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Q1: How can you open a link in a new tab/browser window??

a None

b <a href="url" target="_blank">

c <a href="url" new>

d <a href="url" target="new">

e <a href="url" target="new-tab">

f None

Q2: How can we set infinite execution time for a PHP script??

a Add set_time_limit(0) at the beginning of a script

b Add set_time_limit(infinity) at the beginning of a script

c Add set_time_limit() at the beginning of a script

d None

e None

f None

Q3: Which of the following attribute triggers event when the length of the media is

a ondurationchange

b ondrop

c onended

d onemptied

e None

f None

Q4: Who is making the Web standards??

a None

b Mozilla

c Microsoft

d None

e The World Wide Web Consortium

f Google

Q5: What is the use of the function 'imagetypes()'??

a imagetypes() gives the image size and types supported by the current version of

b imagetypes() is not a real function

c None

d imagetypes() hasn't been used since PHP4 and it's not being supported.

e imagetypes() gives the image format and types supported by the current version
of GD-PHP.

f None

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