PHY101 Worksheet-8

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PHY 101 : Worksheet-8

Simple Harmonic Oscillator

1. The simple harmonic equation ẍ + ω 2 x = 0 is mathermatically solved by c1 eiωt + c2 e−iωt . If c1,2

are complex numbers having both real and imaginary parts c1,2 = cR I
1,2 + ic1,2 then prove that the
most general physical solution can also be written as A cos (ωt + φ). Write down A, φ in terms
of c1,2 .

2. For the simple harmonic oscillator discussed above, find out the expression of power spent by the
restoring force, P (t) ≡ dW/dt = F · ẋ and its average in one cycle of oscillation.
Damped Harmonic Oscillator
1. For a damped harmonic oscillator of natural frequency ω = 10s−1 with initial conditions x(0) =
10cm, v(0) = 10cm/s, β = 12s−1 , find out the amplitude, the frequency of oscillation and the
expression for the phase of the oscillator.
2. For a damped sprong mass oscillator with parameters (m, β, ω), find out the expression of kinetic
energy and the potential energy of the system. How much energy is lost in one cycle of oscillation

Damped and Forced Harmonic Oscillator

1. A damped harmonic oscillator given with parameters (m, β, ω) is subjected to external force of
F (t) = f0 sin(ω0 t). Find out the expression for phase in the oscillation. Plot the phase and the
amplitude as a function of driving frequency.
2. For a damped and forced oscillator with parameters (m, β, ω, f0 ) discussed above, find out the
work done by the driving force in one cycle of oscillation in the steady state (i.e. when damping
has suppressed the natural oscillation).
Coupled Harmonic Oscillators
1. Three simple pendula with identical parameters (m, `, g) are suspended and coupled with springs
of spring constants κ1 and κ2 between pendulum 1 and 2 and pedumlum 2 and 3 respectively.
Find out the normal mode frequencies for this set up.
2. In a 4 pendulum set up like the one in the previous problem, pendulum 2 and 3 are connected
by a rigid rod (assumed light) while pendula 1 and 2 as well as pedula 3 and 4 are connected by
springs of parameters κ. Find out the matrix M which links (ẍ1 , ẍ2 , ẍ3 , ẍ4 ) to (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ).

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