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Submitted To, Submitted by,

Prof. Jacintha. R. Mateyappa Amartha. Ma

Royal College of Nursing First year MSc


Psychotherapy is use of psychological methods, particularly when based on

regular, personal interaction. To help a person change, behaviour increase
happiness and overcome problems.
Everyone occasionally forty-blue, or sad. But these feelings are correctly short
listed and past within a couple of day. Whom go have depression and interferes
with daily life and cause pain for both goa and those who care about you.
Depression is common but serious illness.


Depression is a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss
of interest or pleasure, feeling of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or
appetite, low- energy and for concentration

Depression of the leading cause of disability of measured and the 15th leading
contributes to the global burden of disease in 2006 by the year 2020, depression
is projected by the year the ranking of to reach and place DARY's Calculated for all
ages, both later. Today depression in already and Cause of DARY" Aky's in the age.
Category 15-114 easy for both sex and combined.

•Depression occurs on persons of all genders, ages, and backgrounds.

• Depression us common, affecting about 124 million people worldwide

•Depression is among the leading cause of disability worldwide

These are two major classification systems cured;

ICD-10-The international statistical classification of diseases and related health

problems. ICD in a classification of human disease created by the World Health

•DSMV. Diagnostic and Statistical manual of mental disorder

Causes and Resk factors

O Brain Chemistry - An ambulance of neurotransmitters including Serotonin and

dopamine Contributes to the development of depression

Genetics - Ip you have a first-degree, relative (biological parent 24 Siblings) with

depression, you are about three times and likely to develop the condition as
general population
Stren fall life events; difficult experience, such an death of love one, trauma,
divorce, sudation, lack of support

Medical condition,

Chronic pain and chronic condition like diabetes can lead to depression.


Some medications Can Cause depression as a side effects. Substance cue,

including alcohol can also cause depression make it worse

Risk factors;

• neurodegenerative disease like Alzheimer's decease and Parkinson’s disease

• Stroke

• multiple sclerosis

• Seizure disorder

• Cancer

• Muscular degeneration
• Chronic pain

Types of Depression

Clinical depression

A diagnosis of major depressive disorder you have felt bad, low on worthless most
days for at least two weeks cortile also having other Symptoms Buch as Sleep
Problems, loss of interest an activity, most severe form of depression and one or
changes in appetite and one of the most common form.

1) Persistent depressive disorder (POD)

if mild or moderate depression that lasts for at least two years. The symptoms are
less severe than major depression despite Health Care Providers used to PDD

2) disruptive mood and dysejaculation disorder.

Cusp chronic, Intense irritability and frequent anger Attests of chaldron. Employs
cockily begin by the age of to

3) Premenstrual dysphonia disorder

4) depressive disorder due to another medical condition melodies

5) seasonal Affective disorder (Seasonal depression)

This is a form of major depressive disorder that loyally arising during the fall and
event and good array during spring and Cummer

6) Prenatal depression I postpartum depression

prunella depression is depression that happen during pegging. Dracon Rs

depression that developed within postpartum the of delivering a baby

(a) Atypical depression

Symptoms of this condition also trogon as cones. operative disorder cut the
Atenas features, vary Bolshily from typical depression. The main depression
defaces ais a lamprey need improvement in response to positive event (mood

• Feeling Very Sad, hopeless, or worried. Children and adolescent with

depression may be writable rather than sad
• not on-going things that used to bring joy
• being easily irritated or frustrated
• Eating too much or little, which may result in weight gain or weight loss
• Less sleeping or sleeping too much

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