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T. 0. 16-130B-1 E F flight manual USAF SERIES sce : ail C-130B ™ SC-I130B AIRCRAFT AIRCRAFT AIR FORCE, Wolloce Press Chicago, Ill. = 21 Jon. 63 - 5600 (Lockheed A/C) 31 DECEMBER 1962 1.0. 1€-1308-1 Reproduction for sonmiltcy ute of the inlaxmation or illutations contained in this publication is not permitted ne of Claied Publiacions is established forthe sthour specific approvat of the ssuing serce. The policy for Iie Force in AFR 2051 INSERT LATEST CHANGED PAGES. DESTROY SUPERSEDED PAGES. LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES yao in nthe ue margin oe Pe Page No. Issue original TITDID original tite. Original Original Wesel Original 1-1 thew 17109" | 1! Original 1-110 Blank . 2! Original 2-1 thru 2-54 Original 3-1 thru 3-44 11! original 4-1 thru 4-168" || Original 5-1 thru 5-37 . |! Original 5-98 Blank «. +. ++ Original 6-1 thru 8-3 |... Original 8-4 Blank...) | Original 7-1 thru 7-8.) 11! Original 8-1 thru 8-17 Original 8-18 Blank... | Original 9-1 thru 9-19 |. | Original 9-20 Blank... . Original A-IthruA-5 11. Original ‘A-6 Blank + Original AL-1 thru A1-12' | Original A2-1 thru A2-9 ,., Original ‘A2-10 Blank...) Original AS-1 thru 43-20 | | Original ‘A4-1 thru Ad-12 || Original ‘AS-1 thru AS-48 || Original ‘A6-1 thru A6-6 . | | Original ‘AT-1 thru AT-5 . | Original AT-6 Blank 1 Original AG-1 thru ABS || Original A8-10 Blank... | Original ‘AQ-1 thru A9-9 .. | Original ‘A9-10 Blank Original xel thru x-11 +. Original x-12 Blank»... Original CURRENT FLIGHT CREW CHECKLISTS 7.0, 16-190B-(CL)1-1 7.0, 1¢-1308-(CL)1-2 T.0. 10-1908-(CL)1-3 ‘31 December 1962 ‘31 December 1962 31 December 1962 [ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE OBTAINED AS FOLLOWS: USAF ACTIVITIES. — In accordance with TO. 0052 > USAF 7.0. 16-1308-1 of contents SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION Ze Be Ye APPENDIX Le INDEX eeeece description 1-1 e@eeee normal procedures 2-1 e@eee emergency procedures 3-1 ee auxiliary equipment 4-1 © operating limitations 5-1 flight characteristics 6-1 systems operation 7-1 crew duties 8-1 e all-weather operation 9-1 e performance data Al-1 alphabetical INDEX =1 1.0. 1€-1308-1 KNOW YOUR EQUIPMENT BEFORE HANDLING SCOPE. This manual contains the necessary information for safe and efficient operation of the C-130B and SC-190B. ‘These instructions provide you with a general knowledge of the airplane, its characteristics, and specific normal and emergency operating procedures, Your flying experience is recognized, and therefore, basic flight principles are avoided, SOUND JUDGEMENT. Instructions in this manual are for a crew inexperienced in the operation of this airplane. This manual provides the best possible operating instructions under most circumstances, but it is a poor substitute for sound judgement. Multiple emergencies, adverse weather, terrain, etc., may require modification of the procedures. PERMISSIBLE OPERATIONS, ‘The Flight Manual takes a ‘positive approach" and normally states only what you can do. Unusual operations or configurations (such as asymmetrical loading) are prohibited unless specifically covered herein. Clearance must be obtained from the Flight Manual Manager before ary questionable operation is attempted which is not specif- ically permitted in this manual. HOW TO BE ASSURED OF HAVING LATEST DATA, Refer to T.O, 0-1-1A which is issued weekly and devoted solely to the listing of all current Flight Manuals, Safety of Flight Supplements, and Checklists, Its frequency of issue and brevity assure an accurate, up-to-date listing of these publications, STANDARDIZATION AND ARRANGEMENT. Standardization assures that the scope and arrangement of all Flight Manuals are identical. The manual is divided into ten fairly independent sections to simplify reading it straight through or using it as a reference manual. SAFETY OF FLIGHT SUPPLEMENTS. Information involving safety will be promptly forwarded to you by Safety of Flight Supplements, Supplements ‘covering loss of life will get toyou in 48 hours by TWX, and those concerning serious damage to equipment within 10 days by mail, The title page of the Flight Manual and the title block of each Safety of Flight Supplement should bbe checked to determine the effect they may have on existing supplements. You must remain constantly aware of the status of all supplements - current supplements mustbe complied with but there is no point in restricting your operation by complying with a replaced or rescinded supplement. CHECKLISTS, ‘The Flight Manual contains only amplified checklists, Condensed (abbreviated) checklists have been issued as separate technical orders - see the back of thetitle page for the T.O. number of your latest checklist. Line items in the Flight Manual and checklist are identical with respect to arrangement and item number. Whenever a Safety of Flight Supplement affects the condensed (abbreviated) checklist, write in the applicable change on the affected 1.0. 1€-130B-1 checklist page. As soon as possible, a new checklist page, incorporating the supplement will be issued. This will keep handwritten entries of Safety of Flight Supplement information in your checklist to a minimum, HOW TO GET PERSONAL COPIES. Each flight crewmember is entitled to personal copies of the Flight Manual, Safety of Flight Supplements, and Checklists, The required quantities should be ordered before you need them to assure their prompt receipt. Check with your supply personnel - it is their job to fulfill your Technical Order request. Basically, you must ‘order the required quantities on the Publication Requirements Table (T.O. 0-3-1), Technical Orders 00-5-1 and 00-5-2 give detailed information for properly ordering these publications. Make sure a system is established at your base to deliver these publications to the flight crews immediately upon receipt. FLIGHT MANUAL AND CHECKLIST BINDERS, Loose leaf binders and sectionalized tabs are available for use with your manual. These are obtained through Jocal purchase procedures and are listed in the Federal Supply Schedule (FSC Group 75, Office Supplies, Part 1). Binders are also available for carrying your condensed (abbreviated) checklists. These binders contain plastic ‘envelopes into which individual checklist pages are inserted, They are available in three capacities and are obtained through normal Air Force supply under the following stock numbers: 7510~766-4268, -4269, and ~4270 for 15, 25, and 40 envelope binders respectively. Check with your supply personnel for assistance in securing these items. WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, AND NOTES, ‘The following definitions apply to “Warnings”, ‘“Cautions””, and “Notes”? found throughout the manual, WARNING Operating procedures, techniques, ete., which will result in personal injury or loss of life if not carefully followed. caUTION Operating procedures, techniques, etc., which will result in damage to equipment if not carefully followed. NOTE ‘An operating procedure, technique, etc., which is considered essential to emphasize. ‘YOUR RESPONSIBILITY - TO LET US KNOW. Every effort is made to keep the Flight Manual current, Review conferences with operating personnel and a constant review of accident and flight test reports assure inclusion of the latest data in the manual. However, we cannot correct an error unless we know of its existence, In this regard, it is essential that you do your part. Comments, corrections, and questions regarding this manual or any phase of the Flight Manual program are welcomed, ‘These should be forwarded through your Command Headquarters to Hq ASD, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, Attn: ASZTG. 1.0, 16-1308 TIME COMPLIANCE TECHNICAL ORDERS ‘The following Time Compliance Technical Orders have been incorporated in this manual or outstanding Safety of Flight Supplements. TCTO NUMBER TITLE 106-180-520 Modification of Elevator Trim Tab Electrical Cireuit, C/GC/RC-180A,C-130A-2, C-130B, and C-180D Aireratt 10-190-523, Installation of Deflector Plate, RC/GC/C-130A, C-130A-2, C-190B, and $C-130B Aireratt 310-190-596 Removal of AN/ARA-28, C/GC/RC-190A, C-190A-2, C-190B, and C-190D Aircraft 310-180-551 Reset Cabin Pressurization Control and Safety Valve, JC/GC/RC/C-180A, C-130A-2, €-190D, and 8C/C-10B Aircraft 106-190-554 Installation of Collins VHF 101 Radio System C/JC/RC-190A, C~130A~2, C-180B, and C-130D Aircraft 416-190-570 Retrofit Design of Engine-Driven Generator Air Blast Cap SC/C-130B Aireratt 1¢-190-620 Redesim of Oxygen System, GC/C-130A, C-190D, and SC/JC/NC/C-130B Atreratt 1¢-130-881 Removal of the 6188-1 Radio and Installation of the 6188-1 MC (Modified) SSB Radio, C-180 Aireratt 1€-180-636 Modification of Propeller Synchrophaser Panels, C-190B and -E Aircraft s1¢-130-848 Installation for Provisions for Integrated Torquemeter Indicator, C-1904, C-180B, and SC-130B Aireratt *10-130-858 Moditieation of C-130B and -E Wings 1¢-130B-513 Installation of Accumulator, Restrictor, and Cooler in Hydraulie Circuit, C-180B Aireratt 1¢-1808-542 Retrofit Inerease of E-4 Autopilot Capabilities, C-130B, C-130BL, and SC-190B Aireraft 1C-190(8)B-502 _ Installation of SC-190 Observer's Door Warning Light, SC-130B Aireraft 1€-180(8)B-503 Installation of AN/APN-59B search Radar in Liew of AN/APS-81 Search Radar and Re- design of Radio Operator's Station, SC-190B Aircraft *1C-180(8)B-504 Installation of AN/APN-147(V) Doppler and AN/ASN-35 Computer, SC-190B Aircraft *1C-190(8)B-505 _ Installation of AN/ARC-84 VHF Radio Equipment, SC-190B Aircraft SINCORPORATED THIS ISSUE 0. 16-130B-1 ‘This page intentionally left blank the airplane A $C-130B A a a Cult ee ae ia ee ar a) _ a 1.0. 16-1308-1 Table of Contents THE AIRPLANE ....... at ENGINES 60... 0ee 0 1-10 PROPELLERS......00000e00ceeeee 1-28 ASSISTED TAKE-OFF (ATO) $ 1-39 OIL sysTEMS snes ger ST FUELSYSTEM .....0.. 1-39 ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM... 1-48 HYDRAULIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMS... 1-68 FLIGHT CONTROLS. . . ceeeee DTH THE AIRPLANE. ‘The Lockheed C-130B is anall-metalhigh-wing, lon range, land-based monoplane, The mission of airplane is toprovide rapidtransportation of personne! or eango for delivery by parachute or by landing, The airplane can be used as a tactical transport carrying 92 ground troops or 64 paratroops and equipment, and can be readily converted for ambulance or aerial delivery missions. When used as an ambulance, the airplane can carry 74 litters, The C-190B can land and take off on short runways, and it can be used on landing strips such as those usually found in advance base operations. PROPULSION. Power is supplied by four Allison TS6-A-7, turboprop, constant-speed engines, Provisions exist for using externally mounted ATO units to provide atlditional thrust for take-off. Each engine drives a 4-blade Hamilton Standard Hydromatic, constant-speed pro- peller having full feathering and reversible pitch, SECTION Seetion 1 FLAP SYSTEM 2.2... 81 LANDING GEAR SYSTEM ae) NOSE WHEEL STEERING SYSTEM .. 1-90 BRAKE SYSTEM ...... 1-90 ANTI-SKID SYSTEM. 0.060000 02 e200 1692 INSTRUMENTS .. 1-93 EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT ...0..6.0e000 1-97 SEATS. 1107 AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT «0.026.000 005 1-109 INTERIOR ARRANGEMENT. ‘The fuselage is divided into the cargo compartment and the flight station, It can be fully pressurized and air conditioned, both in flight and on the ground, AIRPLANE DESCRIPTION. ‘The prinefpal dimensions of the airplane are: Wing Span 132 feet 7 inches Length 97 feet 9 inches Height - 38 feet 6 inches Stabilizer 52 feet 8 inches Cargo Compartment Length. cesses 41 feet Width (Minimum), 10 ‘feet’ inches Height (Minimum) ‘9 feet Maximum Gross Weight 11 198,600 pounds (For complete weight information, see Section V.) See Section TI for ground clearance and turning radius. See Appendix I for main gear footprint loading. ry Section 1 1.0. 1€-1308-1 general arrangement and servicing diagram €-1308 Airplones Only Cony F40 Eis Fae (REFER TO SECTION V FOR ALTERNATE FUELS) mL ni Figure 1-1. (Sheot 1 of 2) FORWARD CARGO COMPARTMENT ‘BULKHEAD Brits ctr) Peery ry OXYGEN Pater) FLUID 1.0. 1€-1308-1 miesioe fs | BENEAND OIC oes aureEnae ics-aaee ane Stinousuens MICS A364 (Sheet Figure 1. Section 1 SINGLE POINT REFUELING ADAPTER PORTABLE OXYGEN UNITS (3 PLACES) PILOT'S AND COPILOT'S SEATS NAVIGATOR'S STOWAGE CABINET FIGHT MECHANIC'S SEAT NAVIGATOR'S SEAT ‘CREW BUNKS HAND OPERATED FIRE EXTINGUISHER (4 PLACES) WINDOW CURTAINS BOOSTER HYDRAULIC SYSTEM RESERVOIR PROPELLER RESERVOIR (4 PLACES) ENGINE OIL AND STARTER OIL (4 PLACES) FUEL FILLER POINTS (6 PLACES) DRY BAYS (4 PLACES) PARATROOP DOORS (2 PLACES) GROUND AIR CONDITIONING ADAPTERS ‘MISCELLANEOUS STOWAGE CONTAINERS. ‘TROOP WATER BOTTLES (2 PLACES) ENGINE TAILPIPE SHIELDS AUXILIARY HYDRAULIC SYSTEM RESERVOIR AUXILIARY HYDRAULIC SYSTEM MOTOR URINAL (4 PLACES) TOUT FIRE EXTINGUISHING AGENT BOTTLES ATM. AND ATM OIL RESERVOIR Gre UTILITY HYDRAULIC SYSTEM RESERVOIR OXYGEN ALLER VALVE GTC OM RESERVOIR ENGINE AIR INTAKE SHIELDS ‘AIRBORNE LADDER FORWARD CARGO DOOR HYDRAULIC SYSTEM RESERVOIR AUXILIARY INTERNAL FUEL TANK GAUEY EXTERNAL ELECTRICAL POWER RECEPTACLES BATTERY EXTERNAL INTERPHONE CONNECTION FORWARD CRASH AXE 324. Sse es 1906-1= 13-0282 2 of 2) 1-3 Section 1.0. 1€-1308-1 general arrangement aus i. and servicing diagram 5€-1308 Airplanes Only FORWARD CARGO COMPARTMENT BULKHEAD Figure 1-2. (Sheet 1 of 2) 1.0. 16-1308-1 Section 1 SINGLE POINT REFUELING ADAPTER PORTABLE OXYGEN UNITS (3 PLACES) PILOT'S AND COPILOT'S SEATS NAVIGATOR'S STOWAGE CABINET FLIGHT MECHANIC'S SEAT NAVIGATOR'S SEAT RADIO OPERATOR'S SEAT HAND, OPERATED FIRE EXT (4 PLACES) WINDOW CURTAINS BOOSTER HYDRAULIC SYSTEM RESERVOIR PROPELLER RESERVOIR (4 PLACES) ENGINE OIL AND STARTER OIL (4 PLACES) FUEL FILLER POINTS (6 PLACES) (LEFT AUX NOT SHOWN) DRY BAYS (4 PLACES) OBSERVERS’ SEATS (2 PLACES) PARATROOP DOORS (2 PLACES) OBSERVATION DOORS (2 PLACES) GROUND AIR CONDITIONING ADAPTERS (MISCELLANEOUS STOWAGE CONTAINER TROOP WATER BOTTLES (2 PLACES) ENGINE TAILPIPE SHIELDS AUXILIARY HYDRAULIC SYSTEM RESERVOIR ‘AUXILIARY HYDRAULIC SYSTEM MOTOR URINAL (4 PLACES) Tou FIRE EXTINGUISHING AGENT BOTTLES ‘ATM AND ATM OIL RESERVOIR cre UTILITY HYDRAULIC SYSTEM RESERVOIR ‘OXYGEN FILLER VALVE GTCOIL RESERVOIR ENGINE AIR INTAKE SHIELDS ‘AIRBORNE LADDER FORWARD CARGO DOOR HYDRAULIC SYSTEM RESERVOIR 394A. AUXILIARY INTERNAL FUEL TANK 95, ON SCENE COMMANDER'S STATION 36. GALLEY 37, EXTERNAL ELECTRICAL POWER RECEPTACLES 38, BATTERY 39. EXTERNAL INTERPHONE CONNECTION 40, FWD CRASH AXE rors vty SPWENYPSPNINEN ENGINE AND GTC MIl-0-4540 BE aLreenare IMIL-B-4394 LOSI 1 ano exrincuisHers MiL-2.4394) Eco ox | Pott) ais (MIL-H-6083, TYPE Figure 1-2. (Shoot 2 of 2) t00-1-13-029-2 1-5 Section 1 flight station forward 7.0, 1€-1908-1 cREW. Crew stations are provided for a pilot, copilot, flight mechanic, and navigator, The pilot and copilot are seated on the left and right sides, respectively, of the control pedestal in the forward section of the flight station, ‘The navigator is seated behind the copilot on the right side of the flight station, facing outboard, ‘The flight mechanic is seated in the center of the ‘light station, behind the pilot and copilot. In addition the SC-130B ‘airplanes have an on-scene commande: radio operator, and two observers. The on-scene commander's seat is located on the galley floorat the rear of the flight deck over the crew door. The radio operator is seated to the right rear of the navigator, facing in the same direction, The observers are seated on the right and left sides of the cargo com= partment at the paratroop doors, facing outboard. 1.0. 16-130B-1 Section 1 copilot’s station Section 1 1.0. 1€-1308-1 pilot’s side shelf LIGHTING CONTROLS 1 2. PARATROOP PANEL 3. OXYGEN REGULATOR 4 AX ©1308 Airplanes Only PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM MAIN CONTROL PANEL 1308:1-13-026 Figure 1-6. side shelf 1. PARATROOP PANEL 2. PROPELLER CONTROLS. 3. LIGHTING CONTROLS 4. OXYGEN REGULATOR PANEL Api aelee Figure 1-7. 1-8 1.0. 1€-1308-1 Section 1 overhead control panel 1. AIR CONDITIONING AND PRESSURIZATION CONTROL PANEL 6. FIRE EMERGENCY CONTROL PANEL 2. GTC CONTROL PANEL 7. OlL COOLER FLAP CONTROL PANEL 3, ANTHICING SYSTEMS CONTROL PANEL 8. CONTROL BOOST SWITCH PANEL 4, OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL CONTROL PANEL 9. ICE DETECTION PANEL 5. FUEL CONTROL PANEL 10, ENGINE STARTING CONTROL P Figure 1-8, Section I instrument panel typical Figure 1 ENGINES. ‘The airplane is powered by four TS6-A-Tengines, The static, standard-day, sea level, take-off rating of the engine at 100 percent rpm (13,820) is 4,050 equivalent propeller SHP; 3,755 propeller SHP plus 205 ESHP resulting from jet thrust, The propeller SHP of 3,755 is for no power extraction, For the C-190B, the normal Joad power extraction is 20 SHP, Therefore, the in- stalled propeller SHP is 3,735, For this value of pro- peller SHP, an indicated value of torque read from the torquemeter should be approximately 17,300 inch-pounds. POWER SECTION. ‘The power section of the engine is composed of a single-entry, 14-stage, axial-flow compressor; a set of 6 combustion chambers of the through-flow type; and a 4-stage turbine, Mounted on the power section are an accessories drive assembly and components 1-10 1.0. 1¢-1301 1. PILOT'S INSTRUMENT PANEL 2. AN/APN-59 INDICATOR 3. ENGINE INSTRUMENT PANEL 4, COPILOT'S INSTRUMENT PANEL 130B1-10-011, of the engine fuel, ignition, and control systems, Ac~ celeration bleed valves are installedat the Sth and 10th, compressor stages, A manifold is installed at the diffuser to bleed air from the compressor for airplane pneumatic systems, Anti-icing systems are provided to prevent accumulation of ice in the engine inlet air duet and the oil cooler scoop. Inlet air enters the compressor through a scoop and duct below the reduction gear and is progressively compressed through the fourteen stages of the compressor. The compressed air (at approximately 125 psi, 550°F) flows through a diffuser into the combustion section. Fuel is introduced into the combustion chambers and burned to increase the temperature and thereby the energy of gases, The gases pass through the turbine, causing it to rotate and drive the compressor, pro- peller, and accessories. The gases, after expanding through the turbine, flow out through tailpipe, EXTENSION SHAFT ASSEMBLY. ‘The extension shaft assembly consists of two con- centric shafts and torquemeter components, The inner 1.0. 1¢-130B-1 Section 1 instrument panel typical SC-1308 Airplanes Only shaft transmits power from the power section to the reduction gear. The outer shaft serves as a reference 0 that the torsional deflection of the loaded inner shaft can be detected by the magnetic pickups of the torque indicating system. Torquemeter amplifiers in the up~ per cargo compartment are provided with adjustment screws for calibration purposes. On airplanes AF 61-0957 and up and CG-1946 and up, the torquemeter amplifiers are contained in the indicators, Airplanes AF 57-0525 through 61-0956 which have been modified by 7.0, 1C-130-648 can use either the unitized torque- meter system or the system with separate amplifiers, REDUCTION GEAR ASSEMBLY. ‘The reduction gear assembly contains a reduction gear train, a propeller brake, an engine negative torque control system, and a safety coupling. Mounted 1. PILOT'S INSTRUMENT PANEL 2. AN/APS-310R AN/APN-S9INDICATOR 3, ENGINE INSTRUMENT PANEL 4. COPILOT'S INSTRUMENT PANEL 21308.2-10-006 on the accessory drive pads are the engine starter, an ac generator, a hydraulic pump, an oil pump, and a tachometer generator. The reduction gear has an independent dry-sump oil system supplied from the engine oil tank, The reduction gear train is in two stages, providing an overall reduction of 13.54 to 1 between engine speed (1.021 rpm), The propeller brake, engine negative torque control system, and safety coupling are described in the following paragraphs, ke. ‘The cone-type propeller brake acts on the first stage of reduction gearing, During engine operation, it is held disengaged by gearbox oll pressure when rpm. exceeds 23 percent, and is engaged below this speed, As engine speed is reduced andoil pressure drops, the braking surfaces are brought into contact by spring wan 7.0. 1¢-1308-1 pilot’s lighting control . panel A\ ©2308 Airplanes Only oe Figure 1-11. Figure 1-12. 112 Section T 1.0. 1€-1308-1 sto-as-1-a0et sasyo isavuxa(Q) stsvo nousnawor @ wns © ownruny anv av arssssewor @ _sovevay was @ av onimsa ony ss @ ANION] Z-V-9SL Figure 1-13. 1-13 Section 1 1.0. 1€-1308-1 engine fuel flow mesure prow P ‘ tia, FUEL engine startin (GO—Reeed site ‘9 ‘9 tow pressure Boost WaRNinc “PUMP PUMP ASSEMBLY tice SECONDARY PUMP Go PRESSURE PUMP SECONDARY SWITCH PARALLELING FUELPUMP, VALVE PRESSURE Low speeo GROUND i0LE Switch FUEL ENRICHMENT ‘SWITCH ogg ContROL THROTTLE NORMAL fs} TOUCHDOWN auto op STEM ecieoNie ° renvararure| _(@P coceeo atom roars CONTROL uw es TEMPERATURE } contot vatve 2 swe ne emencency ANE mnessune teh i seem 1! | Taeemocounes 'SENSITIve| [CONTROL Figure 1-14, (Sheet 1 of 2) 114 7.0. 1¢-1308-1 i ore sow a Low. PRESSURE FILTER PRESSURE SECONDARY Fue pump = SWITCH PRESSURE FOR ENRICHMENT SWITCH oF NORMAL ‘ToucHDOWN ‘SWITCH ‘STOP TEMPERATURE DATUM VALVE LEVER FIRE EMERGENCY HANDLE PRESSURE ‘SWITCH SPEED ENSITIVE| [CONTROL Figure 1-14. (Sheet 2 of 2) Section I on speed mE MAIN FUEL FLOW H sTaTiC PRESSURE EE Bypass FUEL FLOW One [iz] porrer CHECK VALVE —— HLECTRICAL ACTUATION (MECHANICAL ACTUATION LOW SPEED GROUND IDLE SWITCH auto AEcION ewrceatune| _@P socxen aru cONOL uw. TenpenarUne Datum contrat VALVE wich "ir rwermocouns Fuel shut-off valve is moter operated. All others ere solenoid type. Section T force to help slow the propeller to a stop. Helical splines are provided between the starter shaft andthe starter gear on the outer brake member causing the brake to disengage when starting torque Is applied during starting. The brake also engages to stop reverse rotation of the propeller, Note Very high windmilling drag upon sudden loss of turbine power is a problem in prop-jet aircraft operation, High windmilling drag results when the compressor absorbsa great amount of power. If a power failure is ex- perienced in flight at high speed, the engine starts to slow down; andthe propeller, sensing rpm, reduces blade angle anddrives the com- pressor, trying to bring it up to speed, Two safety devices are provided to preventa sud- den inerease inwind-milling drag which could result in high structural loads on the tail of the airplane and loss of directional control, ‘They are the NTS andthe safety coupling. The NTS increases automatically the blade angle of the propeller, and the safety coupling will automatically decouple the propeller and re~ duetion gear from the power section of the engine upon failure of the NTS System, Safety Coupling. ‘The safety coupling is provided to decouple the power section from the reduction gear if negative torque ap- plied to the reduction gear exceeds approximately 6,000 inch-pounds, a value much higher than that re- quired to operate the NTS system. Because of its higher setting, the safety coupling backs up the NTS system to reduce drag until the propeller can be feathered, The safety coupling connects the engine extension shaft to the pinion of the first stage of reduction gears, It consists of three members. An outer member is attached to the extension shaft; an inner member is attached to the pinion; and an inter- mediate member is engaged to the outer member by straight teeth and to the inner member by helical teeth, Reaction of the helical teeth tends to force the intermediate member aft out of engagement when negative torque is applied, andthe members disengage if approximately 6,000 inch-pounds negative torque is reached, While disengaged, the two members are forced together by springs so that the teeth ratchet. ‘The teeth can thus be damaged; therefore, the engine should not be continued in operation after a decoupling. Before restarting the engine, the coupling must be replaced, ENGINE FUEL AND CONTROL SYSTEM. ‘The turboprop engine consists of the same components as the turbojet engine except that a propeller and a 1.16 1.0. 16-130B-1 reduction gear are added, A turboprop engine extracts more energy from the gas stream than a turbojet engine, This is necessary to drive not only the com- pressor and the accessories but also the propeller. Since most of the gas stream energy is absorbed by the turbine, the jet action, while still effective, is, reduced considerably. A reduction gear is used be- cause the turning speed of the power unit is too high for use with a propeller. In flight the engine operates at a constant speed which is maintained by the governing action of the propeller. Power changes are made by changing fuel flow and propeller blade angle rather than engine speed, An increase in fuel flow causes an increase in turbine inlet temperature and a corresponding increase in energy available at the turbine, The turbine absorbs more energy and trans- mits it to the propeller in the form of torque. The propeller, in order to maintain governing speed, in creases blade angle to absorb the increased torque. ‘Turbine inlet temperature is a very important factor in the control of the engine, It is directly related to fuel flow and consequently to power produced. It is also limited because of the strength and durability of ‘the combustion and turbine section materials. The control system schedules fuel flow toproduce specific turbine inlet temperatures and to limit those tempera- tures so that the temperature tolerances of combustion and turbine section materials are not exceeded, The fuel system consists of fuel filters, a fuel pump, a hydromechanical fuel control in series with an elec- tronic temperature datum control system, and six fuel nozzles, Operating with the fuel system is the ignition system, the starting fuel enrichment system, the bleed air system, and the propeller. Changes in power settings are effected by the throttle which is ‘connected to the fuel control and the propeller through ‘a mechanical coordinator, During ground operation, changes in throttle position mechanically affect both, the fuel flow and the propeller blade angle. In flight, changes in throttle position mechanically affect fuel flow and the propeller governor regulates blade angle to maintain constant engine speed. The hydromechani- al fuel control, which is part of the basic fuel sys- tem, senses engine inlet air temperature and pres- sure, rpm, and throttle position and varies fuel flow accordingly. The electronic temperature datum (TD) control system senses turbine inlet temperature and throttle position and makes any necessary changes in the fuel flow from the fuel control be- fore it reaches the fuel nozzles, The TD system compensates for minor variables not sensed by the hydromechanical fuel control and for mechanical tolerances within the fuel control itself. By means of switches the TD system can be turned off or Jocked and the engine will operate on the basic hydromechanical system alone, With the TD system fon, automatic overtemperature protection is pro- vided throughout the operating range and automatic temperature scheduling is provided in the upper (Might) portion of the engine operating range. When the TD system is off, the automatic functions of temperature limiting and temperature scheduling ‘must be accomplished manually by adjustment of the throttle. 1.0. 1€-130B-1 Basic Hydromechanical Fuel System. ‘The basic hydromechanical fuel system consists of a throttle, a coordinator, a low-pressure fuel filter, a high-pressure fuel filter, a dual-element fuel pump, a hydromechanical fuel control, and six fuel nozzles. Throttle, Coordinator, and Propeller Control Links ‘The coordinator is a mechanical discriminating device which coordinates the throttle, the propeller, the fuel control, and the electronic temperature datum (TD) system. Movements of the throttle are transmitted to the coordinator and, in turn, to the fuel control and the propeller by a series of levers and rods. A po- tentiometer in the coordinator provides signals to the TD system. Propeller blade angle is scheduled by throttle position from maximum reverse to flight idle. For throttle settings between flight idle and take-off, the propeller is governing, Throttle movement in this, range Serves primarily to change fuel flow and also to change propeller hydraulic pitch stop (beta follow- up) settings. Fuel Control and Fuel Nozzles. Fuel flows fromthe fuel pump to the hydromechanteal fuel control, The control is sensitive to throttle posi- tion, air temperature and pressure at the engine inlet, and engine speed, The engine speed function of the fuel control maintains engine speed in the taxi range and Timits engine speed in the flight range ifthe propeller governor fails. The fuel flow schedule maintained by the fuel control provides satisfactory operation of the engine throughout its entire range, Fuel metered by the control is equal to engine requirements plus an additional 20% which is for the use of the tempera- ture datum valve, a part of the TD system, With the TD system off, the excess fuel provided by the fuel control is constantly bypassed by the temperature datum valve back to the fuel pump and fuel metering is accomplished by the fuel control alone. The re~ quired fuel flow passes on through the temperature datum valve to the fuel nozzles and into the combus- tion liners, where it is burned. Electronic Temperature Datum Control System. ‘The temperature datum control together with the coordinator potentiometer, temperature adjustment network, a turbine inlet temperature measurement system, and the temperature datum valve make up the electronic temperature datum system, The system compensates for variations in fuel heat value and density, engines, and control system characteristics. Section I ‘The system maintains selected turbine inlet tempera~ tures throughout the engine operating range, The temperature datum control is furnished actual turbine inlet temperature signals from a set of thermocouples and desired turbine inlet temperature signals by the throttle through the coordinator potentiometer andthe temperature adjustment network, The control com- pares the actual and the desired turbine inlet tem- perature signals, In the temperature controlling range (65° - 90°), if there is a difference, the temperature datum control signals the temperature datum valve to increase or decrease fuel flow to bring the tempera ture back on schedule, In the temperature limiting range (0° - 65° the temperature datum control acts, only when the limiting temperature is exceeded, at which time it signals the temperature datum valve to decrease fuel flow, The temperature datum valve is located between the fuel control and the fuel nozzles. It is a motor-operated, bypass valve which responds to signals received from the temperature datum control, In throttle positions between 0° and 65° the valve remains in a 20% bypass or null position and the engine operates on the fuel flow scheduled by the fuel control, The valve remains in the null position unless it is signaled by the temperature datum con- trol to limit turbine inlet temperature, The valve then reduces the fuel flow (up to 50% during start ing, 20% above 94 percent rpm) to the nozzles by returning the excess to the fuel pump. When the tur= bine inlet temperature lowers to the desired level, the temperature datum control signals the valve to return to the null position, In throttle positions be~ tween 0° and 65° the control systemisin the tempera ture Iimiting range, In throttle positions between 65° and 90° the temperature datum valve acts to control turbine inlet temperature to a preselected schedule corresponding to throttle position; this is the tem- perature controlling range, In this range the valve may be signaled by the temperature datum control to allow more (higher temperature desired) or allow less (ower temperature desired) of the fuel to flow to the fuel nozzles. ‘Any specific fuel flow trim correction applied in the 85° - 90° throttle range can be locked into the tem~ perature datum valve while above 65° and will be ‘maintained in the O° - 65° range by the use of the TD control switch located at the flight station, Also, the TD system can be returned to mull at any time by the use of the temperature datum control switch. When the switch is in NULL, automatic temperature limit ing eizcults are inoperative, the temperature datum valve remains in the null (20% bypass) position, and all fuel metering is then accomplished by the fuel control, Temperature limiting then must be accom- plished by throttle adjustment. Bleed Air System. ‘The bleed air valves on the fifth and tenth stages of the compressor are provided for compressor unload- ing during starting and while the engine is operating 17 Section I {in the low-speed ground idle range, These bleed valves remain open only when engine speed is below 94 per- cent rpm. The fifth and tenth stage bleed air valves are automatic in operation and are actuated by 14th stage compressor air pressure through an engine- driven speed-sensitive valve assembly. Starting Fuel Enrichment System. The enrichment system consists of a bypass line in ‘whieh is mounted a solenoid valve controlled by the speed-sensitive control and a pressure switch, The valve is opened by the speed-sensitive control through the ignition relay when engine speed reaches 16 per- cent rpm during starting. While open, it allows pump discharge fuel to flow around the metering section of the fuel control to add to the metered flow from the fuel control, After fuel pressure in the manifold reaches approximately 50 psi (gage), the manifold pressure switch opens to de-energize the valve, whieh then closes, STARTING SYSTEM. An air turbine starter unit drives the engine for ground starts, This starter unit consists of an air- driven turbine section, a reduction gear section, and fa clutch that is splined tothe reduction gear section of the engine, Air for driving the starter canbe supplied by the gas turbine compressor, by anoperating engine, or by an external air source, The air is routed through the bleed air system and the engine bleed air valves, ‘When the respective bleed air valve is opened, air is, supplied to the starter regulator valve, The starter regulator valve opens when its solenoid is energized, and it allows airflow intothe starter turbine section. A centrifugal cutout switch, mounted on the output side of the clutch housing, opens at starter cutout speed to de-energize the air regulator valve. This closes off the air supply to the starter turbine and causesthe clutch to disengage the starter turbine from the starter out- put drive, and the starter button pops out. (Refer to Seetion V for starter limits.) IGNITION SYSTEM. ‘The ignition system is a high-voltage, condenser- discharge type, consisting of an exciter, two igniters, and control components. The system is controlled by the speed-sensitive control through the ignition relay which turns it on at 16 percent engine rpm and off at 65 percent engine rpm during starting, ENGINE CONTROLS. Engine control in the flight range of operation is based on regulation of engine speed by propeller 118 1.0. 16-130B-1 constant-speed governing and control of torque through regulation of fuel flow. Note that the throttle acts only as a fuel control, It exercises nodirect control over the propeller, which is controlled entirely by the propeller regulator to regulate engine speed and to limit the low blade angle, The throttle does select the rate of fuel flow, The fuel control regulates the rate of inerease and decrease of fuel metering for acceleration and deceleration. Throttk ‘The throttles (25, figure 1-17 and 26, figure 1-18) are quadrant-mounted on the flight control pedestal, Throttle movement controls engine operation by positioning propeller controls and by positioning controls to select the rate of engine fuel flow. Throttle movements are transmitted through mechanical link~ age to anengine-mounted coordinator. The coordinator transmits the movements through mechanical linkage to the propeller and to the engine fuel control, and it also actuates switches and a potentiometer’ which affect electronic temperature datum control system operation. Each throttle has two distinct ranges of movement, taxi and flight (governing), which are sepa~ rated by a’stop (see figure 1-16). Both ranges are used for ground operation, but the taxi range must not be used in flight, In the taxi range, the throttle position selects a propeller blade angle and a corresponding rate of fuel flow, Inthe flight (governing) range, throttle position selects a rate of fuel flowtoproduce a sched- tuled turbine inlet temperature, and the propeller gov- ‘enor controls propeller blade angle, The throttles have four placarded positions (see figure 1-16), which are the following: MAXIMUM REVERSE - (0 degrees travel) gives maximum reverse thrust with engine power approxi~ mately 60 percent of maximum power. GROUND IDLE - (Approximately 18 degrees travel) is a detent position, This is the ground starting posi- tion at whieh blade angle is set for minimum thrust, FLIGHT IDLE - (34 degrees travel) is the transition point between the taxi and flight (governing) ranges. A step in the quadrant limits aft travel of the throttle at this position until the throttle is lifted, TAKE-OFF - (90 degrees travel) is the maximum power position, ‘The throttle quadrant is also divided into two un- marked ranges with respect tocontrol of the electronic temperature datum control system, The crossover point is at 65 degrees throttle travel, at which point the switches in the coordinator are actuated, Below this point, the electronic temperature datum control system can limit turbine inlet temperature, Above this, point, it is controlling turbine inlet temperature. 1.0. 16-1301 Low-Speed Ground Idle Controls. Four low-speed ground idle control buttons (figure 1-15) located on the control pedestal may be pushed in to reduce engine rpm to approximately 72 percent at any time the throttles are in the range between 9 degrees and 30 degrees, Moving the throttles out of this range will automatically disengage the low-speed ground idle buttons, Power is supplied from the 28-volt essential de bus through the low-speed ground idle circuit breakers on the copilot’s side circuit breaker panel. Throttle Friction Knob. A friction knob (26, figure 1-17, and 27, figure 1-18) on the throttle quadrant adjusts the amount of friction applied to the throttles to prevent ereeping or acci- dental movement, Section I Engine Condition Levers. Four pedestal-mounted condition levers (8, figures 1-17 and 1-18) are primarily controls for engine starting and stopping and propeller feathering andun- feathering. They actuate both mechanical linkages and switches which provide electrical control. Each lever has four placarded positions: RUN is a detent position, At this position, the lever closes a switch which places engine fuel and ignition systems under control of the speed-sensitive control. For engines No, 2 and No, 3, the ice detection system, is energized. AIR START is a position attained by holding the lever forward against spring tension, In this position, the lever closes the same switch closed by placing the lever at RUN, and in addition, closes a switch which causes the propeller auxiliary pump to operate, thus providing pressure to unfeather the propeller. low speed ground Figure 1-15. Section T throttle quadrant FLIGHT IDLE GROUND IDLE MAXIMUM REVERSE GROUND IDLE DETENT: POSITION STOP, A\ Low sree GROUND IDLE RANGE AX teyetsatute umine ve 10 90° WHEN TD VALVE IS LOCKED, Figure GROUND STOP is a detent position, In this position, the lever actuates a switch which causes the electri- cal fuel shutoff vavle onthe engine fuel control to close only if the airplane is onthe ground, when landing gear touchdown switches are closed. The switch alsocloses the nacelle preheat control circuit making this system operable. FEATHER is adetont position, When the lever is pulled toward this position, mechanical linkages transmit the ‘motion to the engine-mounted coordinator and from the coordinator to the propeller and tothe shutoff valve on the engine fuel control, Switches are also actuated by the lever as it is pulled aft. The results of moving the lever to FEATHER are the following: ‘The propeller receives a feather signal mechanically and electrically energizes the feather solenoid valve. ‘The fuel shutoff valve on the engine fuel control is closed both mechanically and electrically. ‘The propeller auxiliary pump is turned on, providing pressure to feather the propeller. ‘The nacelle preheat system remains operable only ‘when the airplane is on the ground. 1-20 1.0. 1¢-1308-1 THROTTLE Lever FLIGHT (GOVERNING) 30° TAKE-OFF 2308-1-23-013, 16. Temperature Datum Control Valve Switches. Four temperature datum control valve switches (fig- ture 1-19) are mounted on a control panel at the aft end of the flight control pedestal. Fach switch has AUTO, LOCKED, and NULL positions. The switch positions are used as follows: ‘The AUTO position permits normal operation of the electronic temperature datum control system by applying single-phase, ac power to the amplifier from the ac instrument and engine fuel control bus through an engine fuel and temperature control circuit breaker on the pilot's lower circuit breaker panel, The LOCKED position may be set when the throttles are in temperature-controlling range, to provide a fixed percentage correction on the metered fuel flow throughout the engine operating range and will permit the fuel control to compensate for changes in ambient temperature in order to maintain a symmetrical shaft horse power at flight idle, If the TD control valve switeh is then positioned at LOCKED, the TD valve is locked at whatever position it is inat the time. The TD valves remain locked and the fuel correction lights, remain out through all throttle movements, unless an overtemperature condition is sensed by the amplifier. When the switch is in the LOCKED position, the TD 1.0. 16-130B-1 Section 1 flight control pedestal | typical €-1308 Airplanes Only eer (ee. Sea os Figure 1-17. 1. NO. 1 LIAISON RADIO CONTROL PANEL 2. VHF NAVIGATION PANEL 3, INSTRUMENT SELECT PANEL 4. TACAN CONTROL PANEL '5. NO. 2 LIAISON RADIO CONTROL PANEL { COPILOT'S INTERCOMMUNICATION SWITCH PANEL 7. COPILOT'S INTERCOMMUNICATION ‘CONTROL PANEL 8. ENGINE CONDITION LEVERS 9. COPILOT'S RADIO COMPASS FILTER 10. LANDING AND TAXI LIGHTS CONTROL PANEL 11, TEMP, DATUM CONTROL VALVE SWITCH PANEL 12. LOW SPEED GROUND IDLE PANEL 13. AUTO-PILOT CONTROLLER 14, ASSISTED TAKE-OFF CONTROL PANEL 15, VHF COMMAND CONTROL PANEL 16, FLAP LEVER 17. NO. 2 RADIO COMPASS CONTROL PANEL 18. NO. 1 RADIO COMPASS CONTROL PANEL 19, AERIAL DELIVERY SYSTEM (ADS! ‘CONTROL PANEL 20. UF COMMAND CONTROL PANEL 21. AUTO-PILOT CONTROL PANEL 22, TRIM TAB CONTROL PANEL 23, ELEVATOR TAB POWER SWITCH 24, PROPELLER SYNCHROPHASER ‘CONTROL PANEL 25, THROTTLES 26. THROTTLE FRICTION KNOB 27, PILOT'S RADIO COMPASS FILTER 28, PILOT'S INTERCOMMUNICATION ‘CONTROL PANEL [OT'S INTERCOMMUNICATION SWITCH PANEL 2». Section T 1.0. 1€-1308-1 flight control pedestal SC-1308 Airplanes Only 1. PILOT'S RADIO SELECTOR PANEL 2. VF NAVIGATION CONTROL PANEL 3. TACAN CONTROL PANEL 3A. PILOT'S RADIO COMPASS FILTER {CG-1346 AND UP) 4. COPILOT'S RADIO SELECTOR PANEL 5, COALOT'S RADIO SELECTOR SWITCH PANEL 16, COPILOT'S ICS SELECTOR SWITCH PANEL 7. NO SMOKING AND FASTEN SEAT BELT LIGHTS CONTROL PANEL 8, ENGINE CONDITION LEVERS 9. COALOT'S ICS CONTROL PANEL 10. LANDING AND TAXI LIGHTS CONTROL PANEL 11. TEMP, DATUM CONTROL VALVE SWITCH PANEL 12, LOW SPEED GROUND IDLE PANEL 13. AUTO-PILOT CONTROLLER 14. ASSISTED TAKE-OFF CONTROL PAN‘ 15. VHE COMMUNICATION CONTROL PANEL 16, FLAP CONTROL LEVER 17. UHF COMMAND CONTROL PANEL 18, NO. 2 RADIO COMPASS ( ADF) CONTROL PANEL 18.NO. | RADIO COMPASS ( ADF) CONTROL PANEL 20. HF LIAISON TRANSCEIVERS CONTROL PANELS 21. AUTO-PILOT CONTROL PANEL 22. TRIM TAB CONTROL PANEL 23. ELEVATOR TAB POWER SWITCH 24, PROPELLER SYNCHROPHASER CONTROL PANEL 25. AERIAL DELIVERY SYSTEM CONTROL PANEL 26. THROTTLES, 27, THROTTLE FRICTION KNOB. 28. PILOT'S ICS CONTROL PANEL 29. PILOT'S ICS SELECTOR SWITCH PANEL 30-PILOT'S RADIO SELECTOR SWITCH PANEL 2p08-1-94002 ure 1-18. 1-22 1.0, 1€-130B-1 Seetion I temperature datum control valve switch panel 1308-1-3-091 Figure 1-19. valve for an engine is unlocked and moves toward a “take” position if turbine inlet temperature for the engine exceeds normal temperature limiting. If a valve is unlocked by its control system to correct an overtemperature condition, the fuel correction light for the engine illuminates to indicate that the valve is unlocked, Note ‘The switches lock a fuel correction only when they are positioned at LOCKED while the throttle is in temperature controlling range and the fuel correction light is out, If the switches have not been placed in the LOCKED position and the throttlesare moved ut of the temperature controlling range, the ‘TD valves return to the NULL position. ‘The NULL position removes ac power from the con- trol system amplifier; and the TD valve, receiving no control signals, returns to its null position so that it does not correct the fuel flow according to turbine inlet temperature, The TD valve brake is released by 28~ volt de power supplied from the essential de bus through the engine fuel control circuit breakers located on the copilot’s side circuit breaker panel. ‘The NULL position of these switches is used to de~ activate the control systems when erratie fuel sched- uling is suspected or when the engines are not operating. lectronic Fuel Correction Lights. The electronic fuel correction amber lights (figure 1-20) are located on the pilot’s instrument panel, The lights are on while the throttles are in temperature limiting range (below 65 degrees) and go out when the throttles are advanced to the temperature-controlling range (above 65 degrees). Starting Control System. ‘The starting control system automatically controls fuel flow and ignition, during ground and air starts. Electrical power for the control circuits is supplied from the essential de bus through engine start control cireuit breakers and the ignition control circuit break- ers on the copilot’s side circuit breaker panel. Pro- visions are made for using the battery to energize these circuits when all the air output of the gas turbine compressor is required to drivethe starter. The auto- matic control of the starting control system has a speed-sensitive control and a speed-sensitive valve, which is engine-driven and performs the following functions: On acceleration to 16 percent rpm - the fuel shutoff valve in the engine fuel control is opened; the ignition relay is energized, completing circuits to the ignition, exciter; the engine {uel pump paralleling valve closes; the fuel enrichment valve opens, and the manifold drip valve closes. 1-23 Section T electronic fuel correction panel 1.0. 16-1308-1 Figure 1-20. On acceleration to 65 percent rpm - the ignitionsys- tem is de-energized, the fuel pump paralleling valve is opened to return pumps to series operation; and the manifold drip valve is de-energized, then held closed by pressure, On acceleration to 94 percent rpm - the electronic temperature datum control system is switched from start limiting to normal limiting, and the speed-sen~ sitive valve opens toallow Ith stage bleedair to force the fifth and tenth stage compressor bleed valves closed, Engine Ground Start Switches. ‘The engine ground start switches (figure 1-21) are lo- cated on the engine starting panel on the overhead control panel, Each switch is used to open the starter air regulator valve to permit operation of the starter. ‘The switch knob is pushed in manually and held until the regulator valve opens, then a solenoid holds the knob in, A red light in the knob glows as long as the knob is held in, When the engine acceleratesto starter, 1@@-@ | Figure 1-21. 1.24 7.0, 16-1308-1 cutout speed, speed switches in the starter are act- uated to cause the regulator valve to close and the switch Imob to be released, causing the light to be extinguished, The switch can be disengaged manually at any time to discontinue starter operation, If the switch is not released when starter cutout speed is indicated by the engine tachometer, it should be pulled out before engine speed reaches the starter limit speed indicated in Section V. Engine Fuel Enrichment Switches. ‘The engine fuel enrichment switches (figure 1-21)are Iocated on the engine starting panel. They are toggle switches with NORMAL and OFF positions. In NOR- MAL, each switch allows the engine fuel enrichment valve to be controlled by the speed-sensitive control and manifold pressure switch during starting. The OFF position is provided to permit deactivating the fuel enrichment system for any engine, Engine Bleed Air Valve 5 ‘The engine bleed air valve switches are located on the anti-icing systems control panel on the overhead panel. They are toggle switches with OPEN and CLOSED positions. Each switch controls a motor- driven bleed air valve in the aft section of the engine nacelle, just forward of the wingbeam. Whenthe valve is opened, it allows bleed air to flow from the bleed air system manifold to the starter valve, the nacelle preheat valve, and the inlet air scoopanti-icing valve; or, if the engine is running, it allows air to flow from the bleed air manifold of the engine to the bleed air system, The valve is closed whennecessary toprevent air flow from the engine to the bleed air system or from the bleed air system tothe nacelle ducts. A check valve is provided to prevent back flow into the engine diffuser, The bleed air valves receive 28-volt de power from the essential de bus through the bleed air fire shutoff valves circuit breakers on the copilot’s, side circuit breaker panel, Feather Valve and NTS Test Switch and Lights. ‘The feather valve and negative torque signal check system (figure 1-23) consists of a feather valve and NTS check switch, four indicator lights (one for each engine), four NTS check relays (one for each engine), and a feather valve switch and an NTS switch in each propeller control assembly, When the feather valve and NTS check switch is in the VALVE position, it completes the light circuits from the essential de bus through the lights and contacts of each NTS check relay to the feather valve switch in each propeller control assembly. If the feather valve is manually positioned for feathering the propeller, it completes a circuit to ground for the corresponding indicator Section I Light, The light will illuminate to indicate that the feather valve is in position to feather the propeller. When the feather valve and NTS check switch is in the NTS position, it completes two circuits. One cir~ cuit is completed from the essential de bus through each indicator light to a set of contacts in each NTS check relay. The other circuit is completed from the essential de bus through the coil of each NTS check relay to the NTS check switch in the propeller control assembly, When a negative torque condition exists, the engine NTS plunger actuates a linkage which closes the NTS switch, The NTS switch completes a cireuit to ground for the NTS check relay coil and energizes the relay. The relay actuates to provide a ground path for the light circuit and the relay coil. ‘The relay will remain energized, and the indicator light will glow as long as the feather valve and NTS check switch is in the NTS position, ‘The fire emergency control handles (tigure 1-24) are located on the overhead control panel. Each handle contains turbine overheat warning lights and fire de- tection warning lights, Normal position of the handles is in, When a handle is pulled out, switches actuated by the handle cause the following electrical operations: ‘The shutoff valve on the engine fuel control is closed. ‘The engine oll shutoff valve is closed. ‘The fire wall fuel shutoff valve is closed. ‘The fire wall hydraulic shutoff valves are closed. ‘The engine bleed air valve is closed. Engine starting control circuits are de-energized, ‘The propeller is feathered. ‘The fire extinguisher system control valves are positioned, ‘The extinguishing agent discharge switch is armed, Refer to FIRE EXTINGHUISHER SYSTEM in this sec- tion for additional information on the fire emergency control handles, ENGINE INSTRUMENTS. ‘The engine instruments are located on a panel at the center of the main instrument panel. A total fuel flow gage is on the pilot's instrument panel next to the indi- vidual fuel flow gages, Indicator lights for fuel pres~ sure warning are on the overhead control panel. For additional information on fuel flow gages and pressure warning lights, see FUBL SYSTEM INDICATORS in this section, Torquemeters. Each of the four torquemeters (1, figure 1-22) indi- ates torque in inch-pounds, and can indicate either 1-25 Section I 1.0. 16-1308-1 1, TORQUEMETER 7, PROP LOW OIL QUANTITY [MASTER WARNING LIGHT 2. TACHOMETER 8, OIL QUANTITY GAGE ‘3. TURBINE INLET TEMPERATURE INDICATOR 9. OIL.COOLER FLAP POSITION INDICATOR 4. ue. ROW oAce pects ow Ga GUAT Warabe 5. OnTewreeaTune case 12. ions tow on ot {6 OIL PRESSURE GAGE Figure 1-22. 1.0. 1€-130B-1 positive or negative torque, The indicated torque is detected at the extension shaft between the engine power section and reduction gear assembly, The torquemeters receive 115-volt, single-phase ac power from the ac instrument and engine fuel control bus through the engine torquemeter circuit breakers on the pilot's lower circuit breaker panel and 26-volt ac power from the instrument transformers through the torquemeter amplifier fuses on the pilot's lower elreuit breaker panel. Airplanes AF 61-0957 and up and CG-1348 and up do not require 26-volt ac power. ‘Tachometers. Each of the four tachometers (2, figure 1-22) indicates engine speed in percent of normal engine rpm, Nor- mal rpm (100 percent) equals 13,820 engine rpm, A vernier dial on each indicator makes it possible to read to the nearest percent. The tachometer system has a separate engine-driven tachometer generator ‘mounted on each engine that is not dependent upon the airplane electrical system for operation, Turbine Inlet Temperature Indicato Each of the turbine inlet temperature indicators (3, figure 1-22) indicates temperature sensed by therm: couples in the engine turbine inlet casing, Each indi- cator registers temperature in degrees Centigrade and contains a vernier scale graduated in degrees. Single-phase, 115-volt power for the indicator sys- tems is supplied from the ac instrument and engine fuel control bus through the turbine inlet temperature cireuit breakers on the pilot’s lower circuit breaker panel. Fuel Flow Gages. Each of the four fuel flow gages (4, figure 1-22) indi- cates flow in pounds per hour. Flow is measured at the point where it enters the manifold on the engine, Single-phase, 115-volt, ac power is supplied to th indicator systems from the ac instrument and engine fuel control bus through the fuel flow circuit breaker on the pilot’s lower circuit breaker panel, A single fuel flow power supply unit, which powers all fuel flow transmitters, receives 28-volt, de power fromthe essential de bus’ through fuel flow circuit breaker ‘on the copilot’s lower cireult breaker panel, Note For additional information on fuel indicators and pressure warning lights see FUEL SYS~ TEM INDICATORS in this section, Section 1 Total Fuel Flow Gage. ‘The total fuel flow gage (14, figure 1-69 and 14, fig- ure 1-71) on the pilot's instrument panel indicates the total rate of fuel consumption for the four engines, Its indication should equal the sum of the indications of the four engine fuel flow gages, Single-phase, 115-volt, ac power for the indicator system is sup- plied from the ac instrument and engine fuel control bus through the fuel flow totalizer circuit breaker on the pilot's lower eireuit breaker panel and 28-volt de power from the essential de bus through the fuel flow circuit breaker on the copilot’s lower circuit, breaker panel, Fuel Low-Pressure Warning Lights. Four fuel low pressure warning lights (tigure 1-31) are located on the fuel control panel, Each light is turned on when fuel supply pressure at the point where fuel enters the engine pump falls below ap~ proximately 8,5 psi, When illuminated, a light indi- cates a possible booster pump failure, valve failure, fuel line failure, or a malfunctioning pressure switch, ‘The lights receive 28-volt de power from the essential de bus through the fuel management low- pressure lights cireuit breaker on the copilot’s side circuit breaker panel, Secondary Fuel Pump Pressure Lights. Four secondary fuel pump pressure lights (figure 1-21) are located on the overhead engine starting control panel. Each light is controlled by a pressure switch on the engine fuel pump and filter assembly, The light is normally illuminated while the two gear pumps in the assembly are operating in parallel during engine start- ing (prior to 65 percent rpm). The light also illumi~ nates at any other time ifthe pump paralleling valve is, not open or if the primary gear pump fails. If the light does not illuminate during starting, either the pump paralleling valve has not closedor the secondary pump has failed, The four lights receive 26-volt de power from the essential de bus through the fuel management sec, pump ind, lights circuit breaker on the copilot’s side circuit breaker panel, Oil Temperature ‘The four oil temperature gages (5, figure 1-22) indi- cate oil temperature in the oil inlet lines. The elec- trical-resistance type indicators receive 28-volt de power from the essential de bus through the engine il temp indicator circuit breaker onthe copilot’s side circuit breaker panel, 127 Section 1 1.0. 1€-130B-1 copilot’s side shelf 1308-1-13-030 Figure 1-23. OL PRESSURE GAGES. ‘Four dual oil pressure gages (6, figure 1-22) register oil pressure for both the engine power sections and reduction gears, The rear needle marked G on each indicator shows reduction gear oil pressure; and the front needle marked E indicates power section oil pressure, The ofl pressure gages receive 26-volt ac power from the instrument transformers through the gear box ind oil pressure and ind engine oil pressure fuses on the pilot's lower circuit breaker panel. PROPELLERS. Each engine is equipped with a Hamilton Standard, four-blade, electro-hydromatic, full feathering, re- versible-piteh propeller. The propeller operates as a controllable-pitch propeller for throttle settings below FLIGHT IDLE and as a constant-speed propeller for throttle settings of FLIGHT IDLE orabove. The major components of the propeller system are the propeller assembly, the synchrophasing system, the control sys~ tem, and the anti-icing and deicing system, PROPELLER INSTALLATION. ‘The propeller installation as installed on the engine shaft consists of the propeller assembly, the control 1-28 assembly, the spinner assembly, and anti-icing and deieing provisions, The propeller assembly in turn consists of the blade assemblies, the barrelassembly,, ‘the dome assembly, the low-pitch stop assembly, the pitch lock regulator assembly, and the contact ring holder assembly. Propeller Blades. ‘The propeller blades are of solid aluminum alloy with shanks which are partially hollow for weight reduction, ‘The blade incorporates a fairing made or plastic foam (Lockfoam) covered with a nylon reinforced rubber material to direct the airflow intothe engine. The blade gear segments, thrust bearings, oil seal, and deicing rings are located on the mounting end of the blades. Barrel Assembly. ‘The principal functions of the barrel assembly are to retain the blades within the propeller assembly, to provide the means of attaching the propeller to the engine shaft, and to trasmit engine torque to the blades. The barrel assembly is made in two sections ‘which are bolted together to retain the propeller blades. ‘The rear half of the assembly has an extension which is machined to fit over the splined engine shaft. 1.0. 1€-130B-1 Pitch Lock Assem! ‘The pitch lock regulator assembly is located within the barrel assembly. Other components of the pitch lock mechanism are a stationary pitch lock ratchet which is splined to the barrel anda rotating pitch lock ratchet which is splined to the rotating cam within the domeassembly, The pitch lock mechanism prevents the blades from decreasing pitch if overspeeding occurs or if hydraulic pressure is lost. The stationary and rotating pitch lock ratehet rings are held disen- Baged by propeller ofl pressure under control of the piteh lock regulator; they are spring-loaded to engage ‘when this pressure is lost, However, when the ratchet rings are engaged, the propeller can still increase pitch to allow feathering. When an overspeed condition is sensed by the flyweights within the pitch lock regulator assembly, oil pressure is removed to allow the pitch lock ratchets to engage and preventa decrease in blade angle, To release the pitch lock, the overspeed must be correct to restore oll pressure, and the blade angle must increase a few degrees to disengage the ratchets. So that pitch lock action will not interfere with normal reversing of the propeller, the pitch lock ratchet rings are mechanically held apart by cam ation throughout a blade angle range {rom a few degrees above the low-pitch stop tofull reverse. How- ever, a propeller which has once locked pitch cannot be reversed, as its blade angle cannot be reduced, In case of inadvertent pitch lock, see PROPELLER FAILURES in Section II. Dome Assembly. The dome assembly is mounted on the forward section of the barrel assembly. It contains the pitch changing mechanism and the low-pitch stop assembly. The piteh changing mechanism converts hydraulie pressure into mechanical torque. Its main parts are a piston assembly, a stationary cam, a rotating cam, and the dome shell, The piston is a double-walled assembly which fits ‘over the two cams and inside the dome shell. The piston is held in place by rollers which ride in the cam tracks of both cams, The rear of the rotating cam is connected by beveled gears to the propeller blades. As hydraulic pressure is applied to the piston, causing it to move, the rollers riding in the cam tracks turn the rotating cam, changing the blade angle. The low-pitch stop is located in the dome and mechanically stops the piston from de- creasing blade angle below approximately 21 degrees in flight. The low-pitch stop is retracted to allow lower blade angles during ground operation. Control Assembly. ‘The propeller control assembly is mounted on the aft extension of the propeller barrel but does not rotate. It contains the ofl reservoir, pumps, valves, anc Section I control components which supply the pitch changing mechanism with hydraulic pressure of the proper magnitude and direction to vary the propeller blade angles as required for the selected operating condition, The main components contained within the valve housing assembly section of the control assembly are the flyweight speed sensing pilot valve, feather valve, feather solenoid valve, and feather actuating valve, ‘The pump housing assembly contains a scavenge, main standby, and anelectric-driven, double-element, auxiliary pump. The flow of fluid from these pumps is controlled by the valves in the valve housing assembly to accomplish the desired propeller opera~ tion, All mechanical and electrical connections nec~ essary for propeller operation are made through the control assembly. The mechanical connections are linkages from the engine control system and the NTS (negative torque signal) system. The electrical con- nections are for oil level indication, pulse generator coil, auxiliary pump motor, synchrophasing system, NTS and feather switches, anti-icing and deicing systems, and the electric feathering system, Spinner Assembly. ‘The spinner assembly improves the aerodynamic characteristics of the propeller assembly. Itencloses ‘the dome, barrel, and control assemblies, It consists of a front section, rear section, and a non-rotating, afterbody assembly, Cooling air is admitted through an air inlet at the front of the spinner and passes over the dome assembly, barrel assembly, and control assembly fins and exhausts through vents in the engine nacelle, Resistance-type heating elements are incorporated on, the leading edge and fairing of each blade and the entire spinner assembly for anti-icing and deicing (see figure 4-13). Continuous anti-icing heaters cover the front portion of the spinner assembly andthe entire afterbody assembly, Cyclic deicing heaters cover the remainder of the spinner front section, the spinner rear rotating section, the spinner plateaus, and the blade leading edge and fairing, Power from the airplane electrical system is transmitted through the brush housing assembly, mounted on the stationary control assembly, and through the rotating slipring or the contact ring holder assembly, mounted on the aft end of the barrel, to the anti-icing and deicing elements. Power to the blade heaters is transmitted through four brush housings, mounted on the contact ring holder assembly, to the blade sliprings. Propeller Low Oil Warning Lights. A propeller low oil warning light for each propeller is located on the copilot’s side shelf (figure 1-23); 1-29 Section I a prop low oil quantity light, which acts as a master warning light, is located on the engine instrument panel (figure 1-22), The propeller low oil warning system is controlled by a float-actuated switch in each propeller control assembly. When the oi quantity for any propeller drops approximately 2 quarts below normal, the float-actuated switch closes and illumi~ nates the propeller low oil warning light for that engine and the prop low oil quantity light. If another pro- peller experiences low oil quantity, the only indication ‘will be from the propeller low oil warning light for that engine. The low oil warning lights receive 28-volt, de power from the essential dc bus through the prop low oll level circuit breaker on the copilot’s side eireuit breaker panel. PROPELLER SPEED CONTROL SYSTEM. The speed of the propeller is controlled by the propeller governing system within the flight range of the throttle lever so as to maintain a constant rpm. Within the ground range, the propeller blade angle is a function of throttle lever position. The propeller does not govern the rpm within the ground range. Propeller Governing System. ‘The prinetpal function of the propeller governing system is to maintain a constant engine operating rpm, Propeller governing is accomplished by the action of the flyweight speed-sensing pilot valve, This valve is controlled by the mechanical action of the flyweights opposing the force of the speeder spring. When the propeller is in an on-speed condition, the force of the flyweights is equal to the force exerted by the speeder spring, and the ports to both sides of the dome assembly piston are blocked, forming a liquid lock, When an overspeed condition occurs, the fly- ‘weight force overcomes the speeder spring force, and the pilot valve moves to meter fluld to the forward ‘side of the dome assembly piston to increase blade angle and cause the propeller to slow down, If the propeller slows below governed speed, the force of the speeder spring overcomes the force exertedby the flyweights, and the pilot valve meters fluid to the aft side of the dome assembly piston to decrease blade angle and allow the propeller to increase speed. The low-pitch stop prevents the propellers from decreasing blade angle below approximately 21 degrees while the throttles are in the flight range. Electronic Propeller Governing. ‘The synchrophase electronic unit provides circuits for the following governing functions: speed stabili- zation (derivative), throttle anticipation, and synchro~ phasing, The propeller mechanical governor will hold a constant speed in the flight range, but throttle 1-30 1.0. 1€-1308-1 changes will cause the governor to overspeed or underspeed while trying to compensate for the change in power, A stabilization circuit stabilizes the mech- anieal governor during these changes when the pro- peller governor control switch is in the NORMAL. position by sending a signal to the speed bias servo eontrol motor to change the speeder spring compres- sion, The throttle anticipation circuit stabilizes the propeller speed during rapid movement of the throttle. ‘Throttle movement rotates the anticipation potentiom= ter in the propeller control assembly sending a signal to the anticipation circuit which sends an amplified signal to the speed bias servo control motor to change the speeder spring compression, The synchrophasing system acts to keep all the propellers turning at the same speed, and it maintains a constant rotational position relationship between the blades to decrease vibration and to lover the noise level. The system uses either No, 2 or No, 9 engineasthe master engine, and it relates the blade position of the other three engines to the master, The blade position of a slave engine is changed by moving the pilot valve to increase or decrease the speed of that engine. The synchrophasing circuit determines blade position by comparing an electrical pulse generated by each slave propeller toa ‘modified pulse from the master propeller. If the blades are in the correct position, the resultant voltage of the slave and master pulse will be zero, Any deviation in blade position will produce a positive or negative voltage from the two compared pulses. This voltage drives the speed bias servo control motor to change the speeder spring compression, correcting the lade position, If propeller operation is erratic, see PROPELLER FAILURES in Section I NTS (NEGATIVE TORQUE SIGNAL) SYSTEM. ‘The NTS (negative torque signal) system provides ‘a mechanical signal to limit negative torque, Negative torque is encountered when the propeller attempts to drive the engine. If not relieved, this condition creates 2 great amount of drag, causing the airplane to yaw, The NTS system consists of an actuating mechanism housed partly within the reduction gear assembly and partly in a signal assembly in the propeller valve housing, It operates when negative torque applied to the reduction gear exceeds a pre- determined value of approximately 1,200 inch-pounds. A ring gear is then moved forward against springs as a result of a torque reaction generated through helical splines. In moving forward, the ring gear pushes a plunger through the nose of the gearbox. ‘The plunger pushes against a cam in the signal assembly to actuate control linkage connected to the propeller valve housing. When a negative torque Signal is transmitted to the propeller, the propeller increases blade angle to relieve the condition, except ‘when the throttles are belowthe FLIGHT IDLE position. When the throttles are below FLIGHT IDLE, a cam moves the actuator away from the NTS plunger and renders the system inoperative, This is necessary to prevent a propeller from receiving a possible 1.0, 1€-130B-1 negative torque signal at high landing speeds whenthe throttles are moved toward reverse. If the negative torque is sufficiently reduced, the signal mechanism returns to normal. Note ‘The NTS does not commit the propeller to feather, PROPELLER CONTROLS. Propeller controls include the throttles, condition levers, fireemergency control handles, synchrophaser master switch, prop resynehrophase switch, synchro- phaser trim ‘controls, propeller governor control switches, fuel governor check switches, feather over~ ride buttons, and feather valve and NTS check switch, Throttles Each throttle (25, figure 1-17 and 26, figure 1-18) is mechanically linked through the engine coordinator to an input shaft on the propeller controlassembly. When the throttle is in the governing range, between FLIGET IDLE and TAKE-OFF positions, the input shaft rotates with throttle movement, but it’ has no effect on pro~ peller speed except normal throttle anticipation and speed stabilization action. When the throttle is in the range below FLIGHT IDLE, movement of the throttle is transmitted to the speed-sensing pilot valve to increase or decrease blade angle, The maximum negative blade angle is obtained when the throttle is at MAXIMUM REVERSE, Approximate minimum thrust angle is obtained when the throttle is at GROUND IDLE. When the throttle is movedbelow FLIGHT IDLE,a cam Jocks out the NTS system and a switch interrupts ‘synchrophaser signals to the propeller. ‘The engine condition levers (8, figures 1-17 and 1-18) serve as feathering and unfeathering controls. Each lever is mechanically linked tothe engine coordinator, which transmits the motion of the lever to the propeller linkage only when it is moved to the FEATHER position, When the condition lever is moved to the FEATHER position the pilot valve is, ported to increase pitch, and the feather valve moves to the feather position, The condition lever also actuates a switch in the control pedestal, completing a circuit to the holding coil of a propeller feather ‘override button on the copilot’s side shelf, The pro- peller feather override button pulse in and completes circuits to energizea feather solenoid andthe auxiliary pump motor. The feather actuating valve and feather Section I solenoid valve route fluid to position the feather valve and pilot valve for propeller feathering, When the feather valve reaches the position to feather the propeller, the feather valve and NTS check light illuminates if the cockpit switch is in the VALVE, position, When the propeller blades reach feather angle, a pressure buildup occurs and actuates a pres- sure ‘cutout switch in the control assembly, which opens the holding circuit for the propeller feather override button, For unfeathering, the engine condition lever is held in the AIR START position, A switch is actuated to turn on the auxiliary pump, and the pump continues to operate as long as the lever is held in this position, When the engine condition lever is in the AIR START position and the auxiliary pump is operating, fluid is routed to the aft side of the dome assembly piston through the propeller governor tomove the blades toward low pitch angle. When the condition lever is in GROUND STOP or RUN positions it has no effect on the propeller controls, Fire Emergency Control Handle: When the engine fire emergeney handle (figure 1-74) is pulled it closes the circuit to stopthe engine and to energize the propeller feather override button, which in turn energizes the auxiliary pump motor and the feathering solenoid valve. The feathering solenoid valve routes fluid to position the feather valve and pilot valve to feather the propeller. Synchrophase Mi ‘Switch. ‘The synchrophase master switch (figure 1-24) is located on the flight control pedestal, This three- position (ENG 2, OFF, ENG 3) toggle switch controls the operation of the synchrophasing system and selects the engine to be used as the master. When the switch is in the ENG 2 position, the number 2 engine is selected as the master and the other propeller rotational speeds and blade phase angles are ref- erenced to this engine, When the switch is in the OFF position, there is no synchrophasing and the propellers ‘operate in normal governing. When the switch isin the ENG 3 position, the No, 3 engineis the master and the other propellers are referenced to this engine, Prop Resynchrophase Switch. p Resy: ‘The prop resynchrophase switch (figure 1-24) is a ‘two-position (NORMAL, RESYNC) toggle switch lo- cated on the flight control pedestal, The switch is spring-loaded to the NORMAL position. When the switch is placed in the RESYNC position, the speed bias servo motors of the slave propellers are re- positioned to the midpoint of their travel range, and speeds of the propellers remain the same until the switch is released to the NORMAL position, Eachtime 1-31 Section 1 1.0. 1¢-1308-1 synchronization control the switch is placed im RESYNC and released, the speed of the slave propellers can change approximately, 2 percent toa maximum of approximately 45 percent from the optimum 100 percent, When the switch is, held in the RESYNC position for 1 to 2 seconds and then released to NORMAL, ittakes the synehrophasing system about 15 seconds to correct the phase angle and speed of the propellers. Several such actuations, of the resynch switch may be required to realize a synchrophased condition, The propellers should be resynchrophased after each large change in throttle setting and after each change of the master engine. Synchrophaser Trim Controls. ‘The synchrophaser master trim knob is located onthe copilot’s side shelf (figure 1-23), It positions a potentiometer for altering the speed of the master engine, Full travel of the master trim knob will change the speed of the master engine plus or minus one pereent, The six screwdriver adjustments located around the master trim knob are for maintenance adjustment only. Propeller Governor Control Switches. ‘The four propeller governor control switches are two-position (NORMAL, MECH GOV) guarded toggle switches located on the copilot’s side shelf (figure 1-23), When the switches are in the NORMALposition the throttle anticipation and speed stabilization (deri vative)eirouits are operative, andifthe synchrophaser master switch is positioned to either master engine 1-82 jure 1-24, the blade rotational position of the slave engines is related to the master by the synchrophasing system. Placing a switch in the MECH GOV position dis- connects the electrical speed control tothat propeller, and the speed of the propeller is controlled by basic, ‘mechanical governing. Fuel Governing Check Switches. ‘The four fuel governing check switches located on the aft end of the overhead control panel are for mainte- nance purposes only. The switches are safetied and should not be used in flight. Feather Override Buttons. Four feather override buttons are located on the copilot’s side shelf (figure 1-23), They providea means for manually stopping the auxiliary pump at completion of the feather eyele. When the condition lever is, moved to FEATHER or the fire emergency control handle ig pulled, a circuit is completed to a holding coil of the propeller feather override button, The propeller feather averride button pulls in and com= pletes cireuits to energize the auxiliary pump and feather solenoid, Normally, a pressure switch at the propeller opens the holding solenoid circuit when the blades reach feather and the button pops out. If the button fails to pop out after the feather cycle is com- pleted, the button should be pulled out manually to turn off the auxiliary pump, The holding coll of the override button receives 28-volt, de power from the essential de bus through the copilot’s side circuit breaker panel. 1.0. 1¢-1301 ASSISTED TAKE-OFF (ATO) SYSTEM. Provisions are made for external mounting of eight solid-fuel ATO units of 1,000 pounds thrust each, ‘which supply additional thrust when it is desired to shorten take-off distance, The system is electrically controlled and operated from the assisted take-off control panel (14, figures 1-17 and 1-18) on the flight control pedestal, The units are fired simultaneously and give thrust until the propellant is exhausted. After firing, the expended ATO units may be jettisoned to reduce airplane weight and drag. MOUNTING OF THE ATO UNITS, ‘The mounting provisions for the ATO units are on the air deflectors in front of the paratroop doors (figure 1.25). Four units can be mounted on each deflector. Each ATO unit is supported by a mounting hook at the forward end and by a mounting channel at the aft end, The mounting hook remains all times, while the mounting channel is normally held flush with the air deflector skin by two springs, When an ATO unit is to be installed, the channel is turned out to the extended position and is held out bya spring-and-latch arrangement, The ATO unit forward attachment fitting pin is locked in the mounting hook by a spring-loaded latch, This latch is operated to release the ATO unit ‘by movement of a cam. One part of the cam engages the inboard end of the latch, while the other portion of the cam contacts a roller. The cam is connected by a cable to a release handle in the cargo compartment and to the latch that holds the mounting channel in the extended position. As the release cable is pulled, the cam and latch rotate, The cam rotates to retract the spring-loaded latch on the mounting hook, When ‘the spring-loaded latch is retracted, the cam slips off the roller, and the pull of the release cable causes the hook to rotate so that the ATO unit is pushed aft, to free it fromthe mounting channel, The ATO unit then falls away from the mounting hook and channel. When the ATO unit is pushed aft, the latch rotates to release the mounting channel which is pulled to the flush position by springs. ATO STORAGE AND OPERATING TEMPERATURI ATO storage and operating limits for units usable ‘with this system, are as follows: UPPER LOWER UNIT LIMIT LIMIT 14-DS-1000 MK4, ‘Mod 2 with MK153, ‘Mod 2 Igniter 130°F “18°F 14-DS-1000 M8 with MSIAI Igniter 40°F 60°F Section I UPPER LOWER unr uiMiT LIMIT 15-KS-1000 MK6, ‘Mod 0 with MK165, ‘Mod 0 Igniter 40°F -65°F 16-NS-1000, M15 or MI5A1 and Igniter 160°F 65°F ASSISTED TAKE-OFF (ATO) SYSTEM CONTROLS. ‘The fight station controls and the indieator for the ATO system are located on the assisted take-off panel on the flight control pedestal (14, figures 1-17 and 1-16), The jettison handles for the ATO system are located in the cargo compartment forward of the paratroop doors (figure 1-25). Safe Switch and Ready Light. ‘The armed-safe switch, located on the assisted take-off control panel, figure 1-25, is a two-position toggle switch designed to prevent accidental operation of the ATO system, When the switch is inthe SAFE position, the 29-volt, de ATO control circuit is open and the system will not operate, When the switch is in the ARMED position, the ATO control circuit is completed to the fire switch, A press-to-test ready light illumi- nates when the system is armed and readyto fire. The armed-safe switch and ready light receive 28-volt de power from the main de bus through the ATO control etreult breaker on the copilot’s lower circuit breaker panel, Fire Switch. ‘The pushbutton fire switch, located on the assisted take-off control panel, controls the operation of the ATO ignition circuits. When the armed-safe switch is in the ARMED position and the fire switch is depressed, 28-volt, de power from the ATO control circuit breaker energizes the ignition relay. Actuation of the ignition relay applies 28-volt, de power from the ‘main de bus through the ATO ignition circuit breaker fon the copilot’s lower circuit breaker panel to the ATO igniters. ATO Jettison Handles. Four manually actuated ATO release handles (figure 1-25) are located in the cargo compartment on the fuselage structure forward of each paratroop door. Each set of handles is reached through a zippered flap in the ingulation, Pulling a handle mechanically releases the ATO bottle. 1-33 Section 1 1.0. 1€-130B-1 LOCATED ON FLIGHT ‘CONTROL PEDESTAL (BOTH SIDES) (BOTH SIDES) Figure 1-25. 1.0. 16-1308-1 ‘The ignition control circuit is arranged so that all the ATO units are ignited at the same time. An igni- tion relay in the main DC distribution box closes the parallel cireuits to apply voltage from the main DC bus through an ATO ignition circuit breaker to the igniters, The control circuit for the relay includes limit switches actuated by the two air deflectors, an arming switch, and a fire switch connected in series with the relay coil. If the air deflectors are closed, the two limit switches are closed. The control circuit is then closed from the main bus through the ATO igni tion circuit breaker, an ATO control eircuit breaker, and the two air deflector limit switches to the arming switch, Operation of the guarded arming switch thon closes the elzeult to the fire switch and completes a circuit to energize a ready light next to the switch. If the fire switch is then pushed, the circuitis completed to energize the ignition relay coil, The ignition relay cannot be energized unless both air deflectors are closed and both the arming and firing switches are operated. The ready light indicates that the deflectors are closed when the arming switch is actuated, The Section I ‘wiring of the ignition circuit onthe airplane terminates at quick-disconnect fittings on the air deflectors, One fitting is placed in a recess next to each of the ATO ‘unit supports. Each fitting is a ball-type receptacle. ‘The plugs on the igniter leads with the ATO units fit ‘the ball receptacles, The circuit through each igniter squib is completed to ground through the igniter case, ‘The air deflector limit switch for each deflector is mounted in the deflector recess and is actuatedby the deflector as it closes. The effect of temperature on the ignition interval is shown in figure 1-26. Effect of Temperature on ATO Performance. Variations in ATO performance due to differences in temperature are shown in figure 1-27. INSPECTION OF ATO. Before installation, the ATO units and igniters must be inspected for serviceability, effect of temperature on ato ignition interval-typical 0 0.35 ou o.zs 0.29} [AVERAGE INTERVAL. IGNITION INTERVAL - SECONDS JAPPROXIMATE VARIATION Lin (Wa A Be VE 7 4 bs BT UE BF OTA CR 20) HO) G7) “HY Go) (AC) (IO). (L4C) (18) TEMPERATURE eoatoonias Figure 1-26. 1-95 Section I 7.0. 1¢-1308. effect of temperature on ato rocket motor performance-typical 19. 18.5} AVERAGE DURATION. v7.5} 16.5} 15.5} 14.5 13.5} DURATION - SECONDS 12.5} 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 VARIATION LIMITS, ‘THURST - POUNDS 1300 “AVERAGE THRUST 10.51 700 BIB AW BH A7G G7 44 6 BI VBI O NT (80) (60) (40) (20) (0) (20) (40) (40) (BO) (400) (120) (140) (16 TEMPERATURE Figure 1-27. ATO Unit Inspection. If any of the following defects or conditions are noted ‘upon inspection of the entire external surface of the ATO unit, that unit must not be used: 1, Damaged or cracked welds on the attachment fittings, 2, Damaged or loose attachment and/or fitting pins. 3, Excessive rust or corrosion of the attachment fittings and pins. 4, Obstruction of the nozzle orifice (other than nor~ mal plastic closure). 5, More than § years elapsed time since the unit was loaded (the loading data is stencilled on the side of the unit), 6. Damage resulting from blows or dropping. ‘Visual inspection of the interior walls of the chamber and nozzle is not possible, The following observations 1-36 ‘can be made, and an ATO unit with any of the follow- ing defects must not be use 1, Extensive rust on interior surfaces, 2, Rust particles or other foreign materials, except slight paint scales, on the surface of the propellant. 3, Moisture on the surface of the propellant, 4, Cracks in the surface of the propellant or broken pieces of propellant. IGNITER INSPECTION. Upon removal of igniter as~ ‘semblies from the packing, they must be inspected, ‘An igniter with one of the following defects must not be used: 1, Signs of moisture within the polystyrene case con= tainer which houses the black powder element. 2. Damage threads that would prevent proper as~ sembly to the ATO unit. 3. Corrosion on the contact electrode where the ignt- ter cable attaches, 4, ‘Broken or cracked polystyrene case container. 1.0. 1¢-1308-1 Note Ifthe polystyrene case is brokenduring igniter installation and powder has been spilled into the ATO unit chamber, both the igniter and the unit must be rejected and not used. 5, Seating on the chamber boss not firm when as- sembled in the ATO unit, ATO INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL. INSTALLATION OF ATO UNITS ON THE AIRPLANE, 1, Make an operational test of the airplane assisted take-off provisions. 2, Make sure that the hook openings of each channel and hook fitting, and each ball receptacle, are bright and clean, Clean with light sanding, if necessary, to ensure good electrical contact. 3, Inspect each ATO unit, Do not use a unit with any of the following defects: Damaged or cracked welds on attachment fittings. Damaged or loose attachment pins. Dented or distorted case, Moisture, dust, or dirt within the case. (Inspect the ‘case through’ the igniter opening after removing the plug.) 4, Pull out the aft mounting channels on each air deflector until the channels latch, 5, Make sure that the attachment pins on the ATO ‘units are bright and clean, 6. Lift each ATO unit into position sothat the attach ment pins engage the forward and aft hooks of the mount, Make sure that the forward attachment pin is locked in the hook by the latch, 7, After all ATO units are mounted, inspect the ig- niters, Reject an igniter with any of the following defects: Cracked powder case. Evidence of moisture in powder case, Corroded electrical contactor. Incorrect type. 8, Immediately aiter inspection of an igniter, install it in an ATO unit, Remove the plug from the forward end of the unit, and thread the igniter into the opening, Make sure that the igniter seats against theboss after tightening, Section T After the igniters are installed, stay clear of the area aft of the ATO bottles. Do not connect ignition leads until ready to start engines. When ignited, the units eject high- temperature exhaust gases, Do not approach a unit for at least 10 minutesaftera misfire, because the unit remains hot for that length of time 9, Make sure that the assisted take-offarming switch is in the SAFE position; then connect the igniter elec- trical leads, Remove the plastic cover from each ig- niter; disconnect the lead from the shorting terminal and connect it to the ball receptacle on the door next to the ATO unit. POSTFLIGHT REMOVAL OF ATO UNITS. Do not at- tempt to remove an ATO unit within 30 minutes after it has been fired, Remove cach unit by operating the release mechanism while supporting the unit, Wash off any deposits of powder left on the airplane skin by gases from the unit. OIL SYSTEM. Independent oil systems, one for each engine, supply lubrication to the engine gearboxes and power sec- tions, An oil tank is located in each nacelle above the engine and has a 12-gallon usable oil capacity and a 7.5 gallon expansion space. The oil feeds from the tank into the gearbox and power section of the engine, where it is picked up by scavenge pumps and driven through a heat exchanger and oil cooler back into the fl tank, Hot oil passing through the heat exchanger heats the engine fuel and prevents ice from forming in the fuel filter. Air flowing through an oil cooler duet and over the coils of the oil cooler absorbs ex- cess heat from the oil. A thermostatic element, 1o- cated in the ofl tank return line, controls the oil tem- perature by regulating the amount of air flowing through the ofl cooler duct. Four motor-operated valves provide an emergency means of shutting off oll flow to the engines whenthe fire emergency control handles are pulled, The valves receive 28-volt DC power from the essential DC bus through the oil fire shutoff valves circuit breakers on the copilot’s side circuit breaker panel, Oil used in this airplane must conform to the specification and grade listed in the general arrangement and servicing diagram at the beginning of this section, OIL SYSTEM CONTROLS. oll ce Flap Switches. Airflow through the oil cooler is governed by a con- trollable oil cooler flap which restricts the opening 1.37

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