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Recent Advances in Transcranial Focused Ultrasound (FUS) Triggered Brain


Article in Current Drug Targets · December 2016

DOI: 10.2174/1389450117666161222160025

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Nainwal Nidhi
Uttaranchal University


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Current Drug Targets, 2017, 18, 000-000 1


Recent Advances in Transcranial Focused Ultrasound (FUS) Triggered

Brain Delivery

Nidhi Nainwal*

Department of Pharmacy, GRD (PG) IMT, Rajpur Road, Dehradun, 248001 Uttarakhand, India

Abstract: Successful delivery of therapeutic agents in the brain is very challenging, which makes
treatment of various brain disorders very difficult. One of the major causes of this difficulty is the
presence of physiological barriers in the brain like blood brain barrier (BBB) and blood cerebro-
ARTICLE HISTORY spinal fluid (CSF) barrier. These barriers are very specific and restrict the entry of water soluble
agents and ionized molecule. Only lipid soluble and small molecular size agents are allowed to enter
Received: November 30, 2015
Revised: May 17, 2016 into the brain. But there are several serious brain diseases in which the use of only conventional small
Accepted: December 16, 2016
molecular mass lipophilic drug is not effective. Various approaches like the use of BBB permeation
DOI: enhancers, osmotic disruption of BBB by using mannitol, prodrug approach, etc. have been developed
for the transportation of drug across the brain. The current article focuses on the transcranial route,
transcranial focused ultrasound (FUS), the techniques involved in transcranial focused ultrasound
(FUS) delivery and recent updates of this system.

Keywords: Blood brain barrier, transcranial delivery, focused ultrasound.

1. INTRODUCTION drug molecule known as lipidization,” to enhance penetra-

tion of drugs. The drawback of the technique is that in ad-
1.1. Blood Brain Barrier
dition to the delivery in the desired area of the brain, the
Blood brain barrier (BBB) was discovered by Paul Ehr- drug is permeable in the entire brain and body that causes
lich. The BBB protects the brain from its environment by unwanted side effects [3]. Another technique includes the
restricting the entry of unwanted toxic substances, various use of penetration enhancers, osmotic disruption of the
microorganisms into the brain [1, 2]. The BBB is formed by brain, the use of carriers, etc. New developments have
tight junctions between adjacent endothelial cells, and thus shown the transcranial method as a promising technique for
BBB restricts the permeation of drugs that have larger mo- brain targeting. Transcranial means passing or performed
lecular size, hydrophilic in nature and is present in the ion- through the skull or cranium. Transcranial drug delivery
ized form. The barrier allows diffusion of small, highly lipo- route is used for the treatment of the various Central nerv-
philic agents. This barrier is so effective that only about 2% ous system (CNS) disorders, which allows small molecules
of all small molecules (<600 Dalton) are allowed through to traverse the blood brain barrier across the skull bone to
and none of the larger ones [3]. To allow the diffusion or reach the target site [4, 5]. Transcranial delivery is there-
transport of larger drug molecules or diagnostic agents into fore potentially applicable to drugs failed in the develop-
the brain, it is, therefore, essential to temporarily disrupt the ment stage due to poor BBB penetration and also reduces
BBB. the off-target side effects associated with peripheral drug
1.2. Transcranial Delivery
Large molecular weight therapeutic substances or drugs
such as monoclonal antibodies, proteins, and gene therapeu- Transcranial focused ultrasound penetrate the skull. Fo-
cused ultrasound (FUS) is a technique that temporally dis-
tics etc. cannot penetrate the BBB. Therefore, it is crucial to
rupts the BBB and thus increases the permeability of thera-
develop a technique that provides targeted delivery in the
peutic agents across the brain [6] (Fig. 1).
brain without any side effects. One technique for brain deliv-
ery includes attachment of lipid groups to the hydrophilic In a study [6] the phenomenon of focused ultrasound
(FUS) mediated opening of the BBB was observed in the
presence of microbubbles, under the monitoring through
*Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Pharmacy,
GRD (PG) IMT, Rajpur Road, Dehradun, 248001 Uttarakhand, India; Tel: Magnetic resonance imaging and Magnetic resonance con-
+91-9411592536; E-mail: trast agents.

1389-4501/17 $58.00+.00 © 2017 Bentham Science Publishers

2 Current Drug Targets, 2017, Vol. 18, No. 10 Nidhi Nainwal

Fig. (1). Opening up the BBB to deliver drugs. (1) The BBB is impermeable to most of the drugs (2). Focused ultrasound can reversibly open
the BBB, allowing the drug to enter the brain that normally could not.

Choi et al. [7] investigated FUS mediated disruption of thrombolysis for successful drug delivery and improvement
the BBB in the hippocampus of Alzheimer′s model mice of microcirculation has been developed [19]. Recanalization
through the intact skull and skin. The result showed high using intra-arterial high-energy US catheter has been tested
localized permeability and retention in the brain [8-11]. Ul- in a recent pilot study [20].
trasound has the advantage of improving brain delivery of
therapeutic agents with the use of micro carrier, nanoparticle, 2.2. Transcranial Ultrasound and Microspheres Medi-
liposomes and also improves the transport through the ex- ated Drug Delivery in Thrombolysis
tracellular matrix, and facilitate the cellular uptake. The ac-
The combination of transcranial US and microspheres
tion may be due to either thermal or non-thermal effects. The
may facilitate the delivery of drugs across the BBB. Micro-
nonthermal action involves cavitation and radiation force.
spheres have both capabilities, to improve diagnostic images
Vykhodtseva et al. [12] first observed the ultrasound trig-
gered BBB opening in the rabbit brain. Focused ultrasound is and to mechanically agitate fluid that potentiates thromboly-
sis and thus may help in targeted drug delivery. This dose-
an operator-dependent technique. For this reason, the repro-
escalation study of microspheres showed increased bleeding
ducibility of the ultrasound technique has been evaluated by
in the second dose tier, prompting the sponsor of the study to
Marco Matteo Ciccone et al. [13] in Multiple sclerosis (MS)
discontinue this approach. Microspheres with abciximab are
patients. They tried to compare the values coming from two
used for better thrombus binding and identification and im-
experienced operators who evaluated 32 consecutive patients
independently from each other to calculate interobserver proved sonothrombolysis. In vivo, molecular imaging of the
human thrombus can be carried out with microspheres con-
variability. The McNemar test confirmed the procedure re-
jugated with abciximab, a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor in-
producibility between two operators with no statistical dif-
hibitor that is involved in ligand targeting of the thrombus.
ferences between themselves.
In vitro experiments have shown that improved binding of
microspheres to the clot enhances sonothrombolysis [21, 22].
2.1. Transcranial Ultra Sound (US) Mediated
Sonothrombolysis Systemic administration of tissue plasminogen activator
(tPA) is the fastest way to start the treatment of acute
Sonothrombolysis is a novel treatment for acute intracra- ischemic stroke. In a recent feasibility study addition of
nial arterial occlusion. Improved recanalization has been gaseous perflutren lipid microspheres to tPA and transcranial
found with “diagnostic” transcranial ultrasound (US) in Doppler further facilitated early flow improvement, with a
combination with standard intravenous thrombolysis with 50% rate of early, complete recanalization [23-25]. Recent
recombinant tissue-plasminogen activator (rtPA) in two ran- promising human studies with transcranial Doppler (TCD)
domized trials [14, 15]. Truebestein et al. [16] for the first enhanced thrombolysis included gaseous microspheres as an
time demonstrated that high-frequency ultrasound can be adjunctive facilitator of thrombus breakup with a systemic
used to dissolve thrombi. Alexandrov et al. [14] confirmed tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) therapy [26]. After a
the potential of ultrasound-mediated thrombolysis. This gaseous microsphere is compressed by ultrasonic mechanical
treatment method may be used as an alternative, in the situa- pressure waves, its shell may break up the microsphere ex-
tion when the use of thrombolytic drugs or thrombus extrac- pand in size and become “activated”. Under low diagnostic
tion is contraindicated [17, 18]. Microspheres-mediated ultrasound pressures, microsphere can also oscillate without
Transcranial Focused Ultrasound (FUS) Triggered Brain Delivery Current Drug Targets, 2017, Vol. 18, No. 10 3

shell break-up. In comparison to red blood cells micro- suggested for incorporation of therapeutic agents in MB car-
spheres have much higher impedance and thus act like bright riers [50, 51], e.g., attachment to the outer shell surface, em-
reflectors by sending back stronger echoes useful for imag- bedding within the shell, dissolving hydrophobic drugs in the
ing. With expansion microsphere also transmit mechanical oily layer between the gas core and shell, and linking them to
momentum to surrounding fluids potentially causing multi- the shell, for example via streptavidin biotin interactions [52,
ple “micro angioplasties” to thrombus with the agitation of 53]. Carriers such as liposomes, micelles, or microspheres
stagnant residual flow. Because the process of activation can be used for drug loading and these structures can then be
produces traceable echoes, quantification of appearance on easily attached to lipid MBs, usually via avidin-biotin inter-
diagnostic ultrasound can aid dose calculations of micro- actions [54]. Both hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs can be
sphere delivered to target tissues [27]. encapsulated in these types of MB complexes. Combined use
of microbubble with focused ultrasound is a noninvasive
2.3. Microbubble Facilitated Focused Ultrasound (MB- method that results in reversible disruption of BBB locally
FUS) Induced BBB Opening rather than systemically. Therapeutic agents are delivered
across the BBB by passive diffusion. SonoVue®, which con-
In comparison to the alternative brain drug delivery tech-
sists of sulfur hexafluoride-filled microbubbles of phosphol-
niques like hypertonic infusion [28] and modified lipophilic
ipids, and Levovist®, granulates of galactose and palmitic
chemical use. Microbubble facilitated focused ultrasound
acid, which binds to micrometer-sized air bubbles are com-
(MB-FUS) is a noninvasive technique that causes local dis- mercially available. Following IV injection, they take energy
ruption of the BBB, increase the local concentration of vari-
on under the influence of the US, and by oscillation or rup-
ous therapeutic agents and reduces the risk of off-target side
ture, this energy is released again, which reinforces the US
effects. BBB is reversibly disrupted by this technique and
effectiveness. Various experiments have shown the effec-
thus a time window of several hours is provided for drug
tiveness of this method without an increase in the intracranial
release in the brain [29-34]. Microbubbles (MBs), bubbles
bleeding rate, which has been demonstrated in vivo. Molina
with diameters of less than 10 µm, are usually made of a et al. [26] showed an improvement by an intermittent bolus
phospholipid, surfactant, albumin, or synthetic polymer shell
injection of Levovist® in addition to tPA treatment plus 2-h
filled with high molecular weight gas with a very low water
insonation with TCD monitoring. A similar study was con-
SF6, solubility (e.g., sulfurhexafluoride or perfluorepropane gas)
ducted by Perren et al. [55] in which patients who had suf-
C3F8 [35]. Microbubbles are usually prepared by mechanical agi-
fered from a MCA stroke underwent IV rtPA thrombolysis
tation, sonication, or by the use of micro fluidic devices.
and 2-MHz TCCS monitoring for 1 h with SonoVue®, result-
Microbubbles with a diameter of 1- 4 mm are generally used ing in a clinical improvement in these patients. No additional
for ultrasound contrast enhancement. Microbubbles were
intracranial bleedings were noted in these studies.
initially developed as tools for ultrasound imaging. The first
microbubbles were microscopic spheres comprised of air and 2.3.3. Transcranial Ultrasound and Microbubble Mediated
had an extremely short half-life. Later on the air in the mi- Drug Delivery in Thrombolysis
crobubbles was replaced with heavier fluorinated compounds
that are dissolved more slowly. Coated microbubbles pro- Tachibana et al. [56] demonstrated ex vivo that the co
vided a protective shell composed of protein, phospholipids, administration of microbubbles improves the thrombolytic
or biocompatible polymers. Charged surfactants and Poly- activity of US in combination with pharmaceutical throm-
ethylene glycolated lipids were also incorporated into the bolysis. Browning et al. [57] describe an ultrasound system
microbubbles to stabilize the shell and to prevent bubbles which provides microbubble-mediated therapy to a thrombus
coalescence while also prolonging the circulation time [36]. such as one causing ischemic stroke. Microbubbles are in-
Phospholipid monolayer coating of microbubble increased fused or developed into the bloodstream in the vicinity of a
longevity without comprising on the acoustic response. thrombus. Ultrasound energy is delivered to the microbub-
bles at the thrombus to disrupt or rupture the microbubbles.
2.3.1. Microbubbles as Ultrasound Contrast Agents This microbubble activity can in many instances aid in dis-
solving or breaking up the blood clot and return a nourishing
In 1968 the use of microbubbles in echocardiography flow of blood to the brain and other organs. Such microbub-
was reported [37]. MBs can be used in routine examinations
ble activity can be used to deliver drugs encapsulated in mi-
of organ perfusion, highly vascularized tumor structures, in
crobubble shells, as well as microbubble-mediated
the diagnosis of kidney and heart disease [38-41]. Opti-
sonothrombolysis. Besides having enhanced thrombolytic
sonTM (GE Healthcare, WI, USA) [42, 43], De-
ability, combined use of ultrasound and microbubbles also
finity® (Lantheus Medical Imaging, MA, USA) and
have a great potential for improved drug delivery across bio-
SonoVue® (Bracco, Milano, Italy) are the commercial MB logic barriers. Kinoshita et al. [58] proved that microbubbles
agents that are approved for clinical examination with size
combined with focused ultrasound improve the delivery of
larger than 1 µm and imaging durations of 5-10 min [44-46].
trastuzumab a monoclonal antibody across the BBB.
2.3.2. MB- FUS Mediated Delivery to the Central Nervous
2.3.4. Ultrasound Targeted Microbubble Destruction
System (CNS)
(UTMD) for Chemotherapeutic Drug Delivery to Solid
In addition to ultrasound contrast agent for diagnostic Tumors
applications, MBs also has unique therapeutic applications
Cancer is a major cause of death worldwide. Current de-
[47-49]. Bioactive substances such as genes, drugs, proteins,
livery methods of chemotherapeutic agent across the brain
etc. can be delivered by MBs. Various approaches have been
are not very effective due to restriction provided by BBB.
4 Current Drug Targets, 2017, Vol. 18, No. 10 Nidhi Nainwal

UTMD is a promising approach for the delivery of che- cles are sensitive towards the external magnetic field, there-
motherapeutic drug to solid tumors [59, 60]. The encapsula- fore magnetic targeting (MT) provide disposition of MNPs at
tion of drugs in MBs reduces the harmful side effect of drugs the target site. Focused ultrasound in the combination of
and provides subsequent local release at the targeted site by magnetic targeting synergistically delivers therapeutic MNPs
ultrasound triggering. UTMD has been found effective in the across the BBB [85]. A study combining FUS and MT of
treatment of various malignant tumors like brain, liver, eye- nanoparticles confirmed that, on the concurrent application
lid, pancreas, and breast [61-64]. In a preclinical study MB- of FUS and MT, BBB permeability in tumors increases [86,
FUS in combination with liposomal doxorubicin provided 87] (Fig. 2).
successful suppression of tumor [65]. Various studies have Transcranial magnetic resonance guided focused ultra-
been successfully evaluated the effectiveness of MB-FUS in sound (TcMRgFUS) was used in a study [88] on rats for the
combination of chemotherapeutic agents in control of tumor delivery of Raman nanoparticles into brain tumors by re-
progression and in the improvement of the animal survival versible disruption of BBB. BBB disruption allowed the de-
[66-70]. livery of surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) capable
spherical gold nanoparticles (50 or 120 nm) to the tumor
2.3.5. Microbubble-facilitated Focused Ultrasound (MB-
FUS) in Gene Delivery
Ultrasound contrast agents composed of coated microbub- 2.4.2. Ultrasound-triggered Thrombolysis Using Urokinase
bles have been widely studied as a means of gene delivery. Loaded Nanogels
Microbubbles typically range between 0.5 to 8 µm in size and In a study [89] polyethylene glycol cross linked glycol
have low solubility and diffusivity. Genetic material DNA, chitoson hollow nanogels containing uPA (urokinase type
RNA, siRNA, antisense oligonucleotides are usually intro- plasminogen activator) were formulated by ultrasonic spray
duced into the microbubble and this protects the genetic mate- technique. The hollow nanogels with an inner cavity have
rial from the immune system and also limits an unnecessary enhanced drug loading capacity. The nanogel shell gives
immune response. Microbubbles are delivered intravenously drug release in a programmable manner in response to envi-
and can traverse unhindered through the smallest of blood ronmental pH and temperature. It was found that in compari-
vessels resulting in an unparalleled ability to circulate son to nude urokinase, the uPA-loaded nanogels (200–300
throughout the body vasculature and hence are ideal carriers of nm) have a longer circulation lifetime, as the nanogels ma-
genetic material for targeted delivery [71-74]. Ultrasound aids trix provide suitable protection and the thrombolysis rate of
both in enhancing cell permeability by creating small shock blood clots also increases through the intervention of ultra-
waves and also aids in the release of the genetic material from sound [90, 91].
within the microbubble [75, 76]. Microbubble-facilitated fo-
cused ultrasound for brain targeted gene delivery was reported 2.4.3. Ultrasound Mediated Sonothrombolysis by Nano-
in a study. This study evaluated the local, targeted delivery of droplet
rAAV vector (recombinant adeno associated virus) for gene
therapy of CNS diseases, into the mice brains. Recently, FUS It has been observed that the use of thrombolytics in the
mediated BBB opening in the presence of specially designed form of nanosized system is more suitable for the manage-
plasmid conjugated microbubbles demonstrated the possibility ment of thrombolysis due to their ability to reach the throm-
of local CNS gene expression [77]. bus through the narrow residual blood channels around the
arterial obstruction [92, 93]. In their study, Shimizu et al.
2.4. Ultrasound Mediated Transcranial Nanoparticle De- [94] reported preliminary results from an in vivo animal
livery safety evaluation in vivo experiment with superheated per-
fluorocarbon nanodroplets (SPNs). When triggered by ultra-
Biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles with the smaller sound, these nanodroplets turn into microbubbles. During
size and desirable biocompatibility are a novel carrier for the this in vivo experiment, rabbits received either an IV injec-
delivery of various kinds of drugs as they provide effective tion of SPNs or a placebo without additional insonation. The
drug protection, and target oriented delivery [78-80]. The biochemical blood examination revealed no significant dif-
nanoparticles can be made sensitive towards pH, tempera- ferences between the SPN-treated group and the placebo
ture, and light by including sensitive polymer chains and group. These researchers planned to conduct a study investi-
chemical groups [81]. These attributes make nanoparticales gating the SPN-assisted sonothrombolytic effect of 500-kHz
as a suitable mean for the delivery of drugs across the BBB. US exposure.
So far the efficiency of microbubble incorporated polymeric
spheres and liposomes as ultrasound contrast agent, drug and 2.5. Stereotaxic Brain Atlas and Focused Ultrasound En-
gene carrier has been proven. However, the immunogenicity ergy
remains as a major problem for microspheres to clinical tri-
als. Therefore, the development of drug carriers that are The combination of stereotaxy with an anatomical atlas is
nanosized is very necessary [82, 83]. one approach for targeting specific regions in the brain. As
an alternative to MR-guided FUS, combined use of the
2.4.1. Focused Ultrasound/magnetic Nanoparticle Medi- stereotaxic brain atlas and focused ultrasound energy allow
ated Drug Delivery the efficient and economic studies (30 min per experiment
Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) have intrinsic magnetic including preparation) in a conventional laboratory environ-
properties that enable their use as contrast agents in MRI ment [95]. In one of the study carried out on rodent models
(magnetic resonance imaging) [84]. As the magnetic parti- with a built-in rodent brain atlas, the application of the com-
Transcranial Focused Ultrasound (FUS) Triggered Brain Delivery Current Drug Targets, 2017, Vol. 18, No. 10 5

Fig. (2). (A) Intact CNS capillaries block delivery of MNP into the brain. (B) In the presence of microbubbles (MB), FUS temporarily dis-
rupts the BBB, enhancing passive influx of therapeutic MNPs at the target region. (C) Combining magnetic targeting with FUS actively tar-
gets the therapeutic MNPs to the brain. (A, astrocyte; EC, endothelial cell; N, neuron; P, pericyte).

pact stereotaxic-FUS system in transcranial localized BBB the tumor of breast etc. TcMRgFUS is an effective method.
opening is successfully verified [96]. Since MRgFUS is non-invasive, the risk of infection, blood
loss, and damage to nearby tissue is minimized [104]. In
2.6. Transcranial Color-coded Duplex Ultrasonography
general, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) enables the ad-
justment of the US beam, based on differences in tempera-
The visualization of basal cerebral arteries through the in- ture measurements in the targeted parenchyma. As a primary
tact skull by color-coding of blood flow velocity is enabled step, in vitro models using the human skull and porcine brain
by Transcranial color-coded duplex ultrasonography have been developed for sonothrombolysis. In future, it may
(TCCS). In addition to the diagnosis of intracranial vascular be possible to detect the thrombus within the vessel, to focus
disease, TCCS is also helpful in intensive care and stroke the US beam on this target, and make corrections to the US
units, like follow-up examinations in vasospasm after suba- beam so as to avoid side effects of US caused by distortion
rachnoid hemorrhage, and for intraoperative monitoring as and shifting of the human skull [105].
well. During the last two decades, TCCS found its important
role in the routine diagnostics of cerebrovascular diseases. 3. CONCLUSION
On the basis of advancement in computer and transducer
A novel system of non-invasive targeted BBB opening
technology, TCCS emerged as a noninvasive method and has
by transcranial focused ultrasound is presented in this study.
a great scope in innovative imaging and therapeutic solutions
The study shows that the FUS in conjunction with various
like cerebral perfusion imaging, sonothrombolysis, and site
other techniques opens the BBB very effectively. The ad-
targeted ultrasound contrast agents in brain delivery [97].
ministration of therapeutic agent using various FUS tech-
TCCS is found helpful in cerebral vascular malformations
such as arteriovenous malformation (AVM, angioma). With niques opens a new perspective in treating CNS diseases.
This review describes various methods and techniques in
TCCS, the pathological vascular convolutions of an AVM
favor of transcranial targeted brain drug delivery.
can be displayed directly on the screen [98]. In a study [13]
venous cerebral echo color Doppler (ECD) ultrasound
evaluation is done in patients suffering from multiple sclero-
sis (MS). The result showed that chronic cerebrospinal ve- The authors confirm that this article content has no con-
nous insufficiency (CCSVI) syndrome is related to MS. A flict of interest.
significant correlation between these two diseases has al-
ready been outlined in previous studies. CCSVI seems to ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
hamper venous outflow from the brain towards the heart and
this might lead to a vascular congestion of the cerebral pa- Declared none.
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PMID: 28017126

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