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Ilence. the rleutlal cufer]t of tl're cilcuil is ltu - .] r 0.42 r 58 - -l \.

T)reletb|e. the design cunent ofthe circurl dLLe to third harnonics is --l,\.
To satisfy Regulation ,133.1.1. li 2 lt. so the rated cu]Terlt of the circuit-breaker. In, is selected to be 80 A. The
reqtiired tabrLlated cLrr ert-carrying capacity. lr- undel the abo\ e operational conclitions is to satisly:

I,: CC11'\- (wbere circuits of the group are assutued to be liable to sirnultancou: orcrload)

Applyi[g the above grouping and tenrpetatule ratiDg lactors. the requiled tabulated currert-cauying capacity is
tbuucl to be 125.8 A.

I F rolrl I able 4E4A. u 25 rnrnr cable is lecessary to con)pensate for the additional thenual eflect due to third hamronic
c uu ent.

All dre above cable seiectious are based on the current-canying capacity ofthe cable: r,oltage dlop and other aspects of
design lrave not been considcred.

5.6 Harmonic currents in line conductors

Section 5.5 covers the etlect ol additivc hamrorlic cunents flowing in the neutral conductor'. The rating factors given
in section 5.5 take account ofthe heati[g etlect ofthe third hanronic irr the ueutral as well as the heating effect ol
the third harrnonic ir each ofthe Urc coutluctors.

Wher e other haruorics arc prese[t, e.g. 5'r', 7'r' etc, thc hcating effect olthese harmonics in the line conductors has to
be taherr into account. For smaller sizes, less tl'ran 50 n'ulr, the e1I'ect of hamrouiq cuuelrts can be taken into account
by applying the tbllowirrg tactor. Ct, to the lundamental design currert.


rvhercr I ,.50 llz cLrlletrr

- n'i' harrr-rorric currert

For'lalger conductu' sizcs the itcrease in cotduclol resistance. duc to skin aud proxinrity effccts, at highcr
ilclllrcncies has to bc takel irto accorrrt. '1he resistance at halnronic liequencics can be calculated using thc
r'quatiorls gi\cn in BS IEC 60287-1-1.


ln the tables, values ol voltage drop are given 1br a currenl ot onr'anlpele lbr a metre ru)r, i.e. for a distance of 1 m
along thc route taken by the cables. aud represent dre result ofthe voltage drops in all rlte circuit conductols. The
r aiues o1'voltage drop assulne that the conductor-s are at their lnaxilnurn pennitled [ormal operating temperature.

Ihe values in tlre tables. 1br AC operation. apply to li-equencies ir1 the ralge 49 to 61 Hz and for single-cote I

lrnoLucd cables the labulated values apply where the armour is bonded to earth at both ends. The values ofvoltage
drop fbr cables operating at higher liequencies rnay bc substartially grl:ater.

For.a given ruo. to calculate tlre voltage tlrop (in rnv) the tabulated value olvoltage drop pel aDrpere per meh€ for
:he cable conccrned has to be urLrltiplied by the lergth of the run in rlrctles and by the cument the cable is intended
:o caruy, nanrely, tire design current of the circuit (lu) in arnperes. For threelhase circuits the tabulated mV/A/m
. alues relate to the line roltage and balauced conditions have bec-n assunred.
cable. itrl cables having conductors ol-16 urmr or less closs-sectional area, theil inductances can be ignored and
erVrAlnr)r valucs only are tabulated. For cables having conducrors greatel than l6 rmDr cross-sectional al'ea the
:rrpedance values are given as (D1V,'A/rr)2, together with the resistive componert (rnv/A/m)r and tbe reactive
.!rnrporl!'l'rt (ruV/A/tn)x.

. he dilect use ol the tabulated (mV,,Anrr)r or (rrv/'A/rn)z values, as appropriate, utay lead to pessimistically high

-:lculated values ofvoltage drop 01, i1r other words. to r.rnuc'cessarily lor,v valncs of pemitted circuit lengths. For
:raurple, where tlre design crLrrent ofa cilr:uit is signilicantly less thar the etlective current-canyilg capacity ofthe
-roscn cabls. the actual voltage chop rvould be less thal1 tl]e cillculated value bccause d]e corlductof temperature
.:nd hencc their- resisrance) will be less than that on u hich the tabulated nrV A nt had been based.
As rcgards porvcr I'actol iD A( circLrits. the use ofthe tabulated mV/A/Dt values (for the larger cable sizes, the
tabulated (m!iAirrl)r \aluc\) lradi to a calculatcd value ofthc voltage drop higher than the actlal value. In some
cascs it may bc advant.rgcoLrs fu tlrkc itccount ofthe load power factol when calculating voltage drop.

Wherc a molc aceurat. ai:.iirncnt of the volragc drop is desirable the foliowing methods may be used.

6.1 Correction for operating temperature

For cables har ing condLrctors of cross-sectional area l6 mmr or less. the design value of mV/A/m is obtained by
rlr.rltiplyrng thc tabr.rlatd r alue by a tactor Cr. given by:

230+t,,,(c^2cg'c"'co' $)1to :o)

c,= 230 + tp
Equation 6

uhere 1p is the la\iD'lLllr pcrnitted llorrrrill operatiug teurperaturc ("C).

This equation applics ortly where the o\cr.clrnent protective device is other than a BS 3036 fuse and where the
actual al]rbient teurpcralufc is eqlral to or grcat!-[ thau J0 'C.
NOTE: FoI conr cnicrlcc. th. rbo\. equation is brseLl or the approxinrate Iesistance-temperature coefficient of0.004 pcr "C at
l0'C tbr both.opl)cl' irnd alLrnriniLrm eonducto|s.

For cablc's having conductols oi ctoss-sectional ?uea greater than 16 nurr. only the resistive component of the
voltage drop is all'ecled b1, the tetupetatute and the t'actor Cr is therelbre applied only to the tabulated value of
(DrviA/rn)r and the dcsign r alue of lnrVtAh.r)r is given by thc vector sum of Ci (mV/A/m)1 and (rnV/A/m)x.

l-ol vcry Iargc conductor sizc). rr,here the resistive conrponent ofvoltage drop is much less than the corresponding
rcactive part ( i c ii,hen .ru r : 3 ). this ralillg factor nced not be cousidercd.

6.2 Correction for load power factor

For cab les hav ilg corldlrctols of closs-sectjoral area 16 mmr or less. tlre design value of mV/A/m is obtained
approximatcly by nrLrltiplling the tabuiated value by the power factor ofthe load, cos O.

Fol cablcs having conductors of cross-sectionai alea greater than i6 mmr, the design value of mV/A/m is given
approxinlately by:

cos O (tabulatcd([rVrAlm.;.1 + 51n g llsbulated(mV/A/m).)

For single-core cables in flat 1'ormation dre tabr.rlated values apply to the outer cables and may underestimate for
the !oltage drop bet\\'ecu an oulcr cablc and thc ccntrc cable for cross-sectional areas above 240 mm2, and power
tilctors greater than 0.8.

6.3 Correction for both operating temperature and load power factor
Fot patagraphs 6.I and 6.2 abore. where it is consideled approp ate to con'ect the tabulated mV/A/m values for
bodl operatirg tempetature ard load pou er t'actor. the desigrl figure for urV/A/m is given by:

(i) tbl cables having conductols of ctoss-sectional area 16 rlnt: or less

Cr cos O (tabulatcd l'nV/A/m)

1ii) tbr cablcs ha!i[g conducto]'s ofcross-scctional area greater thao l6 mml

Cr cos O (tabulated (nrv/Aim)r) + sin O (tabulated (mv/A/rn)x).

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