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NAME OF TEACHER 1. Nur Haziqah Binti Ramli (22091031)

2. Iffa Hazwani Binti Brohan (22091030)



FORM/LEVEL 4 Cemerlang

DATE 4/1/2024

TIME 11.00 - 11.30 AM (30 minutes)

CLASS SIZE 20 students



CONTENT STANDARD 2.3 Free Fall Motion

LEARNING STANDARD 2.3.1 Explain with examples free fall motion.

2.3.2 Explain gravitational acceleration.

2.3.3 Solve problem involving the Earth’s gravitational acceleration for objects in free fall.

LEARNING OUTCOME By the end of this lesson, students are able to:
• Explain the free fall motion with examples.

• Explain the gravitational acceleration that the average value is 9.81 ms-2.

• Use the correct formula to solve the problem involving Earth’s gravitational acceleration.

STUDENT PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Before the lesson, students should be able to:
• Define velocity and acceleration.

• State all the linear motion of equations.


• Ball

• A4 paper

VALUES INCULCATION Courageous, Supportive


Step What will the teacher do? What will the students do? Remarks

1: Induction (2 minutes) 1. Teacher releases a ball vertically and ask - Student will give the answer to the Expected answer:
students to guess the topic for today. question Free Fall
“Based on the motion of the ball, can you guess
what are we going to learn today?”

2. Teacher tells the student their learning


2: Explore (5 minutes) 3. Teacher encourages students to be 1. Student carry out the Expected answer:
volunteers and calls one student from the demonstration to investigate the Ball
class to carry out demonstration to motion of falling object by using a
investigate the motion of falling object by piece of paper and a ball.
using a piece of paper and a ball.
- “Is there any brave volunteer who would like to
be my assistant for today?”
- “Give applause for your friends.”
4. Teacher asks all students which object fall 2. Students raise their hands
first. according to their answer.
- “Which object will fall first, the ball or the piece
of paper?” Steps for demonstration:
- The student holds a piece of A4
paper in the right hand and a ball in
the left hand.
- Release the paper and the ball
simultaneously from the same
- Observe the motion of the paper
and the ball.
5. After the students did the demo, show the
motion of the objects using slide below.
16. Teacher encourages student as volunteer to 3. Student carry out the same Expected answer:
carry out a demonstration to investigate the demonstration but this time using Both reached the
motion of falling object by using crumpled crumpled paper and a ball. ground at the same
paper and a ball. 4. Students raise their hands time.
- “Are there any other brave volunteers to carry according to their answer.
out the demo?”
- “Give applause for your friends.”
Steps for demonstration:
17. Teacher asks all students which object fall first. - The student holds a crumpled paper
- “Now, which object will fall first, the ball or the in the right hand and a ball in the left
crumpled paper?” hand.
- Release the crumpled paper and the
ball simultaneously from the same
- Observe the motion of the crumpled
paper and the ball.

18. After the students did the demo, shows the

motion of the object using slide below:
19. Teacher asks why both objects fall at the same 5. Students answer the question Expected answer:
time. given. Free fall/ No air
- “Why does these objects touch the ground at resistance
the same time?”

3: Explain (15 minutes) 10. Teacher explaining the concept of free fall 6. Students listen to the teacher’s
in front of class using slide presentation. explanation.
11. Teacher explains about the gravitational

12. Teacher explains about the velocity

increases uniformly every one second.

13. Teacher explains about the different value

of gravitational acceleration.
14. Teacher explains about the equations for
the free fall motion and asks what is the
different with the equations for linear
- “What is the difference between these
equations and the equations for linear
4. Evaluate (5 minutes) 15. Teacher shows QR code on the screen for 7. Students access the quiz through Answers:
the student to access the quiz. the QR code shown in front and 1) Gravitational
answer the questions. acceleration
The acceleration of
free-falling objects
is caused by
Link: 2) Both Gravitational
panel/d9af0928-e7d7-41f5-a2d4-ff9fbea11d5a acceleration that
CODE: 0666137 affecting free-fall
motion is always
Solve the following questions: constant without air
resistance. Hence
1) A coconut falling from a tree. What factor both objects
affecting the free fall motion of the reached the ground
coconut? at the same time.
3) V = -
2) Diagram shows a ball and a feather in a 19.62m/s
vacuum chamber. Which object will reach By using:
to the bottom of the chamber first? v = u + gt where
u = 0 ms-1,
3) An object has been released downwards g = -9.81ms-2,
for 2 seconds. What is the velocity of the and t = 2s
object before it reached the ground? The velocity of the
ball before it
reached the ground
will be equal to -
19.62ms-1 where
the negative sign
indicates the free
fall movement
N: Closure (3 minutes) 16. Teacher gives feedback if there are any
misconceptions detected from students

17. Teacher summarizes what has been

taught throughout the lesson.

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