfer, open and close skills and how
do they relate to training design?
Training Methods
✓ Compare and contrast the strengths and weakness
of these different training methods
✓ Lecture
✓ Case Study
✓ Role Plays
✓ Simulations
✓ Games

✓ What is the process for developing a case study

✓ What is hands on training better at developing
✓ What methods are best for what training
Training Evaluation
0 What is the difference between formative and
summative evaluation, audit and analytic approaches?
0 Evaluation Process. When do you begin the training
evaluation process?
0 Understand the Evaluations Outcomes Table
0 KPIs Table (reaction, behavioral, knowledge, attitude,
results and ROI).
0 Pros and Cons of Evaluation Practices, including ROI
0 What training evaluation practices work best with
training outcomes?
0 Training Designs, pre and post-test? pre-post tests
with comparison group.
• What are the differences between Training and
• 3D Leadership Framework and Leadership Pipeline
• Protean Career
• Leadership Development Process
• Primary sources for development
• Greatest/Critical Learning Experiences
• Down Board Thinking, right to return, forgiveness rule,
safe harbor, loaned FTE, milestones, chain reaction
• Succession Planning
• Communicating with employees about where they stand
regarding development and succession.
Training Theory: Special
0 What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the
connection to training
0 What are training partnerships. What are the
different types of partnerships
0 What is the concept of Life-Long Learning. What is a
Lila account.
0 Describe diversity training, factors related to long-
term success
0 Glass Ceiling
0 Cross Cultural Training

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