Bread and Pastry

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Bread and Pastry Production NC II

Centennial Jiryl Alpuerto Orosca

1. How do you measure 2 ¾ cups of flour?

Measure 2 cups using a measuring that is labeled for 2 cups. For the 3/4 cup, use the 1/4 cup
three times.

2. What is the function of flour, fat (butter, lard, margarine) sugar, and yeast?

Flour provides the structure for the product. The gluten (or protein) in flour, combines to form
a web that traps air bubbles. Fats and sugars help prevent gluten formation. There is also some
simple sugar available in flour and this feeds the yeast.

3. Why do you pre-heat the oven?

It allows time to reach the correct temperature before you put anything in the oven.

4. For how long do you pre-heat the oven?

It usually takes 12-15 minutes.

5. What is the difference between margarine and butter?

Margarine is a blend of oils that are mostly unsaturated fat. Butter is made from cream or milk.

6. How do you carry a heavy load?

Lift heavy bags and loads in pairs rather than alone. Use small containers for ingredients, so
they are more portable. Use a cart to move heavy loads from place to place. Hold items close to
your middle when transporting them to avoid straining your back.

7. How do you portion petit fours?

Choose the right plate. Choose the right size of plate. Choose a complementary plate color.
QSearch for what is on trend. Serve odd amounts of food. Don't overcrowd the plate. Think
about color contrast. Create height on the plate. Use texture to enhance the dessert. Choose
edible garnishes. Place garnishes purposefully.

8. How do you serve guests in petit fours?

When serving petit fours, pay attention to presentation as this is an important part of displaying
these delicate bites. Savouries should be presented on a serving tray or plate, and never piled
on top of each other. Sweets should be presented on a small plate so that your handy work can
be on full display.

9. Where do you store bread to be used 2 days after?

It's best to keep it in the freezer. Once your loaf is totally cool, cut off whatever portion you
won't be eating within a couple of days; re-bag the remainder and return it to its room
temperature storage.

10. How do you test baked products for doneness?

The idea behind this test is you can insert a toothpick or paring knife into the center of the cake
to see if the crumb has set. If the tester comes out clean, it's done. If it comes out gummy or
with crumbs clinging to it, the cake needs more time in the oven.

11. What is the substitute for fat in baking?

Unsweetened applesauce, mashed bananas, pureed prunes, or canned pumpkin puree work
best as a fat replacement.

12. What is the difference between pie and tarts?

Pie is a baked dish featuring a fruit filling encased in dough, which is called a pie crust once
baked. A tart is a freestanding shallow open-faced pastry, often baked in a tart pan with a
removable bottom, with fluted or straight sides.

13. Define cake flour, all purpose flour and pastry flour?
Cake flour comes from varieties of soft wheat—often soft red winter wheat—and has a low
protein content (about six percent). Cake flour gets ground extra-fine, which results in a lighter,
loosely structured crumb and fluffy texture. Cake flour is ideal for baked goods with a tender
texture due to its low gluten content, which makes it easier to achieve lighter, tender textures
when baking delicate sponges, pound cakes, layer cakes, and cupcakes.Pastry flour is finely
ground flour with a low protein content (about eight percent). Pastry flour has a low gluten
content and is ideal for baked goods with a chewy, flakey, or crumbly texture, such as pie crust,
croissants, scones, tarts, or quick breads.All-purpose flour is the most commonly used type of
flour, a mid-strength, medium-gluten flour that's designed to be suitable for baking everything
from pizza doughs and crusty breads to pie crusts, cakes, cookies and pancakes.

14. What is the essence of extract in flavoring?

An extract is made by combining oil from the ingredient with an alcohol. This creates a stable,
longer-lasting flavoring agent. An essence, on the other hand, can have two distinct meanings.
It can either be an imitation extract or it can be highly concentrated form of pure extract.

15. How do you cream butter well enough?

Use an electric stand or hand mixer. Beat for 2 to 3 minutes on medium speed. Properly
creamed butter should be light and fluffy, pale yellow in color and should have increased in
volume. If the fat separates from the solids when you are creaming butter, you have gone too
far and over-mixed it.

16. How do you know egg whites beaten has reached its thick form?

When you put the container upside down and it won't fall off from the container.

17. How do you break six pieces of eggs?

Crack the eggs one by one on a clean and flat surface of the bench or working table. We can
also crack two eggs at the same time.

18. How do you scale your dough?

Using a baker's scale, divide the dough into pieces of uniform weight, according to the product
being made.
19. Why is it important to select the right pan size in baking products?

The incorrect size pan may cause your creation to run over, burn around the edges, fall in the
center, or simply appear unsightly and uneven.

20. Why do you let dough rest after kneading?

Resting the dough gives the gluten structure a chance to loosen and unwind, and it will give you
a better final product.

21. How do you plate a selection of petit fours to a guest?

When serving petit fours, pay attention to presentation as this is an important part of displaying
these delicate bites. Savouries should be presented on a serving tray or plate, and never piled
on top of each other. Sweets should be presented on a small plate so that your handy work can
be on full display.

22. What mixing methods were demonstrated in your baked products?

We used sponge and dough mixing method.

23. What is the function of flour?

It is the foundation or it provides structure of every baked products.

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