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January Formal ASB Meeting

Gia Grewal

January 30th, 2024

ASB Administrative Assistant


Position Assessment:

January has been a cozy but still jam packed month. The year started off strong with

Winterfest and leadership speeches. This year Sofia and I volunteered our home to complete

decorations for Winterfest. I helped create designs and construct all of the decorations. Besides

winterfest I have also been working on my leadership speech “Music on the mind”, which I have

already presented to the class. For Winterfest, I helped clean up, set up, and I participated in all

of the events including spirit days and spirit counts. Following Winterfest, I have also completed

the in-class leadership assignments, including the mentorship assignment and the portfolio pages.

Aiyana and I worked on our vision board during school. I have also been involved in clubs on

campus. I attended the Multicultural club meeting where we discussed our exciting future

fundraiser ideas. Link crew was another meeting I attended. Praises were another part of

leadership that I loved this month as I got to write some to my favorite people. Sofia and I have

also been working on Gallery of The Arts where we have ordered the prizes and emailed

invitations and updates. In my job position, I have been effectively communicating with the class

as I attended a meeting with Jenna and the freshman. I have also taken minutes and I have been

continuously signing paperwork with Davina as well. Overall, January has been a great month.

Standing Committee

A standing committee I have contributed to this month has been Link Crew. I have been an

A.C.E this month and am always trying to influence a more inclusive environment for my peers.

Also, I attended the recent link crew meeting to reapply to the program.

Special Committee:

A special committee I have contributed to this month has been the Gallery Arts Committee. Sofia

and I have started the procedure form, and have completed Po’s, emails, as well as ordered all of

the prizes for our winners this year.

Mentorship Evaluation

The crazy, obsessed, and enchanting Aiyana, my beautiful mentor. For the month of January,

Aiyana and I have gotten a lot closer. I learned that we have a lot in common as we completed

our vision board for this month's mentorship assignment. We both love pasta but she prefers

alfredo pasta with bacon and I prefer red sauce pasta with chicken. I also learned that we have

some of the same goals this year including, being more active, kind, open, positive and our

quotes of the year, “ Be Intentional, It’s okay to not be okay, and We are chaos and beauty

intertwined.” Sharing core values is a lovely bond to share with my beautiful mentor buddy. We

also plan to be better students this year and build more friendships. I love Aiyana so much and I

am glad that she’s my mentor buddy.


Concerns that I would like to be addressed:

One concern I would like to address is the recent toxic environment that has been in leadership.

It’s very disrespectful for students to put their peers down over a simple position. There has been

a lot going on behind the scenes which is unacceptable. In times like these, I believe distance is

the best solution. We have been together all the time so I believe spacing ourselves a little bit

will relieve the tension.

Positive Comment:

I’d like to give my positive comment to Emme this month. She has done an incredible job in

carrying her team for winterfest. I have Spanish with her and Emme is always so lively and

works incredibly hard. I love that she is a” girls girls” and loves everyone around her with an

additional bright smile on her face. Emme has pushed through a lot of adversaries this month and

in previous months so she is incredibly strong and resilient which is why I praise her for the

work she has done this year.

One change that I would like to see:

One change that I would like to see this year is more maturity. Although there is always tension

during elections, this year we need to especially take a step back and analyze what we are truly

doing to one another. Although there are a lot of activities to help create a better connection, I

believe this time we all just need a bit of space. To sit down, have a healthy and honest talk and

acknowledge our boundaries.

My Impact:

My impact this month has been pushing past my boundaries. I have gained so many friendships

this new year, although I have lost some, I learned that I have so many people who value me as

much as I value them. Also, I have been trying new activities. For example the fundraiser I am

planning for leadership will impact the lives of so many children, with even the smallest smile, I

plan to make their day. In planning the Wish Bracelets fundraiser I have gone past my comfort

zone and organized this event for the goodwill of my community. Also, I have been delving

further into my mental health. In working on myself, I believe I can influence more healthy

friendships and environments and truly impact those around myself.

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