Test A - Test Plan

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This test plan puts into perspective the testing activities for the banking application
developed by BT. Defining the strategy, objectives, and scope of testing to ensure
the banking application is reliable, secure, and functional.
The main objectives of this plan is to:
- Verify that the banking application functionality is withing the desired scope
- Ensure data security and complience with the requirements set by our clients
- Identify and report aș well as monitoring the issues for analytical purposes
- Ensure the application’s performance is within the industry standard
- Validate the app’s usability and user friendliness

Stages of testing include:

Functional testing
Security testing
Performance testing
Usability testing
Integration testing
Compatibility testing
Regression testing

The testing environments are as follows:

Application server
Database server
Browsers: Chrome,Firefox,Safari,Edge
OS: Windows,MacOS,iOS,Android

The deliverables during testing:

Test Plan
Test Cases
Test Database
Test Reports
Defect Reports

Test approach chosen for this is a V-Model with each development phase
corresponding to a testing phase, Security and performance testing will be
conducted by a separate specialized teams
Test phases:

Unit Testing: The developers will perform unit testing on individual modules or
Integration Testing will verify the integration of modules and components
Functional Testing will validate the functional requirements for the story
Security Testing to ensure data security and compliance
Performance Testing will test the application under various loads
Usability Testing will evaluate the applications user friendliness
Compatibility will focus on browsers and platforms
Regression ensures that the hotfixes and new updates did not break existing

Test Cases Plan:

Detailed test cases will be created, covering all the scenarios both positive and
negative, edge cases will not be conducted due to ensure the principles of testing

Defects Management:

Defects will be tracked using a defect tracking system: Test Rail, Jira
Defects will be categorized and the priority will be set by the Product Owner
Defects are reported to the development team for a speedy resolution
Re-testing will be performed

If required the documentation will also be added to the confluence page

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