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Letter of intent for Joint Pole Agreement of

Fiber Optic Cable

Reinhard Moral

Purok Rimas Brgy. Gumian

Infanta, Quezon


Sept. 20, 2023

Quezelco 2

Electric Company

Brgy. Gumian,

Infanta Quezon

Dear Quezelco 2,

I am writing this letter to express our intent to enter into a Joint Pole Agreement with Bukal
Internet for the purpose of sharing utility poles within the Barangay Bukal, Jomalig Quezon area. We
believe that such an agreement would be mutually beneficial and help optimize the use of existing
infrastructure while minimizing the impact on the environment.

Our organizations recognize the advantages of collaboration in the management and utilization
of utility poles. By jointly maintaining and sharing these poles, we can reduce the number of new pole
installations, which in turn will lower costs, decrease visual clutter, and have a positive impact on the
aesthetics of the area. Furthermore, this collaboration will promote efficiency and safety in the
deployment of our respective services.

Outlined below are some of the key points we propose for inclusion in the Joint Pole Agreement:

Purpose: The primary purpose of this agreement is to facilitate the shared use, maintenance, and
management of utility poles within the specified area.

Pole Access: Both parties will have equal access to the utility poles covered by this agreement, subject
to applicable regulatory requirements and safety considerations.

Maintenance and Repair: Responsibilities for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of the poles will
be shared, with each party contributing their fair share of the associated costs.
Safety and Compliance: We will adhere to all safety regulations and industry standards in the
installation, maintenance, and use of equipment on the utility poles.

Insurance: Both parties will maintain adequate insurance coverage to protect against liability related to
the utility poles and their operations.

Term: The initial term of this agreement will be 20 years, with options for renewal as mutually agreed

Termination: The agreement can be terminated by either party with 12 months advance written notice.

Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising from this agreement will be resolved through good-faith
negotiations and, if necessary, mediation.

Governing Law: This agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
Quezon Province.

Execution: This agreement will be considered binding upon the execution of a formal Joint Pole
Agreement document by both parties.

We are enthusiastic about the prospect of working together to create a more efficient and
robust fiber optic network in the [Location] area. We are committed to the successful development of
this partnership and look forward to further discussions and negotiations to finalize the agreement.

We believe that by entering into this Joint Pole Agreement, we can streamline our operations,
reduce costs, and provide better services to our customers. We look forward to further discussions and
negotiations to formalize this agreement and address any additional terms or conditions that may be

Please consider this letter as a formal expression of our intent to pursue a Joint Pole Agreement.
We welcome the opportunity to meet with your team to discuss the details and work towards a
mutually beneficial partnership.

Thank you for considering our proposal. We anticipate a positive response and look forward to
the opportunity to collaborate for our mutual success.


Reinhard Moral


Bukal Intenet

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