E0010 Online Trading - Icici Bank

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Submitted by

(Student Name)

HT NO: 21WJ1E****

Under the Guidance of

Mr. ********************


School of Management studies


 Objectives of the study

CHAPTER - I  Need for the study

 Scope of the study
 Research Methodology





 Findings
CHAPTER - VI  Suggestion
 Conclusion
Annexure / Questionnaire

Stock market

A stock market or equity market is a public market (a loose network of economic transactions,
not a physical facility or discrete entity) for the trading of companystock and derivatives at an
agreed price; these are securities listed on a stock exchange as well as those only traded
privately. The size of the world stock market was estimated at about $36.6 trillion US at the
beginning of October 2008. The total world derivatives market has been estimated at about $791
trillion face or nominal value, 11 times the size of the entire world economy. The value of the
derivatives market, because it is stated in terms of notional values, cannot be directly compared
to a stock or a fixed income security, which traditionally refers to an actual value. Moreover, the
vast majority of derivatives 'cancel' each other out (i.e., a derivative 'bet' on an event occurring is
offset by a comparable derivative 'bet' on the event not occurring). Many such relatively illiquid
securities are valued as marked to model, rather than an actual market price. The stocks are listed
and traded on stock exchanges which are entities of a corporation or mutual organization
specialized in the business of bringing buyers and sellers of the organizations to a listing of
stocks and securities together. The largest stock market in the United States, by market cap is the
New York Stock Exchange, NYSE, while in Canada, it is the Toronto Stock Exchange


Historically, stock markets were physical locations where buyers and sellers met and negotiated.
With the improvement in communications technology in the late 20th century, the need for a
physical location became less important, as traders could transact from remote locations.
Participants in the stock market range from small individual stock investors to large hedge fund
traders, who can be based anywhere. Their orders usually end up with a professional at a stock
exchange, who executes the order. Some exchanges are physical locations where transactions are
carried out on a trading floor, by a method known as open outcry. This type of auction is used in
stock exchanges and commodity exchanges where traders may enter "verbal" bids and offers
simultaneously. The other type of stock exchange is a virtual kind, composed of a network of
computers where trades are made electronically via traders. The shares of a company may in
general be transferred from shareholders to other parties by sale or other mechanisms, unless
prohibited. Most jurisdictions have established laws and regulations governing such transfers,
particularly if the issuer is a publicly-traded entity.

The desire of stockholders to trade their shares has led to the establishment of stock exchanges.
A stock exchange is an organization that provides a marketplace for trading shares and other
derivatives and financial products. Today, investors are usually represented by stock brokers
who buy and sell shares of a wide range of companies on the exchanges. A company may list its
shares on an exchange by meeting and maintaining the listing requirements of a particular stock
exchange. Actual trades are based on an auction market model where a potential buyer bids a
specific price for a stock and a potential seller asks a specific price for the stock. (Buying or
selling at market means you will accept any ask price or bid price for the stock, respectively.)
When the bid and ask prices match, a sale takes place, on a first-come-first-served basis if there
are multiple bidders or askers at a given price. The purpose of a stock exchange is to facilitate
the exchange of securities between buyers and sellers, thus providing a marketplace (virtual or
real). The exchanges provide real-time trading information on the listed securities, facilitating
price discovery

Online trading is the act of buying and selling financial products on the internet via an online trading
platform. This might include the trading of bonds, stocks (shares), international currencies, futures,
and other financial instruments. Why is now the time to take up online trading, you ask? Simple.
You can make money from within your home, meaning that even during lockdown you can make
trades. Given that all trades are made via the internet, you can make deals on the financial market
within seconds or even less. But there are a few key things every beginner should know about online
trading before they tumble headfirst into the virtual trading world.

Online trading is a fairly popular method of transacting in financial products online.

Brokers have gone online, with their platforms providing all kinds of financial instruments
like stocks, commodities, bonds, and futures.

 Traditionally, when a buyer wanted to invest money in stocks, he used to call his brokerage firm
and asked for putting in a request to buy stocks of a given company for a specified amount.

 The broker would then let him know the market price of the stocks and would confirm the order.
 After the user confirmed his trading account, the broker's fees and the time period required for
the order, the order would get placed on the stock exchange.

 As is obvious, this method had multiple steps and was pretty long drawn. Not
surprisingly, ONLINE TRADINGplatforms have taken over the entire trading landscape
because of their advantages:

 The users can open, manage and close accounts sitting at their homes, working on a device with

 Transactions can be made much more easily.

 Multiple financial products, which earlier needed to be bought from specific places or banks, can
now be bought and sold online, which also reduces the the role of an intermediary and saves

 The money used is real and the user gets to analyze and choose from the various options of
stocks and products available.

Online trading is a simple digitized version of offline trading. It is simply buying and
selling assets through a brokerage's internet-based trading platforms. Online trading has
opened other varied options, with stocks, bonds, mutual funds, futures, and also being
traded online now.

Brokerage firms make the trade for any trader or investor. An online trading account is
typically linked to a Depository Participant and a bank account (one that your broker has a
tie up with). One large Benefits of online trading is the speed with which transactions are
executed and settled. Since the entire process is digitized and there are no physical
documents to be copied and filed, the entire process is a lot faster. Transactions take a
matter of seconds now that prices can be searched and compared against multiple databases.
Exchange with the best price is matched and a confirmation is sent to both ends i.e the
buyer and the seller.

When a user places the order for buying any particular stock on an online platform, his
order gets saved in the database of the trading member platform and the exchange platform.
This data is then used to look across all platforms selling that particular stock and display
the result with the best price available. If the price matches with the user’s demands and he
confirms the order, then the process is validated by both the parties. After all that is
completed, the broker usually has three days to complete the settlement of the money, and
hence, the money is transferred to your account.

Many online trading platforms provide analysis of stocks, which helps the users to find the
status of the stock market. This also helps them predict the situation of stocks in upcoming
days and shape their decisions. Online platforms attract users through ease of use and
reduced commission fees. Ultimately, having a properly funded account is essential to
execute trades smoothly on a platform.


As online trading increasingly widens its roots into the modern trading market, retail trading
finds its place in local stock exchanges and offices. The impact of online trading over
offline has been noticeable with the evolution of computers and internet, in the past two
decades. Online trading does provide a lot of advantages which are difficult to achieve

The cost of the stocks and various financial products has reduced significantly. Online
platforms provide a far more inexpensive experience, which attracts a majority of traders
and investors. This has become possible because online trading eliminates the majority of
the middlemen, which in turn, decreases the extra added price of commissions over these

Online trading is much faster as compared to offline trading. It is also easier to find the
price of securities when the information is flowing electronically. Receiving updates
regarding price changes in the form of price alerts, makes it easy to transact shares. Thus,
reducing the processing time. It also enables buying products from any location in the
world. Hence, it is not necessary to go to a definite place to trade.

As online trading platforms are surplus in number, the competition between them results in
a benefit for the trader or investor. These platforms, for better marketing and gaining greater
users, release offers and discounts which enables the users to buy products at lesser prices
or sell them at higher prices, ultimately, benefitting the users. This happens, but rarely in
offline trading.


When you buy or sell a stock through online trading, you order gets executed within
seconds. But, within these seconds lots of operations take place which you are unaware,
such as:

 Your order is registered.

 Your order is placed in a database

 It searches for a for a seller and when both buyer and seller is matched, a confirmation message
is sent to both the parties.

 The order and the price are reported to the regulatory bodies. These regulatory bodies look over
all the trading activities and are displayed to all the investors.

 Your trading records are stored in case regulators want to study your past transactions.

 A contract is sent to your broker who sold the shares and the broker who bought them.

 After all this, the brokers have 3 days to exchange the cash and shares which is called settlement.

 After this process, the money or the shares are officially in your account.


 Researching and Choosing a Stock:

You should perform value research, technical analysis, try identifying patterns, understand short
selling etc.

 Choosing a Brokerage Partner:

You can see this article to learn how to choose the best broker

 Learning to Trade Stocks:

You can learn to trade through a trading account and a demat account easily.

 Making Smart Investment Decisions:

Try to decide which stocks you can afford to trade, diversify your portfolio, research before you
invest and buy good stocks at a low price.

Section I.02 Steps to open a trading account online:

1. TheAadhaar-based eKYC:

These days it’s far simpler and faster to open your trading account - using the Aadhaar based
paperless registration. This method uses your Aadhaar card details to complete your registration
process online, as long as you have a valid mobile number linked to your Aadhaar card. Keep all
of your scanned copies of your personal documents (PAN Card, Aadhaar card, and a cancelled
cheque) on your device. You will be required to upload them during the registration process,
after you’ve progressed past the Aadhaar linking step.

2. Paper Registration:

Start by downloading the trading account opening forms. The documents will include both the
account opening forms and the KYC forms. Print out these forms, and fill in the required fields.
You’ll also need 2 passport-size, self-attested photographs to affix in these forms. Once you are
done completing the forms, sign in the the required places and attach your self-attested personal
documents (PAN card, ID proof and address proof). Now you have to hand it over to your
brokerage firm personally or by post.


The stock or capital stock of a business entity represents the original capital paid into or invested
in the business by its founders. It serves as a security for the creditors of a business since it
cannot be withdrawn to the detriment of the creditors. Stock is distinct from the property and the
assets of a business which may fluctuate in quantity and value. Buying a stock for the long term
means that you want to own part of a company and you think that in the future the company will
be profitable. If you buy stock in a company and the company performs well, the stock's price
should rise. If the company fails, then the stock should fail you, too and go down. The stock
exchanges actually compete with each other for these listings, since companies that attract more
trading make more money for the stock exchange that listed it. Company stocks are assigned a
"ticker" or trading symbol by the listing exchange. You may notice some well-chosen tickers
that are easy to remember, like "DNA" for the company Genentech, a biotechnology firm. Or
some companies' ticker is the same as its name, Nike for example

 The study will provide a very clear picture of the impact of foreign institutional investors on
Indian stock indices. It will also describe the market trends due to FIIs inflow and outflow. The
study would be helpful for further descriptive studies on the ideas that will be explored.

 SEBI in September 1996 has issued guidelines to the stock exchanges to go for online trading
procedure by the end of the year 1996.

 Following its directions ICICI Bank .

 The major need for this study is to know the effectiveness of the on-line system in comparison
with the outcry or mock trading to study its advantages & recommend for beneficial & effective
use of the system.
 To understand derivatives, capital market and stock markets
 To understand the online trading and it's process in ICICI Bank stock broking Ltd.
 To analyse share price data of various firms.
 To elicit investor’s opinion on trading through ICICI Bank stock broking
 To know the procedure of online trading/screen based trading.
 It helps the investor to manage and control the trade transactions as well as executions.
 It will useful to monitor the investor from anywhere and any time.
 To Provide advices to the Clients about the Trading.
 To know the trading procedure at “ICICI Bank .
The research methodology defines what the activity of research is, how to proceed, how to
measure progress, and what constitutes success. It provides us an advancement of wealth of
human knowledge, tools of the trade to carry out research, tools to look at things in life
objectively; develops a critical and scientific attitude, disciplined thinking to observe objectively
(scientific deduction and inductive thinking); skills of research particularly in the ‘age of
information’. Also it defines the way in which the data are collected in a research project. In this
paper it presents one components of the research methodology from a real project, the theoretical
design and framework respectively.

Sources of Data: - Data, facts, figures, other relevant material of past and present and
surveying are the basis for study and analysis. Without an analysis of factual data no specific
inferences can be drawn on the questions under study. Inferences based on imagination or
guesses cannot provide correct answer to research questions.
The relevance adequacy and reliability of data determine the quality of the findings of a study.
For the purpose of the present study, data from two sources has been collected, namely primary
data and secondary data.

Primary data is source from which the researcher collects the data. It is a first-hand data, which
is used directly for the analysis purposes. Primary data always gives a researcher a fairer picture.
In the present study primary data has been collected using questionnaires. For the purpose of
collecting the same, 50 respondents have been randomly selected. Even the response of the
respondents was taken into consideration. In this study, primary data plays a vital role for
analysis, interpretation, conclusion and suggestions.

Secondary data is the information which collected from the secondary sources like Google,
Newspapers and libraries and so on.
Research Design: Exploratory research design has been taken.

Exploratory research design:

Exploratory research is research conducted for a problem that has not been clearly defined. It
often occurs before we know enough to make conceptual distinctions or posit an exploratory
relationship. Exploratory research helps determine the best research design, data collection
method and selection of subjects.

Sample Area:
Hyderabad city is being taken as a sample area for study.

Sample Size:
The research made use of primary data, which was collected by the 120 respondents but out of
which only 100 has responded to the questions that’s why the research has been carried on 100

Data Collection Instrument:

Structured Questionnaire

Sampling Techniques:
We have used a Non-Probabilistic Sampling Technique that is, Convenience Sampling.


As per the requirement of the objectives, the researcher has preferred to use
Tables, Charts and Graphs.

 The required data may not be available due to which it cannot be accurate.
 Some of the important information is included because of time constraint.
 It was deliberately difficult to collect the data from the clients, as they are apparently busy


HALL TICKET NO: 20831E0003


Charles (2010) has analyzed that the astonishing growth in Americans' stock portfolios in the
1990s has been a major force behind the growth of consumer spending. This article reviews the
relationship between stock market movements and consumption. Using various econometric
techniques and specifications, the authors find that the propensity to consume out of aggregate
household wealth has exhibited instability over the postwar period. They also show that the
dynamic response of consumption growth to an unexpected change in wealth is extremely short-
lived, implying that forecasts of consumption growth one or more quarters ahead are not
typically improved by accounting for changes in existing wealth.

Bhardwaj (2017) has stated the literature on globalization, He found the pervasiveness of the
west’s perception of the world effect on Indian investors that affects the trends in investor’s
choice. They are hugely affected by the west’s views and so changes in Indian trends occur.

Ranganathan (2018), has stated the investor behavior from the marketing world and financial
economics has brought together to the surface an exciting area for study and research: behavioral
finance. The realization that this is a serious subject is, however, barely dawning. Analysts seem
to treat financial markets as an aggregate of statistical observations, technical and fundamental
analysis. A rich view of research waits this sophisticated understanding of how financial markets
are also affected by the ‘financial behavior’ of investors. With the reforms of industrial policy,
public sector, financial sector and the many developments in the Indian money market and
capital market, mutual funds that has become an important portal for the small investors, is also
influenced by their financial behavior. Hence, this study has made an attempt to examine the
related aspects of the fund selection behavior of individual investors towards Mutual funds, in
the city of Mumbai. From the researchers and academicians point of view, such a study will help
in developing and expanding knowledge in this field.

Shrotriya (2018) conducted a survey on investor preferences in which he depicted the linkage of
investment with the factor so considered while making investment. He says “There are various
factors and their linkage also. These factors help us how to ensure safety, liquidity, capital
appreciation and tax benefits along with returns.”

Dijk (2019) has conducted 25 years of research on the size effect in international equity returns.
Since Banz's (1981) original study, numerous papers have appeared on the empirical regularity
that small firms have higher risk-adjusted stock returns than large firms. A quarter of a century
after its discovery, the outlook for the size effect seems bleak. Yet, empirical asset pricing
models that incorporate a factor portfolio mimicking underlying economic risks proxied by firm
size are increasingly used by both academics and practitioners. Applications range from event
studies and mutual fund performance measurement to computing the cost of equity capital. The
aim of this paper is to review the literature on the size effect and synthesize the extensive debate
on the validity and persistence of the size effect as an empirical phenomenon as well as the
theoretical explanations for the effect. We discuss the implications for academic research and
corporate finance and suggest a number of avenues for further research.

Vasudev (2019) analyzed the developments in the capital markets and corporate governance in
India since the early 1990s when the government of India adopted the economic liberalization
program. The legislative changes significantly altered the theme of Indian Companies Act 1956,
which is based on the Companies Act 1948 (UK). The amendments, such as the permission for
nonvoting shares and buybacks, carried the statute away from the earlier “business model” and
towards the 'financial model' of the Delaware variety. Simultaneously, the government
established the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI), patterned on the Securities and
Exchange Commission of US. Through a number of other policy measures, the government
steered greater investments in the stock market and promoted the stock market as a central
institution in the society. The article points out that the reform effort was inspired, at least in
part, by the government’s reliance on foreign portfolio inflows into the Indian stock market to
fund the country’s trade and current account deficits.

Johnson (2019) has stated that Product quality is probably under-valued by firms because there
is little consensus about appropriate measures and methods to research quality. The authors
suggest that published ratings of a product's quality are a valid source of quality information
with important strategic and financial impact. The authors test this thesis by an event analysis of
abnormal returns to stock prices of firms whose new products are evaluated in the Wall Street
Journal. Quality has a strong immediate effect on abnormal returns, which is substantially higher
than that for other marketing events assessed in prior studies. In dollar terms, these returns
translate into an average gain of $500 million for firms that got good reviews and an average loss
of $200 million for firms that got bad reviews. Moreover, there are some important asymmetries.
Rewards to small firms with good reviews of quality are greater than those to large firms with
good reviews. On the other hand, large firms are penalized more by poor reviews of quality than
they are rewarded for good reviews. The authors discuss the research, managerial, investing, and
policy implications.

Patnaik and shah (2018) has analyzed on the preferences of foreign and domestic institutional
investors in Indian stock markets. Foreign and domestic institutional investors both prefer larger,
widely dispersed firms and do not chase returns. However, we and evidence of strong
differences in the behavior of foreign and domestic institutional investors.

Bhatnagar (2018) has analyzed of Corporate Governance and external finance in transition
economies like India. The problem in the Indian corporate sector is that of disciplining the
dominant shareholder and protecting the minority shareholders. Clearly, the problem of
corporate governance abuses by the dominant shareholder can be solved only by forces outside
the company itself particularly that of multilateral financial institutions in the economic
development. India has relied heavily on external finance as their domestic saving rates have
been much lower than their investment rates. The less promising prospects for the global supply
of external finance the need for an increase in the multilateral financial institutions. India being a
transition economy is changing from a centrally planned economy to a free market. It is
undergoing economic liberalization, macroeconomic stabilization where immediate high
inflation is brought under control and restructuring and privatization in order to create a financial
sector and move from public to private ownership of resources. These changes often may lead to
increased inequality of incomes and wealth, dramatic inflation and a fall of GDP.

Mayank (2018) has analyzed the role of two important forces - the regulator and the capital
market as determinant of external finance in transition economies analyses the changing pattern
and future prospectus of external finance to India and reviews the role of external finance. Under
this framework, the study evaluates current Indian corporate governance practices in light of
external finance.

Rajeshwari and Moorthy 2018 Has conducted the study and analyzed that Mutual Fund is a
retail product designed to target small investors, salaried people and others who are intimidated
by the mysteries of stock market but, nevertheless, like to reap the benefits of stock market
investing. At the retail level, investors are unique and are a highly heterogeneous group. Hence,
their fund/scheme selection also widely differs. Investors demand inter-temporal wealth shifting
as he or she progresses through the life cycle. This necessitates the Asset Management
Companies (AMCs) to understand the fund/scheme selection/switching behavior of the investors
to design suitable products to meet the changing financial needs of the investors. With this
background a survey was conducted among 350 Mutual Fund Investors in 10 Urban and Semi
Urban centers to study the factors influencing the fund/scheme selection behavior of Retail
Investors. This paper discusses the survey findings. It is hoped that it will have some useful
managerial implication for the AMCs in their product designing and marketing.

Atkinson (2018) There are several studies in the literature that attempt to discuss some of the
problems and challenges associated with online trading. The first problem discussed in the
literature is hidden costs and deceptive advertising associated with online trading. supported this
contention that buried in all the online trading hype resides the fine print. This obscure data
translates into a venture that is more costly than one was lead to believe.

Henry (2018) finds a strong relationship between the growth rate of investment and changes in
stock market valuation measured by returns on the stock market, the turnover ratio, and the
traded value as a share of GDP. On the other hand, McCauley and Remolona (2000) and
Shahand Thomas (2018) find that the size of the economy is an important factor in the
development of liquid and well-functioning securities markets.

Mishkin (2018) argues that financial liberalization promotes transparency and accountability,
which reduces adverse selection and moral hazard. It thus tends to reduce the cost of borrowing
in stock markets, which eventually increases their liquidity and size. A large pool of studies has
investigated the impact of inflation on capital markets. An important finding of these studies has
been that high levels of inflation are associated with less liquid and smaller financial markets as
financial intermediaries tend to lend less and allocate less efficiently.

Boyd et al. (2017)find negative effects of inflation on private credit and equity markets. They
argue that the relationship between financial development and inflation could be nonlinear, with
a particular threshold level after which the financial sector experiences an abrupt drop in

Claessens et al. (2018) find that privatization programs and foreign direct investment contribute
to stock market development.

Naceur et al. (2019) show that macroeconomic factors such as income, saving rate, and
financial intermediary development are important determinants of stock market development for
a panel of countries in the MENA region.

Brokerage Industry in India, Stock Broking sector in India. In The financial brokers offers
financial advice to the firm or the individual. India's broking industry is transitioning from a
transaction-based to a fee-based model, offering services such as investment advisory and wealth
management. Apart from advisory services, emphasis on fund-based activities, including loan
against shares and margin funding, is rising, allowing brokers to build sustainable earnings.
Financial brokers have developed their marketing ability to support customers in achieving their
goals. They offer wide-ranging products and services that strengthen their relationship with

The industry gained popularity, owing to a significant increase in trading activities. Financial
brokerage firms have generated revenues from stocks, commodities, and currency. The financial
brokerage market operates through different business verticals including full-service, discount,
and hybrid brokerage. The full-service brokers segment accounted for the significant share of the
brokerage market in FY 2020, followed by discount brokers and hybrid.

Major players operating in the market include Angel Broking Limited, Geojit Financial Services
Limited, ICICI Securities Limited, and Kotak Securities Limited.

Impact of COVID-19The pandemic and prolonged global lockdown severely impacted India's
financial market and liquidity position. A struggling economy in India, coupled with the
outbreak of COVID-19, has led to an apprehension in which capital market investments have
become a challenge for investors.

While the Indian economy has been experiencing massive pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic,
the trading volumes in the domestic capital market started to recover after the lockdownwas
lifted. It reached an all-time high in July 2020.

Market segment insights

In FY 2020, full-service brokers held the highest market share (~58%) of the overall broking
industry based on NSE active clients. The shift of the trading platform from offline to online-
offline mode increased the revenues generated by full-service brokers. However, in India, full-
service brokers have been experiencing unstable growth as leading companies are losing
considerable market share to discount brokers.

Key growth drivers of the market

 Technological innovations is a significant driver for the increasing participation of investors in

equity markets. The pandemic resulted in a significant meltdown in the stock market. Improved
financial awareness lead to a 30% growth in Demat account openings. About 6.3 Mf accounts
were opened in the first half of FY 2021. Post demonetization, fintech companies have played a
significant role in the growth of the brokerage market, backed by increased smartphone users
and high internet speed with low data costs. Retail investors use mobile-based trading as they
primarily invest in convenient and user-friendly apps with secure platforms

 In India, brokerage houses offer global investment services that permit their customers to own
blue-chip stocks in the US. Investors' demand for portfolio diversification is one of the key
drivers that encourage firms to provide these services. Broking firms entered into international
partnerships, indicating a good demand for such services. In September 2020, Kuvera, an online
platform for investments in India's mutual funds, partnered with the US Securities and Exchange
Commission's listed investment adviser, Vested Finance. This partnership permits investors to
purchase stocks from the US on its online platform.

Key deterrents to the growth of the market

Lack of financial knowledge is a significant reason behind the under-penetration of the

brokerage market. Several Indians are not aware of shares, stocks, and mutual funds. They do
not know how to invest in them to reap high returns compared to traditional investment tools.
Most people are also ignorant of the basic financial concepts such as reward (return) to
variability (risk) ratio, asset allocation, and diversification benefits.

Companies Covered

 Angel Broking Limited

 Geojit Financial Services Limited
 ICICI Securities Limited
 IIFL Finance Limited
 Kotak Securities Limited
 Motilal Oswal Financial Services Limited
 Reliance Capital Limited
 SMC Global Securities Limited
 HDFC Securities Limited
 Sharekhan Limited
 Upstox
 5paisa
 Zerodha

Brokerage Industry | Stock Broking in India

January 2021 alone, 1.7 million new demat accounts were added marking it to be the highest
monthly increase.
As of January 2021, India’s total demat accounts stood at 53 million, compared to 41 million
at the end of FY 2019-20. There was a surge in retail participation in the stock market after
people were forced to stay home since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.
ck Discount brokerage Industry

Brokerage Industry in India

The functions of the financial market, including stock broking has witnessed a radical change
after digitization and has paved the way for new clients.
Unlike traditional brokers, the role of discount brokers is mainly limited to providing an
online trading platform to customers.

(a) Discount brokerage industry

The growing surge in smartphone users along with increasing internet penetration has made it
convenient for discount brokers to capitalize on the market opportunities and enable customers
trade online at almost zero cost.
This number is expected to rise by 820 million by 2022 according to the Economic Times Study.

Another key factor driving the growth of the discount brokerage industry is India’s demographic
profile. India has the largest working-age population with millennials (those
with a median age of 18 to 35) accounting for 36% of the population and projected to be 50% of
its workforce by 2025.

Millennials, who are more tech savvy and price conscious, have favored discount brokers over
traditional brokers because of the former’s simplicity and fast-paced nature of services.
Discount brokerage charges are usually close to nil which has attracted investors. Besides low
brokerage, independent advisory services, offering informative content free of cost further gives
an edge to the discount brokers.

Discount brokers provide unrestricted access to information on their website and applications,
which attracts large customers. Moreover, discount brokerages have no wested interest in buying
or selling a stock; that gives customers more confidence on their unbiased services.
First-time investors are also more inclined towards the discount broker services at it provides

Section I.03 Going Forward and Future

The nature of interaction of stockbrokers with potential investors has undergone a massive
change over the years.

Recommended for you

While traditional or full-service brokers have always enjoyed a dominant presence and
preference among investors, a demographic shift towards technology has given rise to a new
breed of stockbrokers, known as discount brokers.

Unlike a traditional broker, a discount broker’s services are limited and restricted primarily to
providing a trading platform. A tectonic shift in investor patterns with respect to participation in
the market, has given a boost to discount brokerage services in India.
However, internet penetration coupled with smartphones has made it easier for investors
to cash in on a market opportunity by placing trade orders on platforms offered by discount
Indian investors have always been price conscious. The emergence of discount brokers offering
low brokerage on a per-order basis has led to a shift in the market share of active customers.

The integration of technology has brought in much-needed efficiency into a discount broker’s
day-to-day operation. Right from seamless account opening process to automated integration of
processes has made life easier for an investor. The demographic shift towards technology augurs
well for discount brokers in India.
Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI)
ICICI Bank is India's largest private sector bank with total assets of Rs. 7,206.95 billion (US$
109 billion) at March 31, 2016 and profit after tax Rs. 97.26 billion (US$ 1,468 million) for the
year ended March 31, 2016. ICICI Bank currently has a network of 4,850 Branches and 13,780
ATM's across India.

ICICI Bank was originally promoted in 1994 by ICICI Limited, an Indian financial institution,
and was its wholly-owned subsidiary. ICICI's shareholding in ICICI Bank was reduced to 46%
through a public offering of shares in India in fiscal 1998, an equity offering in the form of
ADRs listed on the NYSE in fiscal 2000, ICICI Bank's acquisition of Bank of Madura Limited
in an all-stock amalgamation in fiscal 2001, and secondary market sales by ICICI to institutional
investors in fiscal 2001 and fiscal 2002. ICICI was formed in 1955 at the initiative of the World
Bank, the Government of India and representatives of Indian industry. The principal objective
was to create a development financial institution for providing medium-term and long-term
project financing to Indian businesses.

In the 1990s, ICICI transformed its business from a development financial institution offering
only project finance to a diversified financial services group offering a wide variety of products
and services, both directly and through a number of subsidiaries and affiliates like ICICI Bank.
In 1999, ICICI become the first Indian company and the first bank or financial institution from
non-Japan Asia to be listed on the NYSE.

After consideration of various corporate structuring alternatives in the context of the emerging
competitive scenario in the Indian banking industry, and the move towards universal banking,
the managements of ICICI and ICICI Bank formed the view that the merger of ICICI with ICICI
Bank would be the optimal strategic alternative for both entities, and would create the optimal
legal structure for the ICICI group's universal banking strategy. The merger would enhance
value for ICICI shareholders through the merged entity's access to low-cost deposits, greater
opportunities for earning fee-based income and the ability to participate in the payments system
and provide transaction-banking services. The merger would enhance value for ICICI Bank
shareholders through a large capital base and scale of operations, seamless access to ICICI's
strong corporate relationships built up over five decades, entry into new business segments,
higher market share in various business segments, particularly fee-based services, and access to
the vast talent pool of ICICI and its subsidiaries.

In October 2001, the Boards of Directors of ICICI and ICICI Bank approved the merger of ICICI
and two of its wholly-owned retail finance subsidiaries, ICICI Personal Financial Services
Limited and ICICI Capital Services Limited, with ICICI Bank. The merger was approved by
shareholders of ICICI and ICICI Bank in January 2002, by the High Court of Gujarat at
Ahmedabad in March 2002, and by the High Court of Judicature at Mumbai and the Reserve
Bank of India in April 2002. Consequent to the merger, the ICICI group's financing and banking
operations, both wholesale and retail, have been integrated in a single entity.

The Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India was registered as a private limited
company in 1955. It was set up as a private sector development bank to assist and promote
private industrial concerns in the country.

Broad objectives of the ICICI are:

to assist in the creation, expansion and modernisation of private concerns;
to encourage the participation of internal and external capital in the private concerns;
to encourage private ownership of industrial investment.

What are the functions of the ICICI?

It provides long-term and medium-term loans in rupees and foreign currencies.
It participates L* the equity capital of the industrial concerns.
It underwrites new issues of shares and debentures.
It guarantees loans raised by private concerns from other sources.
It provides technical,managerial and administrative assistance to industrial concerns.
Vision and Mission
Vision: To be the leading provider of financial services in India and a major global bank.

Mission: ICICI will leverage our people, technology, speed and financial capital to: be the
banker of the first choice for our customers by delivering high quality, world-class products, and

ICICI Group Companies

http://www.icicigroupcompanies.com ICICI Foundation
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company
http://www.iciciprulife.com/public/default.h Disha Financial Counselling
tm http://www.icicifoundation.org
ICICI Bank also has banking subsidiaries in
ICICI Securities UK and Canada

ICICI Lombard General Insurance


ICICI Prudential AMC & Trust


ICICI Venture

ICICI Direct

Activities of ICICI:
The activities of ICICI are discussed below:

1. Project Finance:
The project finance is provided to industries for the cost of establishment, modernization or
expansion of manufacturing and processing activities in the form of rupee and foreign loans,
underwriting, subscription to shares and debentures and guarantees to supply of equipment and
foreign donors.


The rupee loan is given for the purchase of equipment and machinery, construction and
preliminary expenses. The foreign currency loans are provided for the purchase of imported
capital equipment.

2. Leasing:
The leasing operations of the ICICI commenced in 1983. Leasing assistance is given for
computerization, modernization/replacement, equipment of energy conservation, export
orientation, pollution control etc.
3. Project Advisory Services:
The Project advisory services are provided to the Central and State Governments and public
sector and private sector companies. Advice to the governments is provided on policy reforms
and on value chain analysis and to private sector companies on strategic management.

4. Facilities for Non-resident Indians:

The information regarding on facilities and incentives given by the Government of India to the
non-resident Indians for judicious investing in India are offered.

5. Provision of Foreign Currency Loans:

The ICICI has a provision of foreign currency loans and advances to enable Indian Industrial
concerns to secure essential capital goods from foreign countries.

6. Other Institutions Promoted:

ICICI promoted the Housing Development Finance Corporation (HDFC) to provide long-term
finance to individuals in middle and lower income groups, co-operations, etc., for the
construction and purchase on ownership basis of residential houses all over the country.

Credit Rating Information Services of India Ltd. (CRISIL) set up by ICICI in association with
Unit Trust of India (UTI) to provide credit rating services to the corporate sector.

Technology Development and Information Company of India Ltd. (TDICI), promoted by ICICI,
to finance the transfer and Up gradation of technology and provide technology information.

Programme for the Advancement of Commercial Technology (PACT) set up with a grant of US
$10 million provided by USAID (United States Aid) to assist market-oriented R&D activity,
jointly undertaken by Indian and US companies, ICICI has been entrusted with the
administration and management of PACT.

Programme for Acceleration of Commercial Energy Research (PACER) funded by USAID with
a grant of US $ 20 million to support selected research and technology development proposals in
Indian energy sector PACER was also launched by ICICI.
ICICI Bank has the following channels through which it offers its products and services to its
Internet Banking
Mobile Banking
Phone Banking

ICICI Bank Products and Services

ICICI Bank offers a host of products and services to its clients, which include Deposits, Loans,
Cards, Investments, Insurance, Demat, NRI Services and Online Services etc.
Following deposits are offered:

Savings Account
Advantage Deposit
Special Savings Account
Life Plus Senior Citizens Savings Account
Fixed Deposits
Security Deposits
Recurring Deposits
Tax-Saver Fixed Deposit
Young Stars Savings Account
Child Education Plan
Salary Account
Advantage Woman Savings Account
EEFC Account
Resident Foreign Currency (Domestic) Account
Privilege Banking
No Frills Account
Rural Savings Account
People's Savings Account
Self Help Group Accounts
Outward Remittance
Freedom Savings Account
Family Banking

ICICI Bank offers following loan facilities:
Home Loans
Loan Against Property
Personal Loans
Car Loans
Two Wheeler Loans
Commercial Vehicle Loans
Loans Against Securities
Loan Against Gold Ornaments
Pre-approved Loans

ICICI Home Loans

ICICI Bank is the largest provider of Home Loans in India. ICICI Home Loans offer unbeatable
benefits to ensure that its clients get the best deal without any hassles. ICICI Bank Home Loans
provide loans not only at competitive interest rates, but also are so designed that they cater to the
specific needs of consumers.

New products / new features in existing products are introduced from time to time based on
customer feedback. ICICI Bank offers easy home loans for purchase or construction of flat or
The benefits associated with ICICI Home Loans which give them an edge over other players in
the market are:
ICICI Bank Credit Cards
The provision of paying for an expensive commodity in easy installments is the basic advantage
of using a credit card. An ICICI Credit Card provides the facility of cash, convenience and a
range of benefits, anywhere in the world.

Free cards for a lifetime

Insurance benefits
Global emergency assistance service
Utility payments
Travel discounts and and a few others.
ICICI Bank also offers a range of cards, each designed for a specific purpose as follows:
Premium Card
Co-branded Card
Classic Card
Affinity Card
Picture Card
Corporate Card
EMI Card
Preferred Card
Value for Money Card

The Premium Credit Card from ICICI Bank provides the card bearer, the benefits of owning an
exclusive Credit Card for his/her convenience and usage. The card includes special deals to
complement the bearer's lifestyle. Other cards in this category include Super Gold Credit Cards,
Platinum Credit Cards along with Travel Cards for Airmiles, the best holiday packages and air
tickets. A Golf Credit Card comes with a free membership of the Indian Golf Union along with
special Golfing benefits.

The Co-branded Credit Card provides access to various useful commodities the consumption of
which would otherwise be expensive. For example an ICICI Bank Co-branded Card of a
departmental chain can enable the consumer to buy commodities at a lesser cost than he would
normally have to do without the card.

The Classic Credit Card category comprises the following:

ICICI Bank Sterling Silver Credit Card
ICICI Bank - American Express Green Credit Card
ICICI Bank Visa Mini Card
ICICI Bank Online Credit Card

EMI Credit Card provides unique credit facility, where the customer's monthly EAD (EMI
Amount Due) is fixed and inclusive of all charges. Any incremental purchases will not increase
the EAD paid by the customer but only result in the proportionate increase in the tenure of

The Value for Money Credit Card is the first in India of its kind. A no-frills Card packed with
benefits that matter. India's only internationally valid Value for Money Photo Card offers an
unmatched combination of features and convenience.

Thus as the introduction on credit card facility has brought about a revolution in the world of
purchases, the ICICI Credit Card has only taken this facility to the next level much to the
convenience of its millions of users worldwide.
ICICI Bank Investments Plans
ICICI Bank Tax Saving Bonds
Mutual Funds
Government of India Bonds
Initial Public Offers (IPO) by Corporate
Foreign Exchange Services
ICICI Bank Pure Gold
Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, 2004

ICICI Mobile Banking

A user friendly automated service menu offers customers, a convenient access to their accounts
coupled with security. All the transactions are protected by a ATM PIN (Personal Identification
Number) which is a personal password to their respective Bank & Credit Card Account and Tpin
in case of DematAccount. Any additional assistance is provided by the Phone Banking Officers
Stock market
A stock market or equity market is a public market (a loose network of economic transactions,
not a physical facility or discrete entity) for the trading of companystock and derivatives at an
agreed price; these are securities listed on a stock exchange as well as those only traded
privately. The size of the world stock market was estimated at about $36.6 trillion US at the
beginning of October 2008. The total world derivatives market has been estimated at about $791
trillion face or nominal value, 11 times the size of the entire world economy. The value of the
derivatives market, because it is stated in terms of notional values, cannot be directly compared
to a stock or a fixed income security, which traditionally refers to an actual value. Moreover, the
vast majority of derivatives 'cancel' each other out (i.e., a derivative 'bet' on an event occurring is
offset by a comparable derivative 'bet' on the event not occurring). Many such relatively illiquid
securities are valued as marked to model, rather than an actual market price. The stocks are listed
and traded on stock exchanges which are entities of a corporation or mutual organization
specialized in the business of bringing buyers and sellers of the organizations to a listing of
stocks and securities together. The largest stock market in the United States, by market cap is the
New York Stock Exchange, NYSE, while in Canada, it is the Toronto Stock Exchange

Historically, stock markets were physical locations where buyers and sellers met and negotiated.
With the improvement in communications technology in the late 20th century, the need for a
physical location became less important, as traders could transact from remote locations.
Participants in the stock market range from small individual stock investors to large hedge fund
traders, who can be based anywhere. Their orders usually end up with a professional at a stock
exchange, who executes the order. Some exchanges are physical locations where transactions are
carried out on a trading floor, by a method known as open outcry. This type of auction is used in
stock exchanges and commodity exchanges where traders may enter "verbal" bids and offers
simultaneously. The other type of stock exchange is a virtual kind, composed of a network of
computers where trades are made electronically via traders. The shares of a company may in
general be transferred from shareholders to other parties by sale or other mechanisms, unless
prohibited. Most jurisdictions have established laws and regulations governing such transfers,
particularly if the issuer is a publicly-traded entity.
The desire of stockholders to trade their shares has led to the establishment of stock exchanges.
A stock exchange is an organization that provides a marketplace for trading shares and other
derivatives and financial products. Today, investors are usually represented by stock brokers
who buy and sell shares of a wide range of companies on the exchanges. A company may list its
shares on an exchange by meeting and maintaining the listing requirements of a particular stock
exchange. Actual trades are based on an auction market model where a potential buyer bids a
specific price for a stock and a potential seller asks a specific price for the stock. (Buying or
selling at market means you will accept any ask price or bid price for the stock, respectively.)
When the bid and ask prices match, a sale takes place, on a first-come-first-served basis if there
are multiple bidders or askers at a given price. The purpose of a stock exchange is to facilitate
the exchange of securities between buyers and sellers, thus providing a marketplace (virtual or
real). The exchanges provide real-time trading information on the listed securities, facilitating
price discovery
Online trading is the act of buying and selling financial products on the internet via an online trading
platform. This might include the trading of bonds, stocks (shares), international currencies, futures,
and other financial instruments. Why is now the time to take up online trading, you ask? Simple.
You can make money from within your home, meaning that even during lockdown you can make
trades. Given that all trades are made via the internet, you can make deals on the financial market
within seconds or even less. But there are a few key things every beginner should know about online
trading before they tumble headfirst into the virtual trading world.
Online trading is a fairly popular method of transacting in financial products online.
Brokers have gone online, with their platforms providing all kinds of financial instruments
like stocks, commodities, bonds, and futures.
 Traditionally, when a buyer wanted to invest money in stocks, he used to call his brokerage firm
and asked for putting in a request to buy stocks of a given company for a specified amount.
 The broker would then let him know the market price of the stocks and would confirm the order.
 After the user confirmed his trading account, the broker's fees and the time period required for
the order, the order would get placed on the stock exchange.
 As is obvious, this method had multiple steps and was pretty long drawn. Not
surprisingly, ONLINE TRADINGplatforms have taken over the entire trading landscape
because of their advantages:
 The users can open, manage and close accounts sitting at their homes, working on a device with
 Transactions can be made much more easily.
 Multiple financial products, which earlier needed to be bought from specific places or banks, can
now be bought and sold online, which also reduces the the role of an intermediary and saves
 The money used is real and the user gets to analyze and choose from the various options of
stocks and products available.
Online trading is a simple digitized version of offline trading. It is simply buying and
selling assets through a brokerage's internet-based trading platforms. Online trading has
opened other varied options, with stocks, bonds, mutual funds, futures, and also being
traded online now.
Brokerage firms make the trade for any trader or investor. An online trading account is
typically linked to a Depository Participant and a bank account (one that your broker has a
tie up with). One large Benefits of online trading is the speed with which transactions are
executed and settled. Since the entire process is digitized and there are no physical
documents to be copied and filed, the entire process is a lot faster. Transactions take a
matter of seconds now that prices can be searched and compared against multiple databases.
Exchange with the best price is matched and a confirmation is sent to both ends i.e the
buyer and the seller.
When a user places the order for buying any particular stock on an online platform, his
order gets saved in the database of the trading member platform and the exchange platform.
This data is then used to look across all platforms selling that particular stock and display
the result with the best price available. If the price matches with the user’s demands and he
confirms the order, then the process is validated by both the parties. After all that is
completed, the broker usually has three days to complete the settlement of the money, and
hence, the money is transferred to your account.
Many online trading platforms provide analysis of stocks, which helps the users to find the
status of the stock market. This also helps them predict the situation of stocks in upcoming
days and shape their decisions. Online platforms attract users through ease of use and
reduced commission fees. Ultimately, having a properly funded account is essential to
execute trades smoothly on a platform.


As online trading increasingly widens its roots into the modern trading market, retail trading
finds its place in local stock exchanges and offices. The impact of online trading over
offline has been noticeable with the evolution of computers and internet, in the past two
decades. Online trading does provide a lot of advantages which are difficult to achieve
The cost of the stocks and various financial products has reduced significantly. Online
platforms provide a far more inexpensive experience, which attracts a majority of traders
and investors. This has become possible because online trading eliminates the majority of
the middlemen, which in turn, decreases the extra added price of commissions over these
Online trading is much faster as compared to offline trading. It is also easier to find the
price of securities when the information is flowing electronically. Receiving updates
regarding price changes in the form of price alerts, makes it easy to transact shares. Thus,
reducing the processing time. It also enables buying products from any location in the
world. Hence, it is not necessary to go to a definite place to trade.
As online trading platforms are surplus in number, the competition between them results in
a benefit for the trader or investor. These platforms, for better marketing and gaining greater
users, release offers and discounts which enables the users to buy products at lesser prices
or sell them at higher prices, ultimately, benefitting the users. This happens, but rarely in
offline trading.


When you buy or sell a stock through online trading, you order gets executed within
seconds. But, within these seconds lots of operations take place which you are unaware,
such as:
 Your order is registered.
 Your order is placed in a database
 It searches for a for a seller and when both buyer and seller is matched, a confirmation message
is sent to both the parties.
 The order and the price are reported to the regulatory bodies. These regulatory bodies look over
all the trading activities and are displayed to all the investors.
 Your trading records are stored in case regulators want to study your past transactions.
 A contract is sent to your broker who sold the shares and the broker who bought them.
 After all this, the brokers have 3 days to exchange the cash and shares which is called settlement.
 After this process, the money or the shares are officially in your account.



Particulars Responds Percent

15-30 57 57%

31-45 20 20%

45-60 23 23%

Total 100 100%

2022-2023 13.17 14.01

2021-2022 14.73 15.39

2020-2021 13.89 14.76 BASEL I


2019-2020 13.8 13.5

2018-2019 14.11 13.56

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35


INTERPRETATION:In my research 57% of respondents are between the age group of 15-

30,20% are of 31-45 and 23% are of 46-60. As comparing with other age groups 15- 30 age

group people are interesting to invest in stock market.

2.Educational Qualification


Particulars Responds Percent

Post-Graduation 55 55%

Graduation 27 27%

Others 18 18%

Total 100 100%

Total 100 100%

Others 1818%

Graduation 27 27%

Post-Graduation 55 55%

0 20 40 60 80 100 120


INTERPRETATION:in myresearch post graduates are very interested to do invest in the stock

market.55% of respondents are Post Graduated, and remaining 27% are graduated and 18% are

of other categories.
3.Do you feel safe while trading online?


Particulars Responds Percent

Yes 55 55%

No 45 45%

Total 100 100%

Total 100 100%

No 45 45% Responds

Yes 55 55%

0 20 40 60 80 100 120


INTERPRETATION:The study reveals the only 55 % of its clients have respondents are

say YES, 45% of clients have responding the say NO.feel safe while trading, whereas others are

not. Because the market is not constant it will be fluctuated every minute.
4.In which segment you most trade online?

Particulars Responds Percent
Mutual Funds 25 25%
F&O Equities 5 5%
Others 33 33%
Equity 27 27%
Commodities 10 10%
Total 100 100%

Total 100%

Commodities 10%

Equity 27% 27
Others 33% Responds

F&O Equities 5%

Mutual Funds 25%


0 20 40 60 80 100 120


INTERPRETATION:in my research28% of the respondents are interested to invests in

Equities, and 25% of the respondents are interest to invest in Mutual Funds, 10% of the

respondents are interest to invest in Commodities, 5% of the respondents are interest to invest in

F&O Equities and 32% in Others.

5.Do you receive updated online information regarding the stock market from your



Particulars Responds Percent

Yes 100 100%

No 0 0%

Total 100 100%


No Percent


0 20 40 60 80 100 120


INTERPRETATION: The study reveals the 100 % of its clients have responding to say YES,

and they receive updated online information from the broker.

6.Do you believe that your trader/broker is very successful in online trading?


Particulars Responds Percent

Strongly Agree 15 15%

Agree 40 40%

Moderate 30 30%

Disagree 5 5%

Strongly Disagree 10 10%

Total 100 100%

Total 100%

Strongly Disagree 10%10

Disagree 5%
Moderate 30% Responds

Agree 40%

Strongly Agree 15% 15

0 20 40 60 80 100 120


INTERPRETATION:in my research15% of respondents are strongly agreed that their trader is

very successful in online trading, and remaining respondents of 40 % are agree, and 30% are

moderate views, remaining 5% of the respondentsare disagree ,10% are strongly disagree
7.Are the stock broking services provided by ICICI Bank is good?


Particulars Responds Percent

Strongly Agree 15 15%

Agree 37 37%

Moderate 30 30%

Disagree 8 8%

Strongly Disagree 10 10%

Total 100 100%

Total 100%

Strongly Disagree 10%10

Disagree 8%8
Moderate 30% Responds

Agree 37%

Strongly Agree 15% 15

0 20 40 60 80 100 120


INTERPRETATION:in my research37% of respondents are agree that stock broking services

provided good services by ICICI Bank is satisfactory, and remaining 15% of the

respondentsstrongly agree,and 30% of the respondentsmoderate views,8% are disagree ,10% are

strongly disagree
8.What percentage of your annual income do you invest in share market?


Particulars Responds Percent

More than 20% 8 8%

10-15% 22 22%

Upto 10% 70 70%

Total 100 100%


Upto 10%
22% Responds

More than 20%

0 20 40 60 80 100 120


INTERPRETATION:in my research 8% of respondents are more than 20% of income they are

invested in the stock market,and 22% of respondents are invested income in stock market10 to

15%, and 70% of respondents are more than up to 10%, their annual income in share market.
9.How was your DEMAT Account opened?


Particulars Responds Percent

Referral- Clients 17 17%

Personal Acquaintance 23 23%

Others 37 37%

Call/ Walk-in 13 13%

Total 100 100%


Call/ Walk-in

Others Percent
Personal Acquaintance

Referral- Clients

0 20 40 60 80 100 120


INTERPRETATION: in my research17% of respondents says that their account was opened

through referral clients, and 22% of the respondents said through personal acquaintance, and

13% of the respondents said through call/walk in, and 48% of the respondents said through

others.(advertisements from you tube, some web sites and many more)
10.What is your opinion relating to the rate of interest of margin funding facility of Angel



Particulars Responds Percent

Excellent 15 15%

Average 35 35%

Poor 10 10%

Good 40 40%

Total 100 100%



Poor Percent


0 20 40 60 80 100 120


INTERPRETATION: in my research40% of respondents say that the margin funding facility

of ICICI Bank is good ,35% of respondents say average,15% says excellent and other remaining

say poor.
11.Any other company whose service you like?


Particulars Responds Percent

Indian Bulls 32 32%

Sumpoorna 23 23%

Sharekhan 10 10%

Angel Broking 18 18%

Karvy 17 17%

Total 100 100%

Total 100%

Karvy 17% 17

Angel Broking 18%

Sharekhan 10% Responds

Sumpoorna 23%

Indian Bulls 32%


0 20 40 60 80 100 120


INTERPRETATION:in my research Majority of respondents feel that the service of Indian

Bulls is good than other companies including Angel One.

12.Income per month


Particulars Responds Percent

Below 15000 45 45%

15000-30000 10 10%

30000-45000 23 23%

Above 45000 22 22%

Total 100 100%


Above 45000

30000-45000 Percent

Below 15000

0 20 40 60 80 100 120


INTERPRETATION:in my research 45% of respondents have income Below 15000, 10% of

the respondents have income between 15000-30000, and 23% of respondents have incomeAbove

45000, and 22% of respondents have income between 30000-45000.

13.Experience of Investors

Particulars No. Of responses Percentage

Less than 1 year 12 12%

1-5 years 38 38%

6-10 years 36 36%

More than 10 years 14 14%

Total 100 100%


More than 10 years

6-10 years Percentage
No. Of responses
1-5 years

Less than 1 year

0 20 40 60 80 100 120


INTERPRETATION: The study reveals the only 12 % of its clients have joined in the past 1
year. Hence the marketing activities of the company have to be more aggressive to widen its
clients in the wake of new brokers and sub brokers coming up in the city. Aggressive publicity
has to be done in order to stand against the new coming brokers.

14.Basis for selection of scrips:


Particulars No. Of responses Percentage

Earning Per Share 8 8%
Company Image 20 20%
Profitability 22 22%
All Three 14 14%
Profitability and 10 10%
Company Image
Earnings Per Share 14 14%
And Image
Earnings Per Share and 6 6%
P/E Ratio 6 6%
Total 100 100%

Total 100% 100

P/E Ratio 6%6
Earnings Per Share and 6%6
And Image
Earnings Per Share 14%14
Company Image
No. Of responses
Profitability and 10%
All Three 14%14
Profitability 22% 22
Company Image 20% 20
Earning Per Share 8%
0 20 40 60 80 100 120


INTERPRETATION:The study reveals that investors use varied parameters to make their
investment decisions, profitability and image of the company are the two prominent parameters
used by most investors. The investors also use a combination of more than one parameter.
Mostly one can rely on company image along with profitability but in order to be updated with
the latest information once has to follow the media, which gives the exact information time to
15.Sources of Information:
Particulars No. Of Responses Percentage
News Papers 32 32%
Annual Reports 28 28%
Share khan review 10 10%
All three 14 14%
News Paper &Annual Reports 10 10%
News Channels 6 6%

Total 100 100%

Total 100%

News Channels 6%

News Paper &Annual Reports 10%


All three 14%

14 Percentage
No. Of Responses
Share khan review 10%

Annual Reports 28%


News Papers 32%


0 20 40 60 80 100 120


INTERPRETATION:In combination with other sources of information by Share khan, the

study reveals that newspapers and annual reports are the most popular sources of information.
Both of which used by 76% of the investors whither independently reviews and technical
analysis from various web sites are also popular sources of information used by 26% of traders.
Thought he newspapers give the information and the status, the Share khan reviews and the
websites analysis along with the follow of media gives the running information.

The investment decision of investors is influenced by their own decision and through friends &

 Majority of investors invest only upto 10% of their annual income in share market.

 ICICI Bank Ltd has a great competition with other broking agencies like upstox, 5paisa, Indian
bulls, etc. because they are also using new technologies to retain customers.

 The number of players is increasing at a steady rate and today there are over a dozen of
brokerage houses who have opted to offer net trading to their customer and prominent among
them are SMC Global Securities, India bulls, Kotakstreet, Karvy.

 Investor’s perception changes with the fluctuations in share market.

 From the Research youth people are interested in investing in stock market.

 Investors have interest to invest in steady and fastgrowing shares.


• Allocation of news in such a way that SMC Global Securities Ltd maintain a consistency level

throughout the month.

• Can improve in that areas where service provide by other major competitors is very strong in this


• To increase the awareness level of the company among the public.

• 24*7 customer support can increase its value.

• The company must spread the awareness to its clients for the service like F&O Equities to

increase the satisfaction level of clients as we have find that there is positive aspect between the

satisfaction level of services provided by ICICI Bank success in online trading.


In today’s scenario when all services are going to be online or in electronic form ICICI Bank

Ltd. Is creating awareness of online trading so that the client can trade from anywhere from the

World. ICICI Bank Ltd. takes care of client portfolio and whenever the value of his/her portfolio

will decrease by 30% then that client is always informed by his/her relationship Manager.

SMC Global Securities is a company that has helped in handling a vast amount of transactions

and this can be an efficient trading, delivering, settlement system with adequate protection to


The introduction of on-line trading would influence the investors resulting in an increase in the

business of the exchange. Due to invention of online trading there has been greater benefit to the

investors as they could sell / buy shares as and when required and that to with online trading.

The broker’s has a greater scope than compared to the earlier times because of invention of

online trading.

 www.sumpoornaonline.com
 www.investopedia.com
 www.bseindia.com
 www.nseindia.com
 www.moneycontrol.com

 The Times of India
 The Economic Times

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