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Lists of workout

1. Bodyweight Exercises:
 Squats
 Lunges
 Push-ups
 Pull-ups (if you have a bar)
 Planks
 Burpees
 Mountain climbers
 Jumping jacks
2. Cardiovascular Exercises:
 Jump rope
 High knees
 Running in place
 Dancing
 Stair climbing (if you have stairs)
3. Yoga:
 Sun salutations
 Downward dog
 Warrior poses
 Tree pose
 Cobra pose
 Child's pose
4. Pilates:
 Pilates leg circles
 Pilates bridges
 The hundred
 Pilates roll-up
 Plank variations
5. HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training):
 Interval sprints (run in place or high knees)
 Jump squats
 Box jumps (use a stable surface)
 Fast-paced exercises with short breaks
6. Resistance Training:
 Dumbbell exercises (if you have dumbbells)
 Resistance band exercises
 Water bottle weights
 Bodyweight exercises with added resistance (e.g., wearing a backpack
with books)
7. Flexibility and Mobility:
 Static stretching
 Dynamic stretching
 Mobility exercises (e.g., arm circles, leg swings)
8. Online Workouts:
 Follow workout videos or apps designed for home workouts.

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