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Day 14 Lesson: first (Mr Faiz)

Date Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Waktu Ket.

Thursday, Opening ( Salam, Present, asking feeling) 5
25 January “Assalamu`alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh” minutes
2024 “Wa`alaikumussalam warahmatullahi
“good morning?”
“Good morning”
“How are you today?”
“I am fine thank you, and you?”
“lets open class by reciting basmallah together”
“bismillahirrahmanirrahiim, in the name of Allah
the most gracious and the most mercifull, may our
class run weel”
“aamiin aamiin ya rabbal`alaamiin”
Let`s sing greeting song together
Sing I love all fruits 2
Inti About Vegetables 52
Please open your book page 27 minutes
Listen carefully and repeat after me…
Vagetables … sayur sayuran
Tomato …. tomat
Onion …. Bawang bombay
Garlic …. Bawang putih
Corn … Jagung
Potato ….kentang
Carrot …. Wortel
Cabbage …. Kubis
Spring Onion …. Daun Bawang
Spinach (spenech)…. Bayam
Lettuce …. Selada
Cucumber …. Ketimun
Chilli …. Cabai
Leeks …bawang prei
Pumpkin ….labu
Eggplant …. Terong
Mushroom…. Jamur
Broccoli …. Brokoli
Celery …. seledri
because english without practice is nothing
so you all must practice …
Now you must practice, so when I count 1 up to 3
please stand up …
Separate by your self
Make a group of four …
Make a group of two …
A say A…, B say B ….
A is asking in bahas and B is answering in English
1… 2… 3…. Switch ….
1 .. 2 … 3 … stoooop and Back to me …

Peanut ….kacang tanah

French bean …. Buncis
Master green …. Sawi
Asparagus ….asparagus
Ginger … jahe
Curcuma …. Temulawak
Turmeric …. Kunyit
Now you must practice, so when I count 1 up to 3
please stand up …
Rolling formation
Point your partner …count …off…
Move one step…
This line is A, A say A…
This line is B, B say B…
Lets get start from A,… A is asking and B is Answering
Stoop and back to me …
I will give you song about vegetable
Listen on my voice
Sing together
Make a good circle
Lets play the game
Closing 1
Because time is up minutes
Let`s close our class by reciting hamdallah together…
Subhanakallahumma wabihamdika asyhadu`ala ilaaha
illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubuilaik

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