2 Chapter For GHIF

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Q1: In HTML, onblur and onfocus are:?

a Style attributes

b Text styles

c None

d Event attributes

e HTML elements

f None

Q2: In HTML, what does the <aside> element define??

a A list to be included in a certain part of the page

b Content aside from the page content

c The ASCII character-set; to send information between computers on the Internet

d None

e A navigation list to be shown at the left side of the page

f None

Q3: Which of the mentioned is NOT part of the $_SERVER variable?







Q4: What will happen If you run the command "init 1" in your terminal?
a Start the system without a display manager (GUI)

The correct Answer is: None

c Enter single user mode

d Reboot the system

e Shut down the system

The correct Answer is: None

Q5: How can we access the data sent through the URL with the POST method??

a None

b $_POST["var"];

c $_REQUEST["var"];

d None

e $_PUT["var"];

f $_GET["var"];

Q6: Kubernetes uses _____________ to connect to ouath 2 providers to offload the

authentication to external services.?

The correct Answer is: None

b OpenID Connect Tokens

c Keystone Password

d Webhook Token Authentication

e Authentication Proxy

The correct Answer is: None

Q7: Which library is needed to be able to use the image function??

a None

b None
c GD library is needed to execute image functions.

d GH library is needed to execute image functions.

e None

f None

Q8: How can you monitor Docker in production??

a You can use Docker tools such as Docker logs and docker plugins for monitoring

b You can use Docker tools such as Docker events and docker stats for monitoring

c None

d None

e You can use Docker tools such as Docker pin and docker file for monitoring

f None

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