ELTU3011 (23-24) (2) - Assessment Guidelines (FINAL)

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ELTU3011: Professional Communication for Arts Students

Assessment 1: Résumé (20%)

Assessment 2: Job Application Letter / Personal Statement (40%)


1. To conduct an in-depth analysis of a job advertisement / information on a postgraduate program

2. To write a résumé and a job application letter / personal statement that match the specific
requirements of the target job / program

You will need to complete the following steps:

1. Select a post / program that interests you. If you are looking for a job, you may locate one of
the current openings posted at our Career Planning and Development Centre webpage
http://cpdc.osa.cuhk.edu.hk/student/jobs/cu-job-link or any other sources of your choice.
Alternatively, you may go to the websites of your favorite companies to check if they have

2. Assume that you are going to apply for this position / program. Summarize the main
requirements and respond accordingly by writing a résumé and a job application letter /
personal statement.

- If you are applying for a postgraduate program, you are expected to write a personal statement
instead of a job application letter for Assignment 2.

- Your résumé should be within 1 page.

- Your job application letter should be within 1 page and should not exceed 500 words.

- Your personal statement should be within 2 pages and should not exceed 500 words.

- You are required to attach the job advertisement / information on the postgraduate
program to your résumé and job application letter / personal statement.

- You need to submit both your résumé and job application letter / personal statement to
VeriGuide, implying that you have declared originality of your submitted / completed
coursework and pledged to have upheld academic honesty.

Assessment 1: Résumé (20% of course grade)

Assessment Criteria Teacher’s

Very good




I. Content / 30
 Appropriate and adequate response
to job / program requirements
 Clear and sufficient explanation of
key accomplishments

Sub-score / Sub-grade:

II. Organization / 20
 Logical sequence of information
 Clear organizational structure that
draws attention to the candidate's
 Clear section headings

Sub-score / Sub-grade:

III. Language / 30
 Accurate spelling and grammar
 Appropriate word choice

Sub-score / Sub-grade:

IV. Presentation Style / 20

 Professional and appealing layout
 Strong visual impact: format, font,
white space

Sub-score / Sub-grade:

Total score / Final grade: / 100

ELTU3011 ( ) Student:

Remark: If your résumé exceeds one page, there will be a maximum penalty of 20% mark deduction from the “Content”
category (within half a page: 10% mark deduction; more than half a page: 20% mark deduction).

Assessment 2 (Option A): Job Application Letter (40% of course grade)

Assessment Criteria Teacher’s

Very good




I. Content / 30
 Clear writing purpose
 Appropriate and adequate response
to job requirements
 Relevant supporting details
 Appropriate call for action

Sub-score / Sub-grade:

II. Organization / 20
 Logical sequence of information
 High level of cohesion and

Sub-score / Sub-grade:

III. Language / 30
 Accurate spelling and grammar
 Appropriate word choice
 Appropriate tone

Sub-score / Sub-grade:

IV. Presentation Style / 20

 Complete letter format
 Strong visual impact: format, font,
white space

Sub-score / Sub-grade:

Total score / Final grade: / 100

ELTU3011 ( ) Student:
- If your job application letter exceeds one page / 500 words, there will be a maximum penalty of 20% mark
deduction from the “Content” category (within half a page / less than 100 words: 10% mark deduction; more than
half a page / more than 100 words: 20% mark deduction). The words for the “sender’s address” and the
“recipient’s address” will NOT be counted into the 500 words.

- Students are expected to write a job application letter when applying for a job and to write a personal statement
when applying for a postgraduate program in this course. If you are not following this norm, please communicate
with and seek prior approval from your course teacher. Otherwise, 5 marks will be deducted from the total mark of
this assignment.
Assessment 2 (Option B): Personal Statement (40% of course grade)

Assessment Criteria Teacher’s

Very good




I. Content / 35
 Clear writing purpose
 Appropriate and adequate response
to academic program requirements
 Relevant supporting details
 Appropriate call for action
 Original ideas

Sub-score / Sub-grade:

II. Organization / 30
 Logical sequence of information
 High level of cohesion and
 Visual impact: format, font, and

Sub-score / Sub-grade:

III. Language / 35
 Accurate spelling and grammar
 Appropriate word choice
 Appropriate tone

Sub-score / Sub-grade:

Total score / Final grade: / 100

ELTU3011 ( ) Student:

- If your personal statement exceeds two pages / 500 words, there will be a maximum penalty of 20% mark
deduction from the “Content” category (within half a page / less than 100 words: 10% mark deduction; more than
half a page / more than 100 words: 20% mark deduction).

- Students are expected to write a job application letter when applying for a job and to write a personal statement
when applying for a postgraduate program in this course. If you are not following this norm, please communicate
with and seek prior approval from your course teacher. Otherwise, 5 marks will be deducted from the total mark of
this assignment.

ELTU3011: Professional Communication for Arts Students
Assessment 3: Individual Interview (40%)


1. To conduct in-depth analysis of the job advertisement / information on a postgraduate program

2. To conduct thorough information search about the target company / institution
3. To prepare for a concise and relevant self-introduction
4. To prepare for questions that may be raised in the individual interview
5. To apply impromptu presentation skills

Components of individual interview assessment:

Part 1: Self-introduction (1 minute)

Part 2: Q & A (6 minutes)


1. Be well-prepared (e.g., revisiting your application documents, brainstorming some possible

questions and preparing for corresponding responses).

2. Be punctual (at least 10 minutes before the designated time).

3. Dress appropriately (in accordance with the job / program that you are applying for).

Assessment 3: Individual Interview (40% of course grade)

ELTU3011 ( ) Student:
Assessment Criteria Teacher’s

Very good




I. Content / 35

 Providing relevant, structured, clear,

and concise answers
 Demonstrating industry knowledge
 Providing examples and evidence
that effectively support the answers

II. Language / 25
 Demonstrating a reasonably high
level of grammatical accuracy
 Using a good range of vocabulary
and sentence structures in an
appropriate tone

III. Delivery / 30
 Demonstrating good verbal (clarity,
fluency, pronunciation, intonation,
and pace) and non-verbal (eye
contact, hand gestures and posture)
communication skills
 Demonstrating enthusiasm and
confidence with good interaction
with the interviewer

IV. Self-introduction / 10
 Showing adequate response to the
job requirements
 Demonstrating good organization
and time management

Total score / Final grade: / 100

Remark: Students are expected to dress appropriately for the interview assessment as if it is a real interview regarding their
target application. If you are not dressing appropriately, 3 marks will be deducted from the total mark of this assessment.

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