7grade Excel

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7 grade

1. Who is the author of Sherlock Holmes?
a. William Shakespeare
b. Tavion Holloway
c. Charles Dickens
d. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
2. Where was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle born?
a. United States
b. England
c. Scotland
d. Italy
3. Who is Sherlock Holmes great friend?
a. Dr. Watson
b. John Straker
c. Adriana
d. James S
4. What item of clothing is Sherlock Holmes famous for wearing?
a. Hat
b. Red coat
c. A Miles Morales mask
d. A bowtie
5. The Eloi forced the Morlocks.... underground..

a. living
b. to live
c. live
d. lived
6. He seemed.... and didn't want to talk..
a. frightened
b. scary
c. frighten
d. afraid
7. They saw beautiful trees covered...blossom.
a. the
b. in
c. with
d. on
8. The children picked up some....from the garden and gave...to their grandma.

a. flowers/them
b. flower/them
c. flowers/it
d. flower/ it
9. It's dark here, but you can see once your eyes....used to the dark.
a. let
b. get
c. got
d. make
10. What disaster struck?
a. All his animals ran away
b. All his cows ran away
c. All his sheep died from a disease
d. He lost his fields
11. What did the student buy?
a. birds
b. tools
c. seeds
d. clothes
12. What did the birds do when they heard the student's cries?
a. Brought seeds for planting
b. Flew to the sky
c. Fell to the ground
d. Flew to another country
13. What happened when the rich people came to the garden?
a. They were forbidden to enter
b. They were allowed to enter, but only for a short time
c. The gates were opened and the garden was shown
d. The gates were closed and the walls grew higher
14. What magical effect did the garden possess?
a. Only rich people could enter there
b. Only children could enter there
c. Only students could enter there
d. Only those in need of help could enter there
15. What people can come to the Magic Garden?
a. Only poor
b. Only rich
c. Only children
d. Poor and rich
16. The Eiffel tower ______ in 1887-1889.
a. built
b. was build
c. is built
d. was built
17. The Harry Potter films________(not direct) by Steven Spielberg
a. didn't directed
b. isn't directed
c. wasn't directed
d. weren't directed
18. My sister______________by wild tigers, she is at the hospital.
a. was attack
b. was attacked
c. is attacked
d. are attacked
19. The first cellphone ___________ in 1973.
a. invents
b. invent
c. was invented
d. is invented
20. My mother _______________ us sandwiches yesterday.
a. made
b. make
c. was made
d. makes

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