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______ is the process of choosing and implementing a structural configuration for an organization. (b)
Organizational design

________ goals are the goals that define the type of business an organization is in. (d) Output

____ are announced cooperative agreements or joint ventures between two independent firms. (c)
Interfirm alliances

____________ in an organization provide specialized expertise and services. (a) Staff units and personnel

____________ is a condition where dominant cultural patterns are inconsistent with new emerging
innovations. (a) Organizational cultural lag

____ is a positive reinforcement strategy that rewards successive approximations to a desirable behavior.
(c) Shaping

____________ is a sense of broader purpose that workers infuse into their tasks as a result of interaction
with one another. (d) A shared meaning

________is grouping individuals by skill, knowledge, and action yields. (b) Functional departmentation

____________ is the combination of machines, artifacts, procedures, and systems used to gather, store,
analyze, and disseminate information for translating it into knowledge. (d) Information technology

____________ is the combination of resources, knowledge, and techniques that creates a product or
service output for an organization. (d) The general environment

____________ is the concern for proper communication enabling the units to understand one another’s
activities. (b) Coordination

____________ is the study of how people in different cultures use persistence, the ordering of
relationships, thrift, sense of shame, personal steadiness, reciprocity, protection of “face,” and respect for
tradition to communicate (d) Domestic multiculturalism

______________ is the set of mechanisms used in an organization to link the actions of its subunits into a
consistent pattern. (b) Coordination

_______________ describes how formal authority is distributed and establishes where and how critical
decisions are to be made. (b) Centralization/decentralization

A ____________ links key goal-related issues with key collaboration issues to come up with general ways
by which the firm will manage its affairs. (a) managerial philosophy

A content theory of motivation is most likely to focus on ____________.(d) individual needs

A leadership prototype ____________. (c) depicts the image of a model leader

A major difference between reinforcement and social learning theory is ____________. (b) reinforcement
recognizes objective consequences while social learning theory emphasizes how individuals perceive and define

A major distinction between line and staff units concerns ____________. (b) linkage of their jobs to the
goals of the firm
A manager’s failure to enforce a late-to-work policy the same way for all employees is a violation of
____________ justice. (c) distributive

A matrix structure ____________. (d) gives some employees two bosses

A person who is always willing to volunteer for extra work or to help someone else with their work or to
contribute personal time to support an organizational social event can be said to be high in ____________. (d)
organizational commitment

A person with high emotional intelligence would be strong in ____________, the ability to think before
acting and to control disruptive impulses. (c) self-regulation

A process theory of motivation is most likely to focus on ____________ (b) expectancies regarding work

A written record that describes in detail various examples of a person’s positive and negative work
behaviors is most likely part of which performance appraisal method? (b) critical incident diary

According to current views of managerial work, it is highly unlikely that an effective manager will
____________. (c) spend a lot of time working alone

According to McClelland, a person high in need achievement will be ____________. (d) motivated by
challenging but achievable goals

According to the Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI), an organization in which members are encouraged
to work together in ways that meet higher-order human needs is classified as having a ____________ culture.
(a) constructive

Adhocracies tend to favor __________. (b) horizontal specialization and coordination

Affective Events Theory shows how one’s emotional reactions to work events, environment, and personal
predispositions can influence ____________ (a) job satisfaction and performance

Among Mintzberg’s 10 managerial roles, acting as a figurehead and liaison are examples of ____________
roles. (a) interpersonal

An effective team is defined as one that achieves high levels of task performance, member satisfaction, and
____________. (d) team viability

An organizational alliance is __________. (b) an announced cooperative agreements or joint venture

between two independent firms
Any job in which the individual does not have an explicit or implicit contract for long-term employment or the
one in which minimum hours of work can vary in a non-systematic way is called: contingent work

Any object, act, or event that serves to transmit cultural meaning is called __________. (b) a cultural

Asian countries such as Japan and China are described on Hofstede’s dimensions of national culture as
generally high in ____________. (a) uncertainty avoidance

Attributional theory ____________. (a) is one important leadership direction

B. F. Skinner would argue that “getting a paycheck on Friday” reinforces a person for coming to work on
Friday but would not reinforce the person for doing an extraordinary job on Tuesday. This is because the Friday
paycheck fails the law of ____________ reinforcement. (c) immediate
Close-up and at-a-distance charismatic leaders ____________. (b) exhibit a number of different behaviors

Commonly held cause-effect relationships that cannot be empirically supported are referred to as
____________. (d) organizational myths

Compared to the machine bureaucracy (mechanistic type), the professional bureaucracy (organic type)
____________. (d) has more horizontal specialization and coordination mechanism

Conger and Kanungo’s model emphasizes all of the following except (a) active management by exception.

Control involves all but ____________. (d) comparing results with goals

Copying of the successful practices of others is called __________. (a) mimicry

Culture concerns all of the following except ____________. (c) the personality of the leader

Deep acting involves ____________ and is linked with the concept of emoti onal labor. (a) trying to modify
your true inner feelings based on display rules

Demographic differences ____________ (c) are the background variables that help shape who a person
becomes over time

Emotions and moods as personal affects are known to influence ____________. (a) attitudes

Environmental complexity __________. (b) refers to the overall level of problems and opportunities
stemming from munificence, interdependence, and volatility

Expectancy theory posits that ____________. (a) motivation is a result of rational calculation

External adaptation concerns ____________. (b) the process of coping with outside forces

For situational leadership theory, ____________. (d) maturity or readiness of followers is emphasized

Grouping individuals and resources in the organization around products, services, clients, territories, or
legal entities is an example of _____ specialization. (a) divisional

Grouping people together by skill, knowledge, and action yields a ________ pattern of departmentation.
(a) functional

Grouping resources into departments by skill, knowledge, and action is the ____________ pattern. (a)

Groups where the patterns of values outwardly reject those of the larger organization are
____________. (c) countercultures
Groups with unique patterns of values and philosophies that are consistent with the dominant
organizational culture are called ____________. (b) subcultures

If a manager allows one characteristic of person, say a pleasant personality, to bias performance ratings of
that individual overall, the manager is falling prey to a perceptual distortion known as ____________. (a) halo

If a manager redesigns a job through vertical loading, she would most likely ____________.(c) bring higher
level or managerial responsibilities into the job

If a new team leader changes job designs for persons on her work team mainly “because I would prefer to
work the new way rather than the old,” the chances are that she is committing a perceptual error known as
____________. (d) projection

If a performance appraisal method fails to accurately measure a person’s performance on actual job
content, it lacks ____________. (c) validity

If someone improves productivity by developing a new work process and receives a portion of the
productivity savings as a monetary reward, this is an example of a/an ____________ plan. (b) gain sharing

Improvements in job satisfaction are most likely under Herzberg’s two-factor theory when ____________
are improved. (d) opportunities for responsibility

In Alderfer’s ERG theory, the ____________ needs best correspond with Maslow’s higher-order needs of
esteem and self-actualization. (d) growth

In comparing leadership and management, ____________. (b) leadership promotes change and
management promotes stability

In contrast to self-conscious emotions, social emotions such as pity or envy are based on ____________. (a)
information from external sources

In equity motivation theory, felt negative inequity ____________. (c) can be as strong a motivating state as
felt positive inequity

In equity theory, the ____________ is a key issue. (a) social comparison of rewards and efforts

In expectancy theory, ____________ is the perceived value of a reward. (d) valence

In expectancy theory, ____________ is the probability that a given level of performance will lead to a
particular work outcome. (b) instrumentality

In Herzberg’s two-factor theory ____________ factors are found in job context. (c) hygiene

In strategic management, the discipline of organizational behavior is most essential in terms

of____________. (c) implementing strategies

In terms of charismatic or transformational leadership, ____________. (a) people can be trained

In terms of individual psychology, a/an ____________ represents a rather intense but short-lived feeling
about a person or a situation, while a/an ____________ describes a more generalized positive or negative state
of mind. (d) emotion, mood

In terms of the importance of leadership, it has been argued that ____________. (a) leadership makes little
or no difference.
In the fundamental attribution error, the influence of ________ as causes of a problem are ___________b)
personal factors, underestimated

In the integrated model of motivation, what predicts effort? (d) motivation

In the job characteristics model, ____________ indicates the degree to which an individual is able to make
decisions affecting his or her work. (d) autonomy

In the job characteristics model, a person will be most likely to find an enriched job motivating if they
____________. (d) have strong growth needs

In the management process, ____________ is concerned with measuring performance results and taking
action to improve future performance. (d) controlling

In the open-systems view of organizations, such things as technology, information, and money are
considered ____________. (c) inputs

In the romance of leadership, ____________. (c) leaders are given credit for difficult-to-explain happenings

In the United States, Canada, the European Union, and much of the rest of the world, the workforce is
____________. (c) becoming more diverse

Internal integration concerns ____________. (a) the process of deciding the collective identity and how
members will live together

It is during the ____________ stage of team development that members begin to come together as a
coordinated unit. (b) norming

Job _ increases job __ by combining into one job several tasks of similar difficulty. (d) enlargement, breadth

Job satisfaction is known from research to be a reasonable predictor of ____________.(d) absenteeism

Job simplification is closely associated with ____________ as originally developed by Frederick Taylor (c)
scientific management

Leader trait and behavioral approaches assume that traits and behaviors are ____________. (b) more
important than other variables

Leadership is central, and other variables are less important, best describes ____________ theories. (a)
trait and behavioral

Leadership traits _______(c) are now being combined with behaviors

Managing diversity and affirmative action are ____________. (c) different but complementary

Members of a multinational task force in a large international business should probably be aware that
____________ might initially slow the progress of the team in meeting its task objectives. (c) the
diversity-consensus dilemma
Members of a team tend to become more motivated and better able to deal with conflict during the
____________ stage of team development. (c) performing

More than half of the people who currently immigrate to Canada originate from: Asia

Motivation is defined as the level and persistence of ____________(a) effort

One of the advantages of a ______ is that it helps provide a blending of technical and market emphases in
organizations operating in exceedingly complex environments. (b) matrix structure

One would expect to find respect for authority and acceptance of status differences in cultures with high
____________. (a) power distance

Organizations with well-defined and stable operations technologies ____________. (a) have more
opportunity to substitute decision support systems (DSS) for managerial judgment than do firms relying on more
variable operations technologies

Pay is generally considered a/an ____________ reward, while a sense of personal growth experienced
from working at a task is an example of a/an ____________ reward. (c) extrinsic, intrinsic

Perception is the process by which people ____________ information. (b) retrieve

Performance measurement serves two broad purposes: evaluation and ____________. (b) counseling

Personality dynamics is represented by ____________. (a) self-esteem and selfefficacy

Punishment ____________. (a) may be offset by positive reinforcement from another source

Regarding the organizational design for a small firm compared to a large firm, ____. (b) they are
fundamentally different

Self-managing teams ____________. (b) largely eliminate the need for a traditional supervisor

Self-serving bias is a form of attribution error that involves ____________. (b) blaming the environment for
problems you caused

Stereotyping occurs when one thinks of an individual ____________. (b) as possessing characteristics
commonly associated with members of a given group

Stress that comes from not knowing or understanding what you are expected to do is caused by the
stressor of ____________. (d) role ambiguity

Task characteristics, reward systems, and team size are all ____________ that can make a difference in
group effectiveness. (c) group inputs
Task demands and ethical dilemmas are examples of ____________ stressors, while a Type A personality is
a ____________ stressor. (a) work-related; personal

The ____________ component of an attitude is what indicates a person’s belief about something, while
the ____________ component indicates a specific positive or negative feeling about it. (a) cognitive, affective

The “4/40” is a type of ____________ work arrangement. (a) compressed workweek

The best conclusion about job satisfaction in today’s workforce is probably that ____________. (d) Most
people are at least somewhat satisfied with their jobs most of the time.

The best size for a problem-solving team is usually ____________ members. (b) 5 to 7

The Big Five framework consists of ____________(d) extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness,

emotional stability, and openness to experience

The design of the organization needs to be adjusted to all but ____________. (d) the operations and
information technology of the firm

The division of labor by grouping people and material resources deals with _______. (c) divisionalization

The division of labor through the formation of work units or groups within an organization is called
____________. (c) horizontal specialization

The earliest theory of leadership stated that individuals become leaders because of ____________. (b)
the traits they possess

The FIRO-B theory deals with ____________ in teams. (a) membership compatibilities

The formal structures of organizations may be shown in a(n) ___. (b) organization chart

The law of ____________ states that behavior followed by a positive consequence is likely to be repeated,
whereas behavior followed by an undesirable consequence is not likely to be repeated. (d) effect

The major types of goals for most organizations are___. (b) societal, output and systems

The management function of ____________ is concerned with creating enthusiasm for hard work among
organizational members. (d) leading

The MBO process emphasizes ____________ as a way of building worker commitment to goal
accomplishment. (b) joint goal setting

The patterns of values and philosophies that outwardly reject those of the larger organization or social
system are called _____________. (d) countercultures

The process of acquiring individuals, units, and/or firms to bring in useful knowledge to the organization is
called __________. (a) grafting

The process of creating new ideas and putting them into practice is ____________. (a) innovation

The process of knowledge acquisition, organizational retention, and information distribution and
interpretation is called ____________. (c) organizational learning

The purpose of negative reinforcement as an operant conditioning technique is to ____________. (c)

encourage desirable behavior

The Ringlemann effect describes ____________. (b) social loafing

The segment of the environment that refers to the other organizations with which an organization must
interact in order to obtain inputs and dispose of outputs is called ____________. (d) the technological setting
The set of cultural, economic, legal-political, and educational conditions in the areas in which a firm
operates is called the ____________. (d) environmental complexity

The set of mechanisms used to keep actions and outputs within predetermined limits is called
____________. (c) control

The story of a corporate turnaround attributed to the efforts of a visionary manager is an example of __. (a)
a saga

The strategy of a firm ________. (a) is the process of positioning the organization in the competitive
environment and implementing actions to compete successfully. It is a pattern in a stream of decisions

The team effectiveness equation states: team effectiveness ____________ (process gains process
losses). (c) quality of inputs

The term “workforce diversity” refers to differences in race, age, gender, ethnicity, and ____________
among people at work. (c) able-bodiedness

The term used to describe the discomfort someone feels when his or her behavior is inconsistent with an
expressed attitude is ____________ (b) cognitive dissonance

The three levels of cultural analysis highlighted in the text concern ____________. (a) observable culture,
shared values, and common assumptions

The underlying premise of reinforcement theory is that ____. (a) behavior is a function of the environment

Three important factors that block information interpretation are ____________. (d) contracting out,
common myths, and detachment

Three methods of vicarious learning are ____________. (c) maladaptive specialization, scanning, and

Transformational leadership ____________. (b) is particularly useful in combination with transactional


Use of special dress, manners, gestures, and vocabulary words when meeting a prospective employer in a
job interview are all examples of how people use ____________ in daily life. (c) impression management

Values are ____________ (b) used in place of abilities

Values in the United States ____________. (c) are virtually the same as attitudes

What is the best description of the setting facing organizational behavior today? (d) Work–life balance
concerns are in.

When a job allows a person to do a complete unit of work, for example, process an insurance claim from
point of receipt from the customer to the point of final resolution with the customer, it would be considered
high on which core characteristic? (a) task identity
When a manager moves upward in responsibility, Katz suggests that ____________skills decrease in
importance and ____________ skills increase in importance. (c) technical, conceptual

When a new team member is anxious about questions such as “Will I be able to influence what takes
place?” the underlying issue is one of ____________. (d) control

When a person holds a prestigious position as a vice president in a top management team, but is
considered just another member of an employee involvement team that a lower-level supervisor heads, the
person might experience ____________. (c) status incongruence

When a team leader evaluates the performance of all team members as “average,” the possibility for
____________ error in the performance appraisal is quite high. (d) central tendency

When a team member engages in social loafing, one of the recommended strategies for dealing with this
situation is to ____________. (d) better define member roles to improve individual accountability

When a team of people is able to achieve more than what its members could by working individually, this is
called ____________. (d) synergy

When an airline flight attendant engages in self-regulation to display organizationally desired emotions
during his interactions with passengers, this is an example of ____________. (a) emotional labor

When employers are asked to describe the job satisfaction of their employees and the implications, they
often ____________. (a) overestimate job satisfaction

When Japanese workers start each day with the company song, this is an example of a(n)
____________. (d) ritual

When someone is feeling anger toward something that a co-worker did she is experiencing a/an
____________, but when someone is just “having a bad day overall” he is experiencing a/an ____________. (a)
mood, emotion

Which form of performance appraisal is an example of the comparative approach? (a) forced distribution

Which goals tend to be more motivating? (a) challenging goals

Which is an example of stress management by using the personal wellness strategy? (c) regular physical

Which is not a stage in the perceptual process? (c) follow-through

Which leadership theory argues that a leader’s key function is to act in ways that complement the work
setting? (c) path-goal

Which of the following is a “secondary” category of diversity? Income

Which of the following is an accurate statement about an adhocracy? (a) The design facilitates information
exchange and learning.

Which of the following is not a common perceptual distortion? (b) social learning

Which of the following issues is most central to the field of organizational behavior? (b) ways to increase
job satisfaction and performance among employees

Which of these is NOT one of the emerging trends in OB? Increasing command-and-control leadership

Which of these statements is FALSE? As telecommuting increases, corporate leaders need to put more
emphasis on evaluating employees for their face time.
Which statement about employee engagement is most correct? (b) It can be increased by letting workers
know their opinions count.

Which statement about learning is not correct? (b) People learn; organizations do not.

Which statement about OB is most correct? (c) OB is focused on using knowledge for practical applications.

Which statement about self-managing teams is correct? (d) They should let members plan their own work

Which statement about the job satisfaction–job performance relationship is most true based on research?
(c) A productive worker well rewarded for performance will be a happy worker

Which word best describes an organizational culture that embraces multiculturalism and in which
workforce diversity is highly valued? (a) inclusion

With extensive use of IT, ___________. (b) firms can use IT

Written statements of organizational purpose are called ______. (a) mission statements

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