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(11) EP 1 662 924 B1


(45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.:

of the grant of the patent: A42C 5/04 (2006.01)
21.01.2009 Bulletin 2009/04
(86) International application number:
(21) Application number: 04730895.2 PCT/IB2004/001524

(22) Date of filing: 03.05.2004 (87) International publication number:

WO 2004/112520 (29.12.2004 Gazette 2004/53)



(84) Designated Contracting States: (74) Representative: Dorschner, David et al

AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB GR Dennemeyer & Associates S.A.
HU IE IT LI LU MC NL PL PT RO SE SI SK TR 55, rue des Bruyères
1274 Howald (LU)
(30) Priority: 23.06.2003 US 601964
(56) References cited:
(43) Date of publication of application: EP-A2- 0 078 110 GB-A- 2 014 036
07.06.2006 Bulletin 2006/23 GB-A- 2 316 324 US-A- 3 223 086
US-A- 3 293 659 US-A- 3 736 927
(73) Proprietor: Feher, Steve US-A- 3 911 914 US-A- 4 280 491
Honolulu, Hawai 96825-3418 (US) US-A- 4 475 248 US-A- 5 283 914
US-A- 6 085 369 US-H1- H 902
(72) Inventor: Feher, Steve
Honolulu, Hawai 96825-3418 (US)
EP 1 662 924 B1

Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent
Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the
Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been
paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)

1 EP 1 662 924 B1 2

Description the attached drawings:

BACKGROUND FIG. 1 is a side elevational, partially sectional view

of a helmet with air conditioning apparatus of this
1. Field of the Invention 5 invention mounted thereon;
FIG. 2 is a top plan, partially sectional view of the
[0001] The present invention relates to a helmet ap- helmet apparatus of FIG. 1 shown with a single blow-
paratus especially adaptable for providing conditioned er device;
air about the head and face of the wearer, and which is FIG. 3 is a further top plan, partially sectional view
light-weight and only requires relatively low-power elec- 10 of the helmet apparatus of FIG. 1 with a double blow-
trical energization. er device;
FIG. 4 is an enlarged sectional view taken through
2. Description of Related Art the multi-layer structure lining the helmet;
FIG. 5 is a front elevational sectional view of the hel-
[0002] There are many situations, both work oriented 15 met apparatus taken along the line 5-5 of FIG. 1;
and sport, in which the wearing of a helmet is necessary FIG. 6 is an elevational view of yet another embod-
or highly desirable. Exemplary of but a few instances iment where the heat pump is separately mounted
where wearing a helmet for a relatively long period of from the helmet;
time is required are: a motorcycle police officer; race car FIG. 7 is an elevational partially sectional view of a
driver; and a military tank driver. Considerable discomfort 20 still further version of the invention as applied to a
can result from wearing a helmet, especially the full-face patient; and
type, for even a short period of time particularly in warm FIG. 8 is an enlarged detail view of an alternative
or humid weather. version of a conditioned air conduit connection with
[0003] EP 0078110 discloses an apparatus in accord- a multi-layer structure.
ance with the preambles of claims 1 and 12. More spe- 25
cifically it discloses a powered air respirator and a filter DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS
cartridge on a helmet for providing contaminant free air
to a wearer, but does not disclose providing temperature [0008] There are a number of different human activities
conditioned air to the wearer’s head and face. U.S. Patent that require or where it is highly desirable to wear, a hel-
No. 3,736,927 discloses a respiratory device on a helmet 30 met to protect the wearer against injury while engaging
to provide purified air at ambient temperature to a wear- in the activity. For example, a helmet is desirably worn
er’s face, but also does not disclose providing tempera- when riding a motorcycle or driving a race car since any
ture conditioned air to the wearer’s head and face for accident could result in a blow being received to the head
cooling and or heating. and if a helmet is worn the chances of reducing or avoid-
35 ing injury altogether are substantially increased. On
SUMMARY OF INVENTION wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle or during car
racing, the driver is subjected to increased temperature
[0004] In the practice of a first embodiment of the in- about the head especially during warm weather or humid
vention there is provided an air-conditioned helmet ap- conditions which are rather uncomfortable for the driver/
paratus in accordance with claim 1. 40 wearer. A motorcycle policeman, for example, must wear
[0005] Optionally, a forwardly facing air scoop is a helmet throughout long hours of a work shift and suffer
mounted to the outside upper surface of the helmet and the inconvenience associated therewith along with the
directs ambient air to the heat pump for conditioning while normal high stress related to his employment.
also serving to protect the heat pump from possible im- [0009] With reference now to the drawing and partic-
pact or contact damage. As a further option, an air filter 45 ularly to FIG. 1, a first embodiment of air conditioned
of either the depth variety or carbon absorption type can helmet apparatus of the present invention is enumerated
be utilized to remove foreign particles (e.g., dirt, dust, generally as 10 and includes in its major parts a helmet
pollen) and noxious fumes from inlet air before it is proc- 12 of the rigid variety, an air conditioning apparatus 14
essed by the heat pump. secured to an outer rear surface of the helmet, and an
[0006] In a second embodiment of the invention, there 50 electric cable 16 for removable connection to a conven-
Is provided an air-conditioned headgear apparatus in ac- iently adjacent power source.
cordance with claim 12. [0010] The helmet 12 preferably has a rigid and rugged
outer shell which is substantially imperforate other than
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING having specific openings for purposes to be described
55 and an open bottom 20 via which the helmet is received
[0007] These and other objects of the present inven- onto the head of a wearer (not shown). More particularly,
tion will become more , readily apparent upon reading the helmet shell 12 can be cast from a tough relatively
the following detailed description and upon reference to lightweight plastic or metal and includes a transparent,

3 EP 1 662 924 B1 4

adjustably movable visor 22 affixed in what is a forward colored a dark color (e.g., black) to reduce giving a soiled
wall of the helmet shell. appearance.
[0011] The air conditioning apparatus 14 is secured to [0015] A band or ribbon 60 of insulation material is
the rear of the helmet and includes a blower mechanism wrapped around the lower rear edge of the multi-layer
24 which delivers pressurized ambient air to a heat pump 5 structure 48 and extending for about one-half of the hel-
26 where part of the air stream is moved across a "cold" met periphery (FIG, 1). The ribbon is sealed about the
part (when cooling is desired) to a conduit 28 and passed structure 48 (e.g., by adhesive) to insure a more uniform
through a notch or opening 30 in the helmet back lower passage of conditioned air along the textile tubular layer
edge for distribution to the helmet interior as will be de- 52 and finely directed onto the face of a wearer. Also,
scribed. A further part of the air stream from the blower 10 the ribbon provides insulation against excessive temper-
mechanism passes simultaneously over the apparatus ature change being induced in the wearer’s neck region
"hot" part and moves outwardly through the conduit 32 from the conditioned air.
removing waste heat to the ambient. A compliant support [0016] A filter 62 can be optionally located at the air
34 (e.g., rubber, Sorbothane) cooperating with a rubber inlet of the pump apparatus 14 for removing foreign par-
or Sorbothane seal 36 serves to mechanically secure the 15 ticles, such as dirt, dust and pollen, for example or nox-
apparatus 14 to the helmet while maintaining noise and ious fumes, that are carried by the ambient air.
vibration at a low level. [0017] As to general operation of the versions de-
[0012] Still referring to FIG. 1, an optional air scoop 38 scribed, pressurized conditioned air moves from the ap-
includes a curved elongated central wall 40 extending paratus 14 through the helmet notch or opening 30, along
from approximately the top center outer surface of the 20 the tubes of the second layer 52, downwardly onto the
helmet shell to a point opposite the lower part of the shell wearer’s forehead, face and temples, and finally exiting
facing the back of a helmet wearer’s neck, which wall 40 at the lower front of the helmet to the ambient air. This
is mounted to the helmet shell by first and second side- movement of conditioned air downwardly across the face
walls 42 and 44. By this construction, on movement of not only refreshes the wearer by contact and provides
the associated vehicle (e.g., motorcycle), the scoop 38 25 fresh air for breathing, but also reduces the production
receives external air from the ambient via an opening 46 of fog on the visor and thus maintains clear visibility.
that passes along the scoop interior spacing (arrows) [0018] Although there are other devices that can be
from the helmet shell outer surface to be acted upon by utilized to cool an air stream for present purposes, be-
the air conditioning apparatus 14. cause of use context (e.g., a motorcycle) it is important
[0013] With simultaneous reference to FIGS. 1 and 4, 30 that the device take as little electrical power as possible
the inside of the helmet shell 12 is covered with a multi- and since the cooling apparatus in a first embodiment is
layer structure 48 which serves to both protect the wear- carried on a helmet the apparatus weight must be mini-
er’s head, conduct conditioned air along a path adjacent mal. In a practical construction of the invention using a
the helmet shell interior, and finally-release the condi- single blower mechanism(FIGS. 1 and 2) and a Peltier
tioned air to move past face of the wearer (arrows). More 35 thermoelectric cooling apparatus, the entire weight of the
particularly, the structure 48 includes a first layer 50 cov- apparatus 14 did not exceed about 0.23 kg.
ering and contacting the inner surface of the helmet shell [0019] For a further embodiment of the invention that
12 that is constructed of an impact absorbing material is especially adapted to for use in an automotive vehicle
having a primary function of protecting a wearer’s head (e.g., race car), reference is now made to FIG. 6. A typical
against impact shock. Onto the impact absorbing layer, 40 automotive vehicle seat 64 and associated backrest 66
there is laid down a second or air-conduiting layer 52 are shown with a heat pump 68 (which can be identical
preferably formed from a tubular textile material 54 which to the heat pump 14) that is conveniently mounted to the
readily conducts air along the major axis of the tubular seat 64. Helmet apparatus 70, which can be identical to
material and to a lesser extent transversely through the the previously described apparatus 10 with the apparatus
walls of the material. The tubular material includes woven 45 14 removed, is interconnected with the heat pump 68 by
tubes interwoven with each other which do not compress an appropriate length of flexible tubing 72 that preferably
more than 5 percent during wearing use of the helmet extends up the back of the backrest 66 (FIG. 3).
shell. The tubular material extends from approximately [0020] Efficiency improvement of the heat pump in any
the lower rear edge of the helmet to terminate just in Front of the described embodiments and options can be
a wearer’s forehead (FIG. 5). Accordingly, the condi- 50 achieved by adding a separate or second blower mech-
tioned air effects heat transfer to the head primarily by anism 74 solely used to empty waste heat from the ap-
convection and moves directly across the face as shown paratus 14 to the ambient (FIG. 3).
by the arrows [0021] Turning now to FIG. 7, there is shown a version
[0014] Optionally, a third layer 56 laid down on the in- of the invention especially advantageous for wear by a
wardly facing surface of the second layer 52 is construct- 55 patient 76 in need of having the head maintained at a
ed of an open-cell cushion foam that is comfortable to prescribed temperature. In particular, an air-conditioned
the touch. Alternatively, an extent of cloth 58 covers the helmetlike headgear 78 consists of a close fitting textile,
foam layer, or can substitute for the foam layer, and is flexible rubber or molded plastic cap 80 which is dimen-

5 EP 1 662 924 B1 6

sioned for secure fitting to the patient’s head. A layer 82 3. An air-conditioned helmet apparatus as in claim 1,
of textile tubular means which can be identical to the pre- in which the conditioning device (14) is a heat pump.
viously described layer 52 is secured to the interior sur-
face of the cap 80 with the individual tubes extending 4. An air-conditioned helmet apparatus as in claim 1,
from the back lower edge to a termination point at the 5 in which electric cabling (16) has one end connected
forehead of the patient. A conveniently mounted heat to the conditioning device (14) and extends down-
pump 84 (either thermoelectric or Stirling cycle) provides wardly along path for connection at its other end to
conditioned air via a flexible conduit 85 and a fitting 86 a suitable source of electric power.
at the back of the cap to the layer 82 such that conditioned
air moves along the textile tubes adjacent the scalp and 10 5. An air-conditioned helmet apparatus as in claim 1,
exits at the forehead downwardly onto the face of the in which the tubular textile material (52) includes wo-
patient. ven tubes interwoven with each other which do not
[0022] An alternative manner of transferring condi- compress more than 5 percent during wearing use
tioned air from the apparatus 14 to the conduiting layer of the helmet shell.
52 is shown in FIG. 8. More particularly, a tubular conduit 15
88 has one end in air receiving connection with the heat 6. An air-conditioned helmet apparatus as in claim 1,
pump 26 and after extending around and past the rear in which the conditioning device (14) is mounted to
lower edge of the helmet shell 12 has its other end in an outside surface of the helmet shell (12).
contact with the layer 52. By this construction, a further
or second opening does not have to be formed in the 20 7. An air-conditioned helmet apparatus as in claim 6,
helmet shell. in which there is further provided an air scoop (38)
[0023] Although the invention has been described in secured to an outer surface of the helmet shell pro-
connection with preferred embodiments, it is to be un- tectively covering the conditioning device (14) and
derstood that those skilled in the appertaining arts may for receiving air and directing it to the conditioning
contemplate modifications within the scope of the inven- 25 device.
tion as described in the appended claims.
8. An air-conditioned helmet apparatus as in claim 1,
in which an elongated sealing means (60) is secured
Claims about the multi-layer structure (52) adjacent the low-
30 er rear edge of the helmet shell preventing condi-
1. An air-conditioned helmet apparatus, comprising: tioned air escaping from the structure lower rear
a rigid helmet shell (12) including a first opening
of such dimensions as to permit receipt onto the 9. An air-conditioned helmet apparatus as in claim 1,
head of a wearer; 35 in which the conditioning device (14) is located re-
a conditioning device (14); mote from the helmet.
characterized in that
the conditioning device produces a pressurized 10. An air-conditioned helmet apparatus as in claim 3,
stream of temperature conditioned air; and in which the heat pump (14) includes a single blower
the apparatus further comprises multi-layer 40 mechanism moving a first part of pressurized air over
means (48) secured to an interior surface of the the "cold" place of the pump to the helmet shell in-
helmet shell (12) constructed of a first layer (50) terior when cooling is the conditioning mode, and
of an impact resistant material adhered to a hel- simultaneously moving a second part of the pressu-
met shell interior surface and a second layer (52) rized air past the "hot" place of the pump to the ex-
contacting the first layer (50), the second layer 45 terior ambient.
(52) constructed of a tubular textile material in
fluid communication with the conditioning device 11. An air-conditioned helmet apparatus as in claim 1,
(14) and adapted to distribute the temperature in which the conditioning device includes two blower
conditioned air across the scalp of a wearer by mechanisms, a first mechanism for moving condi-
convection transversely through the walls of the 50 tioned air to the helmet interior and a second mech-
tubular textile material and directly onto the face anism for moving waste heat or waste cold, as the
of a wearer. case may be, to the ambient exterior of the helmet
2. An air-conditioned helmet apparatus as in claim 1,
in which a third layer (56) constructed of an open- 55 12. Air-conditioned headgear apparatus, characterized
cell foam is provided secured onto an outer surface in that it comprises:
of the second layer (52).
a cap (80) shaped for fitting receipt onto the head

7 EP 1 662 924 B1 8

of a wearer; 4. Klimatisierte Helmvorrichtung nach Anspruch 1, wo-

layer means (48) affixed to an interior surface bei eine elektrische Verkabelung (16) mit einem En-
of the cap (80) including tubular means (52) dis- de an der Klimatisierungsvorrichtung (14) ange-
tributed substantially throughout and conform- schlossen ist und sich entlang eines Pfades nach
ing to the cap (80) inferior surface and extending 5 unten erstreckt, um an ihrem anderen Ende mit einer
forwardly to terminate generally in the forehead geeigneten elektrischen Stromquelle verbunden zu
region of the cap (80) with open ends directed werden.
toward the face of a wearer;
a heat pump (14) fixedly located exteriorly of the 5. Klimatisierte Helmvorrichtung nach Anspruch 1, wo-
cap (80) for generating a pressurized stream of 10 bei das röhrenförmige Textilmaterial (52) miteinan-
conditioned air; and der verwobene Geweberöhren enthält, die sich wäh-
a conduit (28) interconnecting the heat pump rend des Tragens der Helmschale um nicht mehr als
(14) and the layer means (48) configured such 5 Prozent zusammendrücken lassen.
that conditioned air from the heat pump (14) is
distributed onto the scalp of the wearer by con- 15 6. Klimatisierte Helmvorrichtung nach Anspruch 1, wo-
vection through the walls of the tubular means bei die Klimatisierungsvorrichtung (14) an einer Au-
(52) and is distributed through the open ends of ßenfläche der Helmschale (12) montiert ist.
the tubular means to the wearer’s face.
7. Klimatisierte Helmvorrichtung nach Anspruch 6, wo-
20 bei des Weiteren eine Lufthutze (38) bereitgestellt
Patentansprüche ist, die an einer Außenfläche der Helmschale befe-
stigt ist und die Klimatisierungsvorrichtung (14)
1. Klimatisierte Helmvorrichtung, die Folgendes um- schützend bedeckt und dazu dient, Luft aufzuneh-
fasst: men und sie zu der Klimatisierungsvorrichtung zu
25 lenken.
eine starre Helmschale (12), die eine erste Öff-
nung mit solchen Abmessungen enthält, dass 8. Klimatisierte Helmvorrichtung nach Anspruch 1, wo-
ein Träger sie über dem Kopf tragen kann; bei ein längliches Dichtungsmittel (60) um die Mehr-
eine Klimatisierungsvorrichtung (14); schichtstruktur (52) herum neben der unteren Hin-
dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass 30 terkante der Helmschale befestigt ist, um zu verhin-
die Klimatisierungsvorrichtung einen Strom aus dern, dass klimatisierte Luft von der unteren Hinter-
temperierter Druckluft erzeugt; und kante der Struktur entweicht.
die Vorrichtung des Weiteren Mehrschichtmittel
(48) umfasst, die an einer Innenfläche der Helm- 9. Klimatisierte Helmvorrichtung nach Anspruch 1, wo-
schale (12) angebracht sind und aus einer er- 35 bei die Klimatisierungsvorrichtung (14) von dem
sten Schicht (50) aus einem schlagfesten Ma- Helm räumlich entfernt angeordnet ist.
terial, das an einer Helmschaleninnenfläche an-
geklebt ist, und einer zweiten Schicht (52), die 10. Klimatisierte Helmvorrichtung nach Anspruch 3, wo-
die erste Schicht (50) berührt, aufgebaut sind, bei die Wärmepumpe (14) einen einzelnen Geblä-
wobei die zweite Schicht (52) aus einem röhren- 40 semechanismus enthält, der einen ersten Teil der
förmigen Textilmaterial aufgebaut ist, das in Druckluft über die "kalte" Stelle der Pumpe zu dem
Strömungsverbindung mit der Klimatisierungs- Helmschaleninneren bewegt, wenn der Klimatisie-
vorrichtung (14) steht und dafür geeignet ist, die rungsmodus ein Kühlmodus ist, und gleichzeitig ei-
temperierte Luft über die Kopfhaut eines Trä- nen zweiten Teil der Druckluft an der "warmen" Stelle
gers durch Konvektion in Querrichtung durch die 45 der Pumpe vorbei ins Freie bewegt.
Wände des röhrenförmigen Textilmaterials hin-
durch und direkt auf des Gesicht eines Trägers 11. Klimatisierte Helmvorrichtung nach Anspruch 1, wo-
zu verteilen. bei die Klimatisierungsvorrichtung zwei Gebläseme-
chanismen enthält, wobei ein erster Mechanismus
2. Klimatisierte Helmvorrichtung nach Anspruch 1, wo- 50 dazu dient, klimatisierte Luft in das Helminnere zu
bei eine dritte Schicht (56), die aus einem offenzel- bewegen, und ein zweiter Mechanismus dazu dient,
ligen Schaumstoff aufgebaut ist, bereitgestellt und warme bzw. kalte Abluft ins Freie außerhalb der
an einer Außenfläche der zweiten Schicht (52) be- Helmschale zu bewegen.
festigt ist.
55 12. Klimatisierte Kopfbedeckungsvorrichtung, dadurch
3. Klimatisierte Helmvorrichtung nach Anspruch 1, wo- gekennzeichnet, dass sie Folgendes umfasst:
bei die Klimatisierungsvorrichtung (14) eine Wärme-
pumpe ist. eine Kappe (80), die so geformt ist, dass sie auf

9 EP 1 662 924 B1 10

den Kopf eines Trägers passt; 3. Dispositif de casque à air conditionné selon la re-
Schichtmittel (48), die an einer Innenfläche der vendication 1, dans lequel le dispositif de condition-
Kappe (80) befestigt sind und röhrenförmige nement (14) est une pompe de chaleur.
Mittel (52) enthalten, die im Wesentlichen über
die gesamte Innenfläche der Kappe (80) hinweg 5 4. Dispositif de casque à air conditionné selon la re-
verteilt sind und sich an die Form der Innenflä- vendication 1, dans lequel un câblage électrique (16)
che der Kappe (80) anschmiegen und sich der- possède une extrémité connectée au dispositif de
gestalt nach vorn erstrekken, dass sie allgemein conditionnement (14) et s’étend vers le bas le long
in der Stirnregion der Kappe (80) enden, wobei d’un cheminement en vue de sa connexion à son
die offenen Enden auf das Gesicht eines Trä- 10 autre extrémité et à une source appropriée d’alimen-
gers gerichtet sind; tation électrique.
eine Wärmepumpe (14), die fest außerhalb der
Kappe (80) angebracht ist, um einen Strom aus 5. Dispositif de casque à air conditionné selon la re-
temperierter Druckluft zu erzeugen; und vendication 1, dans lequel le matériau textile tubu-
einen Kanal (28), der die Wärmepumpe (14) und 15 laire (52) inclut des tubes tissés entrelacés en tissa-
die Schichtmittel (48) miteinander verbindet und ge les uns aux autres qui ne compriment pas de plus
so konfiguriert ist, dass klimatisierte Luft von der de 5% pendant l’utilisation portée de la coque de
Wärmepumpe (14) auf die Kopfhaut des Trä- casque.
gers durch Konvektion durch die Wände der röh-
renförmigen Mittel (52) hindurch verteilt wird und 20 6. Dispositif de casque à air conditionné selon la re-
durch die offenen Enden der röhrenförmigen vendication 1, dans lequel le dispositif de condition-
Mittel auf das Gesicht des Trägers verteilt wird. nement (14) est monté sur une surface extérieure
de la coque de casque (12).

Revendications 25 7. Dispositif de casque à air conditionné selon la re-

vendication 6, dans lequel il est en outre prévu une
1. Dispositif de casque à air conditionné, comprenant : prise d’air de refroidissement (38) fixée à une surface
extérieure de la coque de casque, couvrant de ma-
une coque de casque (12) rigide incluant une nière protectrice le dispositif de conditionnement
première ouverture de dimensions telles qu’el- 30 (14) et recevant l’air et le dirigeant vers le dispositif
les permettent le placement sur la tête d’un de conditionnement.
porteur ;
un dispositif de conditionnement (14) ; 8. Dispositif de casque à air conditionné selon la re-
caractérisé en ce que vendication 1, dans lequel un moyen de joint d’étan-
le dispositif de conditionnement produit un cou- 35 chéité allongé (60) est fixé autour de la structure mul-
rant pressurisé d’air conditionné à température ; ti-couches (62) à côté du bord arrière inférieur de la
et l’appareil comprend en outre des moyens coque de casque en empêchant l’air conditionné de
multi-couches (48) fixés sur une surface inté- s’échapper du bord arrière inférieur de la structure.
rieure de la coque de casque (12), constitués
d’une première couche (50) d’un matériau ré- 40 9. Dispositif de casque à air conditionné selon la re-
sistant aux impacts collé à une surface intérieure vendication 1, dans lequel le dispositif de condition-
de coque de casque et une seconde couche (52) nement (14) est situé à distance du casque.
contactant la première couche (50), la seconde
couche (52) étant constituée d’un matériau tex- 10. Dispositif de casque à air conditionné selon la re-
tile tubulaire en communication de fluide avec 45 vendication 3, dans lequel la pompe de chaleur (14)
le dispositif de conditionnement (14) et adapté inclut un mécanisme de ventilateur individuel dépla-
afin de répartir l’air conditionné à température çant une première partie de l’air pressurisé sur la
au travers du cuir chevelu d’un porteur par con- surface « froide » de la pompe vers l’intérieur de la
vection transversalement à travers les parois du coque de casque lorsque le refroidissement est le
matériau textile tubulaire et directement sur le 50 mode de conditionnement, et déplaçant simultané-
visage d’un porteur. ment une seconde partie de l’air pressurisé au-delà
de la surface « chaude » de la pompe vers l’environ-
2. Dispositif de casque à air conditionné selon la re- nement extérieur.
vendication 1, dans lequel une troisième couche (56)
constituée d’une mousse à cellules ouvertes est pré- 55 11. Dispositif de casque à air conditionné selon la re-
vue en étant fixée sur une surface extérieure de la vendication 1, dans lequel le dispositif de condition-
seconde couche (52). nement inclut deux mécanismes de ventilateur, un
premier mécanisme pour dpélacer l’air conditionné

11 EP 1 662 924 B1 12

vers l’intérieur du casque et un second mécanisme

pour déplacer la chaleur résiduelle ou le froid rési-
duel, en fonction des circonstances, vers l’environ-
nement extérieur de la coque de casque.
12. Dispositif de protection pour la tête à air conditionné,
caractérisé en ce que il comprend :

un capuchon (80) façonné en vue d’un place-

ment ajusté sur la tête d’un porteur ; 10
des moyens de couches (48) fixés à une surface
intérieure du capuchon (80) incluant des
moyens tubulaires (52) répartis essentiellement
à travers de et se conformant à la surface inté-
rieure du capuchon (80) et s’étendant vers 15
l’avant afin d’aboutir généralement dans la ré-
gion frontale du capuchon (80) avec les extré-
mités ouvertes dirigées vers le visage d’un
porteur ;
une pompe de chaleur (14) située de manière 20
fixe à l’extérieur du capuchon (80) pour générer
un courant pressurisé d’air conditionné ; et
un conduit (28) interconnectant la pompe de
chaleur (14) et les moyens de couches (48) con-
figuré de telle sorte que l’air conditionné prove- 25
nant de la pompe de chaleur (14) soit réparti sur
le cuir chevelu du porteur par convection à tra-
vers les parois des moyens tubulaires (52) et
soit réparti à travers les extrémités ouvertes des
moyens tubulaires vers le visage du porteur. 30






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EP 1 662 924 B1

EP 1 662 924 B1

EP 1 662 924 B1

EP 1 662 924 B1


This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Patent documents cited in the description

• EP 0078110 A [0003] • US 3736927 A [0003]


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