Cold War - Justin Briggs Focus Day

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Justin Briggs Notes: Historians worth noting: Traditional (Schlesinger), Revisionist (Ambrose), Post Revisionist (Gaddis)

Cold War Origins - US suffered 300 000 deaths in WWII - USSR suffered 27 000 000 deaths (90x the number of American deaths) - US state build on individualism, strove for liberty and justice o Was restricted in its capacity to control everyday life ideas, economy, politics o In 1945, citizens of the US lived in the freest society (Gaddis 2007) - Bolshevik revolution created a concentration of authority to overthrow class enemies - Stalin forced a largely agricultural nation to become heavily industrialised with no liberty o Redesigned Russia to fit the Marxist-Leninist ideology industrial - By 1945, USSR was the most authoritarian society o No individualism but collectivism Stalins post-war goals (in precisely that order [Gaddis 2007]) o Security for himself o His regime o His country o His ideology US wanted security after WWII; however US could not continue to serve as a model for the rest of the world (Gaddis 2007) whilst still isolated By the start of the Cold War, global influence through radical ideas o Equality vs. Communism It is difficult to say precisely when the Cold War began (Gaddis 2007) o No declaration of war o Diplomatic ties remained o But, a growing sense of insecurity (Gaddis 2007) Concern about communist infiltration of mainstream US society grew in USSR (i.e. McCarthyism)

Containment - Based on an 8000 word telegram send by George Kennan, serving at US embassy in Moscow; send 22nd February 1946 - From this, long term, patient but firm and vigilant containment of Russian expansive tendencies containment - Marshall Plan US concentration on European economic reconstruction o The bomb would deter the USSR while US revived and reassured the Europeans. - 29th August 1949 Soviet Union got its first atomic bomb. o At this time, US had 200

Arms Race - Hydrogen bomb first tested 1st November 1952 o 1000x stronger than bombs dropped on Japan o Intended to instil feat in Soviet psyche o Soviets followed on 12th August 1953 Showed the power of espionage - US BRAVO test in Pacific, 1st March 1954 o Radiation detected around the world - 1955 Khrushchev takes power - 1957, Kissinger promotes flexible response in Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy o Realised nuclear weapons could be used as an instrument of both diplomacy and war, and could reflect political objectives o Known as limited nuclear war - November 1955 USSR test long range bombers that could reach US - August 1957 USSR launch first ICBM - 4th October 1957 Sputnik is launched potential for missiles realised - Khrushchev threatened nuclear annihilation; however o Called for peaceful co-existence Developments - Castro 1959 - Kennedy January 1961 - April 1961 Bay of Pigs - April 1961 Soviets put a man in space - August 1961 Construction of Berlin Wall - Khrushchev resumes nuclear testing - Cuban Missile Crisis o an effort to spread revolution throughout Latin America (Gaddis 2007) - 1962 MAD; cities targeted by US - 1963 Limited Test Ban Treaty - 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty - 1972 Strategic Arms Limitation Interim Agreement (satellites verified compliance) By 1971, 25-35% of Soviet economy was spent on military o Standards of living inside USSR was declining o Signs of faltering Soviet economy Brezhnevs policy was to achieve arms parity with the US o Promoted dtente when it suited him o Created a Cold War revival by invading Afghanistan

The connection between dtente and containment Dtente US was in fact paying the USSR in goods; a carrot & stick approach Benefited US economy Almost another policy of containment

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