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Republic of Traa, Mistry of Education General Directorate of Curritlo Sarah MacBurnie “> Sally Rabi conta gt ft Asia das iy Hind Farooq Ath —Head of the English Curriculum Tawadud Mohammed! Ridha — Senior Education Specialist Batool Faeq Abdul Wahid —_— Senior Education Specialist Faten Fakhri Khalaf — Primary Education Supervisor Hanaa Adil All —Teacher of English, Published by Garnet Publishing Ltd 8 Southern Court, South Street, Reading RG1 4QS, UK First edition © 2017 Garnet Publishing Ltd. ‘The right of Sarah MacBurnie to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publisher. Any person who-does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. Photography: Alamy, Getty Images, iStockphoto, Shutterstock Acknowledgements: Page 15: Photograph of Kleicha reproduced with kind permission of Nawal Nasrallah, hitpZlimagicookbook com/resipesliragt cookies Page 19: Photograph of Baghdad, rasoulali / Shutterstock.com Page 38: Photograph of basketball game, Jamie Roach / Shutterstock.com Page 38: Photograph of running race, Denis Kuvaey / Shutterstock.com Page 44: Photograph of family having picnic, epa european pressphoto agency bx. /Alamy ‘Stock Photo Page 80: Photograph of roller coaster, REUTERS / Alamy Stock Photo Page 80: Photograph of super slide, REUTERS / Alamy Stock Photo Page 80: Photograph of karting, REUTERS / Alamy Stock Photo Page 80: Photograph of merry-go-round, REUTERS / Alamy Stock Photo Page 80: Photograph of big wheel, REUTERS / Alamy Stock Photo Page 82; Photograph of London souvenirs, loan Panaite / Shutterstockcom Page 94: Photograph of Royal Jordanian logo, 360b / Shutterstock.com age 94: Photograph of Qatar Airlines logo, Milos Maslanka / Shutterstock.com Page 94: Photograph of British Airways logo, Milosz Mastanka / Shutterstock.com Page 100: Photograph of Baghdad railway station, rasoulali Shutterstock.com Pages 107-108: Photograph of Egyptian market, eFesenko f Shutterstock.com IRQI7 PB SthP Book Map Vocabulary CCounthes: Tholond,Fronce. Japan, Egypt, England, roq, Tukey, Holy \Notionaliesladjeetives: Egyptian, toon, ro. English Tush, Japanese, Tho, French “Talking about countries: * ‘map, country, copia, fog, nationally « Keicha, macaroni, pandas, elephants, curry, ‘mosgoul, kangaroo * intemet, language, study * minaret, palace, coasting Adjectives: famous, high, interesting, beautiful ‘uangv990 ‘= Im from iraq, + He's/She's from Japon » Theyre from italy. + Where's Dalia from? + re Murad and Al rom Turkey? = Yes, they are / No, thay ren. “+ What nationality are you? tm Iraqi. ‘= What nationality ore they? * He's French and she's Japanese. + Where are pandas from? + Theyre from China. + Lwant to lear English because ... Rhyme Lots be trends My magazine Country information fle ee as ed vocobulery Times: 7.45 sever forty-fve, 12.00 Wwelve o'dock, at nine thiry, on Tuesday Belly oetiviios: ciean, wash clothes, cook. watch TV, help my children, see frends, go shopping ‘animals end insects» butts, ats, hes, ater, loci, bee, spider + dove, doptin horse, shark “+ animal cage, feed, od, colony, disease ‘dectives: dongerous, greed fend, ploy gentle lay, inteligen, sot! Languoge “* I's eleven ftean. + What time do you finish schoot? « | finish sehoo! at 12.30. = Mr Hadi leaves the house at seven thirty, * Wot does she do on Tuesdy?« When does she go shopping? «She goes shopping on Saturday.» When does he {ead the animals? » He feads the animots ot eleven ffeen, * Does she clean the house on Thursday? « Yes, she does. No, she doesn’. Whats a shork like? i's dangerous. » What's 0.cal lke? A cat is playful song What re thoy ko? ‘my magazine Insects in ore Project Dove protect CCS aera acannon Vecabutry ‘Sports: onnis, boxing, running, kore, cycling, swimming, football, gymnastics rowing, basketball «Keep heathy, make friends earn rues, hove fun, learn a new spon, play outside, be no team At the lub: srimming pool, playground, race Wack, sports equipment, tennis racket Weekend activities: see fm, go oo museum, play wih frends, help at home, ple in he park, have o picnic How often: = olwors,olten, sometimes, never» once @ doy, hice a week rae es © month for times o yeor Survey words: ol tte pups, most pups, only & pupils, everybady Language "Who's your fovoutta spor? «| ike swenming ond tenis, « [play football - go swimming. - Ido gymnastics « Where 0 you go swimming? - Where do you play voleybol? Where do'you do karate? =A the sports club, //I sched. « How Otten do you ga/play/do ..? » How etlen do you clean your leeth? «| chvays clean my leeth afer breaklost. « How afen o you help at home? » Twice a week on Friday and Saturday. / never help at home, » Whal time does it slat / fish? * Wht are you going to warch on Tuesday? rm going fo watch basketball Story Our sports elvb My magarine Sporls ere great Project ‘Volleyball ieee eey REVISION] Revision challenge My progress = Comels «Email a biend Language garve Voeabulary {ke feo or lemonade? « Fd preler lo, please.» Thare is any ice-cream, « There arent any strawberries.» Who! wrocie! 400 like? = Can have nwo bogs of rice,» fd lke four bananas, ‘Story Prenic bythe lake Ryne ‘Gropes ond apples Came A.guessing game Vocabulary ‘Shops: dothes shop, butcher’. shoe shop. phomocy, fu and vegetable sto, bank oy shop, bakery Prepositions: - behind, nex! 0, opposite, between « in. on, a Fam aly: ler coaster, bumper cars, merry-go-round, super slide, korling, big wheel supar swing. clowns. rides, Boby tides Souvenirs: postcard, mug, T-shin, key ring, baseball cop, dol «= Excuse the. Fn last Where's the shoe shop? «I's on Green Stree, I's behween the clothes shop and the bokery. its ‘on Red Strnet oppasite the butcher’. « | want fobuy some bread, Then go to the baker on Green street, ' Where was Rahaf a! 11.30? » She was atthe park / I the park. = Who wos of he butcher's at I oiclock? Mum wos ‘tthe butcher's. Mum was. « Where were you ot nine oclock yesterday morning? » Would you Bk fo go on the big ‘wheel « Yes. | would, / No, I wouldnt. Ifs too fast. » Nould yau lke fo.go karting? » No, thank you. i's dangerous, + Would you lice fo:see the clowns? « Yes, | would. Project ur fun day out My mogatine ‘Aun doy out 09 ‘My favourite place comme Complete the sentences Yeeobulary Seasons: wiley, spnirg, sirhmer, aur Weather: sunny, hot, dry, cold, rary, cloudy, cool mi, warm, windy, humid ‘Traveling: + fight, cipert, mounioins, morshes, beach, market» by car, by rain. by plane, by feryboot (coe emesis eae nena spe sunny and very hot. «We didnt take any photos because i was windy. «Lost sumymer, we went fo Vist our grondporenis in Basta. «For our mid-year holdoy, we wen! fo he mountains, + Im going fo give my grandmother sippers «ought you some flawers. + Thank you, theyre lovely, « The red bog Is mine. » My tedd/'s bag is blue ond white. ++ fs your book. / Is yours. + I's her pencil case. / I's hers. « Whose big block bag is this? « it's his black bag. / I's hes, Project Favourte holiday My magazine How we travel Story Koram’s dream Cea aace eer Revision challenge ? My Progress “+ Email oa friend » Rayan's holiday quiz song ‘Our Goodbye Pay Your dictionary poge ee. I’m from ... > (7) Look, listen and say. > Write the country names on the map. CB FT &s a Gm ew 2 oD > Ask and answer. Point to the country. Hil We are Murad and Ali, We aren't from Haly. We're from Turkey. Firas isn’t from Japan. He's from Iraq. Yes, they are. 7 a q e Ali from Turkey? 7 ) SS m Let's check he is. is | he * | she is. ane he isn’t. from Iraq? "| she isn’t. they are. they i they aren't. we re] you ‘Se. This is my flag & (9) Listen and match, a i ii = J Enzo Hiroshi and Dalia Kanda = Amy and Minoru Joy Thailand Japan France Egypt England Htaly Talk about the children. Peter isn't from France. He's from England. Yes. Amy and Joy ore from France, > Talk about yourself, This is my flag. I'm from J love my country. & Read and complete. 1 Dalia isn’t from 2 She from. 3 I’m not from 41 ei) Look, listen and say. Is Dalia pr? | Gr Are Hiroshi and = Minoru from Thailand? ' a 6 e.. My nationality ee) Listen, match and write the numbers. Leyte) Japan ttalian el English Thailand Lage lata =} oa) cos se og Japanese uo 2 : Secococes E : > England v > Look, listen and say. Ap What nationality are you? OOO000000 Look and complete. ) What __nationality she _____—? '\e oes ‘a He 9 What TF 2 — = She _—__—_—<_————____—_____ ? What _—_—_—_——"' They — $$$ i = What nationality are you? ak Are Amy and Joy French? Se. Where’s it from? i) Listen and say these words. Asi _] biel > Read the instructions. * Ask about where foods and animals are from @ This is a survey ®* First, let's say the word © Then think of your answers * Now ask three partners and write their answers © Are their answers the same as yours? P Ask your partners. Whereis Kleicha from? ) Where are pandas from? ® od 7) Listen and check your answers. { P tor Project b> Look at the mini project that the class did, Look at the blue words. What's wrong? Kleicha is a very famous Thai cookie. We love kleicha. Masgouf is a popular Iraqi food, and we often eat it on Friday. Curry is from France, but we eat curry in Iraq too. Our class favourite food is chicken curry. A famous Japanese food is macaroni. We like macaroni with tomatoes and cheese. Elephants are from England and Asia. Kangaroos are from Australia, and pandas are from Italy. > Write the mini project again. Draw pictures to make it look nice. ‘@-. Learning English P Read and match the pictures with the sentences. 1 Twant to study in the English language. 2 There are lots of books in English, 4 There are lots of songs in English. 5 Twant to travel to other countries. O O Lots of people in the world speak English Oo O O O 6 There is a lot of English on the internet. Think and discuss re) Listen. Why do you want to learn English? Tee eo aL) Ce eu es Pee dre od and songs are in English, too. want to learn estate English because .. lots of people ee ieee ()} ees a) LOR a Md | O ish a lot. & What do you think? Read and tick (/). ® Discuss with a partner. P Read and write the names of the places under the photos. Hello! My name is Jake and I'm English. England is in Europe. | live in London. London is the Capital of England, There are lots of interesting places to see, Look at my photos, My favourite is the London Eye. tis a very big wheel. This photo is of a bridge called Tower Bridge. It is very old. This photo is of the palace where the Queen lives, Pac AC any Mumbai. tt is the biggest city, but the capital of India is New Delhi. This is a photo of ee ae iG In the photo you can see me at school with my best friend. Her name is Riya. She is on the right. L De eR DC Aer) ea mum and my little Rene id 7 > 6°) Listen to the children talking about their countries. ‘ j ‘@- Check my understanding ® Read the ‘Country information file’ again and tick (7) CES or GE. Yes MM No | 1 Jake is French. i 2 The capital of India is Mumbai. I © 3 The London Eye is a big wheel. oO © 4 The Taj Mahal is a famous palace in London. Ey G 5 Tanvi is Indian. oo ©o © Riya is Tanvi’s best friend. (ey) oO 7 Mumbai is bigger than New Delhi. eo 8 Tower Bridge isn’t very old eS fo © Use the information file to complete the sentences about Lebanon. Languages: Arabic, French, English Interesting facts: Lebanon has 225 kilometres of sea coastline. The cedar tree is the symbol of Lebanon, 1 The capital of Lebanon ee 2 The Lebanese people speak 3 Lebanon has of sea coastline. 4 The symbol of Lebanon — > ©) Listen and read about Iraq. e a sal Traq is a country in South West Asia, The capital is Baghdad. There are high mountains in the north and there are two very famous rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates. In Iraq, people speak Arabic and Kurdish. The Iraqi flag is red, white and black with green Arabic writing Allahu Akbar (God is the greatest) in the middle. There are lots of interesting places to see like Babylon, the Marshes, Malwiya Minaret, the Zagros mountains and Bekhal waterfall. carte Iraq Where: South West Asia Capital: Baghdad Languages: Arabic, Kurdish Some interesting places: Babylon, the Marshes, Malwiya Minaret, the Zagros mountains, Bekhal waterfall @.. Let’s sing > (®) Listen and say the rhyme. Letts be fifiands Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, Japan: One country, two countries, three countries, four ... You know all the names, So let's say some more! Thailand, Canada, India, Tealy T'm Iraqi. What's your nationality? T’m English, T'm Russian, T'm French, And he’s from Thailand. We all live together, so let's hold hands! We all live together, so let's be friends! B® Read and think about the answers. Is New Delhi the “ Tee ofa famous ttalian food, a) French. 9) Acedar tree, Where one’ ) India. hy Rees pandas ¢) Its black, from? white, red i) Yes, itis. ondgreen. 1) Yes, they are. 5 cone 4) Chino. sen speak French fe} Egyptian. aa in Lebanon? nee 1) Yes, they do. —~ f) No, ttisn’t. a 8. What colouris 5. Where is curry the Iraqi flag? from? 6. Isthe London tye abridge? 7 | 7, Are kangaroos from Australia? > Now play the game with your partner. | Pupil A points Pupil B points > @) Listen and check your answers. 5 » Write the time. 1 It’s seven fortysive. 7.45 2 It’s two forty-five. 3. It’s one fifteen. 4 It’s three o’clack. » Point, ask and answer. 5 It’s twelve o'clock. 6 It’s nine thirty. 7 Tes eight thirty. 8 It’s eleven fifteen » Ask your partners and write the answers in the table. What time do you get up? What time do you finish school? I get up at T o'clock. What time do you have lunch? What time do you go to bed? eo. Mr Hadi’s day >") Look, read and underline the verbs. Listen and say. Mr Hadi gets up Then, he cleans at six thirty. y the cages at ten thirty. He leaves the house ‘at seven thirty. 4 hi a <3 Li | Ne re Oo; an) ei > ©) Listen again and read. ® > Talk about Mr Hadi’s day. He gets up at six thirty, yD “A And he has breakfast “got seven o'clock. fe Then, he leaves home: cat seven thirty. 1) Let's check I I You breakfast jet up at seven o'clock. 7 igeeeP at seven thirty. gets up at seven o'clock. | She —— = breakfast at eight o'clock. Complete the sentences. 1 Mr Hadi —___ breakfast even doa) 2 He _______ the house at seven thirty. 3 He ___ the zoo at eight o'clock. 4 Mr Hadi_____ the animals at eleven fifteen. Things we do every day » Write the correct verbs under the pictures. > ©) Listen and check your answers. Ask and answer about the pictures. 4 \\ , Cook. What's y Gy What's picture 1? 5 > ©) Listen and write the days of the week. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday od ® Listen and read the questions. Match them to the answers. Ce 0 6 Crea Ce Ces) aU sy ed i Ask and answer questions. Dies whot's it like! > Look at the pictures. Read and underline the adjectives that tell us about the animals. > Write the adjectives in the correct box. (rave?) (Nese) abe onl oS | | dangerous | 4) Listen. What are they like? Write the adjective for each animal. ee Me Cae Mn elie Let's check He and she are for people. It is for animals, and for things. | know! I’s.a dolphin. Yes, that's right! Thinking about @ animals Read the questions and ask your partner. Tell your partner what you | _ think about animals a Questions What animals do you think are dangerous? What animals do you think are friendly? What are your favourite ‘animals? > ©) Listen and point, Uhink are dangerous. 8 >) Listen and complete the sentences. 1 The snake is and It sleeps a lot — it’s 2 The shark isn’t gentle. It’s very It has ______ eyes and very teeth. 3 The horse is T’s_______with a______ tall It eats grass, > Can you find the adjectives? | tasf on lgsieina Lo) YS > Complete the sentences. 1 The snake is —_______—. 5 The shark has 2 The snake is —___ & The horse is 3 The snake is —__ 7 The horse has 4 The shark is ——___ & The horse eats @ Nissans 32 Ph Read and find the correct insect. Write the numbers. Butterflies Butterflies are insects. They have four wings. Before you see a butterfly, it starts its life as an egg and then changes into acaterpillar. After that, | the caterpillar slowly changes into a beautiful adult butterfly. Most caterpillars eat plants and most butterflies eat the nectar (like honey) from flowers. Flies Ants _J Most anis live together in a big “house’ called a colony. There are queen ants, worker ants and soldier ants. There are more than 12,000 types of ant in the world. Some ants are dangerous. An ant can lift 20 times its own body weight. Ifyou were an ant, you could pick up a car. There are over 100,000 types of flies in the world. Flies only have two wings. Flies are not dangerous like lions or sharks, but they are dangerous because they carry disease. When a fly sits on your food it can bring disease. People do not like flies, but they make good food for birds, spiders and frogs. i ©) Listen to Mr Hadi and check your answers. » Find and write the word. 1 something you eat 2 when you grow up and are not a child 3 a house for many ants 4 it makes you feel bad 5 you need these to fly © wa Check my understanding ® Read ‘Insects in our life’ again. Colour the correct sentences and write the wrong ones again. | \Flies have four wings. 2 |Most butterflies eat nectar from flowers. 3 [Most ants live in a colony, 4 | Ants aren't strong. a Listen and check your answers. » Ask and answer. Para nc eee © Choose an animal and make a poster about it! 1 ayy. Doves This is a bird. Its a dove Doves can be different colours. ; It lives in many countries YD all around the world. ‘ oe he WW Doves can fly % very fast. S Doves were used to carry letters. i an Doves have small heads and round bodies. They have long beaks and short legs @.. Let’s sing — ee » Listen, point and sing. Write the adjectives. gentle ee big intelligent / lazy greedy dangerous Whaiaretihey like 2 Five ____. snakes went crawling up a tree. Bt They looked all around. What did they see? They saw ______ lions sleeping in the sun! Sa They saw ________ dolphins having fun! Then they saw a monkey Eating bananas: one, two, three! They saw a ______ mouse eating lots of cheese! (eet They saw a___ cat sitting on my knees! Then the snakes were _______. They curled up tight. Ry — We'll leave them now and say, ‘Good night!’ = Choose a number and do the task. NO Wb WN 8 9 You win | You win 2 points. | 1 point. What time is it? EDD Answer the question with ‘Yes’: Does she go shopping on Sunday? Change into a question: Mr Hadi cleans the cage on Tuesday. Reorder the question and answer it: like / is /a/ dolphin / What / ? Complete the adjective: d ___g__ __o0 __. Reorder the question and answer it: from / Where / you / are /? Make the sentence negative (with ‘not’: Mr Hadi feeds the animals every day. What time is ic? AED Complete the verbs: wh eh 10 Change into a question with ‘when’: Hana sees her friends on Friday. Tl Answer the question: What is a shark like? 12 Answer the question: What time do you get up? So Sports I like ©) Look, listen and say. | r si Jia » Write the sports under the pictures. ie ieee Ere He = <2 © Write about yourself, Tell your partner. | Three sports I like are and. 2 Three sports I don’t like are and | like tennis too, but I don’t like boxing. = y ‘ CL > ©) Listen and write the verbs in the boxes. oe. Play or go or do? ® ©) Listen and underline the verb you hear. Ido gymnastics. Let's check Play is for games and ball games Do is for things we like to like football and snakes and ladders. do, like puzzles and non- Go is for many activities ending in tam sports like karate, ing like swimming except boxing (do boxing). ® Write the verbs. Use play, go or do. football? basketball at school. rowing? rowing an Saturday. 3 Do you_______ karate at school? Yes, 1 ________ karate on Wednesday. ©) Listen and check your answers. b> Listen and complete. @ = What “> = When @ = Where @ Posketball ® Tuesday_and Thursdar fee 2 th Look at Class A’s survey. } Class A are doing a survey about sports and activities they like. Look at what they like to do » Ask and answer. How many pupils go ...? Does Dima do ...? Do Kamal and Dima play ...? How often do you ...? | *) Listen and read. like swimming and tennis. | offen go swimming on Saturday mat the sports club. | sometimes play tennis with my friends. | don't like swimming, | never go swimming. | like football best. | always play football at the weekend. & Listen, point and say. How often do you ...? 100 75 50 always often sometimes never od a) Listen to Jena talking about herself. Now write about yourself. » Read the sentence and choose: how often? ) She doesn't like chocolate, so she doesn't eat it. (_) She often eats chocolate. () She sometimes eats chocolate. ~ She never eats chocolate. 2 Our teacher gives us homework every day. (_) The teacher always gives them homework. The teacher sometimes gives them homework. (_) The teacher never gives them homework. © tonly play tennis in summer. CL) He always plays tennis. (_) He sometimes plays tennis. LC) He never plays tennis. ‘» Look at the table on page 42. Talk about yourself. | sometimes watch TV before | go to school. always get up at 7 o'clock. At the weekend Se / Read, match and write the numbers. oes OG Bex C=) Bay Om os CO G3) a” Oz oy CO Giz) lh — > Listen and check. » Write the words under the pictures. Ask and answer. Let's check How often do you ...? How often do you go fo amuseum? | go once a year. Once Twice Three times Four times Five times a week, amonth. a year. ©) Listen, match and write the numbers. How often do Jena and Karam 1 go to a museum? 2 play with friends? 3S help at home? CP wr (once a year ) ) { } twice a year ) os 4 ( five times a 4 have a picnic? 5 watch TV? 6 go shopping? week Gaur times a D = month as = ( three times ) i \ a weel { (once a day ‘e@... A class survey ® Work with your partner to make a match. 9 swimming karate gymnastics cycling computer games tennis shopping @ picnic @ museum at home ® Work with your partner. Ask and answer questions with ‘how ofte How offen do you hy help at home? Class A are doing another survey. Read about what they are doing. The pupils of Class A are doing a survey about how often they do some activities. Look at the chart they have drawn to show the information. | Look at the chart and read the sentences. Write T for true and F for false. monceaday am sometimes gotoamuseum — play with tends All the pupils watch TV. Most pupils help at home. Only 8 pupils don’t help at home. Everybody in the class eats sweets. Most pupils watch TV only once a day. There are 34 pupils in the class. O000000 1 2 3 4 10 pupils play with their friends once a day. 5 6 7 Mravaiitelavacconenec am cle RN Laelia ® Why do we do sports? (3) What sports do you like? © > Listen and read. Match the numbers and the pictures on page 49. Here I am at the water park with in the park or outside. I dont like sitting inside every day. I prefer sports to computer to learn a new sport. T want to ride my Tam with my football team. I think bicycle at the ‘that making friends sports club with my is the best thing friends. about sports. 1. go swimming three times a week. Swimming Is great. think it is the best lots of new rules | to learn in this sport. In the photo you can see my teacher, my partner and me. The teacher — is showing us a new rule. @.. Check my understanding » Read ‘Sports are great!’ again. Colour the correct sentences and write the wrong ones again. 1 | You need to learn lots Of rules to go to the water park. 2\ He prefers playing computer games to doing sports. 9 Being in a team is a good way to make friends, 4 |The boy thinks that Swimming is a good way to keep healthy. | 4 Listen and check your answers. © Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. De rant) NOR. ed Why do you do sports? Where do you go/play/do ...? Reg ev eae] » Choose a sport and make a poster about it! Volleyball is our favourite sport. We play volleyball once a week. Volleyball Volleyball is played all over the world. The ball looks like a football, but it is softer. Rule 1: hit the You play volleyball 4.4); ayer the net. on a court with 8 : Rule 2: the a big net in the other team hits middle. the ball back. Rule 3: dorit let the ball fouch the woe \ Curgponis chi Listen, look and read. ‘My mum and dad took me, my Fl We are very excited! There is @ big brother and sister to a new sports swimming pool and a small park. ‘ond health club at the weekend. \\ rw gee hae i We in the summer, mum says we can have a ppicnic in the park and sit under the big trees. (aus There is also a playground with a swing, a slide ond a le Son'Sdturday. In the school holidays, we can go three times a week. 11am going to play tennis and do ‘My brother is going to go cycling and 9 We can take our bikas to the club and ‘and play tennis, ES Listen, read and write the answers to the questions. There are two types of camels: ‘the Arabian camel has one hump and the Asian camel has two humps. Camels can be many colours from white to brown to black. Camels like to live together in big groups. They are intelligent animals. A camel's body is good for living in the desert. Why? They have big soft feet to walk on sand. They keep their fat in humps to help them stay cool. They have small, hairy ears and thick eyelashes to protect them from the sand. Camels can close their noses too! Camels can drink a lot of water when they need to — a thirsty camel can drink about 135 litres of water in one go! A baby camel is called a calf. It is born without a hump. | Does the Arabian camel have two humps? 2 What are camels like? 3 What do camels keep in their humps? 4 Why do camels close their noses? 5 Do camels drink 135 litres of water in one go? > Listen and check your answers. @.. An email to = a friend > Read the email and correct the mistakes. To: Fires Subject: My new sports club: Yesterday, my mum, and dad took me, my brother and sister to a new ‘arts club, Here is. a photo I tock, We are very 2sad! There is a Ssmall swimming pool and a beautiful “field, There is also a playground with swings, slides, tunnels and everything! In the summer, Mum says we can have a picnic in the park and sit under the big trees. We are Snever going to go there on Saturday. In the school holidays, we can go there Sonce a month, Tam going to 7co tennis and play karate, There is shop at the club. I bought “sweets and my sister bought a "football | sports 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > ©) Listen and check your answers. » Play the game. Game rules ‘ohwoys my teeth in the morning ond at night. Answer the question: How offen do you help at home? Food and drink © Look at the pictures and tick () the food names you know, » Match the words with the pictures and write the numbers. = =) ox cau ) Coo ) Gx) ® ©) Listen and say the food names. » Ask and answer. | & Listen, look and answer. | You are going to have a picnic with three friends. Look at the food you have for your picnic. Tell your friends what food there is for the picnic, Are there any apples / ‘strawberries / cookies / cherries? Is there any bread / chicken / salad / rice? — No, there aren‘t. S@-. What can you count? —— Look at the pictures on page 59 and tick (Y). I can count T can't count countable uncountable fice ‘i shawberies bread salad “i cherries chicken apples cookles ® Ask and answer, Let's check Are there any + countable noun? | Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. 's there any + uncountable noun? | Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. ) What can you see? Write the words. eames eM ues LL a box of chocolates > What do you think? Can or can't you count? Can you count lemonade? Can you count water? Can you count tea? Can you count chocolate? Can you count a tin of lemonade? Can you count a bottle of water? Can you count a cup of tea? Can you count a box of chocolates? eneounr wn oooo0o0000g ooo00000g >) Listen and say. So, we say: =Is there any lemonade? |\ oR ~ Are there any tins of ,) lemonade? K NY No, there isn't!) You can't count lemonade, but you can @ count tins of lemonade. Would you like: some bread? \ 1.»4 { Would you like so - lemonade or tea? Bs Listen and say. » You are at the picnic. Practise the conversations. 62 ® Read, match and write the numbers. Questions a a See eT) a | A) Listen and check your answers. ® Read the email and answer the questions. To: Sara Subject: Our picnic Hil We are going to have a picnic next week. ‘Would you like to come? My mum. wants to know what you like to eat and drink. “Would you like lemonade or orange juice? “Would you like chicken or cheese sandwiches? “Do you like salad? There isn’t any ice-cream because we can't keep it cold, but there are lots of strawberries and cherries. "Do you like them both? © wopowors = @. Are you healthy? ©) Listen and read. At school we are doing healthy, It is called ‘Ar questions to all the pur what they said You need to understand these two new words fruit and vegetables This is fruit. | ips These are vegetables. | ® Read the questions and match them with the answers on the next page. Do you eat a Ib of swouts a cakes and biscuits? Question () Question [_) Question (_) a) Question (_) i Yes, I go cycling and I play tennis sometimes. J always play computer games or watch TV in © the evening. Question (_) i Question (_) : No, I don't. I only like apples and carrots. I don’t like water. I only drink lemonade or cola. No, I only have sweets at the weekend. We sometimes have cake or biscuits. Well, let’s count. I never go to bed before 9 o'clock and I get up at 7 o'clock. () Listen and check your answers. ® Which pupils do you think give ‘healthy’ answers? Put atick () for healthy and a cross (*) for unhealthy. ® Write your answers to the survey questions. 1 on f & BW a My lunchbox ® Which lunchbox do you think is the best? Tick (7) 1 or 2. ) | | | | | | | | » What food and drink can you see in the two lunchboxes? cucumber oO » Write two sentences about lunchbox 1. _ Remember! Is the food counioble or uncountable? _ In lunchbox 1 = Make your own favourite lunchbox.Tell your partner and write their words, My partner's lunchbox In my lunchbox there are . . and there is some so MY MAGAZINE PICMIC BY THe Lange aero re eN esses terses Where would you like fo go for a picnic? What food would you like to have? ® > Listen and read. The family is going on a picnic to a lake. Everyone is very hopp py. They are going there by car, Dad is nari driving and Mum is next te Dad. Amal Whots in the picnic ond Tariq are sitting in the back. bag, Mum? They get to the lake. It's a very hot day and they find a big tree to sit under. They unpack the pienie bag +e Yes! He catches a big fish. eae children watch. Will he catch anything? = .! Hs Look! Dad caught a fish. It's very big! s o) gy fishing in the lake. The \g —) The children collect sticks of B wood and Dad makes a fire. They have a lovely picnic with lots of delicious J things to eat, The fish is the best! @... Check my understanding B Look at the story in Lesson 6.Can you put the sentences in order? eo The family went on a picnic. Dad caught a fish. 8 They drove to the lake. o They ate the fish and all the picnic food. |__| They got into the car, Pa They got out of the car, First, they unpacked the picnic bag, _) Then Dad went fishing in the lake. ©D The children found wood for the fire. \__. It was a great day! The children watched dad fishing. __ They cooked the fish. Tell the story with your partner. ® Write your own story. My Picnic and I am going on a picnic with We are going to In the picnic bag I put ... Lots of ________ and Some —__ and We got into the car. My —— drove the car. First, we Then, we We ate Tt was a @-. Is there? Are there? » ® Listen and tick all the things you hear. (iGrapeslandlapples} Grapes and apples, Salad and soup, Dates and pears, Bread and cherries, Chicken and cheese, Meat and rice ... All these things are very nice! Are there any lemons for my tea? Are there any cakes just for me? Is there any ice-cream? It’s so hot! Tf there is, I would like a lot! Are there any eggs? Is there any fish? Please put these things in a dish! > () listen again and say the rhyme. Look, play and say. A guessing game wee @ & ese ee ee is there any salad on this plate? ‘Are there any strawberries on this plate? Is there any meaton \\\ this plate? @... In the capital city > e) Listen, look and say. » Match the words to the pictures. Write the numbers. _t e J = _S eo ® Can you answer the questions? 1 Where can you get meat from? 2 Where can you get bread from? @ 3 Where can you get money from? > Write the words under the pictures. Leite Beco "@.... Excuse me. Where’s ...? >e Listen, look and say. Excuse me. Where's the toy shop? Excuse me. I'm lost. Where's the shoe shop? I's on Green Street between the clothes shop and the bakery. P Look at the map on page 75 and tick (¥) &23 or GE. < ty ( The shoe shop is opposite the bakery. There is a pharmacy next to the bank. The mosque is behind the park. The school is next to the park, There is a fruit and vegetable stall on Red Street. eoonrorn = The pharmacy is between the bank and the toy shop. O00000 Umm. Is on Green Street next to the bank. I's on Red Street opposite the butcher's. > Ask and answer. Excuse me. Where is the toy shop? [2 | teddy bear, ball, kite | 2 | bread, cakes, cookies alm “4 | wares opnes 5 shirt, ski, trousers | 6 | trainers, boots, shoes Se... Helping Mum Look and read. P Talk about where Mum, Rahaf and Ameer were last week, Who wos at the butcher's at ...? Let's check Long answers and short answers She was at Where was Rahaf at 11.30? te park. At the park. 7 Mum was at the Who was at the butcher's a at 1 o'clock? a butcher's. Mum (was). > ©) Listen and say. > A Say each sentence to yourself. Listen and repeat. 1 Where were you at ten o'clock yesterday evening? | was at home. 2 Where were you at six o'clock yesterday morning? | was in bed > Draw a line under the key words in sentences 1 and 2. Where were you yesterday? Use short answers. @ Ask your partner and write the answers in the table. ‘@.. At Fun City Read about Fun City. > What can you see at Fun City? Write Yes | or No |. Write the names next to the pictures on page 80. 1 roller coaster 6 karting [Yes 2 tunnel 7 big wheel 3 bumper cars [Yes 8 super swing L =| 4 merry-go-round Yes 9 clowns ( 5 super slide : 7} 10 train { > “4 Listen and look at the pictures. Are the children correct? Ask and answer. some ice-cream? | +, |_ bumper cars? percors? | Yes,|would. | | big wheel? | No, | wouldn't, | Yes, pl 2 ;, please. | Ine coca No, thank you. ‘super slide? No, it's 100 fast. bisientiht boda | super swing? | | ‘No, its dangerous. karting? 7 ‘Yes, | love going fast. | | the clowns? No, I don't like them. Yes, please! @... Souvenirs > ©) Listen and follow. e things that help you to remember a place you visited on holiday. Here is a picture of some famous souvenirs. Do you know which country or city they are from? You can write the name under the picture. Here are some souvenirs from another country, Can you guess this country? Is it France, Italy or Thailand? Do you know the name of the tower you can see in the picture? It is the Eiffel Tower. In 2015, millions of people visited it. > What souvenirs can you see in the top picture? Put a tick (7) or a cross (x). E30 EO GO E20 GO 0 GSO GeO Gao > What are these souvenirs? Match the pictures and words. x) co) coo Ca Frog | od oy Listen and say which souvenir it is. > Complete the sentences. 1 Ican send the postcard to —_____ — on it. The mug has a The T-shirt is 2 3 4 The key rings are 5 The baseball cap has the same colours as the —____ 6 T like the doll because Think and discuss ) What's your favourite place to visit? © Who did you go with last time? 8 What did you do? > “™ Listen and read. Which of these places would you like to visit? b> Read again and number them. > my first choice @ ny second choice ® ry third choice CaRuniGis © Roller coasters. © The big wheel © Bumper cars © The super slide © Baby rides Popcorn, e baticer bat and mor Open: Every day except Monday Adults: 2000 1@D 4 Children over 5: 1500 |QD Children under 5: Free _Qmater World . Love water, love Water World! 7 The amazing A water castle ( 7 3 pools ~ Water slides 7 Swim with fish # Baby pool e Café: healthy food and dvink - Large car park Open: Thursday to Monday Swimming lessons: Tvesdoy ond Wednesday Adults; 6000 1@D Chifdren: 3000 |@D y Wagic:Castles It's magic! Climb to the top of your favourite castle See the magic waterfall Look in the magic pool and make a wish See beautiful birds and butterflies * Win a magic souvenir cakes and cookies. (Sox: Sonor under edey} gq and COFFEE, Adults: 9000 IQD . i ; fruit juice | Children: 4500 1D a Check my understanding & Think of a new place for a fun day out. 1 What is your place called? 2 What can you do there? What days is it open? — =S What time does it open? =§___ What time does it close? on bP wR How much does it cost to go in? > Ask and answer about your place for a fun day out. ® Read about your friend's holiday. Hi Murad This is a postcard from Baghdad! | How are you? I'm with my mum, dad and sister. Yesterday was amazing! First, we went on the big wheel in AlZawraa Park | You can see it in the picture Tt is very big. It was fun being Address: high up in the sky! Today, we Murad Hassan ‘are going on a boat on the River PO Box 3487 Tigris. See you soon. Istanbul Firas @ | Turkey CSL Choose a place for a fun day out and make a poster about it! This is our fun day out. Do you like it? What's your fun day out? There is a water slide. This fun park is exciting! There is a magic castle in “There are rides for a garden with butterflies. little children. You can buy healthy drinks like fruit juice. @.... The city song > #4 Listen and say the rhyme. a My favorites placall 6 The city is my favourite place, ie There are lots of things to do. There are shops with clothes and shoes and toys, & There are butchers and bakeries too. There are lots of shops on Blue Street, de Where you can buy books and toys. There are even more shops on Red Street, For mums, dads, girls and boys. - a, i] ‘Tike going to the market, And I hope we can buy cherries. S I like to look at the bread and cakes, fT I Maybe we'll buy strawberries. | But my favourite place of all Is where I go at the weekends. = It’s near my house and near my school And I go there with my friends! > What's your favourite place? > Play the game. Game rules age Cj leis ey (eet (coe! 5 cg A pharmacy is 7 a ee Tom ER a fun park, | ay: ul P [everest Hove the eck) 4 esate) Core ea I'm going to buy aes ee — | Peer Cian} you at 7 o'clock orto ga @- The seasons | od *) Listen, read and point. “© Read and match. ox .=—™= ox scx {az =~ ES sxx ~ Ask and answer. ~» Look at the pictures. Write the names. > “ Listen. Which picture is it? Write the name of the season. | Picture tis © Picture Wis Picture tris Picture tis ~» Play with your partner. @.. Going ona — summer holiday & &°) Listen and tick (“) the correct picture. _~ Match the pictures to the sentences. Write the numbers. (3 We're going to fly there by plane, Ss) My brother is going to learn to _} I'm going to rideacamelinthe =“ Fowa boat. desert, __ | lam going to buy souvenirs for __} I'm going to go on holiday to my friends, Egypt with my family. __) I'm going to take lots of photos. Q Is going to be hot and sunny. Q We're going to visit the pyramids. Let's check Tam (I'm) You are (You're) He is/She is (He's/She's) + goingto + Itis (It's) We are (We're) They are (They're) » You are going to go on a summer holiday. Read the conversation and complete the answers. Where are you going to go? J We're going to go fo ——______ ‘@- At the airport ~~ Read and match the sentences. Write the numbers. 0 rns) 08 Clr @ e ® Listen again and check your answers. > @ Listen and say. “) Presents for everyone Look at the presents that Noor in Egypt. Who is she going -~ Complete the sentences. cS) Gy Gly oc oo | I'm going to give the _________ to my © Tm going to give the _______ to my © Pm going to give the ___ to my © T'm going to give the ____ to my © T'm going to give the _____ to my Listen and check your answers. » Listen and read the conversations. I bought you ... Do you like it/themn? Flowers! They’re lovely! What pretty colours. Chocolates! Thank you! What a big box. i Crayons! Great! I'm going to take then to school tomorrow. Awatch! That's great! | lost my old one. ~ Practise the conversations with a partner. @\ x @.. Holiday weather > iP) Look, listen and say. We went to the beach. It was | learnt to row a boat but the sunny and very hot. ! J weather was cool and rainy. We didn’t take any photos because it was windy. | rode ona camel with my === dad. But it was too wind me r We went shopping in a famous market and 1 bought lots of souvenirs. ~~ Cover the pictures. Say two things Noor or her brother did on holiday. » In which picture can you see ...? QO boat Oo snow O beach fishing rod coats umbrella birds mountain sand marsh snowman picnic »» Read and match to the pictures. Last summer, we Last spring, we went went to visit our to the marshes in grandparents in the south of Iraq. : Basra. It was hot and The weather was thumid. We went to the? > coal and mild. We } beach, We sat under 3° went on a boat and 2 an umbrella and had saw lots of birds + a picnic. It was great! and fish. It was a beautiful place. Ne eeeeeneeenenanaes: For our mid-year holiday, we went to the mountains in the north of Iraq. It was very cold and snowy. We made a showman. It was fun! eeeeannnanneeeens aeeasanasssssenaans ™ Choose a holiday. Talk about it with your partner. @ Where did you go for your holiday? i What was the weather like? 7 — t Lesson 6 Read and match to the photos. Pe Rie Prati) magazine about ea etd art ae Per cecil Pia Petr alae es enc enc Par Rocce Pere eras Pac nem ea ke AvAshraf, I'm going © Pca ba Roan bike ee Liss hee ety ade Cane cere aay Pe tne Sede het Seer bee aT ESE es glad Firas told the school Pelee Pll ies @—. Check my understanding ~~ Read ‘My school magazine’ again. Colour the correct sentences and write the wrong ones again. | It takes about two hours to fly from Baghdad to Annajaf Al-Ashraf. © | Jena’s school is going by ferryboat for their picnic. af Firas's aunt and uncle live in Nasiriyah. | “| Tt was the second time that Firas’s brother went on a train. ie ® Listen and check your answers. Remember How do you go to ...? + + bus | go to | school | by + train work + boat + | go to | school on + foot work { P tor Project } /» Choose your favourite holiday and make a poster about it! made a poster about my favourite holiday. | drew pictures and I wrote about them, Favourite holiday cet Seer I went by plane. My favourite holiday was in Jordan. I ate mansaf. I floated in the Dead Sea. I saw the caves in Petra. aan? I bought lots of souvenirs. I rode on a camel. Itis Saturday and it’s a rainy Karam is asleep in bed, day. Karam is at home reading 4 Itis 11 o'clock at night. = book about France... ~ Vd like to go to France Karam has a lovely dream, He and his family are going on heliday to France. They are going by plane. I's the first day of the holiday, iis hot and sunny, Karam and his family are at the Eiffel Tower. Karam is going to take lots of photos. He hopes they are good. He wants to win the School Challenge. Karam’s photo wins the School Challenge. Karam is very happy! Karam is in his classroom at schoo!. He is showing his teacher a photo that he took on holiday. Inthe morning, Karam wakes up. He is smiling about his dream. It was a great holiday! Are there any ‘apples for our picnic? The bakery is opposite ‘the butcher's, » Today you have a class challenge. Test yourself. Choose your team: A or B.| choase Team ® Work together and answer your team’s questions. 1 Are there ony apples? No, 2 Would you like lemonade. 4 Where were you at 7 o'clock today? I 5 (BBR (BBB) mis is Noor's pencii case. t's 6 Where are you going to go on holiciay? O 7 What did you do on your holiday? Oo 8 What souvenir did you buy for your fiend? O Is there ony rice? No, 2 Would youlkemikororangejuice? a 3 Where is the butcher's? —- 4 Where were you at 8 o'clock this moming? } 5 GY) iiiinel mese are my new shoes. They'te = & Where are you going fo go on holiday? : 7 8 What did you do on your holiday? 0 What dil you see on your holiday? Tq @ a Listen and check. “ = 1 point, Who is the winner? meee) An email to a friend > Read the email. Write the correct verbs. To: (write your name here) // Subject: My holiday was great! My holiday ‘is great. We went to Egypt. We ly there by plane. Tt was my first time on a plane and it was very exciting, My little sister Sdoesn't like it and she cried We ‘do lots of fun things and Ssee amazing places. I Slikes the pyramids best because they are very big and very old. I rode on a camel with my dad and that “is fun, Camels are very big. This photo is of a big market we went to. I Sbuy lots of souvenirs and presents here. Look at some other photos I “take. What can you see? This is my quiz for you! Email back and tell me Rayan () 1 was 2 3 = —_—. f._ © j_ £€ # | © Listen and check your answers. eu Rayan’s holiday | quiz We flew there by plane. Cd a b> (™ Listen and sing. Write the missing words. OurnGoodbyesRarty There's going to be party! It's the end of We're going to have a party For you, and you, and We're going to have a party! You must come and ___! We're going to have lots of And everyone is going to come. We're going to have a __, And play in the We’re going to stay there very late, And go home when it’s dark. We're going to have cake and jelly, Strawberries and big, red There are going to be games, There are going to be ______, There’s going to be a quiz About countries and places! hey can all come along! Now, let’s get ready, nd. sing this ® Your Dictionary Unit One Asia capital castle cedar tree coastline curry Europe flag important kangaroo kuma hat learn marshes Laud 615 fool. a1 UL bpauis JsluJl bs (aim Usl) gyls Loui pole omo pRiS I (uloe @ibiuy dala) yuly dors poleiy gigi! minaret mountain range nationality palace panda symbol think and discuss tower Unit Two adjective adult around the world beak buzz éylio lye Lund f&uuiall pas (guia a) Lill je) irdilig jAS eH él poss (allel Usa jliiio ALU! pai carry ory caterpillar Gai colony Spoxinso colourful GolgdUl gal) ugle dangerous +bs different alido disease apo dove dolor feed rosbj flies whs get home Col gl day get up egill po Having go shopping Guy grow: sit grow up se lds have breakfast human insects intelligent ladybird lazy leave nectar peace pick up plants playful positive x negative shark sleepy jpasl Jglity jal jlajil aay 6 wb asl jis gue x gull ub! low ulus social special Taj-Mahal wash clothes weight Unit Three always boxing champion equipment ground health healthy in order pelotal val (gaia gyi olso) Jao ali Usted! Yancey us leila inside x outside al x Jsls mystery jal never : jal often Wk once daalg do) phrase abe prefer aay race track Gly jlodo rowing Wyant ada, rules acl soft pack ead) sometimes Lisl sports club galy al survey Glare Aus touch utoly twice ylije Unit Four calf collect eyelashes hairy hump in one go protect task thick Unit Five cherries orl ul asl Ugo, Ll ats os! elias Baalg aed fugl countable x uncountable cucumber diagram dinner fishing onion punctuation sticks of wood tin unpack agamo Hf * sgs2o aw uly eu) glipioi bbSo shiue Eis B05 a Unit Six bakery baseball cap bumper cars butcher's (shop) cost Eiffel Tower hope karting key ring merry-go-round opposite pharmacy roller coaster souvenir (jbs Jotul das aid jeabadll olylus aylad Joo alas (gus wiles rolzo) Jaa! ay Joly Glu dl auilbe ails Jul dolgs dus Uulio wyusleo aana gualloll sled Gyl455 ayam ‘super slide ‘Unit Seven dliport citadel in Erbil cool Dead Sea humid pyramid sandcastle Spd ABU) aes SILO jlo Jayl aot (Bags gd! UbLo) &)loI! Jains capell paul pols Varo alice ay Glsy why (@siay) dish) unio ee Milo aold ship slipper Unit Eight exciting Party race

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