REVIEW Critical Listening and Speaking

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Let’s talk about giving gifts.
1. When do people give gifts or presents in your country?
People in our country love to give gifts to others when they want to express their
good wishes and to show that they care. If someone invites a person to a birthday
party or a wedding ceremony the invited guest always brings gifts.

2. Do you enjoy looking for gifts for people?

Absolutely, I take delight in purchasing gifts for people. For me, it’s a cultural
exploration. I often look for items that represent the culture, art, or history of a
place I’ve visited. In this way, I not only share a piece of my experience but also
broaden their horizons about different cultures. It makes the act of gift-giving
more meaningful.

3. What is the best gift that you have received so far?

Last week I turned 19, I have received a book by my uncle naming – ‘The
Chocolate War’ by Robert Cormier. The writer have beautifully illustrated some
of the issues on the books which were unknown to me before reading them. In
fact, that book has opened my eyes and I have learnt to think in some newer

Describe clothes you wear on special occasions

The type of dress I wear on different special occasions mostly depends on the occasion types and
the conventional dress codes on those events. However, for the majority of these special
occasions, I like to wear formal pants, shirts, suits and formal shoes.

I usually wear it to formal meetings, social programmes like wedding ceremonies, birthday
celebrations, parties arranged by relatives, and so on.

Yes, I would say that it is a common dress type that many other people like to wear on those
occasions. But some people do not follow this trend and choose their own style and fashion. The
teenagers who attend social programmes often wear jeans and t-shirts while many adults pick a
dress that is quite unconventional.

The dress I have been talking about is a safe choice for many programmes and meetings. First of
all this dress matches the weather all around the year in my country and they are comfortable to
wear. Secondly, this is a dress type that would not be frowned upon by people at the event. As
people won’t criticise others who usually wear this dress on special occasions, I do feel like
following the convention and custom. Finally, this dress does not catch much attention and would
give the impression that the person who is wearing this is rightly dressed.

PART 3------------Discussion
1. What do you think is more important, inner or outer beauty?
Inner beauty allows individuals to connect on a deeper level. It fosters empathy,
understanding, and emotional connection, leading to more meaningfull relationships
when someone has inner beauty they have a positive impact on those around them.
Their kindness, genosity and compassion can inspire others.

2. Do you think that wearing uniform at work is a good idea?

I think it helps reduce competition in the work. When the workers don’t feel that
they have to keep up with someone else’s clothes or style, they are able to
concentrate on work. Also it can make people feel that they have no individuality
and they are just like everyone else.

3. Do you think people today spend too much on fashion?

They’re influenced on social media. Nowadays, people are heavily influenced by

celebities, fashion bloggers and socail media influencers who showcase new
fashion trends. This leading to increased spending on prices, it encourages people
to keep buying clothes more frequently.
Let’s talk about telephoning.
1. Who do you spend the most time talking to on the telephone?
It would probably be one of my closest coworkers. We frequently speak on the
phone rather than in person.

2. Do you sometime prefer to send a text message instead of telephoning?

Yes. I prefer to send a text message when I'm arranging something simple, like a
time to meet someone. In those situations, a phone call isn't necessary.

3. Do you think people today spend too much time talking on the phone?
Yes, It ultimately depends on individual habits, and how phone use is balanced in
one's life. Some argue that spending too much time talking on the phone use can
lead to social disconnection, reduced productivity, and negative impacts on mental
well-being. On the other hand, phones are essential for communication, work, and
staying connected. It ultimately depends on individual habits, priorities, and how
phone use is balanced in one's life.


You will have to talk about the REVIEW for 1 to 2 minutes.

You have one minute to think about what you're going to say.
You can make some notes to help you if you wish

Describe an advertisement that you find interesting

You should say:
• What it is for
• Who it wants to appeal to
• What you notice about the advertisement
• whether it is an effective form of advertising.

PART 3------------Discussion
1. Do you agree that advertisements for sugary drinks and snacks cause
unhealthy eating habit?
Yes, I absolutely agree with this idea. The advertisements for sugary drinks
and snacks promotes the consumption of products that are often high in
calories, sugar, and unhealthy ingredients.Therefore, sugary drinks and snack
can cause various health issues, including obesity, diabetes, and dental
2. Do you agree that some advertisers don’t care whether the things they say
in the ads are true or false because they just want to make money?
Yes, I agree with this idea. The primary goal of advertising is often to promote
products or services and drive sales. In pursuit of maximizing profits, some
advertisers may be tempted to exaggerate or misrepresent the qualities of what
they are promoting.

3. Why are there so many advertisements today?

Due to the benefits of the companies. First, advertisements are the easiest way to
reach the customers to attract their attentions to a particular brand or product.
From that attractive information, customers will be able to choose an appropriate
one. Second, it also plays a crucial role in marketing strategy that the company
apply to attract customers.
1. What do you like doing most with your friends?
I mostly like to hang out with my friends at a local coffee shop. I sometimes enjoy
our lively conversations while enjoying some drinks and sharing some “fun and
exciting” news among each other until we get tired.
2. Do you think it is important to keep in contact with friends you knew as a
I think childhood friends are special to us in many ways and they share the most
magical memories of our childhood. So whenever possible, we should contact
them and keep in touch with them.
3. What makes a friend into a good friend?
I believe trustworthiness and commitment are really important to develop a good
friendship. I would want a friend to be trustworthy to become a close friend on
mine. Besides, common interests, similar mentality and shared objectives often
make some friends special to us.

Describe a leader that you admire
You should say:

 Who this was

 How you know him/her
 What can you learn from him/her
 Why you admire him/her

PART 3------------Discussion
1. Do you think that people can learn to be good leaders?
Yes, of course. Leaders play a crucial role in managing and guiding teams.
Learning leadership skills helps individuals understand how to motivate,
communicate, and coordinate efforts to enhance team performance.

2. What qualities does a good leader need?

I believe to become a good leader, people need to have patience to overcome
challenges during their leadership. Without patience, they easily make mistakes
and inappropriate decisions. Another important thing is excellent presentation
skills. As you know, it is important for a leader to deliver a plan or a strategy
clearly to your colleagues and make sure that all members fully grasp it.
3. Do you think that you can be a good leader?

No, I don’t as I lack all important leadership skills. I’m very weak at
communication skills, so I can’t effectively convey ideas to other members. Also,
I don’t wanna put myself under such great pressure.
Let’s talk about musical instruments
1. Which instrument do you like listening to the most?
My favourite musical instrument to listen to is the guitar. I like the fact that there
are different types of guitar, like classical, acoustic and electric. I love the variety
of sounds a guitar can make.
2. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
I took some guitar lessons when I was younger and still have a guitar at home. I
don't play it much nowadays. I wish I had more time to practise.
3. Do you think children should learn to play a musical instrument at school?
Yes, I think it's a great skill and it's really enjoyable to be able to play a musical
instrument. All children should be given this opportunity.
PART 3------------Discussion

1. What challenges might we face as a leader?

Dealing with conflicts between team members requires strong interpersonal skills.
Resolving the conflicts and fostering a positive work environment is essential for
maintaining productivity and team’s connection. Leaders often have to make tough
decisions that impact their team. The pressure to make the right choices can be
challenging, especially in complex situations.
2. What do you think is the main function of a leader?
For me, the main function of a leader is making decisions. Leaders are responsible
for making decisions that impact the team or organization. This involves gathering
information, analyzing options, and choosing the best course of action.
3. Would you like to be a leader? Why (not)?

No, I don’t as I lack all important leadership skills. I’m very weak at
communication skills, so I can’t effectively convey ideas to other members. Also,
I don’t wanna put myself under such great pressure. (effectively convey
something to somebody: truyền đạt một cách hiệu quả cái gì đến ai)
1. How do you often spend your weekend?
I usually like to spend my weekends outdoors by hanging out with my friends and
families either at our favourite restaurants, enjoying some of our favourite food, or
at some local café where we could enjoy some snacks and coffee.
2. What is your favorite part of the weekend?
My favourite part of the weekend is certainly the “morning” when I don’t have to
worry about waking up early and getting ready quickly to go to school. Then, of
course, I also like the part when I don’t really have to worry about going to bed
“early” or staying up late at night.
3. How important do you think it is to have free time on the weekends?
In our free time, on the weekends or some other times, we just will be able to
“recharge” ourselves, or we will be able to interact with our families and friends
enough in order to show them that they really matter in our lives. Therefore, it is
absolutely important that we have enough free time in order to ensure a
“balanced” life so that not only we can succeed in our professional life but also in
personal life.


Describe a joke that makes you laugh/ Describe a person or something that made you

Telling jokes and making everyone laugh is not my thing. But I like to be with a person
who makes others laugh. This joke is said by my friend Yen. She used to tell jokes all the
time to make others laugh. Everyone would love to be around her.
Yen started by saying the story of An elderly man who calls his son who lives in the big
city and says: “I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are
divorcing, forty-five years of misery is enough”. “Pop, what are you talking about?” the
son yells.
“We can’t stand the sight of each other any longer,” the old man says. “We’re sick of each
other, and I’m sick of talking about this, so you call your sister and tell her. ”Frantic, the
son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. “Like heck, they’re getting divorced,” she
shouts. “I’ll take care of this."
She calls her parents immediately and says to her father: “You are not getting divorced.
Don’t do a single thing until I get there. I’m calling my brother back, and we’ll both be
there tomorrow. Until then, don’t do a thing, do you hear me?!”
The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife. “Okay,” he says. “They’re coming
for our anniversary and paying their own fares. Now, what do we tell them for your
PART 3-------------Discussion
1. Are you good at telling jokes?
I don’t consider myself as I am good at telling jokes. I tell jokes to others,
although I think my jokes are not funny and witty enough for a laugh.

2. Do you like making other people laugh?

Yes, it's a nice feeling when you can make someone laugh because you can see
that you've made them happy. It's great to share a funny moment with someone.

3. Is it important to have a good sense of humor?

Yes, of course. Sense of humour helps us not to take life too seriously. I think that
laughter is good for our health. Moreover, Humor is often associated with
creativity and the ability to think outside the box. A playful and humorous mindset
can stimulate creative thinking and problem-solving.
1. Do you enjoy travelling?
Yes, I guess everyone enjoys travelling, and I am no exception. Because my
horizon can be greatly broadened as I can meet different people from different
places, try different food, and even learn different languages and cultures.

2. Do you think it is much better to travel alone or with other people?

Well, I prefer travelling with others than alone.This is because I may share many
things, such as accomodation, transport and even laughter with my mates during
the trip. If I travel alone, I guess I will be lonely, and I may even be helpless when
there is a trouble.

3. Where would you like to travel in the future?

I’m excited about the prospect of traveling to America, mainly because it offers an
authentic environment to practice English. Conversing with locals, navigating
through cities, and even simple activities like ordering food would provide
practical language experiences that could significantly enhance my English

Describe a funny TV show that you like to watch

I’m going to talk about “How I met your mother”, which was broadcast every Sunday last
summer. It’s one of my favorite TV shows ever.
It was a sitcom with 9 series, each of which included about 24 episodes. I watched all of
the episodes and found them absolutely hilarious. The series followed the main character,
Ted, who recounted to his son and daughter the time when he met and got married to their
mother. The special thing was this – all the events Ted had experienced with his best
friends before meeting his wife were illustrated in a highly amusing way. For example, in
one episode, Ted described his dates with a girlfriend whose name he had forgotten, so
Ted and the other characters had to refer to her as “Blah-blah” all the time.
Because of the characters’ eccentric humor and natural acting, this show made me laugh a
lot. So, at present, whenever I feel stressed, I replay this series so that I can just put my
feet up and have a good laugh.

PART 3------------Discussion
1. Do you like to watch comedies? Why (not)?
Well, yes, I do like to see funny programs. Daily Sunday night, I watch Friends
with my family, which is an American television sitcom that remains highly
regarded by people worldwide.

2. Do your friends like to tell jokes?

Yes, back in my college days, we search for jokes on the internet during break
time and tell each other.
3. What kinds of things make you laugh?
When I spend time in chatting with my friends, and talk about funny things. It
makes me laugh a lot. Besides, I am also a huge fan of comedy movies or funny
quiz shows that have been dominating the small screen in Vietnam for decades.
1. What type of music do you like to listen to?
I enjoy listening to R&B music when I am reading a book, writing, or simply
relaxing. I don’t like to be disturbed by others, I want to have my own space. And
R&B music can help me get away from my busy life and clean up my soul.

2. Did you learn to play a musical instrument when you were a child?
No, but now If I have more spare time in the future, I will learn to play musical
instrument such as violin, guitar, or piano. This is because these activities make me
happier and release my stress from busy work schedule. I love the variety of sounds
these musical instruments can make.

3. Do you think all children should learn to play a musical instrument?

Yes, I think it's a great skill and it's really enjoyable to be able to play a musical
instrument. All children should be given this opportunity.
Describe an interesting town/city in your country that visitors might enjoy.
Describe a beautiful city/ Describe an interesting town/city in your country.
Describe your favorite city that visitors might enjoy

When it comes to an interesting part in my country, most people will probably go

for cities like Danang or Dalat. But for me, Ho Chi Minh city, where I am living, is the
most interesting place in Vietnam

First of all, despite embracing modern living, it features a stunning blend of the futuristic
and traditional world with ancient buildings built in French colonial era blending
with cutting-edgeskyscrapers. One of the must-visit places is Landmark 81,
which overtook Bitexco Financial Tower to be the highest builiding of Saigon.

Another thing you should not miss when visiting Saigon is experiencing the energy of the
city’s nightlife. At night, the city has loads of hot spots where you can let loose and have
fun. On top of that, Saigonese’s hospitality is also part of its charm. While Hanoians are
pretty reserved and serious, Saigonese are incredibly welcoming and are willing to give
you a hand when you are in need.

To sum up, I believe Ho Chi Minh City is one of the most interesting destinations in

PART 3------------Discussion
1. What are the benefits of living in big cities?
Big cities often have better infrastructure and transportation systems, making it
easier to get around and access essential services. There are usually more options
for shopping, dining, and entertainment, as well as better healthcare facilities.

2. In your opinion, what issues are big cities facing now?

Overpopulation can lead to overcrowding and poor quality housing in many large
cities. Poorly heated or damp housing could cause significant health problems.
Overcrowding rises crime rate as poor living conditions may lead young people in
particular to take desperate measures and turn to crime or drugs.

3. Which is the better place for children to live in, city or the countryside?
The better place for growing kids is to live in a big city that can offer
opportunities for advanced education and services. Young city inhabitants can also
engage in various conversations where they improve their social skills or partake
in activities where they can learn to be independent.
1. Which city in the world would you like to visit?
I would like to visit Tokyo. Because I am drawn to Japanese culture, art, and
cuisine, and Tokyo serves as a hub for all these aspects. Moreover, exploring the
city's vibrant neighbourhoods, trying authentic Japanese dishes, and experiencing
the warmth and hospitality of the Japanese people are all factors that contribute to
my desire to visit Tokyo.

2. What will you suggest to a tourist who will come to visit your country?
3. Have you ever been to a foreign country?

Talk about a time when you came across some fake news/unreliable information on
the internet.

I remember coming across a fake news item on the internet a few years ago. It was during
the presidential election, and the news was about how one of the candidates had secretly
been involved in some shady business deals.
I did a bit of research and found out that the source of the story was an unreliable website
that often publishes false information. If it had been true, it would have been all over the
news channels, and there would have been more evidence to support it. When I looked
into it further and found out that other news sources had debunked the story, I knew for
sure it was fake news.
It's important to be careful about what you believe on the internet and make sure you
check the sources of the information before believing anything. You can't just believe
everything you read on the internet. There is so much fake information distributed as 'fact'
- but it's rarely checked before being published on social media platforms.

PART 3------------Discussion
1. Is it necessary to be well-informed?
Yes, of course. Being well-informed allows individuals to make better decisions in
their personal and professional lives. It helps in understanding the implications of
choices and making informed judgments.
2. How can you tell whether a website is reliable or not?
I always check the website suffix. For example, if the website ends with dot org,
then it's an official government website, and all the content is reliable and can be
sourced. When doing research or writing an academic paper, instead of sourcing
academic texts, I believe most people rely on websites with dot edu, as this is the
common URL for educational websites or university websites in Vietnam.
4. Do you think the information on the internet is reliable? Why? Why Not?
Not all sources of news on the internet are equally reliable or trustworthy. It is
home to a lot of misinformation and fake news. Therefore, it is important to be
cautious and to verify information from multiple sources

5. Do you think all information on the internet is true?

The Internet is a various source of information but the fake news and fabricated
information are all around there. Thus, I would not believe everything I see online
except they are from an authoritative source. If I find information, I will choose
websites from the official government website or from a prominent and
mainstream online newspaper.


Let’s talk about your weekend

1. How do you often spend your weekend?
2. What is your favorite part of the weekend?
3. Do you think your weekends are long enough?
Actually i have got two days for weekends, and it is sufficient for me. The
weekends provide me with ample time to connect with my relatives. We typically
have family meals, watch films together, or even go for a short day trip. It’s a
wonderful opportunity to create meaningful memories.

Describe a beautiful city

PART 3------------Discussion
1. Is it good for children to grow up in the cities?
Yes, the cities can offer opportunities for advanced education and services. Young
city inhabitants can also engage in various conversations where they improve their
social skills or partake in activities where they can learn to be independent.

2. What is the difference between the people living in the city and those living in
the countryside?
Life in the countryside is slower, and so people have more time for each other.
They have fewer needs and so life in villages is not that expensive. On the other
hand, city dwellers have to be familiar with a hectic lifestyle. They are running
after material wealth and become workaholics. They can’t get out of the rat
race and have no time for each other. (a hectic lifestyle: lối sống bận rộn, the rat
race: cuộc tranh đấu quyết liệt)

3. What are the disadvantages of city life?

Overpopulation can lead to overcrowding and poor quality housing in many large
cities. Poorly heated or damp housing could cause significant health problems.
Overcrowding rises crime rate as poor living conditions may lead young people in
particular to take desperate measures and turn to crime or drugs.
Let’s talk about friends.
1. How often do you go out with friends?
Maybe 4 or 5 times a week. I love to eat out with my friends because we will
have a lot of fun. It has gotten to the point where the act of going out to dinner feels
like a chore rather than a joy although I know that it can be cheaper than eating at

2. How friendly are you with your neighbors?

Yes because I am respectful of other people. I try to avoid doing things like having
the music up too loud or having a party out on my lawn that causes a disturbance.
It improve my relationship with neighbors.

3. Which is more important to you, friends or family?

I prioritize their family above everything else. Family typically represents the
foundation of one's personal life. Families provide a sense of belonging, support,
and love that is often unmatched by any other relationship. Family members share a
long history together, and their connection is typically based on a strong sense of
shared identity and experiences.
Describe a time that you looked for information from the Internet.

To begin with, I’d like to say that I’m always on the internet, but if I have to mention a
specific time I used it, there is one piece of info that I can remember searching for. It was
when I was starting to learn how to do some basic coding a couple of months ago.

At the time, I was desperately trying to find a structured course where I could learn how
to code. The course had to not only be free or of little cost, but also up to date with the
trends of 2023.

I used my brain and my trusty Google Chrome browser alongside for this
task. Thankfully, in the end, after looking at over a dozen articles, I ended up finding
what I was looking for.

I felt pretty satisfied after that because as I mentioned, I checked loads of articles and I
was ready to give up. Had it not been for an article on, I wouldn’t have
found anything. One more thing is that the article was written by an industry expert and
has helped me out a lot since and I hope I’ll be able to learn how to code better in the
future as well.

PART 3------------Discussion
1. How important is the internet to you?
Internet allows people to improve the quality of their life. It helps me a lot in
working, researching, studying and entertainment. It opens access to the previously
inaccessible things.
2. Do you think you use the internet too much?
Sometimes I think I overuse the Internet when using a lot of time to surf and check
so many unnecessary sites and apps. Whenever I feel like I get lost in such things,
I rearrange my work and step out of my position immediately.

3. How will the internet develop in the future?

I think in the future, Internet will be developed on mobile phones rather than
computers because of their convenient sizes. Smart phones are becoming more
powerful and more affordable all the time, so I think we will see a shift from
people using the internet on desktop computers to mobiles and apps rather than
traditional websites.

4. Are there any negative things about the internet?

Internet also contains many drawbacks. We might not acknowledge that virus and
hackers are now way more dangerous and sophisticated than before. Now, all
people seem to glue their eyes to the phones and this is too much harmful for health
Let’s talk about colors:
1. What’s your favorite color?
Blue. Blue can represent rest and can cause the body to produce chemicals that are
calming and release feelings of tranquility. Blue is also cooling in nature and helps
with balance and self-expression.

2. Do you like the same color now as you did when you were a child?
When I was young, I loved pink because it is bright and youthful, but now I just
didn’t feel the same about it. When I grew up, I felt that pink is just appropriate for
children and I realized that I preferred black and white to pink as I look more
stately when I wear clothes in those colors.

3. Do any colors have a special meaning in your culture?

Red is a meaningful colour in my country. It’s the colour of the country’s flag, and
also of course it’s a symbol of luck. You can see a lot of it at special occasions,
like weddings.

Tell a story with a moral. The story can be something that happened to you, a
friend or someone that you know.

Let me distract you for a moment and tell you a short storie about friends.
Once upon a time, two friends went to the forest together. They were on foot. They
promise to help each other and that they’ll always be there for each other. Soon, without
realising, they were in the deep forest. While finding a way out of the forest, they saw a
bear coming towards them. One of the friends ran and climbed up a tree without caring for
his friend. The other boy was confused but thought of a plan. He lay down on the ground
and held his breath. He knew from somewhere that a bear does not harm a dead person.
The bear came close to him, sniffed him, took the boy to be dead and went his way. When
the bear had gone away, the boy came down the tree and asked what the bear was saying
in his ear. The second boy replied that the bear advised him not to trust a false friend. The
first friend felt embarrassed and apologised to his friend.
It is essential to learn important moral lessons like the one about friendship mentioned in
this story. This is "a friend in need is a friend indeed". People can apply the moral of this
story in their real life by helping their friends in every situation and standing with them in
the ups and downs of life.

PART 3------------Discussion
1. Are you a good story teller?
I don’t think that I am good at telling jokes, but I always try to change the other’s
mood if they are sad.
2. Did you enjoy listening to bedtime stories when you were a child?
My childhood was marked by a love for the “Winnie-the-Pooh” stories by A.A.
Milne. The adventures of Pooh, Piglet, and their friends in the Hundred Acre
Wood were a source of comfort and joy to me. The simple wisdom and gentle
humor found in these tales still hold a special place in my heart.

3. How helpful is listening to bedtime stories?

For people of all ages, listening to a calming story can be a way to unwind and de-
stress, creating a positive bedtime routine. The bedtime stories helps in vocabulary
development, comprehension, and language structure. It can also improve listening
skills for children.

Let’s talk about neighbors.

1. How well do you know the people who live next door to you?
I know my neighbours quite well, and I always stop to talk whenever I see them. I
see my neighbours at least a few times a week. I am fortunate to live among
neighbors that like and respect each other.

2. What kinds of problem do people usually have with their neighbors?

I think the most common problem is probably noise. It's difficult to live next to
people who have a dog that barks at night, or who play loud music. And as I said, I
am fortunate to live among neighbors that like and respect each other.

3. Do you think it is important to get on well with neighbors?

Getting on well with neighbors can be beneficial in practical ways, such as
borrowing tools or receiving help during emergencies. . Having good
relationships with neighbors can create a sense of community and belonging, and
can make the neighborhood a more enjoyable place to live

Tell about a memorable incident in your life or in someone’s life that you know.

I would love to tell you about one of the most important events in my life, which is my
18th birthday.
By that time, I had just graduated from high school and was a freshman. This was such a
turning point in my life – I had to leave my hometown behind to move to a new city where
I knew almost no one. I was kinda clueless about my future without family and closest
friends by my side.
And there came my birthday. Luckily it was on weekends so I decided to return home to
celebrate it with people I loved. That event indeed refreshed me. Once again, I was
surrounded by my family and friends whom I had always missed from far away.
What happened was that we had meaningful conversations. In these conversations, I had a
chance to express all my feelings, like how homesick I was, and how lonely I felt when I
was in a new environment. My parents and friends encouraged me a lot by saying that I
got their back anywhere anytime. They would always be there for me.
From that moment on, I realized that I had grown up with much love and support. I felt
bigger and stronger. Thanks to that, it can be difficult to stay away from them, but I feel
like I can stand on my own feet.
PART 3------------Discussion
1. Is problem-solving an important skill to learn? Why (not)?
Yes, life is full of challenges and obstacles, both big and small. Problem-solving
skills help individuals navigate these challenges effectively, making it an essential
skill for daily life.

2. Who do you think can give you better advice, friends or family?
It depends on what kinds of advice people are seeking. For those related
to study or career, I believe parents are in a better position to give more relevant
and valuable advices. This is mainly because they know their children inside out,
both their talents and aspirations. However, when it comes to fashion or lifestyle,
friends might offer more brilliant and actionable ideas.

3. What do you often do when you are in a dilemma?

I talk to trusted friends, family members, or colleagues. They can offer different
perspectives and insights that can help me make an informed decision.

Let’s talk about leisure

1. Do you have any hobbies or interests?
Yes, I have a number of hobbies, and I enjoy doing them depending on my mood
and time. These hobbies like watching movies, reading storybooks, or listening to
2. How did you become interested in that hobby?
I became interested in riding bicycles since my early childhood when my parents
bought me one nice bicycle. And I became interested in playing badminton when I
was in my college as it used to organize badminton tournaments every year.

3. What is the most popular leisure activity in Vietnam?

Well, there are various hobbies in my country. Though I think the most popular
would be traveling. People can take it easy after a long hard working week. For
example, a getaway from the hustle and bustle of city life to coastal cities on
weekends can help relieve stress.

PART 3------------Discussion
1. Do you fancy visiting big cities on your holidays?
Yes, for sure. A big city has a lot of information about the culture, architecture,
and history. The diversity can help me get a perspective faster and decide which
ones are more interesting for me. And I can pursuit it from there. It’s my starting
point for exploring.

2. Do you think that more people will move to live in the countryside in the
There will be people who are interested in living in rural areas. I think the first
kind is somebody who doesn’t wanna put themselves under great pressure in the
hustle and bustle of the big cities life. So, they usually retire from their jobs, or in
other words, the elderly. Another kind is somebody who is a nature lover. They
love getting closer to nature and relishing the fresh air there.

3. Would you like to move to live in another place in the future?

Yes, of course. When I move to a different country, I would have the chance to
immerse myself in a new way of life, explore new traditions, and meet new people
from diverse backgrounds, which would broaden my horizon.
Let’s talk about music
1. What type of music do you like to listen to?
2. Did you learn to play a musical instrument when you were a child?
3. Do you think all children should learn to play a musical instrument?


You will have to talk about the REVIEW for 1 to 2 minutes.

You have one minute to think about what you're going to say.
You can make some notes to help you if you wish

Describe a funny TV show that you like to watch

You should say:
 What show it is
 What it is about
 How often you watch it
And explain why you like to watch it

PART 3------------Discussion
1. What kinds of things usually make you laugh?
2. Do you like making people laugh? Why (not)?

3. Do you think it is important for people to laugh?

Yes, of course. Laughter is good for the soul because it brings people together,
releases tension in the environment and relaxes your nerves making it both
beneficial for emotional as well as physical well-being.

Let’s talk about visitors

1. What would you suggest a visitor should see and do in your country?
Danang is one of Vietnam's most famous tourist attractions. Da Nang offers visitors
who make the trip here the perfect mix of modern and traditional touches. When
you visit Da Nang you can enjoy one of the most innovative skylines in Vietnam as
well as a serene riverside promenade and some gorges sandy beaches to boot.

2. Are there any traditional arts or music you would recommend?

Calligraphy - In Vietnam, calligraphy is one of the most treasured art forms which
shows the calligrapher’s feeling and their inner voice in each character. Especially
on Tet holiday, calligraphy becomes a tradition of giving when it is believed that
bringing luck, health and wealth to the family.
3. In what ways has tourism changed your country?
Tourism can help boost my country'ss economy. When foreigners come to a
country, they have to spend a lot of money finding a place to stay, using essential
services, and going to some famous destinations. it also creates more job
opportunities for local people like our guides, taxi drivers, souvenir sellers

PART 3------------Discussion
1. Do Vietnamese people like to watch comedies?
Yes, of course. Laughter can be a great way to relax and unwind. They can
escape from the stresses and challenges of daily life. People often enjoy
watching comedies with friends or family, and the shared experience can
enhance social connections.

2. What should people do when they feel unhappy?

They should talk to someone you trust about your feelings. Sharing your
emotions can provide relief and allow others to offer support. They also
should spend time with friends or family. Social connections can provide
emotional support and a sense of belonging.

3. Why do children tend to be happier than adults?

Children find happiness in simple things like playing with toys, spending
time with friends, and exploring their surroundings. They are not burdened
with the responsibilities and stress of adult life, allowing them to enjoy the
present moment. A child's primary responsibility may be to attend school
and complete homework, whereas an adult may have a multitude of
responsibilities such as work, financial obligations, and caring for a family
Let’s talk about friends
1. What do you like doing most with your friends?
2. Do you think it is important to keep in contact with friends you knew as a child?
3. What makes a friend into a good friend?
Describe an advertisement you saw recently

I am going to talk about an advertisement I saw recently. The advertisement is about

Comfort, a brand of fabric softener made by a company called Unilever.
Honestly, I am not entirely sure when I first saw this advertisement. If I’m not mistaken, it
was a couple of years ago when TV commercials were in their prime. The advertisement is
so memorable that sometimes I still look it up on YouTube to show my students what a
good ad looks like.
The most interesting thing about this ad is its meaningful message. While other
commercials at the time tended to be short and focused on humor to attract customers,
Unilever paid attention to the content and built a story around Lily, a caring housewife,
and Andy, a famous rock star. Despite his fame and success, Andy never forgets his
family, because deep down he always feels his partner’s love just from the smell of
Comfort’s long-lasting freshness. The company even created a series of ads, instead of just
one, to deliver the message better. I think this was a costly but effective strategy, as
Comfort soon became a household name after this campaign.
PART 3------------Discussion
1. Do you like watching advertisements? Why (not)?
Yes, of course because advertisements often highlight promotions, discounts, and
special offers. Therefore, I can benefit from these deals, saving money on
purchases. Some advertisements explain the features and benefits of a product or
service. This information can help me make informed decisions.

2. How helpful is advertising to you as a customer?

Advertising serves as a crucial source of information, introducing customers to
new products, services, or brands. It helps create awareness about what is
available in the market. Advertisements also can help customers discover products
or services that address their needs or interests.

3. Why do some people hate advertisements?

Firstly, since too many ads make them annoyed, imagine how annoying it is when
people get interrupted and have to endure more than 10 minutes of advertisement
while watching their favourite TV shows. Secondly, companies usually exaggerate
their products’ effectiveness such as Fami milk, so individuals often have a bad
impression about these advertisements.
Let’s talk about travelling
1. Which city in the world would you like to visit?
2. What will you suggest to a tourist who will come to visit your country?
3. Have you ever been to a foreign country?
No I haven't but I wish I could go to another country. Because I can explore their
culture, architecture and history there. Moreover, I can connect with the new
people and learn new language, so these are broaden my horizon.

Describe a female leader that you would like to meet.
Describe a leader that you admire.

I'm gonna talk about Thái Vân Linh - also known as Shark Linh - a female leader I'd love
to see in person.

Although born in Vietnam, Shark Linh was brought to the US with her family when she
was very little. Therefore, whereas she has an impressive command of English, she's still
occasionally struggling in getting her ideas across in Vietnamese. However, the language
barrier does not hinder her from embarking on a new venture in Vietnam. She rejected
great offers from American corporations to become the CEO at VietnamCapital, and later
launched her start-up - Rita Phil - a company that sells tailor-made bridal gowns.

Shark Linh is most famous for her role as a Shark in Shark Tank Vietnam - the
Vietnamese version of the famous reality TV series. Though she's usually the calmer
Shark among the four who usually take a gentler approach when she makes comments on
others, she's also very sharp in making decisions. From what I've observed throughout the
series, Shark Linh only invested in fields she had great knowledge of.

Her appearance in the show has inspired thousands of Vietnamese women, encouraging
them to work in the field of finance.

PART 3------------Discussion
1. What qualities should a good leader have?
2. Do you think that you can be a good leader? Why?
3. What challenges do most leaders face?
Let’s talk about festivals
1. Tell me about the most important festival in your country.
The Vietnamese New Yer or Tet is a very important event to all Vietnamese
families. It’s the time for family reunions as people who work far away from
home can get to spend some valuable time with their loved ones after a long year
of being separated.
2. What do you enjoy most about it?
I enjoy most getting more days off from work and study, and therefore we have
more time to spend with our families and our loved ones. It is also a great time to
think about what we have done in the previous year, and to make plans for the
upcoming year.
3. Do you think that festivals are important for a country?
Yes, I do believe that festivals are important for a country and its people because
these celebrations represent the cultural and national identity of this country. The
important festivals also bring people together and eliminate the differences we
have in our society.

PART 3------------Discussion

1. Do you prefer living in the city or in the countryside?

Honestly, I love to live in the countryside. Occasionally, large cities have high
housing prices in addition to potential factors like pollution and traffic. I would
prefer to live in a rural area. The air is also cleaner. People in rural areas look
friendlier and more generous than those in large cities.

2. Is it better for children to grow up in the city or in the countryside?

Growing up in the city is better than in the countryside because the cities can offer
opportunities for advanced education and services. Young city inhabitants can also
engage in various conversations where they improve their social skills or partake
in activities where they can learn to be independent.

3. What is the difference between people living in the city and people living
in the countryside?
Life in the countryside is slower, and so people have more time for each other.
They have fewer needs and so life in villages is not that expensive. On the other
hand, city dwellers have to be familiar with a hectic lifestyle. They are running
after material wealth and become workaholics. They can’t get out of the rat
race and have no time for each other. (a hectic lifestyle: lối sống bận rộn, the rat
race: cuộc tranh đấu quyết liệt)
Let’s talk about giving gifts.
1. When did you last receive a gift?
2. Do you enjoy looking gifts for people?
3. What is the best gift that you have received so far?

Describe a comedian that you think is very funny

When I saw this topic, the late Chi Tai was the person that came to my mind. He
was one of the comedians I like most when I was a child.

His appearance helped him a lot as a comedian. He was tall, plump and jolly. His
face was round with a mole near his mouth. He was not afraid to utilise his physical
features in his comedy. His characters’ body language was natural and didn’t feel
forced. Especially, when he moved clumsily or startled by his colleagues on stage.
And he had a contagious laugh that also made people giggle.

Apart from that, his acting skill was excellent. He starred in many classic skits,
sometimes he played a foolish and cruel husband, sometimes an old man who is
lonely, or a father with an addiction to gambling. You see, these skits are also social
commentary, and he weaved humour into his characters to make the subject lighter
and easier to digest.

For the last 30 years or so, even after his passing, he has been one of the most
beloved Vietnamese comedians.

PART 3------------Discussion
1. Do you think that you are a funny person?
2. What kinds of things make you laugh?

3. When was the last time you laughed a lot?

Probably today, but the memory that comes to mind most easily is, on Sunday I
was on the phone with my friend and we tell inappropriate jokes and make each
other laugh.

Let’s talk about telephoning.

1. How often do you make telephone calls?
2. Do you sometime prefer to send a text message instead of telephoning?
3. Do you think people today spend too much time talking on the phone?


You will have to talk about the REVIEW for 1 to 2 minutes.

You have one minute to think about what you're going to say.
You can make some notes to help you if you wish

Describe a funny TV show that you like to watch

You should say:
 What show it is
 What it is about
 How often you watch it
And explain why you like to watch it

1. Do you think that watching TV is a good way to relax?
Yes, for sure. Television provides a form of entertainment that allows individuals
to escape from the stresses of daily life. Watching TV with friends or family can
be a social and shared experience. It provides an opportunity for bonding and
shared enjoyment.

2. What should people do when they are not happy?

3. Do you like making other people laugh?
Let’s talk about books:
1. Do you like reading?
Yes, I like reading a lot. I read all sorts of things, including novels, newspapers,
magazines, and online articles.

2. What kind of books did you enjoy reading when you were a child?
I loved comic books when I was young. Until today, I can
still vividly remember the excitement I felt as I turned the vibrant pages and lost
myself in the world of my favourite comic book characters.

3. Are you interested in e-books?

Yes, because one of the biggest advantages of ebooks is the fact that they require
no trees to create them. This is obviously an eco-friendly option that both reduces
cost and lowers environmental impact.

Describe a friend who is a good leader

One of my close friends who worked with me in the same company several years
ago. Actually it was he who had an interview with me when I applied for a position
in that company after I graduated from university, we had a nice talk and he was
obviously satisfied with my related experience.

He was really an optimistic and infectious man with his work, therefore when he
started to be responsible for the new business, some colleagues were very
interesting in his plan and tasks, and were always likely to offer their help. Besides,
his superior was quite confident of his success, and gave some necessary financial
and human supports.

I had been working with him for over two years. I believe he was really good at
encouraging his staff into doing something that seemed to be tough to realize and
inspiring them to greatness. As our business was quite new in the market, he made
us feeling like pioneers in this field, which definitely inspired my enthusiasm
tremendously. It was really a cool thing, because to be honest, I learned the most
things in my work during that time.

PART 3------------Discussion
1. Do you think you will be a good leader?
2. What qualities do you think a good leader should have?
3. Do you think it is easy to be a leader?
Let’s talk about your weekend
1. How do you often spend your weekend?
2. Do you think your weekends are long enough?
3. How important do you think it is to have free time on the weekends?
Describe an item of clothing that you recently bought.
The weather becomes cold more, so I bought a leather jacket. This is a brown stylish
jacket that I purchased last week. I bought it from an expensive brand shop which mainly
sells winter clothing.

After I moved to the capital city of our country, I found that my winter dresses were not
serving me well in terms of keeping me warm enough and keeping up with the fashion
trends. So I planned to purchase a new winter dress. And I ended up buying this leather
jacket. Now, it is a favourite piece of clothing that I have in my collection. I visited several
shops and markets and was having a hard time finding a stylish and good looking jacket.
All of a sudden this one caught my eyes and after trying it on me, I decided to purchase it.

I wear it only during the winter season, and this jacket protects me from the chilly and
cold weather. I can wear it with both casual and formal dresses, and that gives me a great
advantage. Besides fashion, this cloth offers utilitarian values as well. I feel comfortable in
this dress, and it did not cost me a lot of money.

I have felt great joy after I purchased it, and still, this is the best winter jacket I have. For
all those reasons this jacket has become my favourite piece of clothing that I have.

PART 3------------Discussion
1. What risks would you take when shopping online? Why?
First, the most important risk is product’s quality and authenticity. There is a risk
of receiving substandard or fake products, especially when purchasing from less-
known or unverified sellers. The second is delivery issues. The products are
delayed, damaged goods, or lost packages during the shipping process are
common concerns.

2. Do you think the clothes we wear can reflect our personality?

Absolutely! I believe that our choice of clothing reflects our personality and
individuality. The colors, styles, and overall fashion sense we adopt can give
others a glimpse of our tastes, interests, and even our confidence level. Our clothes
are a form of self-expression, and they play a significant role in how others
perceive us.

3. Do you think men and women have the same view of clothing?
No, they have very different shopping habits. Often men will shop less and only
because they need new clothes. They often do not buy much, and they will spend
less money on what they buy. Women buy clothes more often and they usually
pay more for their clothing. Often they will buy new clothes because they want to
be in style.

Let’s talk about traffic where you live
1. What traffic problems are there in your area?
With the rapid growth of population, urbanization and transportation, traffic
problems in the area, where I live, has become a real cause for concerns. This is
because vehicles run at a snail’s pace not only during the peak hours but also
during the “off-peak” hours.

2. How do traffic problems affect you?

Traffic problems affect me rather very negatively as I have to get ready to go to
work or anywhere else well in advance, and thus wasting a lot of extra time on the
road. Then of course, because of spending too much time on the road makes me
feel way more tired than what I am supposed to be.

3. What should people do to reduce the traffic problems in your area?

First, people should try to reduce the number of private cars and vehicles and
increase the number of public transportation to ease the traffic problems in my
area. Secondly, they should encourage using bicycles more and more since
improvements and construction of the bicycle infrastructure, and the introduction
of the urban bicycling program is already underway.

PART 3------------Discussion
1. Are you interested in fashion?
Yes, I am interested in fashion and clothes. I want to look dandy, so I always flow
with time. Whenever new outfits come on the market, I tend to purchase them.

2. Do you think people should wear uniform at school/ work?

I think it helps reduce competition in the work or school area. When the workers
or students don’t feel that they have to keep up with someone else’s clothes or
style, they are able to concentrate on work or study. Also it can make people feel
that they have no individuality and they are just like everyone else.

3. Do people in your country spend too much money on fashion?

Yes, many brands of fashion and technology have a rapid change in the products
that they launched. For instance, fast fashion brands can launch numerous fashion
products in a year. This will make many young people
want to buy all of the items so they will not be out of trend.
Let’s talk about travelling
1. Which city in the world would you like to visit?
2. How important do you think travelling is?
Traveling make you a more open-minded person, as you see different ways of
living, eating, drinking, interacting with others, and it allows you to see your own
culture more objectively. It also leads to you having a wider range of experiences
and makes you more interesting to talk to.
3. Have you ever been to a foreign country?

PART 3------------Discussion
1. Would you describe yourself a good leader?
2. Is it possible to learn to be a good leader?
3. What qualities are important to be a good leader?
Let’s talk about hometown
1. Are there many quiet places in your hometown?
My city does have some quiet places. We have serene parks and gardens where
you can escape the city’s hustle and bustle. Also, there are libraries and cozy cafes
that offer peaceful environments for reading or relaxation.
2. Is your hometown a good place to live?
Yes, for sure. The facilities are well developed, including gyms, schools, hospitals,
public transport and even leisure facilities. Especially, young people have all sorts
of choices in my city; they can go shopping, watch film and so on .
3. What do you like most about your hometown?
I like the city’s dynamic lifestyle: young and busy. It attracts me and people from
every walks of life thanks to its open atmosphere, a practical attitude, a mix
culture, a rapid rhythm….the city never sleeps. This city also provides everyone so
many opportunities to build up their careers.

Tell a story with a moral. The story can be something that happened to you, a
friend or someone that you know.

PART 3------------Discussion
1. Are you good at telling stories? Why?
2. How helpful are bed-time stories to children?
3. What was your most memorable story as a child?
My most memorable story relates to my first day at school. When I was about 4 years
old, I started to learn at a local school. I felt really nervous and anxious with the
new place and new people, too. Very soon a teacher came and introduced herself.
Then, I went along with her to my assigned classroom. The classroom was huge
and airy, with a lot of children occupying the desks. I was introduced to the class
and all the children warmed up to me and I found it very easy to settle in with the
class. Finally, my initial nervousness had died down to make way for happiness
and I started to enjoy going to school in no time.
Let’s talk about food and cooking.
1. Who normally does the cooking in your home?
My mother is in charge of cooking at our home. Sometimes my elder sister assists
my mom in cooking but this is a very rare occasion as she is quite busy with her

2. Do you often watch cookery programs on TV?

MasterChef and The Great British Bake Off are some of the cookery programmes
I have watched. Thanks to these shows, I can not only expand my knowledge of
cooking but also learn as many continental dishes as I can.

3. In general, do you prefer eating out or eating at home?

On special occasions, I would like to go for dining out with my family members.
Simply because all of us are too lazy to do groceries or wash dishes after meals.
So, eating out is much more convenient.


You will have to talk about the REVIEW for 1 to 2 minutes.

You have one minute to think about what you're going to say.
You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

Tell about a memorable incident in your life or in someone’s life

that you know.
You should mention:
 What the incident was
 When it happened
 How it was overcome
 What can be learnt from that incident

PART 3------------Discussion
1. What are your flaws?
I guess it’s overthinking. I fear making mistakes and facing negative consequences.
Therefore, I often replay situations in my mind, try to find the perfect solution and
avoid potential errors.

2. When dealing with problems, do you often manage yourself or turn to

someone else for help?
I prefer to handle problems on my own, relying on my skills and knowledge to
find solutions independently. I analyze the situation, and develop strategies to
address challenges without external input.
3. What are some common problems that university students often face?
Heavy workloads, challenging courses, and high expectations can lead to
academic stress. Thus, balancing assignments, exams, and deadlines can be
challenging. Additionally, Many students face financial challenges, including
tuition fees, living expenses, and the cost of textbooks.

Let’s talk about the place you live
1. What is the most interesting part of your town/village?
One of the most interesting part of my hometown is its cultural diversity. We have
people from various backgrounds, and this diversity is reflected in our festivals,
cuisine, and daily life. It creates a rich tapestry of experiences and allows for a wide
range of cultural celebrations. (Tapestry: tranh/ thảm dệt thủ công)

2. What kind of jobs do people in your town/village do?

As I said before, my hometown is the capital of Vietnam, so there is a wide range
of jobs for people, including blue-collar and white-collar jobs.
3. Would you say it is a good place to live?

PART 2 Describe a story or novel you have read that you found interesting

Recently, I just finished reading the series “The Three Body Problem” by the author Liu
Cixin. It was an incredible series of books, three in total, which are almost certainly the
best books that I have ever read.

The books are all quite long, so I had put off starting them as I was very busy, but during
the last stages of lock down I knew that it was my opportunity to finally read those books.
The story is about humans learning about other intelligent life in the cosmos and the
dangers associated with that knowledge. It touched on many topics that I had never
considered and did so in a way that was very intriguing. It is the only book I have ever had
to take pauses from reading to regain my breath. I have always enjoyed reading science
fiction and in my early teenage years I read most of the classic famous sci-fi books. I had
read in many places and from people that I respected that this new series of books could
easily stand beside any of the historical greats, so I had been looking forward to it for a
long time.

It was also my first time reading a novel written by a Chinese author, and his methods of
storytelling were very impressive.

1. Do you like reading novels? Why?
Novels open up many more possibilities according to one’s imagination. The
characters become more brave, scary, humorous, and relatable. The author has the
ability to explain the thought process going on in the character’s mind – this is
something that’s rarely done perfectly in adaptations.
2. Which do you prefer to read? E-books or printed books?
I prefer to read e-books more because it is really fast and convenient. All that I
need is a smartphone connected to the Internet. Apart from e-books, I also have a
liking for online articles.

3. Technology has changed storytelling. Which one is better, traditional

storytelling or the use of technology in storytelling?

To me, traditional storytelling is better because traditional storytelling often

involves direct human interaction, allowing for a deep emotional connection
between the storyteller and the audience.
REVIEW12332 8
Let’s talk about accommodation
1. Tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in.
2. What do you like about living there?
3. What sort of accommodation would you like most to live in?


You will have to talk about the REVIEW for 1 to 2 minutes.

You have one minute to think about what you're going to say.
You can make some notes to help you if you wish

Describe a female leader that you would like to meet

You should say

 Who she is
 What she is like
 What you can learn from her

And explain why you would like to meet her

PART 3------------Discussion
1. Would you like to be a leader? Why (not)?
2. What qualities should a good leader have?
3. Do you think that leadership skills can be learned?

Let’s talk about flowers
1. Do you like to have flowers in your home?
2. Where would you go to buy flowers?
3. On what occasions would you give some flowers?


You will have to talk about the REVIEW for 1 to 2 minutes.

You have one minute to think about what you're going to say.
You can make some notes to help you if you wish

Describe an item of clothing that you recently bought.

You should say:

 what it is
 when and where you bought it
 what it looks like
 and explain why you bought it.

PART 3------------Discussion
1. Where do you usually purchase your clothes?
2. Have you ever bought clothes online? What are advantages
and disadvantages?
3. Do people from your country think fashion is important?
4. What is your favourite item of clothing?
Let’s talk about living place
1. Do you like the place you are living in now?
2. How easy is it to travel around your country?
3. Has your country changed much since you were a child?

Describe a change you have made to benefit your own healthy lifestyle.

There’s been a lot of stuff in the media about how unhealthy is it if I did get enough sleep.
I was already healthy and fairly got enough sleep, but when I was in grade 12 I usually
stayed up late to do schoolwork, someday I just slept only 4 hours a day. I was really tired
and became a person with weak resistance. Thanks to that I realized the importance of
sleep to my health.

Since then, I started paying attention to my study schedule by dividing my time more
reasonably, and then I used my leisure time to sleep. This way was quite hard for me
because I had more and more exercise every day and their difficulty level was gradually
increasing so I had to spend more time handling them. But finally, I have already known
how to order my study time reasonably. I used my breaks in class to do easy exercises and
then I just had done some difficult exercises at home.

That way was very efficient, and within 2 months I could feel my health has improved a
lot. My skin was getting better. Especially, I didn’t feel tired anymore and my mood was
always in a happy state. My friends who still not sleeping enough have marked memories
and I’m sure there’s a connection.

I don’t think I’ll ever get enough sleep altogether as I enjoy it too much. I can say,
however, that getting enough sleep makes me better like that. For this reason, as well as all
the others I’ve mentioned, I would recommend getting enough sleep.

1. Why do you think some people continue bad habits when they know
that they are damaging to their health?
2. Do men pay more attention to their health than women?
3. Would you say modern science and technology has more of a positive or
a negative influence on people’s health?
4. How important is a healthy lifestyle for you?

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