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The University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD) has a strong focus on artificial intelligence (AI)

research and education. The AI program at UPD is designed to train students to use AI to solve
important problems by inventing new techniques that can be translated into practical
applications[3]. The program has several core subject areas, including machine learning, deep
learning, machine learning operations, learning theory, sequential data, reinforcement learning,
and autonomous robots[3].

In response to the rapid development and adoption of AI, UPD has released a draft set of
guiding principles on the "responsible use" of AI[1]. These principles aim to lay down the basic
points on what constitutes responsible AI use, development, and promotion[1]. The UP
Principles for Responsible Artificial Intelligence outline the importance of discernment, accuracy,
and citation of reference materials when using AI[1].

The UPD AI program faculty has also released a statement on the use of AI tools in the
academic environment[4]. They condemn the alleged use of AI programs to fulfill course
requirements, such as writing essays[2]. The faculty members emphasize that academic
requirements must be solely created by the student or group of students[2]. They also caution
against implementing a ban on AI tools in the university and encourage the use of AI to improve
academic life[2].

UPD's AI program is aimed at training AI industry practitioners who want to specialize and
deploy state-of-the-art AI systems, researchers who want to extend the AI body of knowledge
and invent the next big AI algorithm, and academics who want to offer similar programs in their
own higher educational institutions[3]. The program is designed to produce PhD graduates who
are equipped with a scientific mindset, adequate technical skills, and a professional perspective
in expanding the field of AI[3].

In conclusion, the AI program at UPD is a comprehensive and forward-thinking initiative that

focuses on both the responsible use of AI and the development of AI-related skills and
knowledge. The program's core subject areas, guiding principles, and faculty statements
demonstrate UPD's commitment to promoting the ethical and practical applications of AI in
various fields.


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