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• Urinary incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine.

• Stress urinary incontinence is the involuntary leakage of
urine that occurs with increases in intraabdominal
pressure (e.g., with exertion, effort, sneezing, or coughing)
due to urethral sphincter and/or pelvic floor weakness.
Young women active in sports may experience this type of
incontinence. In addition, pregnant women and women
who have experienced childbirth may be prone to stress
urinary incontinence.
• Overflow urinary incontinence is the involuntary leakage
of urine from an overdistended bladder due to impaired
detrusor contractility and/or bladder outlet obstruction.
Neurologic diseases such as spinal cord injuries, multiple
sclerosis, and diabetes can impair detrusor function.
Bladder outlet obstruction can be caused by external
compression by abdominal or pelvic masses and pelvic
organ prolapse, among other causes. A common cause in
men is benign prostatic hyperplasia.
• Urge urinary incontinence is the involuntary leakage of
urine that may be preceded or accompanied by a sense of
urinary urgency (but can be asymptomatic as well) due to
detrusor overactivity. The contractions may be caused by
bladder irritation or loss of neurologic control.
• Ref:
• Urinary incontinence is the unintentional passing of
urine. It's a common problem thought to affect millions
of people.
• There are several types of urinary incontinence, including:
• stress incontinence – when urine leaks out at times when
your bladder is under pressure; for example, when you
cough or laugh
• urge (urgency) incontinence – when urine leaks as you feel
a sudden, intense urge to urinate, or soon afterwards
• overflow incontinence (chronic urinary retention) – when
you're unable to fully empty your bladder, which causes
frequent leaking
• total incontinence – when your bladder cannot store any
urine at all, which causes you to pass urine constantly or
have frequent leaking
• It's also possible to have a mixture of both stress and urge
urinary incontinence.

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