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‫هل عندك هذه الصفات ؟‬

The Four Qualities

of A True Muslim
Literate | Noble-Manner | Piety | Generosity

© 2020
Muhammad Dawud Nahawand

‫مد‬1 ‫مد و آل‬1 5‫اللهم صل ع‬

Presented under the flagship of
Makes Islam A Living Religion, A True Problem Solver in Life
Copyright © All rights reserved
1st Quality:

1. Did you know the very first verse of the Holy
Qur’an revealed to our Noble Prophet ‫?ﷺ‬
2. Did you know the one golden key, that
made the Medieval Islam so victorious all
over the world with their amazing
achievements—in chemistry, physics, medical,
geography, astronomy, sociology, biology and
3. As a Muslim, did you like reading—a book?
4. If you did, share us, why? If you didn’t, also
why or what’s the reason—didn’t you obey
the first verse of Holy Qur’an and follow the
footsteps of our predecessors ‘ulama in Medieval
5. As a Muslim, is reading—a book—your
primary hobby?
6. If it is, could you kindly share us, how and
why? If it isn’t, why it isn’t—didn’t you obey
the first verse of Holy Qur’an and follow the

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footsteps of our predecessors ‘ulama in Medieval
7. What kind of book did you read?
8. How did you judge a book; that some books
are good and some are garbages?
9. How did you extract the important points
from a book?
10. Between these two portion: reading a book
for the sake of knowledge only & reading a
book for making your life better or easier;
which one did you prefer? And why?
11. John Miller, president of Central
Connecticut State University in New Britain
has conducted a study in 2016, that the
world’s most literate nations were
nominated—by its ranks—to: Finland,
Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden,
Switzerland, United States of America. Do
you know where’s Indonesia? Indonesia is
at the 61st place, aboves the lowest rank,
Bostwana (62nd place). Why did it happen?
Indonesia, with the majority of Muslims,
didn’t get one of the top ten ranks of the
world’s most literate nations, while their

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Holy Book told them to Iqra’—read at the
first place before any other commands and
while their predecessors in Medieval Age
were very literates and Islam reached its
golden era. Why?
12. The U.S National Science Foundation has
released a report of the countries leading the
world in scientific publications in 2018, they
were: China (1st), United States of America
(2nd), India (3rd), Germany (4th), Japan
(5th), United Kingdom (6th). Where is
Indonesia? Why Indonesia was not in the
list of leading countries in scientific
publications—while in Medieval Age it was
very ubiquitous to find thousand of
scientific books/publications froum their
predecessors ‘ulama?
13. If majority of Muslims in Indonesia are not
familiar with literacy and don’t have a good
skill in comprehension, how will they
compete with other millions of people
around the world in this globalization era—
let alone be a Guide to other ‘ummah?

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14. OK, that’s all for worldly matters. Let’s dive
in religious ones. Did you speak Arabic?
15. Why didn’t you speak Arabic? Why can’t?
16. Why didn’t you learn Arabic?
17. Didn’t you know that Arabic is the language
of our religion—Islam?
18. Didn’t you know that our Noble Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
speak in Arabic language?
19. Didn’t you know that our Holy Qur’an is
written in Arabic language?
20. Didn’t you know that our books of Islam
authored by our predecessors ‘ulama are
written in Arabic language?
21. Why didn’t you trying hard to learn Arabic
—didn’t you love your religion, your
Beloved Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, your Holy Qur’an?
22. What’s the measure then if you didn’t like to
Iqra’ and didn’t like to learning Arabic?
23. How then the Muslim can be called fathanah
(extraordinary intelligent) if they are illiterate
and don’t have any understandings of the
language of their religion (Arabic)?


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2nd Quality:

1. Did you know the key of success of our
Noble Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that attracts many
polytheists in Mecca at that time to embrace
Islam as their final religion?
2. Have you ever heard an authentic narration
of our Noble Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬speaks rude to
3. Have you ever heard an authentic narration
of our Noble Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬makes other people
run away from him ‫ ﷺ‬due to the fear of his
‫ ﷺ‬temper?
4. Then I ask you: when you speak rude to
your Muslim brothers and to you Non-
Muslim brothers, did you make your
Muslim brothers safe and make your Non-
Muslim brothers attracted to Islam?
5. Then I ask you: when you speak rude
toward the others, especially towards
another Non-Muslims, do you invite them

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to Islam with a beautiful way or do you
scare them and make them run away from
you and from Islam?
6. Then I ask you: when you speak rude
toward the others, especially towards
another Non-Muslims, do you follow the
manner of our Noble Prophet ‫?ﷺ‬
7. Let’s read the Holy Qur’an, sura al-Baqarah,
verse 83. It stated clearly: wa qulu linnasi…
husna. Read closely, wa qulu husna, and
speak good, linnas, to any people. Is it stated
lilmuslim? Is it stated lilmu’min?
8. Then I ask you: why do you speak rude and
show many harsh behaviors toward many
people, especially toward them our Non-
Muslims brothers who don’t know about
9. Our Noble Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬sacrificed his ‫ ﷺ‬life
to invite as many as people, to make as
many as people, join Islam. Why did you do
the contrary—make as many as people fear
of Islam and leaving Islam?
10. Are you a real follower of our Noble
Prophet ‫ ?ﷺ‬Then why didn’t you follow his

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‫ ﷺ‬noble manners—eloquent and good in
speech; and lovable in behavior?
11. Let’s open our Holy Qur’an. Surah Thaha,
verse 43-44. It stated: Idzhaba ila Fir’aun
innahu thagha. Go, both of you (Musa and
Harun), to Fir’aun. Indeed, he has
transgressed. Fa qula lahu qaulan layyinan—
la’allahu yatadzakkaru au yakhsya. So speak to
him in soft words—may be he take heed or
fear of the punishment in the hereafter.
Qaulan Layyinan, Soft Words. To the most
cruel king who has slaughtered many male
babies of Bani Israil, Allah ordered Prophet
Musa and Prophet Harun (peace be upon
them) to speak gently, to speak in soft
words, to Fir’aun. What’s your conclusion
from this holy verse?


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3rd Quality:

Obligatory Prayers
1. Did you know the authentic narration
(Shahih Muslim 257) about what is it that
separating from the Believers and the
2. Did you know that Caliph ‘Umar ibn
Khattab said this before his death: la islam li
man tarakash shalat—can’t be called a Muslim,
the one who abandons obligatory prayer (shalat)?
3. Did you know the verdicts of Imam Syafi’i
and Imam Hanbali of those Muslims who
abandon the obligatory prayers?
4. Let’s open the Holy Qur’an, sura al-
Muddatstsir, verse 42-43: ma salakakum fi
Saqar? (The angels of Hell asked the inhabitants
of Saqar) “What put you into Saqar—this
hellfire?” Qalu lam naku minal mushalliyn.
They’ll say: “we were not of those who prayed

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(shalat)” What’s your conclusion over this
clear holy verses?
5. Do you pray Fajr (Shubh)—the most
beloved prayer by the Noble Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, the
most blessed and witnessed prayer in Islam
—in congregations, continuously, everyday?
If you don’t, why don’t?
6. What’s your best solution or idea on how to
make the young generations of Muslims
love the obligatory prayers (shalat)?


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4th Quality:

—on Charities
1. Shahih Muslim 2312: A man came to the
Noble Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and he ‫ ﷺ‬gave him
flocks of innumerable sheep between the
two mountains, so the man returned to his
people and said, “O my people! Embrace
Islam, for Muhammad gives in charity as if
he has no fear of poverty!” I ask you: if you
are a Muslim, are you fear of poverty by
2. Let’s open the Holy Qur’an, sura Ali Imran,
verse 92: lan tanalul birra hatta tunfiqu mimma
tuhibbun—none of you [Believers] will attain
true piety, until and unless you spend, donate,
give out, some of what you cherish or love. Now
I ask you: would you give, now, some of
what you love, in the ways of of Allah—i.e
for eliminating the financial burdens of our

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millions of poor brothers and sisters, for
feeding our millions of hungry brothers and
sisters, for building dozen of companies to
lowering unemployment rates in our

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=>‫العا‬ ‫ رب‬C‫مد ل‬D‫ا‬

‫مد‬1 ‫مد و آل‬1 5‫اللهم صل ع‬

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