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Read these following situations and practice giving advice by using different

1. Exercise plays a crucial role in our health. But if you have some back
problems and still want to exercise, here is a piece of advice for you to
follow. First of all, you should find out before what exercises are suitable
for you to do. They not only ensure your health but also improve your
back problems. Secondly, when exercising, you should avoid using your
back. It’s also important for you to follow the instructions to avoid injury.
2. Because it was your fault, the first thing you certainly have to do is
apologize to your partner and hope your partner will forgive you. Next, I
think you should have a gift such as food or milk tea for your partner as
an apology. Finally, a promise is also necessary in this case, and you
should promise your friend that you never behave impolitely like
yesterday you did.
3. I would tell my friends about my problem if I were you. Possible if I buy
ready-to-eat foods such as MC Donal, french fries, and so on. Or else you
should ask your friends that can they cook? if yes, you can buy food at the
supermarket for your friends to cook. You will have more fun with your
4. You should make sure your bedroom is quiet and dark. Next, it is
important for you to avoid drinking high in caffeine. That's a good idea to
listen to relaxing music such as meditation music. and last, you should
turn off all mobile devices such as laptops, phones, and tablets.
5. You should ask about your teacher's preferences. It could be something
related to English.
6. Some advice for you to reduce stress. You should rest and relax your mind
by sleeping and listening to music. That’s a good idea to hang out with
your friends and eat delicious food.
7. Asking them if you can travel by land-based vehicle such as bike, bus, etc.
You should try to overcome your fear by trying to fly a small plane, using
a gravity chamber to concern conquerer of high.If all of that don't work,
maybe you should decline the offer
8. You should buy her a meaningful gift. next, you had better organize a
surprise birthday party as an apology to her. Make sure to apologize to
her and tell her that you do not forget her Birthday ever again
9. Tell She/ He the reason Why you don't like their new partner. Is this a
personal issue? If not you should try to solve It Yourself before you told
your best friend why you dislike their partner
10. You should prepare an extensive CV about yourself, your abilities, and
your experiences. Next, you should learn how to answer a few simple
interview questions. Finally, you should prepare a good, confident mind
to successfully complete the interview.
11.It is important to decline the offer if you don't have anyone to take care of
the dog.You should convince her to let your pet at her place, next you
should say all the positive thinthingsut your dog and let her know that
your dog is very friendly.
12.I want to dance modern style. Because it requires strong, cool
movements, it suits my personality very well. And dancing in this style
also helps me keep fit, and lose weight.
13.I will learn Chinese. Since Chinese is quite popular nowadays like English,
so it will help a lot in my future. Chinese is also quite easy to learn and
use because there are many Chinese people in Vietnam. So I think it's a
good opportunity to practice better than other languages like French and
14. I will go to places that my partner and I like such as cinemas, amusement
parks, and especially Dokki. It's a very popular rice cake restaurant, we
enjoyed it very much. So whenever we have free time, we will go to eat
15. I will go to Da Lat because it is very famous in Vietnam. In Da Lat, I can
find many activities to help me relax and relieve stress. I can go up the
flower hills, eat strawberries at Da Lat market, and enjoy the scenery by
Song Huong lake.
16.You should tell them to keep silent because if it continues, you will
disturb the neighborhood. Next, you had better call the Authority if they
keep making noise. Or having a noise canceling headphone can be helpful

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