Tryptophan Oxidation of A Monoclonal Antibody Under Diverse Oxidative Stress Conditions

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Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 110 (2021) 719-726

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Drug Discovery-Development Interface

Tryptophan Oxidation of a Monoclonal Antibody Under Diverse

Oxidative Stress Conditions: Distinct Oxidative Pathways Favor
Specific Tryptophan Residues
Alex W. Jacobitz, Qian Liu, Sreekanth Suravajjala**, Neeraj J. Agrawal*

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Tryptophan oxidation can play an important role in selecting therapeutic monoclonal antibodies for
Received 7 April 2020 commercialization. Monoclonal antibodies that harbor particularly sensitive tryptophan residues are
Revised 14 October 2020 typically discarded in favor of oxidation resistant antibodies. The susceptibility of any individual tryp-
Accepted 19 October 2020
tophan residue to oxidation is typically evaluated through forced degradation studies during the
Available online 23 October 2020
molecule development process. We compared the results of several common forced degradation “stress
tests” for each tryptophan residue in a monoclonal antibody and found that high-stress oxidation con-
Oxidation(s) ditions consistently provide a different ranking of oxidative sensitivity across the individual tryptophan
Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry residues compared to long-term thermal stability or low-stress conditions. We subsequently determined
(LC-MS) that this difference in ranking is largely due to an overabundance of double oxidation (i.e. detected
Monoclonal antibody(s) as þ32 Da) of specific tryptophan residues under high stress conditions compared to single oxidation
Developability screening
Photodegradation (i.e. þ16 Da). We posit that this double oxidation is in fact mechanistically distinct from the observed
Chemical stability single oxidation and that high stress conditions favor the double oxidation mechanism (and double
oxidation sensitive tryptophan residues) while single oxidation appears to be the primary mode of
oxidation under H2O2 stress and long-term thermal stability and favors different tryptophan residues
which are more susceptible to the single oxidation mechanism.
© 2020 American Pharmacists Association®. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction increased safety and efficacy. For a drug candidate to be suitable for
therapeutic use it must be sufficiently resistant to all forms of
Oxidation is a chemical modification that affects many proteins degradation such that it can be manufactured, stored, shipped, and
by modifying the side chains of susceptible amino acids. Cysteine, administered to the patient without a considerable loss in potency
methionine, tryptophan, histidine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine are or altered safety profile. Oxidation of mAbs has been shown to
all susceptible to oxidative degradation under biologically relevant reduce their stability and decrease FcRn binding5 which could
conditions to various extents.1 Tryptophan oxidation is arguably the reduce the longevity of the drug both in storage and in the body.
most complex of these, as this amino acid can degrade via multiple Tryptophan oxidation in particular can be a significant impediment
pathways resulting in various oxidation products including oxindo- to developing mAbs because tryptophan residues can often be
lealanine, (4, 5, 6, or 7)-hydroxytryptophan, dioxindolealanine, critical for binding to the desired target, and because those critical
kynurenine, N-formylkynurenine and several others.2,3 tryptophan residues are often the most susceptible to oxidation.6,7
Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) currently make up roughly half During the drug development process, mAbs are typically sub-
of all FDA approved biologics and have accounted for > 70% of jected to oxidative stress tests to predict whether or not a particular
biologic approvals since 2015.4 Given this growing prominence in tryptophan residue will be susceptible to oxidation during
the marketplace, there is an increased focus on understanding the manufacturing or long-term storage.1,5,6,8,9 A wide variety of
critical quality attributes of mAbs in order to develop products with physical and chemical stress conditions have been reported to
stress test tryptophan oxidation including visible and UV light,6
2,20 -azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH),5,10
H2O2,5,10,11 tert-butyl-hydroperoxide (tBHP),5,8,10 and ozone.6 In
* Corresponding author.
the literature, various groups have seemingly chosen their own
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S. Suravajjala), favorite stress conditions, but despite the criticality of this predic-
(N.J. Agrawal). tion, there is no clear consensus in the field to indicate which
0022-3549/© 2020 American Pharmacists Association®. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
720 A.W. Jacobitz et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 110 (2021) 719-726

methodology is most valuable for predicting oxidation under Photostress from UV light can also induce tryptophan oxidation via
manufacturing conditions, and there are few examples of direct an additional mechanism wherein the tryptophan residue directly
comparisons of these different stress conditions. absorbs UV radiation to become photoionized and then resolves
Oxidation of tryptophan residues is mechanistically distinct this radical state through transfer of the radical to dissolved oxy-
from other oxidation prone amino acids in that it is reportedly only gen,17 or to water,18 generating reactive oxygen species, and ulti-
susceptible to oxidation from free radicals and excited state oxygen mately yielding an oxidized tryptophan species.6,19
species, and not via the nucleophilic mechanism that leaves some To better understand these oxidation stress conditions, we
residues vulnerable to oxidation by peroxides3,5,10 (See Fig. 1 for performed forced oxidation of a single mAb under several different
primary degradation pathways). Nonetheless, several reports uti- oxidation conditions and determined the oxidation level of all
lize tBHP5,8,10 or H2O25,10,11 as an oxidation stress for tryptophan, tryptophan residues by peptide mapping. We then compared the
because these peroxides are thought to closely mimic the potential results of each of these site-specific tryptophan oxidation profiles
for peroxide formation from decomposition of polysorbate,1,12 a and propose a mechanistic hypothesis for the observed partitioning
common additive in formulation buffers, and because H2O2 is of these stress tests into two distinct groups.
sometimes used in the cleaning of certain surfaces in the
manufacturing process. In some cases, tBHP or H2O2 stress is Experimental Methods
coupled with the addition of soluble iron or copper as a catalyst for
free radical production which is thought to mimic the leaching of Antibody Production
metals off of the surface of bioreactors or other in-process contact
surfaces.1,10 Another common chemical additive, AAPH, can directly Monoclonal antibodies were produced recombinantly using an
generate alkyl-peroxides and radical oxygen species which are in-house mammalian expression system and purified by standard
thought to simulate the auto-oxidation breakdown products of chromatographic methods.
polysorbate.5,10,13 These radical oxygen species have been shown
computationally2 and via numerous experiments1,5,10 to be capable Chemical Oxidation
of modifying susceptible tryptophan residues to very high levels.
The alkyl peroxides generated during the decomposition of AAPH All oxidations were performed on an antibody at 5 mg/mL in
can catalyze the formation of radical tryptophan species14,15 which 10 mM sodium acetate pH 5.2, at room temperature, in the dark. For
are highly susceptible to attack by superoxide (O 2 ) which would AAPH oxidation experiments, AAPH (Sigma) was added to a final
otherwise be a very inefficient reactant for oxidizing tryptophan.16 concentration of 5 mM and allowed to incubate at room

Hydroxyl Radical Mediated Pathway

+ + + +

Tryptophan OH˙
~60% ~15% ~11% ~7% ~7%
oxindolealanine 4-hydroxytryptophan 7-hydroxytryptophan 5-hydroxytryptophan 6-hydroxytryptophan

5 3a 3 Superoxide (O2-) or Singlet Oxygen (1O2) Mediated Pathway
6 1

ν , or

. O

N-formylkynurenine kynurenine


Fig. 1. Main tryptophan oxidation mechanisms. Oxidative degradation of tryptophan proceeds through two main pathways: the hydroxyl radical mediated pathway (top) and the
superoxide/singlet oxygen mediated pathway (bottom). The hydroxyl radical mediated pathway produces oxindolealanine or several hydroxy-tryptophan molecules in a defined
ratio. The precise series of intermediates in the superoxide or singlet oxygen pathway (bottom) is somewhat more controversial but the stable products of the reaction, dioxin-
dolealanine, N-formylkynurenine, and kynurenine are well established, although the ratio of products is still unknown.
A.W. Jacobitz et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 110 (2021) 719-726 721

temperature for up to 48 h. For H2O2 oxidation experiments, H2O2 Homology Modeling and Molecular Dynamics Simulations
(Sigma) was added to a final concentration of 0.1% (28 mM) and
allowed to incubate at room temperature for up to 24 h. Reactions Homology model of the Fv domain was generated using the
were quenched by addition of L-tryptophan and L-methionine to a Antibody Modeling Cascade tool of Discovery Studio software
final concentration of 5 mg/mL each, then frozen. (Dassault Syste mes Biovia Corp) and a 20 ns molecular dynamics
simulation was performed on this model using the AceMD soft-
Light Induced Oxidation ware21 as described in our previous work.22 From this molecular
dynamics trajectory, frames were extracted at every 100 ps be-
Oxidation by light was conducted by placing 200 mL of 5 mg/mL tween the 5 and 20 ns time-points of the trajectory for the solvent
antibody in 10 mM sodium acetate pH 5.2 into clear glass vials and accessible surface area (SASA) calculation. The average SASA of each
subjecting them to UV light for up to 1200 W*hrs/m2 over 5 days, to tryptophan side chain over the molecular dynamics trajectory was
cool white light for up to 1.2 Mlux*hrs over 5 days, or to a combi- calculated in the VMD software23 using a water molecule as a probe
nation of 1.2 Mlux*hrs of cool white light and 200 W*hrs/m2 of UV (radius 1.4 Å).
light based on the ICH Harmonized Tripartite Guideline for Pho-
tostability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products.20 All ex- Results
periments were conducted at room temperature, and oxidation was
terminated by moving samples to darkness. Tryptophan Oxidation Induced by Various Stress Conditions Reveals
that Stress Conditions Fall into Two Distinct Groups

Long-Term Thermal Stability Oxidation Given the wide array of tryptophan oxidation stress conditions
employed in the literature, we were interested in understanding
The antibody was stressed at 40  C for up to 54 weeks and how site-specific tryptophan oxidation levels might correlate to
further stored at 70  C until analysis. one another. To this end, we performed stress tests on a single
antibody (mAb1) using 5 different methods garnered from the lit-
Mass Spectrometry erature5e7,9,14,20 and then examined site-specific tryptophan
oxidation levels via peptide mapping (Fig. 2). We obtained com-
Samples (500 mg) were denatured by diluting to a final con- plete coverage of all tryptophan residues in the antibody and found
centration of 1 mg/mL into denaturing buffer containing 5.5 M detectable levels of oxidation (% modified > 0.1%) on 4 unique
guanidine-HCl, 0.20 M Tris HCl, pH 8.3. Denatured samples were tryptophan residues in the molecule, heavy chain (HC) residues
reduced by adding 0.5 M dithiothreitol (DTT) to a final concentra- W_H-FR2.1, W_H-CDR2, and W_H-CDR3 and light chain (LC) res-
tion of 9 mM and incubated at 27  C for 23 min. Post reduction, the idue W_L-CDR2, (FR: framework and CDR: complementarity
samples were alkylated using 0.5 M sodium iodoacetate (NaIace- determining region) see Table 1 for complete list of tryptophan
tate) and incubating in dark at room temperature for 19 min. residues and their positions in the molecule). Site-specific trypto-
Reduced, alkylated samples were then buffer-exchanged into phan oxidation levels for each of these oxidation-sensitive trypto-
50 mM Tris, pH 8.3 using NAP-5® columns to a final concentration phan residues under each condition, assayed in duplicate, are
of 0.7 mg/mL. Trypsin digestion was achieved by using a ratio of shown in Fig. 2a. None of the constant domain tryptophan residues
1:10 (enzyme:sample) and incubating at 37  C for 35 min. The re- undergo a detectable level of oxidation under any conditions tested.
action was terminated by addition of 20% trifluoroacetic acid to a CDR tryptophan residues on the other hand are much more sus-
final concentration of 0.3% (v/v). The digested samples were ceptible to oxidation, consistent with previous accounts in the
analyzed by liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry literature.6,8 Specifically, we detected high levels of oxidation (>5%)
(LC-MS/MS). The LC-MS/MS system consisted of a UPLC system under several stress conditions for tryptophan residues located in
connected in-line to a Thermo Scientific Fusion Lumos mass spec- HC CDR2 and HC CDR3, and a moderate level of oxidation (>1%) for
trometer. A polymeric column was used to separate the peptides the tryptophan in LC CDR2. We also detected low levels of trypto-
with the column temperature at 50  C under typical reverse phase phan oxidation in one framework tryptophan in HC FR2 (between
conditions. The gradient started with 0% B for 10 min followed by 0.1% and 0.5%). Across all of the high oxidative-stress conditions
linear gradient of 0.25%/min over 180 min using flow rate of 0.2 mL/ (AAPH, white light, UV, UV þ white light), W_H-CDR2 appears to be
min with 6 mg sample load on column. Data acquisition was per- the most susceptible to oxidation, with oxidation levels measuring
formed in positive mode using data-dependent acquisition (cycle as high as 95% under AAPH stress. It is worth reiterating that
time of 2 s). MS1 resolution was set to 120,000 with a scan range of though it has been used as a stress in other publications,5,10,11 H2O2
250e2000 m/z. MS2 were acquired at 60,000 resolution using alone is thought to be incapable of directly oxidizing tryptophan
normalized collision energy of 30. Automatic gain control was set to given the current understanding of the tryptophan oxidation
4E5 and maximum injection time was set to 200 ms. Relative mechanism which indicates that excited state oxygen (singlet ox-
quantitation was performed using Skyline v. For each ygen, 1O2) or radical oxygen (superoxide, O 2 ) are required, since
molecule, a workbook was created containing unoxidized, i.e. tryptophan lacks the requisite nucleophile to attack a peroxide in
native, and oxidized versions of all tryptophan-containing tryptic the way that cysteine or methionine can.5,10 It is plausible that H2O2
peptides. Total area of unoxidized and oxidized peptides was oxidation of tryptophan residues is achieved instead through trace
determined by extracting ion chromatograms of 2 charge states per amounts of contaminating metals that can react with H2O2 to
peptide (3 isotopes per charge state). Acceptance criteria for each stimulate the production of radical oxygen species. In our studies,
peptide charge state were mass accuracy of 5 ppm and isotopic dot we do see a slight increase in oxidation for the H2O2 stress relative
product of 0.9. For some peptides, particularly at t0 time points, to control, but it does not reach nearly the same level of oxidation
isotopic dot products for one of the charge states were less than 0.9. or share the same rank order of susceptible tryptophan residues
In these instances, only a single charge state was used for relative that the other stress conditions achieve (W_H-CDR2 > W_H-
quantitation. Modification percentages were calculated by dividing CDR3 > W_L-CDR2 > W_H-FR2.1). H2O2 oxidation instead sees the
the total area of the oxidized peptide by the sum of total areas from highest oxidation at W_H-CDR3, followed by W_L-CDR2, W_H-
the oxidized and unoxidized peptides. CDR2, then W_H-FR2.1. Under long-term thermal stability we again
722 A.W. Jacobitz et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 110 (2021) 719-726

Fig. 2. Total oxidation of each tryptophan residue under various conditions. (a) Results from each assay are shown as a group of bars with each oxidation sensitive tryptophan
represented as a different color bar. Tryptophan residues that do not show any detectable oxidation under any conditions are excluded for clarity. Error bars are the standard
deviations of the measurements repeated in duplicate. (b) Example scatterplot showing the correlation between t54w long-term thermal stability and white light induced
oxidation. (c) Correlation matrix showing r2 correlation coefficients between all experimentally measured conditions and with solvent accessible surface area (SASA) represented as
an average across multiple short MD simulations.

detect the highest level of oxidation in W_H-CDR3, consistent with compared to each other, with all but one pair sharing an r2 > 0.9,
H2O2 stress, and with the t0 sample. We consider this thermal stress indicating that all of these high-stress conditions behave similarly.
sample to be a good indicator of long-term storage stability, espe- In addition to these experimental values, we also looked at the
cially as a potential model of a “worst case scenario” to indicate the correlation coefficients between each of these samples and the
maximum possible oxidation we might expect to see under long- solvent accessible surface area (SASA) of each tryptophan side chain
term storage. We choose 40C since it is well below the average represented as an average over a short MD simulation (Fig. 2c). We
Tm of mAbs, which is typically >70C, meaning we do not expect this see very strong correlations between long-term thermal stability
condition to be significantly affected by unfolding effects. This and SASA, but not with any of the high-stress conditions and SASA,
position is further supported for mAb1 by the fact that the oxida- which runs contrary to some existing literature.24,25
tion rate for all tryptophan residues is linear over the entire 54w
time course (Fig. S1), indicating that cooperative unfolding does not Individual Tryptophan Oxidation Species Detected by LCMS
take place even at longer time points at this temperature. We Correlate Well WithLong-Term Thermal Stability
generated a correlation matrix (Fig. 2c) by comparing the site-
specific oxidation levels across every possible pair of conditions Given that we observed high correlations between all possible
(see example in Fig. 2b). This matrix reveals an interesting di- pairs of high-stress conditions (group 1), as well as high correla-
chotomy where t0 and long-term thermal stability samples corre- tions between t0, low-stress (H2O2), long-term thermal stability
late very well with each other (coefficient of determination conditions and SASA (group 2) but low correlations between any
(r2) > 0.95) and with the H2O2 stress condition, which seems to be two conditions across those two groups, we sought to understand
an extremely low-stress condition, but correlate comparatively the source of this significant discrepancy. Towards this end, we
poorly with all other stress conditions (r2 < 0.7). The remaining dissected the data into the 3 constituent components that were
stress conditions (all but H2O2) have r2 values above 0.7 when detected via peptide mapping, referred to herein as single oxidation
(þ16 Da), double oxidation (þ32 Da) and Kynurenine (þ4 Da)
Table 1
(Fig. 3a). These components could not be further characterized into
Tryptophan Residues in mAb1. specific oxidized tryptophan species, i.e. single oxidation could
imply a single oxidation being added anywhere to the tryptophan
Chain Position Residue Name
residue (2,4,5,6 or 7-hydroxytryptophan), and double oxidation
Heavy FR2 W_H-FR2.1 could be one of several products of the direct addition of molecular
FR2 W_H-FR2.2
oxygen at a single site (e.g. dioxindolealanine, or N-for-
CDR3 W_H-CDR3 mylkynurenine), or could conceivably be 2 individual oxygens
FR4 W_H-FR4 added sequentially to two distinct locations (e.g. 5,6-
CH1 W_HeCH1 dihydroxytryotophan), although we expect this latter scenario to
CH2 W_HeCH2.1
be statistically improbable. Interrogating the data in this manner
CH2 W_HeCH2.2
CH3 W_HeCH3.1 reveals a clear difference between the amount of double oxidation
CH3 W_HeCH3.2 detected at individual residues (Fig. 3a green bars) compared to the
Light FR2 W_L-FR2 level of single oxidation species detected at those same residues
CDR2 W_L-CDR2 (Fig. 3a red bars). There is an obvious trend towards higher levels of
double oxidation under all high stress conditions compared to what
A.W. Jacobitz et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 110 (2021) 719-726 723

Fig. 3. LCMS analysis of individual components of tryptophan oxidation show a considerable bias to double oxidation events under high oxidative stress conditions, compared to
H2O2 and long-term thermal stress. (a) LCMS results grouped by condition, with a bar for each residue. Bars for each residue are broken down into the individual oxidized species
that were detected: single oxidation (þ16) in red, double oxidation (þ32) in green, and kynurenine (þ4) in yellow. (b-d) Example plots showing site-specific oxidation levels after
long-term thermal stability (t54w) vs. oxidation levels under white light stress for each individual oxidation component, single, double, and kynurenine, in (b, c, and d), respectively.
(e) Correlation matrix showing r2 correlation coefficients for each stress condition compared to t54w long-term thermal stability samples when split into individual oxidation
components, and with y intercept set to 0. (f) Table of line of best fit slopes from individual oxidation components under each condition when graphed against t54w long-term
thermal stability data and with y intercept set to 0.

is seen in long-term thermal stability or the H2O2 low-stress con- each high-stress condition follow a fairly consistent pattern where
dition. With this trend now visible we next explored the correla- the r2 for single oxidation is generally quite high, while correlations
tions between individual oxidation components (single, double, or with double oxidation and kynurenine are generally much lower
kynurenine) one at a time between the different stress tests and (Fig. 3e). In addition, the slopes of these best fit lines also follow a
long-term thermal stability (examples in Fig. 3bed). The correla- consistent pattern wherein the single oxidation slopes are all much
tion coefficients between long-term thermal stability samples and larger than double oxidation or kynurenine slopes indicating that
724 A.W. Jacobitz et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 110 (2021) 719-726

Fig. 4. By considering single, double, and kynurenine oxidations individually, overall equations were developed to approximate total oxidation under long-term thermal stability
based on any one of the tested oxidation methods. Each graph represents total site-specific oxidation levels determined from 54 week long-term thermal stability, compared to the
specified oxidation stress test after each oxidation component has been adjusted individually as in Equation (1). The dashed line on each plot is y ¼ x. Root mean square error
(RMSE) values are displayed on each graph.

the single oxidation species evolve to more consistent levels be- summing the components to get a single value for total oxidation at
tween stress and thermal stability samples, but the double oxida- that residue (Eq. (1)). The main effect of this approach is to signif-
tion and kynurenine species tend to grow to much higher levels icantly reduce the influence of the double oxidation component in
under high-stress than under thermal stability. This difference the adjusted total oxidation result. We developed individual
between these component slopes is extremely variable from one equations following this methodology for each stress test. The re-
type of oxidation to the next which suggests that there are differ- sults of applying these corrective equations to each stress test are
ences in the oxidation mechanisms for each type of stress which shown in Fig. 4 and demonstrate very close approximations to the
contribute to the differences in the detected levels of each total oxidation levels seen under long-term thermal stability. Our
component oxidation species (vide infra). ultimate goal with this type of analysis would be to predict
oxidation levels under manufacturing conditions or long-term
Deconstructing Site-Specific Oxidation into Individual Components storage from any individual stress-test, but given that our data
Enables Development of Equations to More Appropriately Compare set is based on a single mAb and long-term thermal stability here is
Site Specific Tryptophan Oxidation Under Each Stress Condition to used as a stand in for long term-storage, it would be presumptive to
Long-Term Thermal Stability assume these equations would allow us to predict long-term stor-
age for this or other mAbs. We hope to be able to validate this
Once it had been established that the individual oxidation analysis with additional data in the future in order to arrive at a
components behaved differently under stress compared to long- broadly applicable predictive solution.
term thermal stability, we wondered whether we could use this
information to generate an equation that would individually adjust Total long  term thermal stability Ox
Equation 1
the three oxidation components such that the total tryptophan ¼ sOx*msOx þ dOx*mdOx þ Kyn*mKyn
oxidation levels from each stress test could be shown to correlate
with oxidation under long-term thermal stability. To accomplish
this, we simply took the slope of each line of best fit from plots of
long-term thermal stability vs. each stress test, for each individual sOx ¼the level of measured single oxidation (þ16 Da) from a
oxidation component (i.e. the slope from a graph of the type given stress test.
exemplified in Fig. 3bed) and used it as a coefficient to apply to msOx ¼ the slope of a line of best fit between the single oxidation
each component measurement from our stress test data before component (þ16 Da) of the given stress and the single oxidation
A.W. Jacobitz et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 110 (2021) 719-726 725

component (þ16 Da) of the t54w long-term thermal stability tryptophan. We see considerably more of the þ32 Da double
sample. oxidation species in our high stress conditions compared to what is
dOx ¼ the level of measured double oxidation (þ32 Da) from a seen in long-term thermal stability or H2O2 stress, and these high
given stress test. stress conditions all seem to share a consistent ranking (W_H-
mdOx ¼ the slope of a line of best fit between the double CDR2 > W_H-CDR3 > W_L-CDR2 > W_H-FR2.1) (Fig. 3a). On the
oxidation (þ32 Da) component of the given stress and the other hand, long-term thermal stability and H2O2 stress conditions
double oxidation (þ32 Da) component of the t54w long-term strongly favor single oxidation over double oxidation and they favor
thermal stability sample. oxidation at different residues (W_H-CDR3 > W_L-CDR2 > W_H-
Kyn ¼ the level of measured kynurenine (þ4 Da) from a given CDR2 > W_H-FR2.1). In addition, the levels of single oxidation
stress test. detected in the long-term thermal stability sample add up to the
mKyn ¼ the slope of a line of best fit between the kynurenine second highest single oxidation level across the entire dataset
(þ4 Da) component of the given stress and the kynurenine (second only to AAPH stress), but this sample has a lower level of
(þ4 Da) oxidation component of the t54w long-term thermal double oxidation than any of the high stress conditions. This in-
stability sample. dicates that double oxidation is not just a result of higher oxidative
stress leading to stepwise addition of one oxygen, then another. If
Discussion that were true, we would see residues build up single oxidation
before transitioning to double oxidation at higher oxidative stress
Monoclonal antibodies are an increasingly important class of levels. Instead, we see individual residues that are more susceptible
pharmaceutical molecules and understanding their main sources of to only one type of oxidation or the other across all stress conditions.
degradation is imperative for developing stable functional mAb W_H-CDR2 for instance doesn't see any detectable single oxidation,
based therapeutics. Tryptophan oxidation is a very common source despite being exceptionally sensitive to double oxidation across all
of pharmaceutical mAb degradation and is largely found in the CDR conditions tested. W_H-CDR3 on the other hand always maintains a
regions, which are the most important regions of the mAb for considerable portion of its total oxidation as single oxidation, even
defining specificity and potency. Oxidation of tryptophan residues under the highest oxidative stress condition (AAPH). This residue
at these key positions has been shown to disrupt binding in- also yields different relative levels of single and double oxidation
teractions and increase aggregation.5,6 To determine if a particular depending on the stress condition. Under t54w long-term thermal
pharmaceutical candidate is susceptible to tryptophan oxidation, a stability and AAPH stress, W_H-CDR3 has nearly identical levels of
number of stress conditions are commonly employed. By directly single oxidation, but it develops considerably more double-oxidation
comparing several of these stress conditions to each other and to under AAPH stress. Based on these collective observations, it seems
SASA for mAb1 we have uncovered a surprising trend where site- likely that the high-stress methods are preferentially stimulating the
specific oxidation levels for all high-stress conditions correlate superoxide/singlet oxygen pathway to yield þ32 Da products (Fig. 1.
well with each other, but correlate poorly with low oxidative stress Bottom pathway), whereas the low-stress and long-term thermal
conditions, (H2O2) and long-term thermal stability. We also found stability conditions are seemingly favoring the hydroxyl radical
that these latter conditions, H2O2 and thermal stress, correlate well mechanism that largely yields þ16 Da products (Fig. 1. Top pathway).
with SASA, while the high-stress conditions do not. We have The precise mechanism for hydroxyl radical generation under these
additionally shown that this clear separation into two distinct H2O2 and thermal-stability tests is not known, but hydrogen
groups appears to be based on a substantial preference for the high peroxide is known to decompose to generate hydroxyl radicals in the
stress conditions to overstimulate double oxidation (detected presence of trace metal contaminants and we believe this is the most
as þ32 Da by MS) compared to single oxidation (þ16 Da), and that likely pathway to account for the observed behavior. For thermal
an equation to approximate long-term thermal stability from each stress conditions, the mechanism is even less obvious, but it is
individual stress test can be developed by individually considering possible that over long incubations, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl
each separately detectable component of total tryptophan oxida- radicals are generated spontaneously at the air water interface as has
tion (single oxidation, double oxidation, and kynurenine). been demonstrated in water microdroplets previously.29 We suspect
This considerable discrepancy between the two groupings of the difference in susceptibility of an individual tryptophan to one
data, high stress conditions with high double oxidation vs. long-term mechanism over the other is largely related to a combination of the
thermal stability and H2O2 (low oxidative-stress) showing higher solvent accessibility of the phenyl ring, vs. the pyrrole ring (and more
single oxidation than double oxidation, might be based on a pref- specifically the C2 carbon) of the sidechain, combined with the
erence for different pathways in the mechanism. The tryptophan subtleties of the local electrostatic environment surrounding an in-
oxidation mechanism is complex (Fig. 1) and has multiple distinct dividual tryptophan sidechain.
pathways, with largely distinct products. The hydroxyl radical (OH_) Oxidative stress testing of pharmaceutical candidates is generally
mediated pathway generates hydroxy-tryptophan, with the hy- performed to understand the potential risk associated with a given
droxyl group being added to a number of possible sites with a site on the protein, and to develop stability indicating analytical
preference of ~3:2 for addition to the pyrrole ring over the phenyl methods. By understanding the subtle differences in each of these
ring.2,26 Attack at the pyrrole ring preferentially adds to position C2, different tryptophan oxidation stress conditions pharmaceutical
while attack on the phenyl ring adds to C4,5,6,7 in a ratio of 4:2:2:3, companies can more appropriately assess the outcomes of an indi-
respectively.2,26 Tryptophan can also be oxidized by singlet oxygen vidual stress test and what that might mean for the commercializa-
(1O2), or by superoxide (O 2 ) via Trp radical,
and this proceeds tion of a candidate molecule. In this study, we observed a clear
through a distinct mechanistic path with distinct products. This dissociation between site-specific tryptophan oxidation levels under
second pathway adds two oxygens to the tryptophan sidechain in a high-stress and oxidation under lower oxidative stress that is likely
single pass, and to our knowledge, has only ever been observed to the result of different oxidative pathways preferentially oxidizing
take place at C2 and C3 positions of the pyrrole ring, and is not ex- different tryptophan residues. This apparent pathway preference not
pected to modify the phenyl ring.2,27,28 There are several products of only effects the type of component oxidation that is detected for the
this reaction that are generally stable enough for detection, N- residue, but also the absolute ranking of oxidative susceptibility
formyl-kynurenine and dioxindolealanine each with a mass shift across different tryptophan residues. This latter effect is perhaps the
of þ32 Da, and kynurenine, with a mass shift of þ4 Da relative to most pertinent to pharmaceutical development as an overemphasis
726 A.W. Jacobitz et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 110 (2021) 719-726

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