Griffiths 4.29

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Eigenspinors of Sy

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

Problem 4.29 from Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, 2nd edition

Find the eigenvalues and eigenspinors of Sy

2. Relevant Equations
h̄ 0 −i
Sy =
2 i 0
3. The attempt at a solution

I used the characteristic equation det(Sy − λI) = 0 to find the eigenval-

ues, which are ± h̄2 . That part was simple. Here is my attempt to find the
eigenspinors of Sy :
h̄ 0 −i α h̄ α
=± (1)
2 i 0 β 2 β
h̄ −iβ h̄ α
=± (2)
2 iα 2 β
−iβ ±α
= (3)
iα ±β
So we have a system of equations that must be simultaneously solved:

−iβ = ±α (4)
iα = ±β (5)

The following is where I’m not exactly sure if I’m proceeding in the right
way. Dividing the equations gives:
β α
− = .
α β
Cross multiplying gives
−β 2 = α2 .
Solving for alpha gives
√ p
α=± −β 2 =⇒ α = ±iβ.

Plugging α = +iβ in to our eigenspinor gives

α +iβ i
= =β , (7)
β β 1
and normalization gives
 +i 1
1 = |β| −i 1 = |β|2 (2) =⇒ β = √ . (8)
1 2
So one eigenspinor is  
(y) 1 i
χ+ =√ . (9)
2 1
Plugging in α = −iβ in to our eigenspinor gives
α −iβ −i
= =β , (10)
β β 1
and normalization gives
 −i 1
1 = |β|2 +i 1 = |β|2 (2) =⇒ β = √ . (11)
1 2
So the other eigenspinor is
(y) 1 −i
χ− =√ . (12)
2 1

But this isn’t the right answer! I know that the correct answer answer for
the two eigenspinors is
(y) 1 1
χ+ = √ , (13)
2 i
(y) 1 1
χ− = √ . (14)
2 −i
Where did I go wrong?

Also, I have a few more questions. For part b, the question asks if you
measured Sy on a particle in the general state
χ= ,

what values might you get, and what is the probability of each? To answer this
question, I took advantage of the fact that the identity operator can be written

(y) (y) (y) (y)
Iˆ = | χ+ ihχ+ | + | χ− ihχ− |
1 1  1 1 
= 1 −i + 1 i
2 i 2 −i
1 1 −i 1 1 i
= +
2 i 1 2 −i 1
1 0
= .
0 1

Using the identity operator, we have

| χi = Iˆ | χi
(y) (y) (y) (y)
= | χ+ ihχ+ | χi+ | χ− ihχ− | χi
(y) 1  a (y) 1  a
= | χ+ i √ 1 − i + | χ− i √ 1 i
2 b 2 b
(y)(a − ib) (y) (a + ib)
= | χ+ i √ + | χ− i √
2 2
(a − ib) (y) (a + ib) (y)
= √ | χ+ i + √ | χ− i (15)
2 2
The square of the coefficients give the probabilities. I understand that. For this
part, I would like to know if there is some other way at arriving at equation (15).

For part c, the question asks if you measured Sy2 , what values would you get,
and with what probabilities? For this part, I calculated the expectation value
of Sy2 , which is h̄4 . I know the correct answer is that you can only measure this
one value, but did I arrive at the answer correctly? Why does this part ask for
values (plural) and their probabilities?

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