Dharma - Adharma 1997

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Dharma & Adharma

It was reported to Master, telephonically, that Naxalites had killed
sixteen police personnel in the Khammam District of Andhra Pradesh. A
proposal was made to suggest a method to invoke God to put down the
hands of evil, for which Master replied that it could be done but added that
one must be clear in what to ask God precisely. God does not take any
responsibility or react to anything that is happening, whether it is Dharma
or Adharma. In the process of invocation of God, the objective must be clear
and always must be followed by human effort. It should not be asked that
the culprits of evil must be destroyed miraculously. There must be a human
effort by way of an action plan to catch and punish the culprits. God will
certainly give, readily, all the power for achieving these acts of Dharma,
when prayed for. It can definitely be said that all the culprits will be caught,
but to pray for a cause without resorting to any effort, is futile. One must
also have the wisdom to analyze whether there is some Dharma in the so-
called cruel acts. Sometimes a murder may be justified, considering the
genuineness of the motivation in committing it. If a government is corrupt
and has no determination to look into the genuine grievances of the people,
then as a consequence some crimes do happen. Then, it may be justified in
invoking God for corrections in the government machinery. In each case, a
proper reflection on the events and the motivation behind them, is
necessary to determine the course of action and then seek for divine help to
proceed in the proper direction.
A Braahmin who is Saatwic in nature gets seriously disturbed over
acts of cruelty. He may go to the extent of even cursing the individual also.
A Kshatriya takes a firm decision for action in such cases. Hence it is their
clan that represents really the pillar of a society. A Braahmin, therefore,
should give the power of his penance to the true Kshatriya in upholding the
Dharma for protecting the people. Sage Vishwaamitra being a Kshatriya to
start with, had in him the motivation to develop Astras (divine weapons for
punishing evil. No other sage had such a motivation in him. Visualizing
this, Sage Vasishta advises King Dasaratha that his son Lord Raama
should be sent along with Vishwaamitra as per the latter’s request, he knew
that Vishwaamitra is the only one who can make Raama the most powerful
person on earth, in the warfare. Of course, any Astra will have its maximum
potency only in the hands of Raama, since an Astra is proportionately
powerful depending on the personality of its possessor. Lakshmana asked
Vishwaamitra as to why he had given them Astras to kill the demons, which
the sage could have himself done directly. The sage replied that since he is
a sage and being in Muni vruthi (duty of a hermit) he cannot directly attack
any enemy even if it costs his own life.

Incidents occurring to the individuals do affect the race. The insult
inflicted to Draupadi, a woman of chaste, did affect the entire race and even
today its results are being suffered by us. These words were even sounded
by Draupadi. One can notice this when carefully gone through the
literature. The individuals responsible in performing the evil act were no
doubt punished in the war but the race as such is not yet rid of the sin.
God does not cleanse the race from the sin. For an evil act, it is not merely
the doer that gets the sin but also the one that gets it done including those
who endorse the sinful act. Even those who do not prevent it but merely
witness it, nor even raise an objection to it, have to also go through the
punishment for the sin. If you look back into history, there are several such
incidents, the results of which are being undergone by all of us even today.
Take for instance, the killing of Vritrasara by Indra. He killed the Asura
(demon) not in a war but while he was doing penance. Although he was a
demon, the method by which he was killed was Adharma (unlawful). Its
results have to be undergone definitely in nature. The insult inflicted to the
Primordial Couple (Lord Siva and Sati) through Yagna was yet another
important incident, the result of which all of us, the progeny of Prajaapathi,
is affecting us. Even the Yagna is inflicted with its bad effects as is
happening to it today.
Dharma is meant only for the individuals and not for the race as
such. But the acts of Adharma by individuals do affect the race also. Once
the act is performed, its results are bound to be suffered in nature. They
are inescapable. This nation is going through the effects of several evils
perpetrated in the past. History narrates a number of such things.

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