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Every minute counts as you enter the new zone regions. Towers have a maximum build speed of 21.91 /
second with alliance sciences maxed out. Capturing your gate quickly and expanding into the zone as
efficiently as possible is EXTREMELY important, and even more so in Zone 3 where you are only a few
minutes march away from the Enemy Gates.


1. Mages are the recommended unit type to rally with, level 1 and 2 Passes have Infantry & Cavalry
garrisons. Marksmen and Cavalry can be backup options due to high damage output, but keep in
mind that half the garrison units will get bonuses against Marksmen or Cavalry.
2. Rally Leader - Heroes with Strong Defense and/or Strong Legion bonuses are recommended.
Liliya, Eliana, Hosk, Gwanwyn are all great examples. Peacekeeping bonuses are also thought to
affect Passes but this is still being tested.
3. Gate 1 maximum unit count in rally is 600,000
4. Gate 2 maximum unit count in rally is 800,000
5. Gate 3 maximum unit count in rally is 1,000,000
6. For zone 3 especially, the Gate Rally Host should be as close to the target gate as possible so you
can capture the pass quickly and get a few minute advantage over your enemy.
7. Rally using the shortest rally duration possible
8. The rally performance is determined largely by the Rally Host’s hero and deputy pair and unit
composition, but it also helps to designate your priority players in the rally (stronger tier 4 or 5
troops, etc.)
9. Have an officer set a Assemble Marker a short distance back from the main rally, keep all extra
armies staged there for fast reinforcement of the main army. Don’t get too close to the gate or
the main rally army or you will take extra damage and may block visual of the rally army.
10. When the rally reaches the gate and starts taking losses, if the rally has enough dead troops to
make room you can Reinforce the Rally by marching your nearby army into the Rally army. You
can also click on the rally itself and there will be a small Flag Icon with a Plus sign on it.
11. Make sure players with stronger tier 4 or 5 troops are allowed to reinforce the rally first.
12. Using a Support March to stand near the Rally March with artifacts like Tear or Arbor (Heal 4
legions every 2 sec) or Codex of Prophecy (Sacred Shield 2400 to 9 legions) will help you during
normal darkling fights & Behemoths, but not during Gate Fights. It does not work on a Gate
13. If you have enough troop strength and reinforce the main march fast enough, you will defeat
the gate very quickly. If you are slow to reinforce, or allow people with Tier 1 and 2 units to
reinforce instead of tier 3 and above, you will kill the gate slowly and take many more losses

14. If your gate is Contested and you are fighting an enemy on the other side, the speed at which
you Arrive at the gate will determine who can start the fight with the Darkling Forces. It is much
harder to Steal a Gate once an enemy has captured it, than to defeat Darkling Forces and take
the gate for the first time. When a gate is being stolen, 50% unit DEATH Rate for the attackers,
30% unit DEATH rate for the defenders.
15. Ranged Units can attack OVER the gate! If an enemy rally is fighting the gate on the other side,
you can stage your Mage Marches close to your side of the gate and attack the enemy rally. This
will increase their losses and make it harder for them to capture the gate. You may even defeat
their rally and get an opportunity to try for the gate yourselves.


16. This is a guide about how to efficiently expand into the Level 2 and level 3 Zone Regions. Level 1
Gate Regions are likely to be contested by enemy alliances on the other side. There will be
towers to destroy and potentially a lot of back and forth fighting until 1 side prevails. This is not
a PvP guide for how to win those fights against enemy level 1 regions.
17. Maximum tower build speed is going to be 21.91. If your alliance has enough activity to reach
this maximum build speed on your first new tower, call this Tower (A), then you should have
builders focusing on the new roads as well.
18. Once you have captured the gate into the new, empty region, immediately set your first tower,
and build the road to the capture Gate on your starting side.
19. You can only build up to 5 alliance structures at 1 time, so don’t have any other things being
built on your Old side.
20. If you have enough activity to reach 21.91 speed on 1 towers, and 7 builders each on the 2 new
roads, START A SECOND TOWER, Tower (B), and road in the new region. This will help you get
more members teleported in right away as well as expand your territory and road network. This
is especially important in the Zone 3 region, where you will probably have PvP before your first
tower is done building. Having a large footprint where you get bonus movement speed and
bonus legion attack + defense due to alliance technology is the essential. If you do not have
enough builder activity to support this much, that is fine. Always focus on at least 1 tower + 2
21. Once your first towers are created, do not waste any space making barricades. Do not allow
members to teleport on top of the road. Do not allow members to teleport in an unorganized
manner. A poorly organized teleport layout will reduce your teleport positions by as many as 10
less spaces, and it will also create barriers for your road which will dramatically slow down your
legion movements inside your territory.
22. You can optimize this by having members teleport to the outer borders of the new tower
territory, and work their way in.
23. If your first tower is complete, you can now start building forward toward whatever choke point
or objective you are planning on reaching. It may be a good idea to continue with at least one

more double-wide tower at the starting region, if your alliance has activity to support that much
24. As you start to stretch out your territory and reduce back to 1 tower at a time for progressing
forward, don’t forget to start upgrading your roads in the new region. Level 2 road increases
movement speed from 25% to 30%. Level 3 road increases to 38%. Max level road, level 5, gives
60% movement speed. Level 5 road costs a significant amount of Alliance Mana resource, so
save those upgrades for later. But all main alliance highways should be minimum level 3, for
38% movement speed bonus. This will be important for PvP as it will allow you to respond to
anywhere in your alliance territory like a speeding bullet, as well as reinforce troops at the battle


25. The goal of this guide is not to teach you META PvP Strategies or Hero Pairings, but to remind
you of the basics that you can have in place to make good use of your actual PvP Strategies.
Watch my videos on for more information on Hero
Pairings and META Strategies
26. You need a few basic PvP groupings for Zero Day defensive and offensive ops. If your enemy has
experience, or has read this guide, they will also understand the basics. Do not underestimate
the enemy at any point.
27. The first PvP grouping will be the Builders and armies defending the builders. This will be the
group of armies that can counter Cavalry / Flying from the enemy. Have a few strong Infantry
PVP marches hidden among the builders to intercept enemy Cavalry. Have long range mages set
up nearby to respond to flyers.
28. The second PvP grouping will be the Flying Squad. This should be self-explanatory. Use your
flying squad with Movement Speed Artifacts and Skill Builds and go harass the enemy builders.
29. The third PvP grouping will be the Cavalry squad. Having 3 people with cavalry won’t do much
against your enemy. If you have 15 people with a strong cavalry march, you can use this squad
to decimate enemy ranks once large pvp starts. You can either use this grouping to harass
enemy builders, or you can use this grouping to flank the enemy Mages & Marksmen once large
PvP begins.
30. The fourth and Final of the basic PvP groups will be your general fighting force that will defend
the edge of your territory or push into enemy territory for Pew-Pew. You want your main
fighting group to have Infantry tanks and a strong mix of Mages and Marksman. Having
additional support armies with healing or movement speed artifacts that can support your main
fighters will significantly improve your group’s ability to fight. Watch my videos for more
detailed Hero PvP builds, but you will be fighting against large groups of enemies. Area of Effect
Hero and Artifact damage, crowd control abilities and positioning of your forces will be very
important. If your allied armies are grouped and standing directly ontop of each other, you will

get wrecked by Area of Effect skill damage. Spread out and use the terrain around you to your
advantage (Cliffs, Rivers, Rocks, etc.)
31. Behemoths are important if your enemies are starting to overwhelm you. Do not get baited into
summoning your Behemoth too soon, or they will simply stand outside the radius and wait for it
to despawn. Remember that Alliance Behemoths can only protect a fully built Alliance Structure
or attack a partially/fully built enemy Alliance Structure that is touching your alliance territory. If
you try to summon a Behemoth to a previous tower flag in order to protect your own Partially
built structure, you will most likely end up out of range of the combat and waste your behemoth

Thanks for taking the time to read RTSMOBILEGAMING’s guide on Gates and New Regions. May the
power of the Pew-Pew be with you always. If you’ve enjoyed these strategies, please feel free to Like
and Subscribe to my channel at and show some love <3


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