RapaportPriceSheet All-122923

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Tel: 877-987-3400 www.RAPAPORT.com Info@RAPAPORT.com

December 29, 2023 : Volume 46 No. 49: APPROXIMATE HIGH CASH ASKING PRICE INDICATIONS : Page 1
Round Brilliant Cut Natural Diamonds, GIA Grading Standards per "Rapaport Specification A3" in hundreds of US$ per carat.
News: Diamond market slow with trading centers on end-of-year break. Mastercard reports US Nov.-Dec. holiday jewelry sales -2%, general retail
+3.1%, e-commerce +6.3% and in-store +2.2%. Restaurant spending +7.8%, indicating shift from products to experiences. Manufacturers focusing
on Chinese New Year (Feb. 10) and Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14) but keeping production low to avoid oversupply. G7 members update sanctions on
Russian diamonds: US removes “substantial transformation” loophole; Antwerp Diamond Office to vet all rough imports into European Union.
Rapaport wishes everyone a happy, healthy,prosperous and peaceful New Year†

RAPAPORT : (.01 - .03 CT.) : 12/29/23 ROUNDS RAPAPORT : (.04 - .07 CT.) : 12/29/23
,)996 96 6, 6, 6, , , , ,)996 96 6, 6, 6, , , ,
D-F 8.3 7.3 6.4 5.6 4.9 4.3 3.5 2.8 D-F 9.5 8.3 7.2 6.2 5.3 4.8 4.0 3.1 D-F
G-H 7.5 6.6 5.7 5.0 4.4 3.8 3.1 2.6 G-H 8.1 7.1 6.2 5.5 4.9 4.4 3.6 2.8 G-H
I-J 6.7 5.9 5.2 4.6 4.0 3.4 2.8 2.4 I-J 7.2 6.4 5.7 5.1 4.5 4.0 3.2 2.6 I-J
K-L 4.6 4.1 3.6 3.2 2.8 2.5 2.0 1.6 K-L 4.9 4.4 4.0 3.5 3.1 2.7 2.2 1.7 K-L
M-N 3.1 2.7 2.4 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 M-N 3.3 2.9 2.6 2.2 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.3 M-N

RAPAPORT : (.08 - .14 CT.) : 12/29/23 ROUNDS RAPAPORT : (.15 - .17 CT.) : 12/29/23
,)996 96 6, 6, 6, , , , ,)996 96 6, 6, 6, , , ,
D-F 10.6 9.6 8.5 7.6 6.8 5.7 4.8 4.0 D-F 12.5 11.1 9.8 8.5 7.6 6.4 5.2 4.4 D-F
G-H 9.3 8.5 7.7 6.9 6.2 5.2 4.3 3.6 G-H 11.0 9.9 8.7 7.7 6.8 5.7 4.7 4.0 G-H
I-J 8.4 7.7 6.8 6.1 5.4 4.7 3.9 3.2 I-J 9.7 8.7 7.6 6.7 5.9 5.2 4.3 3.6 I-J
K-L 6.6 5.9 5.3 4.7 4.0 3.4 2.8 2.3 K-L 7.7 6.8 5.9 5.1 4.3 3.7 3.1 2.6 K-L
M-N 4.3 3.9 3.5 3.0 2.6 2.2 1.9 1.6 M-N 5.3 4.7 4.1 3.6 3.1 2.6 2.2 1.8 M-N
•It is illegal and unethical to reproduce this price sheet. Please do not make copies. © 2023

RAPAPORT : (.18 - .22 CT.) : 12/29/23 ROUNDS RAPAPORT : (.23 - .29 CT.) : 12/29/23
,)996 96 6, 6, 6, , , , ,)996 96 6, 6, 6, , , ,
D-F 14.6 12.6 11.1 9.6 8.4 6.9 5.6 4.8 D-F 17.4 15.0 13.0 10.9 9.4 7.6 6.0 5.1 D-F
G-H 13.1 11.4 10.0 8.7 7.5 6.3 5.1 4.3 G-H 15.3 13.1 11.5 9.7 8.3 6.9 5.5 4.6 G-H
I-J 11.2 9.9 8.7 7.6 6.6 5.6 4.6 3.9 I-J 12.5 11.1 9.9 8.4 7.3 6.0 5.0 4.2 I-J
K-L 9.0 7.8 6.8 5.8 4.8 4.0 3.4 2.8 K-L 10.2 8.8 7.8 6.7 5.7 4.6 3.7 3.0 K-L
M-N 6.9 5.9 5.1 4.3 3.6 2.9 2.4 2.0 M-N 8.6 7.4 6.2 5.3 4.6 3.6 2.8 2.2 M-N

RAPAPORT : (.30 - .39 CT.) : 12/29/23 ROUNDS RAPAPORT : (.40 - .49 CT.) : 12/29/23
,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , , ,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , ,
D 38 32 28 24 21 18 15 14 13 11 7 D 44 36 32 29 25 20 17 16 15 12 8 D
E 33 30 25 22 20 17 14 13 12 10 6 E 37 34 30 27 24 19 16 15 14 11 7 E
F 30 27 23 21 19 16 13 12 11 10 6 F 34 31 28 25 23 18 15 14 13 11 7 F
G 25 23 21 20 18 15 12 11 10 9 5 G 30 28 26 24 22 17 14 13 12 10 6 G
H 22 21 20 19 17 14 12 11 10 8 5 H 26 24 23 22 20 16 14 13 12 9 6 H
I 19 18 17 16 15 13 11 10 9 7 5 I 22 21 20 19 18 15 13 12 11 8 6 I
J 17 16 15 14 13 12 10 9 8 7 4 J 19 18 17 16 15 14 12 11 10 8 5 J
K 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 K 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 5 K
L 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 3 L 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 6 4 L
M 12 11 10 9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 M 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 5 4 M
W: 23.96 = 0.00% T: 13.59 = 0.00% W: 28.16 = 0.00% T: 15.99 = 0.00%
0.60 - 0.69 may trade at 7% to 10% premiums over 0.50 0.70–0.73 may trade at discount, 0.80–0.89 may trade at 7% to 12% premium.

RAPAPORT : (.50 - .69 CT.) : 12/29/23 ROUNDS RAPAPORT : (.70 - .89 CT.) : 12/29/23
,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , , ,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , ,
D 65 53 43 36 32 27 21 19 17 14 11 D 91 73 61 51 44 36 30 28 25 19 12 D
E 52 48 39 33 30 25 20 18 16 13 10 E 74 67 56 48 41 33 28 26 23 18 11 E
F 46 43 36 30 28 24 19 17 15 12 10 F 66 62 52 45 39 31 26 24 21 17 11 F
G 38 35 31 28 26 23 18 16 14 11 9 G 55 51 46 42 37 29 25 23 20 16 10 G
H 32 30 28 26 24 21 17 15 13 11 8 H 46 43 40 37 33 27 23 21 19 15 9 H
I 27 25 24 23 21 19 16 14 13 10 8 I 39 36 34 31 28 24 21 19 17 15 9 I
J 23 21 20 19 18 16 15 13 12 10 7 J 34 32 30 27 24 22 19 17 15 14 8 J
K 20 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 9 7 K 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 8 K
L 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 8 6 L 27 25 23 21 20 18 16 15 13 10 7 L
M 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 5 M 25 23 21 19 18 16 15 14 12 8 6 M
W: 36.48 = 0.00% T: 19.92 = 0.00% W: 52.00 = 0.00% T: 27.83 = 0.00%

Prices in this report reflect our opinion of HIGH CASH ASKING PRICES. These prices are often discounted and may be substantially higher than actual transaction prices. No guarantees
are made and no liabilities are assumed as to the accuracy or validity of this information © 2023 by Rapaport USA Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is strictly prohibited.
Tel: 877-987-3400 www.RAPAPORT.com info@RAPAPORT.com
December 29, 2023 : Volume 46 No. 49: APPROXIMATE HIGH CASH ASKING PRICE INDICATIONS : Page 2
Round Brilliant Cut Natural Diamonds, GIA Grading Standards per "Rapaport Specification A3" in hundreds of US$ per carat.
We grade SI3 as a split SI2/I1 clarity. Price changes are in Bold, higher prices underlined, lower prices in italics.
Rapaport welcomes price information and comments. Please email us at prices@Diamonds.Net.
0.95-0.99 may trade at 5% to 10% premiums over 0.90 1.25 to 1.49 Ct. may trade at 5% to 10% premiums over 4/4 prices.
RAPAPORT : (.90 - .99 CT.) : 12/29/23 ROUNDS RAPAPORT : (1.00 - 1.49 CT.) : 12/29/23
,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , , ,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , ,
D 122 108 89 71 60 52 42 35 32 22 15 D 212 160 129 108 87 67 54 49 41 25 16 D
E 109 99 83 65 56 48 38 33 30 21 14 E 157 136 116 99 80 62 50 46 38 24 15 E
F 100 91 77 61 53 45 35 32 28 20 13 F 138 124 107 92 75 58 47 43 36 23 14 F
G 85 76 65 56 49 41 33 30 27 19 12 G 108 101 93 82 70 54 44 40 34 22 13 G
H 70 64 57 51 46 38 31 28 26 18 12 H 86 82 76 70 64 49 41 37 32 21 13 H
I 60 56 50 46 41 34 29 26 24 17 11 I 71 67 63 58 52 45 38 35 30 20 12 I
J 50 48 44 40 36 31 27 24 21 16 10 J 59 55 51 47 43 38 34 32 28 19 12 J
K 44 41 37 34 31 28 25 21 19 15 9 K 50 47 43 40 37 33 30 28 26 18 11 K
L 36 34 31 28 26 24 22 20 18 13 8 L 42 39 36 33 31 28 26 24 23 17 10 L
M 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 11 7 M 36 34 32 30 28 25 23 21 20 16 10 M
W: 74.52 = 0.00% T: 38.75 = 0.00% W: 106.08 = 0.00% T: 51.05 = 0.00%
1.70 to 1.99 may trade at 7% to 12% premiums over 6/4. 2.50+ may trade at 5% to 10% premium over 2 ct.

RAPAPORT : (1.50 - 1.99 CT.) : 12/29/23 ROUNDS RAPAPORT : (2.00 - 2.99 CT.) : 12/29/23
,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , , ,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , ,
D 252 212 174 152 131 101 83 74 60 35 18 D 405 330 270 230 190 145 116 99 80 41 19 D
E 209 193 160 139 121 94 76 68 58 33 17 E 310 280 245 210 175 136 107 92 76 39 18 E
F 183 171 148 127 112 88 71 64 55 32 16 F 265 245 220 195 165 126 100 86 72 37 17 F
G 151 140 126 112 101 82 67 61 52 30 15 G 225 205 185 165 145 115 94 80 68 35 16 G
H 125 115 105 98 88 75 63 58 48 29 15 H 185 170 155 140 125 106 88 74 65 33 15 H
I 102 96 87 82 75 65 59 54 45 27 14 I 152 137 123 113 102 92 82 69 61 31 15 I
J 85 79 73 69 64 56 51 47 41 26 14 J 125 113 103 96 88 80 73 64 57 29 14 J
K 74 68 64 60 55 48 44 41 38 24 13 K 105 96 85 79 73 68 63 56 50 28 14 K
L 64 59 55 51 47 42 39 36 35 23 12 L 89 82 74 69 64 61 57 51 46 27 13 L
M 55 51 47 44 41 38 35 33 32 22 12 M 77 71 65 61 57 54 50 46 42 26 13 M
W: 145.80 = 0.00% T: 72.69 = 0.00% W: 217.40 = 0.00% T: 103.28 = 0.00%
3.50+,4.5+ may trade at 5% to 10% premium over straight sizes

RAPAPORT : (3.00 - 3.99 CT.) : 12/29/23 ROUNDS RAPAPORT : (4.00 - 4.99 CT.) : 12/29/23
,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , , ,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , ,
D 660 560 480 400 330 235 200 139 103 49 21 D 830 700 635 535 440 315 255 155 111 54 23 D
E 530 495 430 365 300 210 185 131 98 47 20 E 660 615 550 490 410 295 240 145 106 52 22 E
F 450 425 370 325 275 195 170 124 93 45 19 F 580 535 490 425 365 275 225 138 101 50 21 F
G 380 355 315 270 235 180 155 112 87 43 18 G 480 445 405 370 325 245 200 127 95 47 20 G
H 300 280 250 230 200 165 135 101 82 41 17 H 370 345 325 305 270 215 180 114 90 44 19 H
I 245 225 205 185 165 145 120 92 77 38 16 I 290 270 255 240 215 190 160 105 86 41 18 I
J 195 180 165 150 135 125 110 84 71 35 15 J 230 215 200 190 175 155 140 95 75 39 17 J
K 160 145 135 125 117 107 97 76 62 33 15 K 190 180 165 155 145 130 120 83 66 36 17 K
L 128 121 114 108 100 92 82 65 55 31 14 L 155 145 135 125 115 105 100 73 59 34 16 L
M 105 99 93 87 82 77 67 58 47 30 14 M 125 115 105 100 95 90 80 65 50 32 16 M
W: 368.40 = 0.00% T: 163.17 = 0.00% W: 476.00 = 0.00% T: 204.56 = 0.00%
Prices for select excellent cut large 3-10ct+ sizes may trade at significant premiums to the Price List in speculative markets.
RAPAPORT : (5.00 - 5.99 CT.) : 12/29/23 ROUNDS RAPAPORT : (10.00 - 10.99 CT.) : 12/29/23
,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , , ,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , ,
D 1160 970 835 745 615 430 315 175 125 60 25 D 1700 1480 1300 1150 965 635 465 250 140 66 27 D
E 905 825 730 650 555 395 295 170 120 57 23 E 1380 1275 1130 1015 875 585 430 235 135 63 26 E
F 775 715 630 565 490 360 280 160 115 54 22 F 1180 1110 985 875 755 535 400 220 130 60 25 F
G 645 595 540 485 420 320 260 150 110 51 21 G 990 930 840 755 650 485 370 205 125 57 24 G
H 505 475 425 385 340 265 225 140 100 48 21 H 790 740 670 605 525 405 325 185 120 55 23 H
I 385 360 330 300 265 225 195 130 95 46 20 I 600 560 520 480 420 340 275 170 115 52 22 I
J 300 275 255 235 215 195 170 120 88 43 19 J 470 430 400 370 340 285 235 150 110 49 21 J
K 235 220 205 190 180 165 150 110 81 41 18 K 360 340 315 290 270 235 200 135 100 47 20 K
L 190 175 165 155 145 135 125 100 69 37 17 L 285 270 250 230 215 195 165 120 85 45 19 L
M 155 145 140 130 120 110 100 80 60 34 16 M 230 215 205 190 180 165 140 105 75 43 18 M
W: 639.20 = 0.00% T: 264.87 = 0.00% W: 986.80 = 0.00% T: 396.79 = 0.00%
Prices in this report reflect our opinion of HIGH CASH ASKING PRICES. These prices are often discounted and may be substantially higher than actual transaction prices. No guarantees
are made and no liabilities are assumed as to the accuracy or validity of this information. © 2023 by Rapaport USA Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is strictly prohibited.
Tel: 877-987-3400 www.RAPAPORT.com Info@RAPAPORT.com

December 29, 2023 : Volume 46 No. 49: APPROXIMATE HIGH CASH ASKING PRICE INDICATIONS : Page 1

News: Fancy market slowing. Weak demand for Hearts and Cushions. Longer Ovals, Pears, Radiants and Cushions bringing higher prices than
shorter stones. Elongated fancy shapes moving well. Goods with medium and short ratios harder to sell. Marquise prices holding up following
drop in availability. 0.30 ct. seeing good sales. Orders down for 0.70 to 1.20 ct. diamonds. Well-cut stones in short supply. Excellent shapes
commanding premiums. Retailers offering broader product ranges as consumers seek alternative cuts. Oversizes trading at higher prices than
usual. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid.

Rapaport prices are based on fine cut, well-shaped, natural diamonds. Poorly cut or shaped stones often trade at very large discounts.

Rapaport welcomes price information and comments. Please email us at prices@Diamonds.Net.
R A P AP ORT : (. 1 8 - .2 2 C T .) : 12/29/23 PE A R S R A PA PO R T : ( . 2 3 - . 2 9 C T . ) : 1 2 /2 9 / 23
,)996 96 6, 6, 6, , , , ,)996 96 6, 6, 6, , , ,
D-F 13.7 11.6 9.7 8.2 6.8 5.8 4.5 3.6 D-F 16.1 14.0 11.0 9.4 7.9 6.4 5.1 4.0 D-F
G-H 12.1 10.2 8.5 7.2 6.0 5.1 4.0 3.2 G-H 14.1 12.1 9.7 8.2 7.0 5.6 4.5 3.5 G-H
I-J 10.0 8.5 7.3 6.2 5.2 4.5 3.5 2.7 I-J 11.8 9.9 8.1 7.0 6.1 4.9 3.9 3.0 I-J
K-L 7.7 6.5 5.5 4.7 4.1 3.5 2.7 2.1 K-L 9.4 8.1 6.6 5.8 5.1 3.9 3.1 2.3 K-L
M-N 6.0 5.1 4.3 3.7 3.2 2.6 2.0 1.5 M-N 7.8 6.6 5.5 4.8 4.2 3.1 2.4 1.7 M-N


It is illegal and unethical to reproduce this price sheet. Please do not make copies. © 2023

R A PAP ORT : (. 3 0 - .3 9 C T .) : 12/29/23 PE A R S R A PA PO R T : (. 4 0 - . 4 9 C T . ) : 1 2 /2 9 / 23

,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , , ,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , ,
D 29 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 10 8 6 D 33 30 28 26 23 20 17 15 12 9 7 D
E 25 23 21 20 18 16 14 12 9 8 5 E 31 28 26 24 22 19 16 14 11 9 6 E
F 23 21 20 19 17 15 13 11 8 7 5 F 29 27 25 23 21 18 15 13 10 8 5 F
G 21 20 19 18 16 14 12 10 8 7 4 G 27 25 23 22 20 17 14 12 10 8 5 G
H 19 18 17 16 14 13 11 9 7 6 4 H 24 23 21 20 18 16 13 11 9 7 5 H
I 17 16 15 14 12 11 10 8 7 6 4 I 21 20 19 18 16 14 12 10 8 7 4 I
J 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 3 J 18 17 16 15 14 12 11 9 7 6 4 J
K 12 11 10 9 9 8 7 7 6 5 3 K 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 K
L 10 9 9 8 8 8 7 6 5 4 2 L 13 12 11 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 3 L
M 9 9 9 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 M 12 11 10 9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 M
R A P A P ORT : (. 5 0 - .6 9 C T .) : 12/29/23 PE A R S R A PA PO R T : ( . 7 0 - . 8 9 C T . ) : 1 2 /2 9 / 23
,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , , ,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , ,
D 41 36 34 32 30 25 21 19 17 13 9 D 60 55 52 48 43 35 29 26 23 16 10 D
E 36 34 32 30 28 23 19 18 16 12 8 E 55 52 49 46 41 33 27 24 21 15 9 E
F 34 32 30 29 27 22 18 17 15 11 7 F 52 49 47 44 39 31 25 22 19 14 9 F
G 32 30 28 27 26 21 17 16 14 10 7 G 49 46 44 41 36 29 23 20 18 14 8 G
H 29 28 26 25 24 20 16 15 13 9 7 H 45 42 40 37 33 26 21 18 16 13 8 H
I 26 25 24 23 22 18 15 14 12 9 6 I 37 35 33 31 28 23 19 17 15 12 8 I
J 22 21 20 19 18 16 14 13 11 8 6 J 30 29 27 25 23 20 18 16 14 11 7 J
K 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 11 9 7 6 K 25 24 23 21 20 18 17 15 13 10 7 K
L 16 15 14 13 12 12 11 10 8 7 5 L 22 21 20 18 17 16 15 14 11 8 6 L
M 14 13 12 11 10 10 9 8 7 6 4 M 20 19 18 16 15 14 13 12 9 7 5 M

Prices in this report reflect our opinion of HIGH CASH ASKING PRICES. These prices are often discounted and may be substantially higher than actual transaction prices. No guarantees
are made and no liabilities are assumed as to the accuracy or validity of this information. © 2023 by Rapaport USA Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is strictly prohibited.
Tel: 877-987-3400 www.RAPAPORT.com Info@RAPAPORT.com
December 29, 2023 : Volume 46 No. 49: APPROXIMATE HIGH CASH ASKING PRICE INDICATIONS : Page 2
Pear Shape Diamonds in Hundreds US$ Per Carat: THIS IS NOT AN OFFERING TO SELL
We grade SI3 as a split SI2/I1 clarity. Price changes are in Bold, higher prices underlined, lower prices in italics.
Prices for fancy shapes are highly dependent on the cut. Poorly made stones often trade at large
discounts while well-made stones may be hard to locate and bring premium prices.
Rapaport welcomes price information and comments. Please email us at prices@Diamonds.Net.
R AP AP ORT : (. 9 0 - .9 9 C T .) : 1 2 / 2 9 / 2 3 PE A R S R A PA PO R T : ( 1 . 0 0 - 1 . 4 9 C T . ) : 1 2 /2 9 /2 3
,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , , ,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , ,
D 86 78 69 63 55 43 38 35 27 18 11 D 121 104 94 85 73 56 46 41 33 21 13 D
E 77 71 63 58 52 41 36 33 26 17 10 E 104 94 87 80 70 53 44 39 32 20 12 E
F 69 64 60 55 50 39 34 31 25 16 10 F 94 85 80 75 67 50 42 37 31 20 11 F
G 62 59 56 52 48 37 32 29 24 16 9 G 81 77 73 70 64 48 40 36 29 19 10 G
H 56 54 52 48 44 35 30 27 23 15 9 H 67 64 61 58 53 44 37 34 27 18 10 H
I 48 46 44 41 37 31 28 25 21 14 9 I 57 54 52 50 46 38 34 31 25 17 10 I
J 39 37 36 34 31 27 24 22 19 13 8 J 48 45 43 41 38 33 29 26 22 15 9 J
K 32 30 29 27 25 23 21 19 16 12 8 K 39 37 35 33 31 28 25 22 19 14 9 K
L 26 25 24 22 21 20 18 17 13 10 7 L 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 12 9 L
M 22 21 20 18 17 16 15 14 11 9 7 M 27 25 23 22 21 19 18 17 14 10 8 M
R AP AP ORT : (1. 50 - 1 .9 9 C T .) : 1 2 / 2 9 / 2 3 PE A R S R A PA PO R T : ( 2 . 0 0 - 2 . 9 9 C T . ) : 1 2 /2 9 /2 3
,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , , ,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , ,
D 176 164 150 136 117 94 75 67 53 27 15 D 255 235 210 190 175 145 112 88 69 30 16 D
E 164 149 136 128 111 89 71 63 50 26 14 E 230 210 195 180 165 135 105 84 64 29 15 E
F 143 134 127 122 106 84 68 59 47 25 13 F 205 190 180 170 155 127 100 80 59 28 14 F
G 127 122 117 112 98 79 64 55 44 24 12 G 185 175 165 155 145 117 95 75 55 27 13 G
H 107 103 99 95 85 73 60 52 41 23 11 H 150 140 135 130 120 107 89 67 51 25 12 H
I 89 85 82 79 72 64 56 48 38 22 11 I 118 112 107 103 97 93 82 60 48 24 12 I
J 72 69 66 63 58 52 47 42 35 20 11 J 94 90 87 83 80 77 69 54 45 22 12 J
K 57 55 53 51 47 43 40 36 32 18 10 K 76 73 71 68 66 63 58 47 39 21 11 K
L 46 44 43 41 39 36 33 30 27 16 10 L 61 58 56 54 52 49 47 39 34 19 11 L
M 37 35 34 33 31 29 27 25 23 15 10 M 48 46 45 43 41 39 37 33 28 18 10 M


It is illegal and unethical to reproduce this price sheet. Please do not make copies. © 2023
R AP AP ORT : (3. 00 - 3 .9 9 C T .) : 1 2 / 2 9 / 2 3 PE A R S R A PA PO R T : ( 4 . 0 0 - 4 . 9 9 C T . ) : 1 2 /2 9 /2 3
,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , , ,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , ,
D 460 365 335 305 270 230 175 118 86 36 17 D 565 475 450 415 375 265 195 130 92 39 19 D
E 375 335 305 280 245 215 165 109 80 33 16 E 475 435 410 385 345 245 185 123 88 37 17 E
F 335 305 280 250 225 195 155 101 74 30 15 F 435 400 380 355 315 230 175 113 82 35 16 F
G 300 275 250 225 205 180 145 92 67 29 15 G 385 350 330 310 275 215 165 104 77 32 16 G
H 245 230 215 200 180 160 135 85 62 27 14 H 315 295 280 265 235 190 155 98 72 29 15 H
I 200 190 180 170 155 140 120 79 57 26 14 I 250 235 220 205 190 165 140 90 66 28 15 I
J 159 146 139 131 121 111 102 71 54 25 13 J 195 185 175 165 155 140 125 81 61 26 14 J
K 123 114 108 100 94 88 82 61 50 24 13 K 158 148 139 132 123 115 105 70 56 25 14 K
L 91 85 81 76 71 66 62 53 44 23 12 L 113 106 100 95 90 84 77 58 48 24 13 L
M 67 63 60 57 54 49 46 41 36 21 11 M 81 77 74 71 68 64 61 47 39 22 12 M
R AP AP ORT : (5. 00 - 5 .9 9 C T .) : 1 2 / 2 9 / 2 3 PE A R S R A PA PO R T : ( 1 0 . 0 0 - 1 0 . 9 9 C T . ) : 1 2 /2 9 / 23
,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , , ,) 996996 96 96 6, 6, 6, , , ,
D 850 685 640 605 515 375 270 146 105 43 20 D 1500 1155 1055 985 835 575 410 205 124 53 23 D
E 675 625 590 560 480 350 250 139 95 40 18 E 1150 1040 965 890 765 535 390 195 117 50 22 E
F 605 575 545 515 450 320 235 129 89 38 17 F 1015 950 890 815 700 495 365 185 111 48 21 F
G 535 505 475 450 385 295 220 124 84 36 17 G 850 800 740 695 605 460 340 170 106 46 20 G
H 450 415 390 355 315 250 205 118 81 33 16 H 705 655 610 565 490 395 305 160 101 44 19 H
I 345 320 295 270 245 215 180 107 77 30 16 I 540 505 470 430 390 330 260 150 97 42 18 I
J 260 240 225 210 195 180 160 97 70 28 15 J 410 385 360 330 295 265 220 135 91 40 17 J
K 195 185 175 170 160 150 135 88 65 27 15 K 315 295 275 260 235 215 185 120 86 38 16 K
L 150 140 135 130 125 120 110 71 56 24 14 L 230 215 205 190 175 160 140 105 77 36 16 L
M 115 110 105 95 90 85 80 61 46 23 13 M 175 165 155 145 135 125 115 90 64 33 15 M
* 0.60 - 0.69 : 0.96 - 0.99 : 1.30 - 1.49 : 1.75-1.99 : 2.50 - 2.99 : May trade at 5% to 10% over straight sizes.
Prices in this report reflect our opinion of HIGH CASH ASKING PRICES. These prices are often discounted and may be substantially higher than actual transaction prices. No guarantees
are made and no liabilities are assumed as to the accuracy or validity of this information. Copyright © 2023 by Rapaport USA Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is strictly prohibited.
RAPNET PRICE LIST www.diamonds.net/prices
December 28, 2023 Clarity
Average Price Rap%
Best Price Rap%


2,481 -35% 2,096 -35% 1,819 -35% 1,636 -32% 1,477 -30% 1,278 -29% 1,082 -28%
1,706 -55% 1,472 -54% 1,400 -50% 1,279 -47% 1,186 -44% 963 -47% 720 -52%
2,100 -36% 1,991 -34% 1,674 -33% 1,517 -31% 1,377 -31% 1,196 -30% 967 -31%
1,518 -54% 1,320 -56% 1,175 -53% 1,203 -45% 1,114 -44% 799 -53% 598 -57%
1,968 -34% 1,885 -30% 1,586 -31% 1,479 -30% 1,344 -29% 1,155 -28% 940 -28%
1,470 -51% 1,174 -57% 1,240 -46% 1,166 -44% 1,121 -41% 756 -53% 556 -57%
1,617 -35% 1,560 -32% 1,457 -31% 1,438 -28% 1,295 -28% 1,119 -25% 925 -23%
1,262 -50% 1,219 -47% 1,155 -45% 1,138 -43% 1,021 -43% 735 -51% 549 -54%
1,460 -34% 1,392 -34% 1,338 -33% 1,338 -30% 1,218 -28% 1,020 -27% 891 -26%
1,158 -47% 1,029 -51% 1,060 -47% 1,017 -47% 960 -44% 686 -51% 540 -55%
1,261 -34% 1,203 -33% 1,118 -34% 1,096 -32% 1,036 -31% 915 -30% 774 -30%
916 -52% 819 -55% 782 -54% 736 -54% 742 -51% 637 -51% 473 -57%
1,085 -36% 1,021 -36% 947 -37% 938 -33% 867 -33% 823 -31% 714 -29%
731 -57% 645 -60% 720 -52% 658 -53% 622 -52% 638 -47% 440 -56%
964 -36% 883 -37% 824 -37% 825 -31% 769 -30% 691 -31% 649 -28%
735 -51% 630 -55% 585 -55% 594 -51% 593 -46% 498 -50% 486 -46%



2,826 -36% 2,269 -37% 1,979 -38% 1,804 -38% 1,579 -37% 1,374 -31% 1,210 -29%
1,984 -55% 1,548 -57% 1,446 -55% 1,350 -53% 1,141 -54% 1,012 -49% 876 -48%
2,404 -35% 2,176 -36% 1,807 -40% 1,686 -38% 1,490 -38% 1,220 -36% 1,074 -33%
1,772 -52% 1,401 -59% 1,290 -57% 1,250 -54% 1,116 -54% 844 -56% 656 -59%
2,173 -36% 2,019 -35% 1,752 -37% 1,598 -36% 1,478 -36% 1,229 -32% 1,092 -27%
1,394 -59% 1,271 -59% 1,238 -56% 1,150 -54% 1,143 -50% 819 -55% 630 -58%
1,916 -36% 1,813 -35% 1,630 -37% 1,548 -36% 1,431 -35% 1,164 -32% 1,004 -28%
1,553 -48% 1,176 -58% 1,209 -54% 1,152 -52% 1,078 -51% 790 -54% 588 -58%
1,596 -39% 1,528 -36% 1,478 -36% 1,425 -35% 1,303 -35% 1,091 -32% 965 -31%
1,092 -58% 1,140 -53% 1,081 -53% 1,087 -51% 1,030 -49% 724 -55% 564 -60%
1,479 -33% 1,370 -35% 1,303 -35% 1,239 -35% 1,164 -35% 1,023 -32% 899 -31%
1,144 -48% 857 -59% 940 -53% 855 -55% 727 -60% 668 -55% 584 -55%
1,224 -36% 1,158 -36% 1,092 -36% 1,031 -36% 963 -36% 903 -36% 821 -32%
931 -51% 745 -59% 782 -54% 736 -54% 698 -54% 633 -55% 576 -52%
1,064 -37% 1,034 -35% 977 -35% 921 -34% 872 -33% 820 -32% 791 -28%
884 -48% 725 -55% 672 -55% 651 -54% 598 -54% 564 -53% 587 -47%

The RapNet Price List is available to Rapaport members. It is copyrighted and may not be distributed to any third parties. Data is subject to revision. No guarantees are made and
no liabilities are assumed as to the accuracy or validity of this information. Additional information about Rapaport prices, information services and membership is available at
www.diamonds.net/Prices. Copyright © 2023 by Rapaport USA. All rights reserved. Reproduction is strictly prohibited.

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RAPNET PRICE LIST www.diamonds.net/prices
December 28, 2023 Clarity
Average Price Rap%
Best Price Rap%


4,260 -35% 3,492 -34% 2,743 -36% 2,372 -34% 2,088 -35% 1,641 -39% 1,412 -33%
2,925 -55% 2,650 -50% 2,150 -50% 1,872 -48% 1,584 -51% 1,174 -57% 882 -58%
3,409 -34% 3,215 -33% 2,509 -36% 2,272 -31% 1,931 -36% 1,473 -41% 1,180 -41%
2,486 -52% 2,160 -55% 1,755 -55% 1,700 -48% 1,350 -55% 1,002 -60% 805 -60%
3,094 -33% 2,913 -32% 2,384 -34% 2,113 -30% 1,931 -31% 1,417 -41% 1,147 -40%
2,139 -54% 2,064 -52% 1,800 -50% 1,605 -47% 1,397 -50% 972 -60% 770 -59%
2,378 -37% 2,234 -36% 1,980 -36% 1,947 -31% 1,756 -33% 1,341 -42% 1,109 -38%
1,786 -53% 1,606 -54% 1,538 -50% 1,428 -49% 1,323 -49% 923 -60% 724 -60%
2,014 -37% 1,898 -37% 1,738 -38% 1,693 -35% 1,543 -36% 1,248 -41% 1,052 -38%
1,391 -57% 1,290 -57% 1,288 -54% 1,222 -53% 1,056 -56% 846 -60% 684 -60%
1,735 -36% 1,584 -37% 1,514 -37% 1,429 -38% 1,299 -38% 1,150 -40% 981 -39%
1,215 -55% 1,012 -60% 980 -59% 966 -58% 903 -57% 772 -59% 644 -60%
1,484 -36% 1,375 -35% 1,281 -36% 1,205 -37% 1,115 -38% 979 -39% 925 -38%
1,052 -54% 872 -59% 850 -58% 840 -56% 779 -57% 644 -60% 629 -58%
1,252 -37% 1,137 -37% 1,086 -36% 1,029 -36% 954 -36% 886 -37% 857 -34%
889 -56% 828 -54% 748 -56% 704 -56% 698 -54% 658 -53% 585 -55%



6,247 -31% 5,052 -31% 4,232 -31% 3,503 -31% 3,085 -30% 2,413 -33% 2,007 -33%
4,787 -47% 3,650 -50% 3,044 -50% 2,698 -47% 2,376 -46% 1,613 -55% 1,372 -54%
5,030 -32% 4,600 -31% 3,814 -32% 3,285 -32% 2,841 -31% 2,182 -34% 1,749 -38%
3,884 -48% 3,043 -55% 2,800 -50% 2,520 -48% 2,161 -47% 1,386 -58% 1,169 -58%
4,517 -32% 4,326 -30% 3,603 -31% 3,145 -30% 2,783 -29% 2,053 -34% 1,703 -35%
3,168 -52% 2,852 -54% 2,704 -48% 2,308 -49% 2,102 -46% 1,286 -59% 1,053 -60%
3,673 -33% 3,497 -31% 3,134 -32% 2,894 -31% 2,668 -28% 1,921 -34% 1,642 -34%
2,750 -50% 2,448 -52% 2,185 -53% 2,112 -50% 1,933 -48% 1,232 -58% 1,019 -59%
2,998 -35% 2,856 -34% 2,669 -33% 2,529 -32% 2,278 -31% 1,853 -31% 1,505 -35%
2,143 -53% 2,000 -53% 1,880 -53% 1,864 -50% 1,525 -54% 1,148 -57% 937 -59%
2,535 -35% 2,486 -31% 2,278 -33% 2,147 -31% 1,932 -31% 1,631 -32% 1,490 -29%
1,585 -59% 1,512 -58% 1,530 -55% 1,395 -55% 1,288 -54% 1,016 -58% 845 -60%
2,197 -35% 2,105 -34% 1,936 -36% 1,790 -34% 1,587 -34% 1,451 -34% 1,506 -21%
1,394 -59% 1,380 -57% 1,260 -58% 1,242 -54% 1,080 -55% 968 -56% 836 -56%
2,058 -31% 1,853 -34% 1,715 -34% 1,580 -34% 1,425 -35% 1,328 -34% 1,216 -33%
1,560 -48% 1,232 -56% 1,196 -54% 1,104 -54% 946 -57% 915 -54% 783 -57%

The RapNet Price List is available to Rapaport members. It is copyrighted and may not be distributed to any third parties. Data is subject to revision. No guarantees are made and
no liabilities are assumed as to the accuracy or validity of this information. Additional information about Rapaport prices, information services and membership is available at
www.diamonds.net/Prices. Copyright © 2023 by Rapaport USA. All rights reserved. Reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Page 4 of 6
RAPNET PRICE LIST www.diamonds.net/prices
December 28, 2023 Clarity
Average Price Rap%
Best Price Rap%


14,419 -32% 11,079 -31% 9,082 -30% 8,212 -24% 6,743 -23% 4,941 -26% 3,937 -27%
10,778 -49% 8,480 -47% 6,579 -49% 5,616 -48% 4,872 -44% 3,350 -50% 2,538 -53%
10,524 -33% 9,675 -29% 8,054 -31% 7,227 -27% 5,911 -26% 4,477 -28% 3,416 -32%
7,693 -51% 6,800 -50% 6,032 -48% 4,900 -51% 4,320 -46% 2,728 -56% 2,100 -58%
9,202 -33% 8,715 -30% 7,410 -31% 6,709 -27% 5,672 -24% 4,354 -25% 3,328 -29%
7,128 -48% 5,952 -52% 5,370 -50% 4,904 -47% 3,975 -47% 2,709 -53% 1,946 -59%
7,159 -34% 6,806 -33% 6,247 -33% 5,726 -30% 5,019 -28% 3,922 -27% 3,027 -31%
5,530 -49% 5,050 -50% 4,411 -53% 4,182 -49% 3,640 -48% 2,430 -55% 1,826 -59%
5,605 -35% 5,472 -33% 5,069 -33% 4,708 -33% 4,439 -31% 3,510 -28% 2,790 -32%
4,429 -49% 3,911 -52% 3,686 -52% 3,430 -51% 3,136 -51% 2,352 -52% 1,677 -59%
4,763 -33% 4,457 -34% 4,227 -33% 4,042 -30% 3,656 -30% 3,148 -30% 2,564 -33%
3,550 -50% 3,078 -54% 2,772 -56% 2,726 -53% 2,444 -53% 1,890 -58% 1,537 -60%
3,806 -36% 3,633 -34% 3,353 -34% 3,109 -34% 2,882 -33% 2,569 -32% 2,243 -34%
2,655 -55% 2,326 -58% 2,066 -59% 2,186 -54% 1,923 -55% 1,649 -57% 1,377 -60%
3,223 -36% 2,969 -37% 2,820 -34% 2,628 -34% 2,428 -34% 2,136 -35% 1,969 -34%
2,200 -56% 2,016 -57% 1,849 -57% 1,788 -55% 1,563 -58% 1,386 -58% 1,286 -57%



18,090 -28% 15,809 -25% 12,651 -27% 11,465 -25% 9,877 -25% 7,372 -27% 5,987 -28%
12,600 -50% 11,660 -45% 8,700 -50% 8,132 -47% 7,077 -46% 5,050 -50% 3,810 -54%
14,657 -30% 14,138 -27% 11,590 -28% 10,397 -25% 9,109 -25% 7,036 -25% 5,437 -29%
11,495 -45% 10,808 -44% 8,880 -45% 7,367 -47% 6,477 -46% 4,700 -50% 3,306 -57%
13,040 -29% 12,527 -27% 10,962 -26% 9,731 -23% 8,474 -24% 6,873 -22% 5,008 -30%
10,248 -44% 9,576 -44% 8,436 -43% 7,379 -42% 5,824 -48% 4,334 -51% 3,053 -57%
10,423 -31% 10,142 -28% 9,005 -29% 8,264 -26% 7,838 -22% 6,211 -24% 4,689 -30%
8,004 -47% 7,000 -50% 6,292 -50% 5,958 -47% 5,252 -48% 3,834 -53% 2,874 -57%
8,671 -31% 8,330 -28% 7,326 -30% 6,934 -29% 6,363 -28% 5,513 -27% 4,538 -28%
6,375 -49% 5,750 -50% 5,341 -49% 4,900 -50% 4,395 -50% 3,450 -54% 2,529 -60%
6,508 -36% 6,508 -32% 6,034 -31% 5,754 -30% 5,281 -30% 4,728 -27% 4,146 -30%
4,922 -52% 4,512 -53% 4,263 -51% 3,854 -53% 3,600 -52% 2,776 -57% 2,510 -57%
5,639 -34% 5,322 -33% 5,011 -31% 4,677 -32% 4,259 -34% 3,893 -31% 3,641 -29%
4,420 -48% 3,950 -50% 3,577 -51% 3,312 -52% 2,960 -54% 2,296 -59% 2,193 -57%
4,575 -38% 4,419 -35% 4,270 -33% 4,003 -33% 3,601 -35% 3,174 -34% 2,947 -33%
3,256 -56% 2,924 -57% 2,999 -53% 2,640 -56% 2,365 -57% 1,944 -60% 1,804 -59%

The RapNet Price List is available to Rapaport members. It is copyrighted and may not be distributed to any third parties. Data is subject to revision. No guarantees are made and
no liabilities are assumed as to the accuracy or validity of this information. Additional information about Rapaport prices, information services and membership is available at
www.diamonds.net/Prices. Copyright © 2023 by Rapaport USA. All rights reserved. Reproduction is strictly prohibited.

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RAPNET PRICE LIST www.diamonds.net/prices
December 28, 2023 Clarity
Average Price Rap%
Best Price Rap%


29,006 -28% 23,477 -29% 19,479 -28% 17,462 -24% 14,249 -25% 11,210 -23% 8,093 -30%
19,035 -53% 17,820 -46% 15,120 -44% 13,409 -42% 10,508 -45% 7,524 -48% 5,075 -56%
22,407 -28% 20,710 -26% 17,429 -29% 15,703 -25% 12,825 -27% 9,834 -28% 7,712 -28%
17,050 -45% 14,840 -47% 13,230 -46% 11,487 -45% 9,800 -44% 7,281 -46% 5,002 -53%
18,854 -29% 17,829 -27% 16,599 -25% 14,391 -26% 12,360 -25% 9,419 -25% 7,343 -27%
15,238 -42% 13,720 -44% 11,440 -48% 10,725 -45% 8,984 -46% 6,048 -52% 4,496 -55%
15,278 -32% 14,847 -28% 12,739 -31% 12,472 -24% 11,135 -23% 8,584 -25% 6,940 -26%
11,700 -48% 11,172 -46% 9,822 -47% 9,060 -45% 7,714 -47% 5,635 -51% 4,136 -56%
11,979 -35% 11,503 -32% 10,895 -30% 10,031 -28% 9,224 -26% 8,041 -24% 6,391 -27%
9,398 -49% 8,840 -48% 7,905 -49% 7,280 -48% 6,800 -46% 5,088 -52% 4,039 -54%
10,063 -34% 9,508 -31% 8,493 -31% 7,802 -31% 7,659 -25% 6,726 -27% 6,230 -24%
7,879 -48% 7,371 -46% 6,494 -47% 5,706 -50% 5,337 -48% 4,140 -55% 3,608 -56%
8,146 -35% 7,636 -32% 6,888 -33% 6,621 -31% 6,189 -30% 5,654 -29% 5,418 -26%
5,805 -54% 5,999 -47% 5,356 -48% 4,656 -52% 3,960 -55% 3,520 -56% 3,121 -57%
6,690 -36% 6,396 -33% 5,814 -32% 5,643 -29% 4,938 -32% 4,600 -32% 4,399 -30%
4,629 -56% 4,140 -57% 4,357 -49% 3,713 -53% 3,402 -53% 2,992 -56% 2,646 -58%



48,374 -27% 38,868 -31% 33,078 -31% 29,384 -27% 22,476 -32% 15,839 -33% 14,201 -29%
36,300 -45% 31,046 -45% 25,200 -48% 23,400 -42% 18,810 -43% 11,633 -51% 9,872 -51%
34,642 -35% 34,920 -30% 29,437 -32% 25,617 -30% 21,559 -28% 15,884 -24% 13,472 -27%
27,825 -48% 27,720 -44% 22,790 -47% 19,710 -46% 15,900 -47% 11,090 -47% 8,800 -52%
31,593 -30% 30,826 -28% 26,402 -29% 22,600 -31% 20,400 -26% 14,133 -28% 12,481 -27%
25,445 -43% 25,288 -41% 19,980 -46% 17,875 -45% 16,225 -41% 9,945 -49% 7,565 -56%
25,651 -33% 24,159 -32% 22,947 -27% 18,974 -30% 16,983 -28% 13,265 -26% 11,961 -23%
21,659 -43% 20,590 -42% 16,501 -48% 14,143 -48% 13,513 -43% 9,000 -50% 8,370 -46%
21,323 -29% 18,880 -33% 17,702 -29% 16,703 -27% 14,785 -26% 11,853 -28% 10,210 -24%
17,880 -40% 15,036 -46% 14,000 -44% 13,110 -43% 11,600 -42% 7,095 -57% 6,720 -50%
16,232 -34% 17,458 -22% 14,588 -29% 13,409 -28% 11,654 -29% 10,570 -27% 9,250 -23%
12,515 -49% 13,050 -42% 11,275 -45% 9,620 -48% 9,192 -44% 7,830 -46% 5,575 -54%
12,679 -35% 12,206 -32% 11,442 -31% 10,576 -30% 9,414 -30% 8,679 -31% 8,075 -27%
11,026 -43% 9,882 -45% 8,877 -46% 8,550 -43% 6,885 -49% 6,982 -44% 5,348 -51%
10,144 -37% 9,677 -33% 9,270 -31% 8,773 -30% 7,996 -32% 7,052 -34% 6,781 -30%
6,880 -57% 8,265 -43% 7,763 -43% 6,875 -45% 5,604 -52% 4,842 -55% 5,335 -45%

The RapNet Price List is available to Rapaport members. It is copyrighted and may not be distributed to any third parties. Data is subject to revision. No guarantees are made and
no liabilities are assumed as to the accuracy or validity of this information. Additional information about Rapaport prices, information services and membership is available at
www.diamonds.net/Prices. Copyright © 2023 by Rapaport USA. All rights reserved. Reproduction is strictly prohibited.

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