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714.1 Scope
This section applies to outdoor lighting installations comprising one or more lutninaires. a wiring system and
accessories, and to highway power supplics and street fumiture.

The following ale included in outdoor lighting installations:

(i) Lighting installations such as those for roads, parks, car parks, gardens, places open to the public, sporting
areas. illumination of monurrents and floodlighting
(ii) Other lighting affangements in places such as telephone kiosks, bus shelters, advertising panels and town
( iii) Road signs.

Thc following are excluded:

(iv) Temporary festoon lighting
(v) Luminaires fixed to the outside of a building and supplied directly from the intemal wiring of that building
(vi) Road tramc signal systems.
714.4 Protection for safety
714.41 Protection against electric shock
714.4'10.3 General requirements
714.4'10.g.6 The protective measures of non-conducting location (Regulation 418.1) and earth-free local
equipotential bonding (Regulation 418.2) shall not be used.

7'14.411 Protective measure: Automatic disconnection of supply

714.411.20'l Where the protective neasure automatic disconnection ofsupply is used. all live pafis ofelectrical
cquipment shall be protected by insulation or by bauiers or enclosrues providing basic protection. A door in street
t'urniture, used for access to electrical equipment, shall not be used as a barier or an enclosure.

7'14.411.202 A lraximuur disconnectiorl time of 5 s shall apply to all circuits feeding flxed equipment used in
highway power supplies for compliance with Regulation 41 I 3.2.3 (TN system) or 4l1.3.2.4 (TT system)

714.411.203 Where an earlh connection to a distdbuto/s PME network has been provided for a street electrical
fixtul.e, tlte earthing and bonding conductor of a street elect cal flxture shall have a minimum copper equivatent
cr.oss-sectional area of 6 nrmz for supply neutral conductors with copper equivalent cross-sectional areas up to
l0 mm:. For larger sized supply neuhal conducton the main bonding shall comply with Table 54.8.

714.411.2.201 Provisionsforbasic protection

For every accessible erclosure livc parts shall only be accessible with a key or a tool, unless the enclosule is in a

location where only skilled or instructcd person(s) have access.

A door giving access to electrical eqBipment and located less than 2.50 m above ground level shall be locked with
a key oi shall require the use of a tool for access. In addition, basic protectior shall be ptovided when the door is
open either by the use of equipment having at least a degree of protection IPXXB or IP2X by construction or by
installation. or by installing a banier or an enclosure giving the same degree ofprotection.

For a lullinaire at a height of less than 2.80 m above ground level, access to the light sou|ce shall only be possible
after removing a barrier or an enclosure requiring the use of a tool.

714.411,3.1 Protective earthing and protective equipotential bonding

7 1 4,4'l' Protective equipotential bonding

A metallic stmcture (such grid etc.). which is ir the proximity ofbut is not part olthe outdoor lighting
as a fence.
illsta]lation need l]ot be connected to the main eafihing terminal.

71 4.4'l'1.3.3 Additional protection

Lighting in places such as telephone kiosks. bus shelters, advertising panels and tou n plans shall be provided with
additional plotection by ar RCD having the characteristics specified in Regulation II5'1 I

- 2gB
7'14.5 Selection and erection of equipment
714.51 Common rules
714.512 Operational conditions and external influences
714.512.2 External influences
7'14.512.2,1 The following classes are generally recommended:
(i) Ambient temperature: AA2 and AA4 (from -40 "C to +40 'C)
(ii) Climatic conditions:AB2 andAB4 (relative humidity between 5 % and 100 %)'

a deglee ofplotection of at
714.512.2.105 Electrical equipment shall have, by constluction oI by installation,
least IP33. I

714.514.12 Notices

714,514.12.201 The requirements for notices for:

(i) periodic inspection and testing (Regulation 514 12 1) and
(ii) the testing ofRCDs (Regulation 514.12.2)
and testing procedure
need not be applied where the installation is subject to a plogrammed inspection
durable label stating the
714.514.12.202 On every temporary supply unit there shall be an extemally mounted
maximum sustained cunent to be supplied from that unit'

714.537 lsolation and switching

714.537.2 Devices for isolation

714.537.2.1 General

714.537.2.1.1 Every circuit shall be capable of being isolated individually from each of the
live supply
conductors, except as detailed in Regulati,on 461.2.
7'14.537.2.1.201 Where it is intended that isolation and switching is carried out only by instructed
precautions can be taken to prevent any equipment fiom being
and subject to suitable provisions being made so that
of switching the supply on load and the means
inadvertently or uninte,tionally energiied, for TN sysiems, the means
olisolation is permitted to be provided by a suitably rated fuse carrier
714.537 .2.1.202 Where the distributor's cut-out is used as the means of isolation of a highway
supply the approval olthe distributor shall be obtained'

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