HEALTH6 Q3 Lesson 5 6 EDITED

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Date/Time Quarter Third

I. Objectives

A. Content Standard
 The learner…
Understanding of the health implicationsof poor environment sanitation.

B. Performance Standard
 The learner…
Consistently practices ways to maintain a healthy environment.

C. Learning Competency/ Objectives

 Suggests ways to control/manage noise pollution.H6EH-IIId-4


1. Clean water: access to portable water, making water safer
2. Clean air: prevention of air pollution, tobacco control, anti-smoke velching drives.
3. Control of noise pollution
4. Control of pestsand rodents

A. References
B. Other Learning Resource – Activity cards (metacards), laptop, pictures,videos


A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

The teacher show pictures according to the previous lesson and the pupils will describe it.(Picture Analysis)

B Establishing a purpose for the lesson

The teacher show pictures and ask the pupils.(Picture Analysis)
1. What is noise?
2. What are the examples of generating noise pollution?
3. How noise pollution affects our dailylife/environment?
4. How to reduce air pollution?

Noise is unwanted sound. A sound which has unpleasant effects and discomfort to ears is called as noise. Generally sound generated by
vehicles, horns, loudspeakers, planes, construction etc. are reasons of noise pollution.

We can Reduce Noise pollution by turning off appliances when not in use, use of earplugs, lowering the volume, planting more trees,
regular maintenance of vehicles and machines etc. By controlling noise we can control negative health effects that noise pollution has on

C. Presenting examples/Instances of the new lesson

The teacher will ask the students to arrange the jumbled letters to form a correct word.
Reduce Noise pollution by turning off appliances when not in use, use of earplugs, lowering the volume, planting more trees, regular
maintenance of vehicles and machines etc.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 1
Ways to control/manage noise pollution:
1. SOURCE CONTROL: This includes source modification such as acoustic treatment to machine surface, design changes, limiting
operational timings, etc
2. TRANSMISSION PATH INTERVENTION: This includes containing the source inside a sound insulating enclosure, constructing a noise
barrier or provision of sound absorbing materials along the path.
3. RECEPTOR CONTROL: This includes protection of the receiver by altering the work schedule or provision of personal protection
devices such as ear plugs for operating noisy machinery. The measure may include dissipation and deflection methods.
4. OILING: Proper oiling will reduce noise from the machine.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 2

Preventive measures:
1. Prescribing noise limits for vehicular traffic
2. Ban on honking (usage of horns) in certain areas
3. Creation of silence zones near schools and hospitals
4. Redesigning buildings to make them noise proof
5. Reduction of traffic density in residential areas
6. Giving preference to mass public transport system.

F. Developing mastery (leads to Formative Assessment)

Group Activity:
Group I: Create your own song/jingle of how to contol noise pollution.

G. Finding Practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Upon learning what noise pollution is?. What are the effective ways and preventions to control/manage noise pollution?

H. Generalization
What are the effects of noise pollution?
What are the ways to control/manage noise pollution?

I. Evaluation
MATCHING TYPE: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
1.NIONSMISASRT HATP NINETREVNTOI: This includes containing the source inside a sound insulating enclosure, constructing a noise barrier or
provision of sound absorbing materials along the path.
2. ERCEPOTR LNOTROC:This includes protection of the receiver by altering the work schedule or provision of personal protection devices such
as ear plugs for operating noisy machinery. The measure may include dissipation and deflection methods.
3. IOLGNI: Proper oiling will reduce noise from the machine.
4. EUORCS LONTORC: This includes source modification such as acoustic treatment to machine surface, design changes, limiting operational
timings, etc
5. CUDRE ESONI NOITLLUPO: Reduce Noise pollution by turning off appliances when not in use, use of earplugs, lowering the volume,
planting more trees, regular maintenance of vehicles and machines etc.

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

Research pictures of to control/manage noise pollution.


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below80%

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?
Date/Time Quarter Third

I. Objectives

A. Content Standard
 The learner…
Understanding of the health implicationsof poor environment sanitation.

B. Performance Standard
 The learner…
Consistently practices ways to maintain a healthy environment.

C. Learning Competency/ Objectives

 Practices ways to control/manage noise pollution.H6EH-IIId-5

1. Clean water: access to portable water, making water safer
2. Clean air: prevention of air pollution, tobacco control, anti-smoke velching drives.
3. Control of noise pollution
4. Control of pestsand rodents

A. References
B. Other Learning Resource – Activity cards (metacards), laptop, pictures,videos


A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

The teacher show pictures according to the previous lesson and the pupils will describe it.(Picture Analysis)

Posted on by Perfect Pollucon Services

B Establishing a purpose for the lesson

The teacher show pictures and ask the pupils.(Picture Analysis)
1. What is noise?
2. What are the examples of generating noise pollution?
3. What are the practices to control/manage noise pollution?

Any kind of loud music can cause temporary and permanent hearing loss.
-Items such as ipods can cause much damage to the ear.
-Constant ‘pounding’ music and noise that goes on for long periods of time are common causes of deafness.
We can Reduce Noise pollution by turning off appliances when not in use, use of earplugs, lowering the volume, planting more trees,
regular maintenance of vehicles and machines etc. By controlling noise we can control negative health effects that noise pollution has on

C. Presenting examples/Instances of the new lesson

How it affects our health?
 Excessive noise levels can also lead to the increase of heart rate, blood pressure, and blood cholesterol.
 It also has potential to harm the respiratory and digestive systems.
 The loud noise going around affects people in many ways.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 1

Some practices to control/manage noise pollution.

1. Turn off Appliances at Home and offices
We can turn off home and office appliances when not in use such as TV, games, computers etc. it can
create unnecessary stress on ears. We can save electricity also when we turn them off.

2. Shut the Door when using noisy Machines

We can shut the door after we turn on dishwashers or washing machines for rooms where it is kept or
we can turn them on before leaving house so that overlapping of exposure to loud noises can be reduced

3. Use Earplugs
Use of earplugs or earmuffs can bring down loud noises to manageable level. Earplugs are small inserts
that fit into out ear canal. And earmuffs fit over the entire outer ear to form an air seal keeping ears safe
from loud noises.

4. Lower the volume

We can listen songs, radios, TVs in lower volume when listening from headphones or speakers

5. Stay away from Noisy area

Noise producing industries, airports, vehicles should be far from residential areas as it very dangerous for
infants and senior citizens.

6. Follow the Limits of Noise level

Community law should check use of loudspeakers, outdoor parties as well as political public announcements.

7. Control Noise level near sensitive areas

There should be control on noise level (Silent zones) near schools, hospitals. Place noise limits boards near sensitive areas.

8. Go Green by planning trees

We can plant more trees as they are good noise absorbents. According to studies it can reduce noise by 5
to 10 decibels Db around them.

9. Create Healthy noise to eliminate unwanted noise

If we can’t eliminate unwanted noise coming from outside then we can create healthier noise such as
music, singing birds or waterfalls in homes or offices.

10. Use Noise absorbents in noisy machineries

We can check for machineries which are creating noise due to vibrations and put some noise absorbents
to reduce noise.

11. Use Proper Lubrication and Better maintenance

We can use proper lubrication as well as better maintenance of machines to reduce noise pollution and
improve efficiency. It reduces friction between movable parts and helps to reduce noise.
12. Regularly check noise levels
Regularly checking noise level in industrial complex and indoor to keep noise level within limit.

It is necessary to control noises created around us. It is necessary to aware people around us through various mediums. We can start from
ourselves to spread awareness about noise pollution and its effects on human and environment. Limit for noise at daytime is 55 dB and in
night it is 30 dB to avoid health effects.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 2

TYPES OF NOISE: Environmental noise has been doubling every ten years. Noise is classified as:
1. Industrial Noise
2. Transport Noise and
3. Neighbourhood noise
Industrial Noise: It is sound with a high intensity sound caused by industry machines. Sources of such noise pollution is caused by machines
from machines in various factories, industries and mills. Noise from mechanical saws and pneumatic drills is unbearable and a nuisance to
the public.

Transport Noise: Transport noise mainly consists of traffic noise from road, rail and aircraft. The number of automobiles on roads like motors,
scooters, cars, motor cycles, buses, trucks and diesel engine vehicles have increased enormously in the recent past further aggravating the
problem of transport noise.

Neighbourhood noise: This type of noise includes disturbance from household gadgets and community. Common sources being musical
instruments, TV, Radios, Transistors, Telephones, and loudspeakers etc. Statistically, ever since the industrial revolution, noise in the
environment has been doubling every ten years.

F. Finding Practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Upon learning what noise pollution is?. What are the practices ways to control/manage noise pollution?

G. Generalization
What are the types of noise pollution?
What are the effects of noise pollution?
What are the practices ways to control/manage noise pollution?

H. Evaluation
DIRECTION: Write the letter of the correct answer.

______1. Lower the volume - We can listen songs, radios,

TVs in lower volume when listening from headphones or speakers. A.
_____2. Turn off Appliances at Home and offices
We can turn off home and office appliances when not in use
such as TV, games, computers etc. it can create unnecessary stress B.
on ears. We can save electricity also when we turn them off.
_____3. Regularly check noise levels - Regularly checking noise level
in industrial complex and indoor to keep noise level within limit. C.
_____4. Use Earplugs - Use of earplugs or earmuffs can bring down
loud noises to manageable level. Earplugs are small inserts D.
that fit into out ear canal.
_____5. Go Green by planning trees - We can plant more trees E.
as they are good noise absorbents. According to studies it can reduce
noise by 5 to 10 decibels Db around them.

I. Additional activities for application or remediation

Research pictures of to control/managenoise pollution.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?

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