Tarea - Advervios de Frecuencia

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Escribe la oración en el espacio en blanco incluyendo el adverbio de

frecuencia que se encuentra entra paréntesis en la posición correcta

en la oración.
. He often listens to the radio.
1. He listens to the radio. (often)
They sometimes read a book.
2. They read a book. (sometimes)
Peter never gets angry.
3. Pete gets angry. (never)
Tom is usually very friendly.
4. Tom is very friendly. (usually)
I sometimes take sugar in my coffee.
5. I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes)
Ramón is often hungry.
6. Ramon and Frank are hungry. (often)
7. My grandmother goes for a walk in the
My grandmother always goes for a walk in the evening.
evening. (always)
Walter usually helps his father in the kitchen.
8. Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually)
They never watch Tv in the afternoon.
9. They watch TV in the afternoon. (never)
10. Christine smokes. (never) Christine seldom smokes after dinner.

Responde las preguntas utilizando el siguiente horario de la siguiente


1. How often does Karim listen to music?

2. How often does Karin watch tv?

3. How often does Karim travel?

4. How often does Karim do homework?

5. How often does Karim play football?

6. How often does Karim go shopping?

2. They sometimes read a book.
3. Peter never gets angry.
4. Tom is usually very friendly.
5. I sometimes take sugar in my coffee.
6. Ramón is often hungry.
7. My grandmother always goes for a walk in the eveni
8. Walter usually helps his father in the kitchen.
9. They never watch Tv in the afternoon.
10. Christine seldom smokes after dinner.
Los Adverbios de Frecuencia en oraciones con Verbos
Simples. Se colocan después del Sujeto.

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