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1. HTML5 Acronym: The correct answer is B.

HTML5 stands for Hyper Transfer Markup Language 5, and it

introduced new multimedia features.
2. Document Type and Version: The correct answer is A. The <doctype> element is used to define the
document type and version.
3. Grouping and Styling Elements: The correct answer is C. In HTML, the <div> tag is used for grouping and
styling elements together.
4. Adding Comments in HTML: The correct answer is A. HTML comments are added with <!--This is a comment-->.
5. Defining a Paragraph: The correct answer is A. The <p> tag is used to define a paragraph.
6. Purpose of CSS: The correct answer is C. CSS is used to style and format the elements of a web page.
7. Changing Background Color: The correct answer is G. The background-color CSS property is used to change
the background color of an element.
8. Including External CSS: The correct answer is B. External CSS styles are included using the src attribute in
the <link> tag.
9. Purpose of the margin Property: The correct answer is B. The margin property sets the space between the
border and the content of an element.
10. CSS Selectors for <p> Elements: The correct answer is D. The selector to target all <p> elements with the
class "highlight" is p.highlight.
11. Default Value of position Property: The correct answer is C. The default value of the position property in CSS
is "static."
12. Making Text Italic: The correct answer is A. The font-style CSS property is used to make text italic.
13. Embedding Images: The correct answer is B. The <img> tag is used to embed an image on a web page.
14. Adding Space Between Letters: The correct answer is A. The letter-spacing CSS property is used to add
space between the letters of text.
15. What CSS Stands For: The correct answer is C. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.
16. Text Alignment with CSS: The correct answer is A. The text-align CSS property is used to set the text
alignment within an element.
17. Purpose of box-sizing Property: The correct answer is C. The box-sizing property specifies how the total
width and height of an element is calculated.
18. Creating Unordered List: The correct answer is A. The <ul> tag is used for creating an unordered list.
19. Including External JavaScript: The correct answer is A. External JavaScript files are included using the
<script> tag with the src attribute.
20. Purpose of <meta> Tag: The correct answer is B. The <meta> tag is used to define the document type and
21. Adding Shadow Effect to Text: The correct answer is A. The text-shadow CSS property is used to add a
shadow effect to text.
22. Creating Hyperlinks: The correct answer is C. The <a> tag is used to create hyperlinks.
23. Controlling Line Spacing: The correct answer is C. The line-height CSS property is used to control the space
between lines of text.
24. Defining a Table Row: The correct answer is A. The <tr> tag is used to define a table row.
25. Changing Text Color on Hover: The correct answer is D. The color-hover CSS property is used to change
the color of text when a user hovers over it.
26. Creating Ordered List: The correct answer is B. The <ol> tag is used for creating an ordered list.
27. CSS Specificity: The correct answer is C. CSS specificity refers to the importance of a style rule in relation
to other rules.
28. Adding Rounded Corners: The correct answer is A. The border-radius CSS property is used to add rounded
corners to elements.
29. Purpose of z-index Property: The correct answer is B. The z-index property specifies the stacking order of
elements with a position value other than static.
30. Creating Navigation Menu: The correct answer is B. The <nav> tag is used for creating a navigation menu.
31. Purpose of HTML <footer> Tag: The correct answer is C. The <footer> tag is used to specify copyright
information and contact details.
32. Changing Link Color in Different States: The correct answer is C. The hover-color CSS property is used to
change the color of links in different states.
33. Creating Line Break in HTML: The correct answer is A. The <br> tag is used to create a line break within a
34. Creating a Form: The correct answer is B. The <form> tag is used for creating a form in a web page.
35. Purpose of <input> with Type "checkbox": The correct answer is D. The <input> element with the type
attribute set to "checkbox" is used to create a checkbox input.
36. Changing Font Size: The correct answer is A. The font-size CSS property is used to change the font size of
37. Purpose of overflow Property: The correct answer is B. The overflow property specifies how an element
should behave when its content overflows its box.
38. Defining a Section with a Heading: The correct answer is B. The <section> tag is used to define a section of
a web page with a heading.
39. Controlling Order of Elements in Flex Container: The correct answer is A. The order CSS property is used to
control the order of elements in a flex container.
40. Purpose of HTML <aside> Element: The correct answer is A. The <aside> element is used to define a section
of a web page for side content.
1. HTML5 Acronym: . HTML5 stands for Hyper Transfer Markup Language 5, and it introduced new multimedia

2. Document Type and Version: The <doctype> element is used to define the document type and version.

3. Grouping and Styling Elements:. In HTML, the <div> tag is used for grouping and styling elements together.

4. Adding Comments in HTML: HTML comments are added with <!--This is a comment-->.

5. Defining a Paragraph:. The <p> tag is used to define a paragraph.

6. Purpose of CSS: CSS is used to style and format the elements of a web page.

7. Changing Background Color: The background-color CSS property is used to change the background color of
an element.

8. Including External CSS: External CSS styles are included using the src attribute in the <link> tag.

9. Purpose of the margin Property:. The margin property sets the space between the border and the content of
an element.

10. CSS Selectors for <p> Elements: The selector to target all <p> elements with the class "highlight" is

11. Default Value of position Property: The default value of the position property in CSS is "static."

12. Making Text Italic: The font-style CSS property is used to make text italic.

13. Embedding Images: The <img> tag is used to embed an image on a web page.

14. Adding Space Between Letters: The letter-spacing CSS property is used to add space between the letters
of text.

15. What CSS Stands For:. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.

16. Text Alignment with CSS: The text-align CSS property is used to set the text alignment within an element.

17. Purpose of box-sizing Property: The box-sizing property specifies how the total width and height of an
element is calculated.

18. Creating Unordered List: The <ul> tag is used for creating an unordered list.

19. Including External JavaScript:. External JavaScript files are included using the <script> tag with the src

20. Purpose of <meta> Tag: The <meta> tag is used to define the document type and version.

21. Adding Shadow Effect to Text: The text-shadow CSS property is used to add a shadow effect to text.

22. Creating Hyperlinks: The <a> tag is used to create hyperlinks.

23. Controlling Line Spacing: The line-height CSS property is used to control the space between lines of text.

24. Defining a Table Row: The <tr> tag is used to define a table row.

25. Changing Text Color on Hover: The color-hover CSS property is used to change the color of text when a
user hovers over it.

26. Creating Ordered List: The <ol> tag is used for creating an ordered list.

27. CSS Specificity: CSS specificity refers to the importance of a style rule in relation to other rules.

28. Adding Rounded Corners: The border-radius CSS property is used to add rounded corners to elements.
29. Purpose of z-index Property: The z-index property specifies the stacking order of elements with a position
value other than static.

30. Creating Navigation Menu: The <nav> tag is used for creating a navigation menu.

31. Purpose of HTML <footer> Tag: The <footer> tag is used to specify copyright information and contact details.

32. Changing Link Color in Different States: The hover-color CSS property is used to change the color of links
in different states.

33. Creating Line Break in HTML: The <br> tag is used to create a line break within a paragraph.

34. Creating a Form: The <form> tag is used for creating a form in a web page.

35. Purpose of <input> with Type "checkbox": The <input> element with the type attribute set to "checkbox" is
used to create a checkbox input.

36. Changing Font Size: The font-size CSS property is used to change the font size of text.

37. Purpose of overflow Property: The overflow property specifies how an element should behave when its
content overflows its box.

38. Defining a Section with a Heading:. The <section> tag is used to define a section of a web page with a

39. Controlling Order of Elements in Flex Container: The order CSS property is used to control the order of
elements in a flex container.

40. Purpose of HTML <aside> Element: The <aside> element is used to define a section of a web page for side

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