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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Samar
Senior High School Department
Paranas, Samar


First Semester, SY 2023-2024

Name:__________________________________ Grade Level & Section:___________________________

Mrs. Ma. Joan L. Hembra
Teacher:________________________________ Score: _______________________________________

I. Directions: Choose only the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on your paper.

1. This is a kind of writing where the students establish a position in a given topic and then uses evidence to
persuade the audience to see things from his/her point of view.
a. Academic text b. Literary Writing c. Argumentative writing d. Comprehensive Writing
2. In academic writing, this is usually a main idea, often called a “claim” or “thesis statement,” backed up with
evidence that supports the idea.
a. concept b. question c. research d. argument
3. What is the best definition for claim?
a. A statement you believe to be false c. Evidence that proves something right
b. A statement you believe to be true d. An opinion
4. What does ‘reasonable argument’ mean?
a. A strong statement
b. A written response to a claim
c. An explanation that connects your evidence back to the claim
d. An opinion you believe in
5. These are contents of a position paper, EXCEPT
a. thesis statement b. arguments c. counterclaims d. opinion
6. Which of the following should NOT be included in the introduction of a position paper?
a. claims b. thesis statement c. topic d. background information
7. This is the last part of a position paper that includes the restatement of the thesis statement, arguments and plan
of action.
a. body b. introduction c. conclusion d. claims
8.What do you call an academic paper that aims to present the stand of the author or a person on an issue?
a. concept paper b. position paper c. essay d. journal
9. How many claims or arguments are necessary or ideal in defending a stand on an issue?
a. two b. three c. four d. one
10. What is the purpose of writing a scientific report?
a. to test your hypothesis
b. to link the problem with the analysis
c. to communicate why the findings are meaningful
d. to explain the methodology used and its findings
11. What instrument do one use in a field report?
a. observation c. observation and interview
b. interview d. observation and questionnaire
12. What type of writing helps people understand a certain product or service?
a. technical writing b. field report c. research report d. scientific report
13. A questionnaire is defined by the following except:
a. to gather data from respondents
b. translates the research problem into questions that will answered by respondents
c. wording, appearance and flow of questions fosters cooperation and motivate the respondents to
d. a tool designed to control data for a survey
14. Participants in a pre-test should be:
a. Representative of the target population under study
b. Friends and relatives
c. Other survey researchers
d. Individuals from outside the population under study
15. What is the first step in designing a survey questionnaire?
a. Pre-testing c. Identifying the research problem
b. Identifying the respondents d. Identifying the type of questions to be used
16. Now that you have all the questions ready, reviewed, and sequenced, which of the following do you still need
to consider?
a. the type of paper where it will be printed c. the format of the question items
b. writing an introduction and instructions d. all of the above
17. If you want to know how the students feel about the new rules and regulations set by your organization, what
type of questions will you most likely use?
a. Likert-Scale b. Multiple Choice c. Ranking d. Open-ended
18. Which data gathering method is utilized to collect, analyze and interpret the views of a group of people from a
target population?
a. survey b. experiment c. research d. observation
19. What type of survey question encourages an answer phrased in the respondent's own words?
a. scan –ended b. close-ended c. open-ended d. talk-ended
20. It is a process where researchers meet the participants face to face and ask relevant questions.
a. panel interview b. virtual interview c. in- person interview d. group interview
21. It is the number of participants in an experiment.
a. Sample size b. Population c. Participants d. Respondents
22. These survey questions comprise two or three options.
a. multiple- choice questions c. open – ended questions
b. dichotomous questions d. close – ended questions
23. It is a sampling technique which every member of the population has an equal chance of being chosen as
a. random sampling b. cluster sampling c. systematic sampling d. stratified sampling
24. Which of the following does not describe a good objective?
a. measurable b. specific c. realistic d. smart
25. What data presentation provides exact values and illustrate results efficiently as they enable the researcher to
present a large amount of space?
a. table b. graph c. text d. chart
26. What type of data presentation depicts a trend of a certain set of measurements or shows comparison between
two or more sets of data or quantities?
a. table b. graph c. text d. chart
27. What presentation of data is used when the data is not large and can be easily comprehended by the reader just
when he reads the paragraph?
a. table b. graph c. text d. chart
28. The following are the similarities of tabular and textual presentation EXCEPT ONE:
a. It uses columns and rows c. It includes columns and rows
b. It has labels and categories d. It presents numerical and narrative data

29. What does this concept mean, “The entire circle represents the total and the parts are proportional to the
amount of the total they represent.”?
a. It describes a pie chart. c. It tells the characteristics of a pie chart.
b. It illustrates a pie chart. d. It tells that a pie chart is a circle.
30. “It is no secret that the US is leading the world in its swelling obesity. The nation is subsisting on a diet of
high-calorie convenience food. In fact, Americans have increased their spending on fast – food items from $6
billion to nearly $160 billion annually over the past four decades. What may come as a shock, however, is the
accumulation of evidence suggesting that the main ingredients in the typical “hamburger, fries, and cola” are
addictive compounds that keep customers lining up for their next fix.” What issue is presented in the text?
a. increase in prices of commodities c. spending too much on food
b. US being the lead in obesity d. the ingredients of the food
31. Champorado or chocolate rice porridge is Filipino’s most favorite food for breakfast. The statement is an
example of
a. Claim b. Evidence c. Counter Argument d. Defense
32. In analyzing an issue and developing an argument, the following may be included as supporting evidence
a. diaries b. current issuesc. in-depth studies d. position papers and analyses
33. Before writing a position paper, is it necessary to check if the issue is real?
a. true b. false c. never d. all of the above
34. Which among the choices can be a source of evidence to strengthen one’s claims?
a. statistics b. journals c. researches d. all of the above
35. Which of the following statements are correct?
a. Technical writing is a form of writing technical communication or documentation in science and technology
or applied science that helps people understand a product or service.
b. Field reports use a standard scientific report format describing methods, results and conclusions to report
upon an empirical investigation.
c. Report is written in a single narrative style from start to finish, each section of a report has its own purpose
and will need to be written in an appropriate style to suit.
d. The research abstract provides study background and environment.
36. “How much is your ‘baon’ every day?” If you were to revise this question, how should it be?
a. Do your parents give you ‘baon’? ___Yes ___No
b. I will provide options so that the respondent will not feel embarrassed
Example: Our parents does not give us money as ‘baon’.
___Php 1.00 – 49.99
___Php 50.00 – 99.99
___Php 100.00 - above
c. I will not include this question in my questionnaire because it is not necessary.
d. There is no need to revise this question because it will give the information I need.
37. Study the questionnaire item below and choose the correct statement that describes the question.
“Do you go to the park when you are stressed from work?”
a. The question assumes that the respondent gets stressed at work.
b. It is a double-barreled question since work and the park are two separate places.
c. It is an open-ended question and will be hard to quantify.
d. There is nothing wrong with the question
38. Prior to the observation, what's the first important decision that a researcher should make?
a. Methods of observation c. Making contacts and appointments
b. Define a target object of study d. Type of notes to make during observation
39. What method will you use when you analyze data from respondents?
a. data analysis b. data interpretation c. data summary d. data presentation

40. Which of the following should NOT be used to distribute your survey?
a. send to email c. post on social media
b. through telephone call d. advertise on a website
41. What data presentation will you use to present the preferred clothing style of people of different ages?
a. line graph b. bar graph c. pie chart d. table
42. What data presentation will you use to illustrate the type of career paths that the Grade 12 students wish to
a. line graph b. bar graph c. pie chart d. table
43. What data presentation will you use to present the students’ opinions about the school rules and regulations?
a. line graph b. bar graph c. pie chart d. table
44. Given the situation, “As a student, what is your impression of using ICT such as Computer and Projector as a
tool in learning research subject?”, what method of data collection will you use?
a. interview b. survey c. experiment d. observation
45. What type of report is presented in the example, “Record factual data on the day and the beginning and ending
time of interaction.”?
a. interview b. survey c. experiment d. observation
46. What can you say about forming and communicating claims on a certain issue supported by reasonable
arguments and properly-cited factual evidences?
a. It can make your argument credible
b. It is a fundamental aspect in an argumentation
c. It can show that you are a great writer
d. It is a requirement for an argumentative writing
47. Which of the arguments is logical appeal?
a. Everyone knows that bottled drinking water is healthy.
b. Water bottles can be recycled, but many don't get recycled.
c. Filipinos use 163 million plastic sachet packets daily.
d. Using refillable water bottles can help reduce the amount of trash in our landfills.
48. Why is writing position paper important?
a. it helps you understand the issue better
b. it allows you to share your insights
c. it improves your critical thinking skills
d. it broadens your knowledge and imagination
49. In testing your questionnaire, why is it necessary to observe where the respondents changed their mind in
a. It will show what items needs revision.
b. It will reveal some items that might be confusing so they hesitated or change their minds.
c. It will help the researcher understand why the items might be confusing.
d. All of the above
50. What is the importance of knowing the ways to gather information from respondents?
a. You can decide which instrument is more convenient to the researcher.
b. You can recognize the appropriate instrument for your study.
c. You can get specific information from respondents.
d. You can easily craft these instruments.


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