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Write a 1500-word paper answering any ONE of the following prompts:

1.) To what extent did the Neolithic Revolution make civilization possible?
2.) To what extent is civilization a positive or negative for humanity?
3.) To what extent was Roman culture influenced by Greek culture?
4.) To what extent did the conquest of Alexander the Great Hellenize the African - European -
Asian continents?
5.) To what extent did the beliefs of Christianity or Islam impact the speed at which they spread?
6.) To what extent did the Mongols restructure life on the African - European - Asian continents?
7.) To what extent did the Protestant Reformation change the political climate of Europe?
8.) To what extent was the Ottoman Empire a Muslim or secular society?
9.) To what extent did Mansa Musa change or affirm general perspectives about African societies?
10.) To what extent was Buddhism a social reform of Hinduism?
11.) To what extent is the Chinese concept of the "Mandate of Heaven" similar or different to the
European concept of "Divine Right"?
12.) To what extent has modern archaeology challenged our perspectives on Native Americans?
Construct a defensible thesis. Use scholarly sources (websites are fine, so long as they are
reputable). Write your paper in Times New Roman, 12pt font. Make sure it is double-spaced and
has 1" margins all around. Include a title page and cite your sources using the Chicago/Turabian
style (this is the standard for writing in the field of political science). Writing the paper in google
docs is fine, even encouraged. However, your final submission should be a Word doc or a pdf.

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