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Elias the Exiled Farsight. +1 on attacks with ranged weapons.

1st-Level Talent. +2 DEX stat.

Backstab. +1 die of damage against unaware

11 +0 7 -2 Elf creatures.

Thievery. ADV on checks to climb, sneak, hide,

17 +3 11 +0 apply disguises, find and disable traps, and
Thief perform delicate tasks.

Languages. Common, Elvish, Sylvan.

13 +1 6 -2 1 10

4 14
Leather armor
Dagger — Backpack
Shortbow —
Neutral Arrows (20) —
Torch —
Torch —
Dagger, +4 (N), 1d4
Banished Flint and steel —
Rations (3) —
Shortbow, +4 (F), 1d4
Grappling hook —
Rope (60’) —

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